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2015 Canucks trade must

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Buffalo a much better team next year. Bogasian and Kane alone make it better. Kane will be number one guy a true star will come out. Kids that Winipeg got except big M are not proven for most third or fourth line players. One out of three will make the big club. The keeper that Buffalo got could be the starting guy in a year. 2015 draft pick that Winipeg got in the trade will be a guy with fifteen goals a year. Big plus for Buffalo. Benning mist a guy that could have taken twins spot.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Newest addition to Canucks comes from Arizona. Brandon McMillan LW is new guy. I like the way Brandon plays. I have watched Brandon play against Giants . One hard working guy in both ends. Tough fast good on D side of the game. Bo will love Brandon's play.
Richmond BC guy. Good to see. Cheers Benning.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Trade line getting close. Could Webber and Burrows bring Lars Eller this way. Montreal is down a D one can see they might be going after one of the Canucks D. Ellers Hansen and Jensen does sound dam good. Speed and skill above few others.
Or is Benning sticking to his plan, build from with in. One could see Archibald back this way with Canucks.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Talk is one guy fro Boston is coming here not sure who. Coyotes want way much for Martin Hanzal, first round and second round picks. Not getting it from Canucks.
Sharks are after Markstrom, one can see why. They lost tonight at home to Ottawa. But the return is two American league players. No way.
Toronto wants Corrado, Markstrom and Kassian for Bozak and Gardner. I do not think Benning will do that. All three players are under twenty six years of age. On top of it I am not sure what cap hit Bozek has, must be same as Bieksa. Toronto is shipping half a team out. It sure looks funny. Phanuf wants out so bad you can see the guy head enough of Toronto. But with his cap hit only two teams can take him. LA might jump at the chance. I would love to see Phanuf here. Burk will not do it this time, yet he wants big D.
Edmonton is sending few guys out. Big D sure could help Canucks. Sharks are out now they will sell. There is no way for them to make it with that many points behind. Canucks could dangle Kassian to Edmonton along side of Bonnino for Jakupov and big D.
Edmonton has to rebuild or both GM and his boss will get the kick in the ars. Both teams would be better off. Bonnino would have thirty goals with Edmonto a year. With Canucks no way. Canucks as team is not fast enough for Bonnino's play


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Cory Conacher now a Canuck


Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I did see Sven play many times, played for Portland. Giant hated the guy. Smallish guy 5'10 with tons of speed and good hands. Benning is done well for Canucks. I think the guy went thirteenth over all in his draft year. Any time you give second round for first round player you are OK. I did see he has put on some LBS. With Jake Vertanen and this guy Canucks will have more speed up front , if Shinkaruk comes through the future looks good.
Conachar played in NHL. I think he head twenty odd points in his first year. A real good AHL player I am not sure if he will crack the NHL roster maybe ten fifteen games a year. Than again you never know he does have speed and smarts. Size is something I ???.
Hopes of making it to third round is gone south. Getting to play-oof's is good. If the guys beat San Jose tomorrow things will be OK.
Go Canucks go.
Getting one small guy is OK but getting two small guys just does not sit well with me. I think Linden forgets we have to play LA or Ducks.
Team will get more time to rest as they pick the guys off of the ice. Do we have Luke Gazdic in the AHL to protect the team. Dorsset alone can not do it. As you did see Kassian is big but can not fight.
He needs to spend bit of time with Rock Boys to learn how to protect him self.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Play-off proved that Canucks are not strong enough in two areas. One is lack of top four D. We have guys for fifth and sixt spot but top two not good enough vs rest of the teams in our group. One can see Benning swing a deal soon with Boston. Boston needs a forwards we need bigger D. Burrows might bring Adam this way. Luango wats Lack in Florida they want to make the play-off next year. We need big checking winger Florida has three, might see one here soon.
This years draft will prove what Linden wants the club look like. I hope they go after Paul Bittner,Nikolas Roy,Ryan Gropp, Astan Strand,Sergi Zborowski, Matej Tomek and Jiri Fronk and Brandon Lindberg. We will see if any get to be Canucks of future. I truly hope club adds size to this team.
Young Vertanain has played four games in play-offs in Utica. It's a big step for him from juniors to AHL play-offs. So far hi has played very well has no points in four games. Shinkaruk is his line mate. I have watched two games on TV. It is dam rough and tough league. Gernier is by far the best forward we have there. Guy has ten points so far. Five or six goals. We will see him here next year.Same for Archi.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
They are in top four teams in AHL playoffs. Utica is up two to one in first three games they have played. Sven Bertschie is on fire scored three goals tonight. Vertinen got his first point in AHL. Markstrom has proved that he wants a job with a big club. Benning has a big job to trade a right person in off season. Club has lots of good young players in Utica. Young Gernier is looking for a job in Vancouver.Reminds me of Rick Rypen bless his sole. Gerns lowes to take on guys and knows how to duke it out.
Fun to watch. Them guys in AHL try dam hard each shift. Traves Green is one hell of a coach. Games are very rough and tough.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Ay you all Canucks fans, Utica the farm team of Canucks made it to top two in AHL playoff. Calder cup play down is next,It will start in two or three days. Travis Green and the team are rocking. Cheers to Benning for adding few very good players to make it all work out. Hell Utica will go nuts if the boys can bring it home.
Town is rocking. All the games are sold out.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Canucks added Joe Cannata to a new contract. That tells us one of the Sweeds has been moved, It will be out soon as NHL draft day is next week. I can see Benning is trying hard to get a second round pick.
Bieksa might be changing clubs along with Higgins and Stanton. One wonders if the club goes all the way and adds few younger bigger faster players.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
MTKB Linden an Benning made a big boo boo. Bieksa was to be traded but them boys were asking for two second round draft picks. No one will give that for Bieksa, Guy is thirty three years old. A second round and a AHL prospect should have been. Now Bieksa is pissed off. The guy is most likely to be moved in next thirty day but maybe for a prospect and a third round pick. Kids club took in today no one can step in and play in NHL. Brock Boeser is like Virtanen strong, chippy but two years away from starting here.
Zukanov has lots of skill and speed needs twenty LBS to play in NHL. Briesbois is by far the best player they took smart hockey player. Gaudette four years away from NHL,Niell is one guy I like. He is tough guy shoots like Garrison but has way more foot speed he could be a captain. Lucas Jasek is the guy that could be like Pavel Burre.
Those two guys better shore up back side. LA got big Lucic, Calgary got Hamilton. Both clubs on a up beat. Our leaders need to clear the cap space r it will be a long season. Briesbois has a good chance to make Utica next year. Clendening,Corado and Senguinetti will be here for some time. I am not sure if Corado will beat out Senguinatti. Big bob has more skill for goal scoring.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I am not sure if he is, guy has same last name. Montreal's Breisbois was a very much stay at home D. The kid Canucks got does well in both ends of the rink and also likes to stickup for his team.
Could be top four D in a year or two. It depends on his workout and LBS over next two years. Skill hight and game read is there above others.
Benning better add few free agents or there will be no play-off this coming year.
I hate like hell what they did to Lack but that's hockey in this town. In my opinion there was three kids in BCHL very good hockey players Canucks need to look bit harder.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Akslop eat lad Canucks just gave Stanton and Janic Weber boot. I can see troubles this year. Weber was good enough to stay. Corado is not as good as he is. Clandening or Stanton really is the same. Maybe club wants more youth but in my opinion guy that scores the points should be here.
Seguinetti is the guy with all the points in Utica as far as D go's.Benning keeps on talking about the other two guys. They will have maybe twenty six seven point both.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Bieksa to Anaheim for a 2016 second round draft pick. Are we bringing anyone in or just selling everyone? I could see this team becoming the next Edmonton, if they keep this up.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I think that was a good move by Benning. Kids from Utica will have a chance. Clendenig is a good enough to take Bieksa's spot. Corado will slide into Stantons spot. Both guys are way younger and faster. Gernier will be here to take care of thing if need be. He can fight with best of them.
Weber still might stay here. Up top Sven Bertschi and Gernier will help, both very good third line players. You will see Bo push Bonino out this year. He will be on second line.
Bonino will drop to third line. Not so bad. Kassian will be with Bo and Hansen. Vertinen Bonino Kenins again not so bad. If Benning adds one more guy that can score like Verbata club is OK. In my opinion we need one more good D like Green but he costs much. I would trade Sbisa to add Green. I would trade Bonino to add strong centre man. Matthais should be given much more time he is big strong guy.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Kassian is gone to Montreal Brandon Prust is here. All the sand paper needed with Prust, Dorsett, Gernier. A smart move by Benning. Prust comes to play each shift. He can help twins against rough teams. Verbata Bo and Hensen are dam good line two. Fun to watch what other moves club makes. Bonino,Gernier and Vertinen could turn heads. All we need is Mr Green. How about them Bananas Cascade. Dorsett and two farm kids one wings would be awasome fourth line or Burrows an Higgins. Not so sure if one of them will be here at the start of the season.We could see Shinkaruk in place of Higgins.
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