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How Low Can They Go?

Where will the Canucks stand in April?

  • 9th

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 10th

    Votes: 1 11.1%
  • 11th

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • 12th or lower

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • In the playoffs -- miracles DO happen.

    Votes: 6 66.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
5 games in a row now and no end in sight. Just wait though, it'll only take one tight win in overtime and the media will be on the wagon again like a fat kid on a Smartie.

The playoffs are quickly a thing of days and months gone by. But where will they finally settle at the season's end? Ninth? Eleventh?

Or will Nonis finally make a name for himself (opposed to his current hyphenated name Burk-Nonis), dump his coach and hire one that can actually motivate a team of high-priced underachievers?

I'm thinkin' tenth.


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
I voted in the playoffs because that is what my heart told me to do. But I just don't know.

I'm so scared right now.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
What are you so scared about? Is the Canucks final standing tied directly to your health, income or, god forbid, reputation? It's fcuking hockey. Overpaid athletes playing a boring sport in a stale league. There is no relegation, no consequences for teams that either don't play well or just don't play hard. Over half the teams make the playoffs and even more are trying their best not to make the playoffs so they can go golfing and spend the outrageous money they make. What a joke this league is.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Dap, the league has problems, but on a pure athletic and skill level, there aren't many sports better that so few can excel at. Especially not football, and even our "futbal".

As for the 'Nucks, agree that it is time for Crow to go. If they miss the dance, he'll be ass canned anyhow. Why not do it now, so that you can say you did absolutely everything you could to stop the bleeding. Noonis should send his lovely wife on a long vacation, then call up Ted Nolan to see what he can do.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Haven't these players been given enough of a rope?

Why give them even more leeway and blame the coach?


New Member
Jan 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Crow is a good coach... firing him won't solve a thing. No coach is gonna get Bertuzzi to hit someone again, or make Markus look like he's enjoying playing a hockey game. Same with Morrison. These guys just sulk and look like they don't want to be there. Look how well the Sedin line plays, and they look like they actually want the puck. The top line would rather stay on the bench. And they should.

They will miss playoffs this year... then I say keep Crow, tear up the top line.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
What will tearing up the top line accomplish if it is w/ the same old coach?

These guys have tuned Crow out. Yes he's a good coach, but for somebody else. There is no other solution right now. They won't play for him. In the offseason, sure, you can have a fire sale, trade all three, but your team will then be in re-build phase, and by the way, you're stuck with 18 other guys who've also tuned out the coach.

Unfortunately, writting is on the wall for Crow, no matter which way you cut it. He'll be fired either in the offseason, or now. Now is better, because at least they can then light a fire under these chumps, or at least go down with a fight.

I've said it before, and will say it again...Markus Naslund is not Captain material. He's proven this time and time again, and he's proving it now. You would think of all people, he could tell Bert what a bitch he's being, and get the big man going. And, they need to trade Bert right back to Long Island in the offseason. Teach that cnut a lesson.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Dude said:
What will tearing up the top line accomplish if it is w/ the same old coach?

These guys have tuned Crow out. Yes he's a good coach, but for somebody else. There is no other solution right now. They won't play for him. In the offseason, sure, you can have a fire sale, trade all three, but your team will then be in re-build phase, and by the way, you're stuck with 18 other guys who've also tuned out the coach.

Unfortunately, writting is on the wall for Crow, no matter which way you cut it. He'll be fired either in the offseason, or now. Now is better, because at least they can then light a fire under these chumps, or at least go down with a fight.

I've said it before, and will say it again...Markus Naslund is not Captain material. He's proven this time and time again, and he's proving it now. You would think of all people, he could tell Bert what a bitch he's being, and get the big man going. And, they need to trade Bert right back to Long Island in the offseason. Teach that cnut a lesson.

Are you in the dressing room during this time? You don't know what he is or isn't saying! I'm sure lots of captains call there linemates bitches.

Bert this Bert that...this is the lowest season for Morrison and Naslund too. Anyone with hockey sense can look that up....by the way what has Linden, Ruttu, Kesler, Cooke done lately...I think they have 1 goal between them in the last 5 games!

The team as a whole blows without the sisters and Carter the Canucks wouldn't have half as many points as they do now. I say demote the whole line and make the Carter line number 1!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Maybe you've never played or been part of a winning team at any level. I think you understand statistics, and can read the back of a hockey card, granted, but you don't understand team dynamics. Leadership is everything. For a team with this type of talent to be slumping and underachieving so badly, one only needs to point to the leadership. Let's think...

General: Crawford
Point man leading the troops into battle: Markus

The real leadership has always flowed from Jovonoski, but you can't have a guy nicknamed "Special Ed" as your captain. But Naslund? Please. Give me Iginla any day.

Bert and Mo are too busy trying to find their soothers.

You want to shock this team into an immediate improvement? Cut the head off the General, and bring in a new guy. Maybe this will shock the big three, and everyone following them, into action. If it doesn't, then at least you've tried. It will happen this summer, anyhow.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Let's go Flyers.

var refreshFlag = true Philadelphia 2, Florida 0 Preview - Box Score - Recap

123TotalPhiladelphia 11 2 10:26 Florida 00 0 2nd Page Refresh: Off | 30 seconds | 60 seconds function disableLink (name) { if (document.getElementById) { var toggle = document.getElementById (name) toggle.style.cursor = "default" toggle.style.textDecoration = "none" toggle.style.color = "black" }}if (refreshTime == 0) { disableLink ("refreshOff")}else if (refreshTime == 30) { disableLink ("refresh30")}else if (refreshTime == 60) { disableLink ("refresh60")} Latest Plays PHI - 8:53, P. Nedved goal (J. Pitkanen, D. Brashear)
FLA - 9:11, R. Olesz shot on goal
9:11 - Stoppage: Goalie stopped
PHI - 9:11, P. Forsberg won faceoff against J. Nieuwendyk
FLA - 9:34, M. Van Ryn shot on goal


Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2003
Dirty Money
Well if anyone is superstitious then Canucks entered the league in 1970 and 12 years later they entered the playoffs with a low seed and went to the finals against the NYI and lost. Twelve years after that the Canucks again entered as a low seed and lost in the finals again the the NYR. Well now fastforward 12 years later and again they seem to be in a lower seeded position and if they make it will be a lower seed. So the question begs is will they go to the finals against the other NY team the Buffalo Sabres and if so can they actually win a cup?

P.S. Dude relax, I think Crow should be gone as well but it won't happen with 15 games to go so just keep on the wagon like you are and hopefully they can bust out of this slump.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
The Franchise said:
by the way what has Linden, Ruttu, Kesler, Cooke done lately...I think they have 1 goal between them in the last 5 games!
Lindoen, Ruttu, Kesler, and Cooke don't make 12 million.

All coach-beheading aside, I'm sure Crawford has, for the better part of the season, made it abundantly clear to Bert that he needs to get his sh!t together. Since nothing has seemed to work so far, why not just sit him as much as possible? No power play, no double shifting, etc. Better yet, just scratch him. Put a Moose in instead.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
This isn't a disapproval of Crow, far from it. He's the most successful regular season coach this team has ever had. It's the players who have tuned him out.

What I'm on about it putting the paddles to these guys, and turning the switch on high voltage. I don't see any scenario where Crow will be back at this point. Right now, if they continue on their current path, they are out of the dance. They need to be there for too many smart business reasons to list. I can't see any other way to shock these guys into the present.

Seven years...long run for a coach in the NHL. Sitting Bert, now, will only make the problem worse. It will cause more dissention in the room. A new coach...who knows. It's an unknown, a gamble. But, the better GMs in the league have made their hay being risk-takers, not conservatives. Conservative gets you nowhere. Takes some risks, and you may crash and burn, but you may cash in on the big prize, too. All I know is status quo will place the 'Nucks somewhere 9th or worse when playoffs begin.

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