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Allstars The FVSL All-Star Squad


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
LION said:
Congrats FVSL allstars!
heard the game was fun to watch.
wish I could have been there!!
when is the next game for this team?

They're up for a real challenge. They'll be playing the FVSL O'35's Allstars. :eek: :D

Congratulations guys. This result does validate the FVSL in many ways. Any comments stating the Whitecaps weren't playing certain starters doesn't cut it. They are looking at guys they think might have a chance at cracking their roster so I'm sure they fielded a very decent side. Good for the Whitecaps in agreeing to play a friendly to prepare for their season.

You guys should have been at Cloverdale watching our training session. We put on a clinic and then had to admit several of our players into it.


New Member
Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Great to see the large crowd for a game that I'm not sure the Whitecaps were expecting. Lilly must be feeling a little bit unsteady realizing that his recruiting efforts south of the 49th may have been time well wasted, when all he had to do was look in his own backyard to find the talent that, at the very least, could match whatever he put on the field, and at best, demonstrated that the local boys can beat his picks. Whatever the Caps want to say about tonight, the fact is that the FVSL lads won, and gave up only 2 real chances in the whole game.

Congrats to the FVSL lads, and to Cam Wilmetts for scoring the game winning goal. Congrats also to the Caps for having the guts to risk their paid players getting beaten by unpaid amateurs, in an effort to boost local interest in soccer. Good for the Caps.

All in all...a VERY enjoyable night for the 1000 or so fans in attendance...including myself, and a very warm congratulations to those that organized the event!

Looking forward to seeing the FVSL All stars take on the VMSL All stars in the coming weeks.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Rivermouth said:
Great to see the large crowd for a game that I'm not sure the Whitecaps were expecting. Lilly must be feeling a little bit unsteady realizing that his recruiting efforts south of the 49th may have been time well wasted, when all he had to do was look in his own backyard to find the talent that, at the very least, could match whatever he put on the field, and at best, demonstrated that the local boys can beat his picks. Whatever the Caps want to say about tonight, the fact is that the FVSL lads won, and gave up only 2 real chances in the whole game.

I caught the first half only, then had to take off for our training.

Great to hear the FVSL guys pull it out. Coach had his game face on before the match, now he looked nervous.

Not sure if I would go this far, as the Caps definitely had a large degree more control, and were moving the ball faster, and with far greater precision. I think it is fair to say our guys won this on effort, and by the sounds of it, mucking out a goal. Credit where it is due, for sure.

Thought the 1st half was actually very choppy by our guys. The pace was very fast, but the crisp passing wasn't there, at all. Nerves, for sure. The young kid, Rizel, looked petrified to hold the ball, flicking every one on, or putting it into shite. Slanner barely got a touch in, despite running miles. The backline, though, did look very good. Tim Sowerby stood out as he tried to push into midfield to help create a build up, but was always back to defend. I thought he looked most at ease amongst the other young guys on the FVSL team. Baily, Laity, and Saunders all looked solid. Cool cucumbers.

With Cam in midfield, I was wondering how long it would take before he decided to get himself into the match, and sure enough he clattered Jeff Clark with a tackle from behind that would surely earn at least a yellow on any other night. Big Cam seemed to wake up at this point, and started getting the ball more and more. Mo, as far as pace, didn't look out of place at all. Tremendous work rate...safe to say he did what he was put out there to do. I think with about 20 to go in the 1st, the young kid Rizel settled down, and actually had some nice chances, was coming back deeper to collect, and holding up for support. He even earned himself a nice header inside 18 (I think Mo sent it in) that the keeper made a nice save on. Sounds like he had a solid 2nd half.

Congrats again guys, especially to Coach, who took a lot of stick when this got announced, but did exactly what he said he'd do: put on a 1st class show, treat the players 1st class, and bring together guys who would embrace the team concept.

So, what's next, or do they go out on a high note?


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Well wasn't that fun!
What a good showing from our young and old players last night in a very fast paced affair.
The first 15 minutes or so we were obviously a little off our game and the boys like Slainy had to do an awful lot of chasing.
Nerves and playing "Our citys big team" can take that affect on a player.
That being said the boys settled down very well and really got stronger as the game went along.

The back four with Bails, Saunders, Lati, and Timmy were really on fire last night and young Zack did very well in coming into a game and not missing a beat.

What can you say about Cams perfromance last? He was a man on a mission and he really impressed alot of people last night. He and Jazz worked very well in the middle last night but Mumms came in did a very good job shutting thier middle players down and not letting them play.

Keeger and Moe worked their nuts off last night and Moe actually played even better when he went in again in the second half. Shorty and Sunny did a very good job when they were asked to go into a game that was being played at a million miles an hour.

I felt bad for Slaner last night as he spent the first twenty minutes running and chasing their back line all over the park.
Andrew did exacly what was asked of him and he got rewarded in the second half with a couple of very nice chances.
Craig and Rizal worked very well together last night and Craigs solo run on the goal last night was World Class.(He went around three players before smashing it off the post)

To see the excitement on the boys face when Cam plowed home the only goal of the match was very special indeed.

Yes it was only one game, yes the Caps were missing a few of their big guns!

The point being is that the players played a very good game in front of a very large crowd last night.
The team came togther very well last night and the whole point of the program is to get them playing together and representing the whole FVSL.

Muzz did exactly what we wanted him to do last night, he played physical and held the ball up very well last night.
He was a good choice and both him and Baily were the calming vetrans that the team needed.

Jacob and Becks did an excellant job in the pipes last night and kept the whole team on their toes with their outstanding service.

Thanks again for a very enjoyable night had by all, the boys did a very good job last night.

Gary, Cainy, and Izzat did a very good job of keeping the boys very orginized and kept them all on track.

Yes it was only one game, but it sure was a fun one!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So at what point is the "Thumbs Down" going to be turned into a "Thumbs Up" at the thread title?


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
First of all, a big thanks to all the people that have been listening to UF live or catching up with the show on the archives here on TTP! We appreciate your feedback and, more than anything, would love to hear you express your interesting and humourous opinions live on the air!

I took in the FVSL All-Star game last night versus the Whitecaps and was extremely impressed with the both the game and the fan support...You can be sure this will be a topic of discussion next Monday night! To me, last night's exhibition shows just what a fine job our guest from Episode #2, Kenno, has done in making this event happen and it's another example of the great appetite our community has for the game, when done right. And that's a big reason why Niall, Regs, and I are trying to make our little web cast show work...we want UF to be done right and we want it to be a part of our soccer community.

Don't forgot to submit your useful questions in to Whitecap coach Bob Lilley asap, as we will be taping this interview tomorrow evening. And keep in mind, we are going live next Monday, April 3rd at 5:30pm...just to accomodate you Canuck fans! And if you've missed the announcement from our last show, we will be airing a special live edition of UF on April 11th when we will be announcing the provincial cup draws live on the air for both the Open and Masters Mens divisions...I may have to rethink my view on the FVSL!


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So at what point is the "Thumbs Down" going to be turned into a "Thumbs Up" at the thread title?

It's not. It's a reminder that even though a result was won, you can't hide the fact that the FVSL still has a numbnuts like Guinness amongst it's ranks.


PS. Dude - my bad on the edit statement on your post... I wanted to edit this one, not yours (nothing changed on yours)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Listening to the archive right now. Well done Thomo on the "brothers" comment. Muppet. :D

Walking faux pa is right.

Cool to hear this game will get the FVSL more run.


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Coach said:
Craig and Rizal worked very well together last night and Craigs solo run on the goal last night was World Class.(He went around three players before smashing it off the post)
I was wondering when someone would comment on the play that generated the goal... sure cam tracked the play and knocked in the sitter... but COME ON!!! A nicely played ball down the line from Riz to Craig who simply ran past his defender like he wasnt there... cut 90 degrees towards the net... beat another defender... battled through a tackle... and ripped one off the post. OH BABY!!! Was a thing of beauty to watch.

PS Guinness... have you figured out who this Craig McMillan kid is yet?:rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Gotta admit, when he ran out on the pitch, my first thought was this kid didn't look much like a footballer. Big, thick, looked more like a baseball player.

Plus, Coach, you really could have found the guy some longer shorts than the '72 edition German bean squeezers. Next time get Leachie to break out the double XLs.

That said, he certainly brought more possession to the game, and held the ball up quite nicely. It was also evident that the Cap fullback had trouble handling his size.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Ballbaby said:
Good for the Whitecaps in agreeing to play a friendly to prepare for their season.

Welll said Balls.
The fact the Caps agreed to something like this in the first place says something about their comittment to football here and it's fan base.
Without them you don't have an event of this magnitude - Period.

Jeff Clark was amazing in the first half and was by far the best 'Cap out there IMO.

I thought Tim at right back and Cam in Centre mid were fantastic for the All-Stars.
Bias for me to say but also thought Todd Bailey played extremely well also.
You could go on and on but they were my top 3.

Just got off the phone with Coach Kenno and as you can imagine he's still over the moon about it.

Must also give Kudos to Cainy and that Crafty Cokcney Gary Moody for having the team fired up and organized so well.

Well done to everyone on the team and the remaining other staff for a job well done.
Top class.



Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree with Dude's points of the game. I enjoyed the game as it always nice to see locals play the Big Boys.

RF, your spot on you big git, Clarke and Vilente(?) where awesome in the first half for the Caps.

I loved seeing House and Bails out there with all those young bucks holding their own. Seeing a couple of the FVSL Masters out there was indeed a treat! Great game to you both!

Coach-well done you old radish...awesome job!

Crafty, Cainy, Zatt... nice to see the top guys running things and doing a great job! There where lots of eyes watching and tons of critics and it was nice to see a hard effort turn into success...


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