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Whitecaps vs San Jose 20110512


New Member
Jan 31, 2003
Dirty Money
I though that Eric played well, but had no options when he got the ball. The defenders closed quickly and his team mates hid. He is not worth 900k
Akoul I thought played well also, he won a lot of headers but looked tired the last 20 or so.
Demerits came on and starting directing traffic immediately this contributed to Terry's first pass to his own team. This guy will change the game.
Midfield is still an issue, I believe that is why we play so many long balls from the back at least this way we lose possession in their end.

I would love to know what pot smoking foul was in charge of picking the Man of the Match last night!

Also I would like Contradicting myself for $100 please Alex...... Who is JBN.

off the post

Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
I saw just bits and pieces of the match before I got home to watch the last half hour.
Well said
On the centre backs: Demerit is still recovering, and I suppose that's why he only came on for the last 15 or so, he is a different class from the others on that backline, save Rochat. Janicki is knackered for pace and footspeed, which is likely why he gives up so much gap. Akloul I think is a good player, just needs a bit more time to settle in, I think he is going to make an excellent partner for Demerit once those two settle in together. (excellent by MLS Standards ;) ) and I'd disagree Regs, last night aside (i didn't see enough of the game) but Akloul seems to win a LOT of 50/50 balls and is pretty good in the air.

We still have 1 intl spot/1 roster spot IIRC, and I REALLY think that Soehn has got to have a DP or higher calibre Central Midfielder lined up to come once the European transfer window opens in July. You'd have to think so anyways. Right now they really have 5 guys to play that position in Dunfield, Koffie, Morfaw (who hasn't even kicked an MLS ball yet due to injury and long road back) Brovsky (shudder) and Thorrington (What's his deal!?) And that just isn't good enough. Teams leading their respective divisions have MUCH better players in the Engine Room.

I'm really starting to question everything TT does, from picking his 18, his formation, etc etc etc.

Again, I really want to see Cannon between the pipes instead of Nolly. Dunfield needs to be a rotation player, he can't play as poor as this and continue to be handed 90 minutes a game, he hasn't played a solid full 90 yet, the TFC game aside perhaps, and I REALLY feel that big Eric should be a lone wolf up front with Chiumiento behind him in a free role, trequartista if you will. Flat 4 midfield behind them and flat four behind that, which should almost always be Rochat-Demerit-Akloul/Boxall-Salinas

Teibert is due to have a poor showing here and there, he is 17/18 years old...and pint sized.

Looking at our results/schedule to date vs that of the timbers really makes me wonder just what to expect for the rest of the year.

As a spectator, I haven't seen them thoroughly outplayed/embarrassed save for the Houston game. Not to give TT and the Caps a free pass on any criticism, but considering the injury woes, players adjusting to MLS etc- I'd say they've been just ok, they've given points away they had no business giving away and stolen a draw here and there they had no business stealing.

For me: I'd rather what we've had so far which is tight games with the lose, draw, draw, lose, etc then win loss loss loss win loss loss etc..

My $0.02 worth.


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money
I was going to start this thread last night after getting home from the match but couldn't be bothered. TT is a fcukin' moron and I firmly believe that Knight and Nolly are his cabana boys.

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
Absolutely boggles my mind that there are people that rate Dunfield. The lad couldn't pass wind and is painfully out of his depth.

Other than the adrenaline that pushed him through the opener, he has been absolutely mince. I don't understand the captaincy when Demerit isn't there and am lost on how the lad gets more than half an hour. He may fit into a role player but to have him in a regular role is absolutely truly mind-boggling.

Come back Asa Hartford. All is forgiven.


New Member
May 5, 2011
Dirty Money
What a frustrating game to watch.

Are the Caps just not allowed to take shots or do our strikers feel that they must be 6 yrds out before they can hit the target? I understand that Camilo was trying to draw fouls, but anything short of a rugby tackle was not going to be called in our favour. If you have the shot, take it please. It was pissing rain, the keeper was short and at the very least you'll end up with a corner.

Did our wingers really think Camilo was ever going to win an aerial battle? How many times do we have to put a high ball in to the shortest guy in the building?

I don't think Koffie has played particularly well since coming back, but Brovsky is not the answer. He seemed to be playing as if he was in some sort of team drill and kept putting the ball where he expecting players to be, but not where they were or even where they were going. Far too many give aways. Nerves maybe? Until this game I think Dunfield has been above the standard of play in every game. Generally he does a good job and has good vision (f the haters). Wednesday he was not on.

Defence still scares the hell out of me. No leadership back there. Far too many missed assignments. I hope DeMerit will help solve that problem.

What's with all the dumping on Nolly? It was pissing rain out. People really want him to try and make the catch for the high driven balls? And for the goal, he was left completely exposed.

Chiu simply does not play wide. If the team is going to play 4-4-2, put him central or if he's on the wing pair him up with a defenceman that will make the overlaps (and still get back) so Chiu can play more centrally. The whole dynamics of the game changed when he played a central role near the end of the game. I'd love to see him in a central ATM role, but that would probably mean a formation change and I don't see that coming. He is the biggest talent on the team. TT must find a suitable role for him.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
My personal dumping on Nolly stretches far before Wednesday night... can't speak for others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Damn you Luch, I was just about to post this.

Nice to see Davide speak out in a manner that is tactics related and not in a sort of selfish way like DeRo did in TFC

"I think if you have a player with my qualities," the Italian playmaker said, "for me, it's normal that I prefer to play another position. I'm more dangerous if I play closer to the goal, but we have another tactic.

"It's not up to me, but I prefer to touch the ball a lot in the game. If I don't touch the ball, it starts to be frustrating."

Read more: Strategy not the problem, Teitur Thordarson says

Nail hit squarely on the head imho, and a great many of us have been saying this all along.

TT's comments seem defensive and excuse laden. Everyone has a tough schedule, while depth of talent might be an issue, their top end skill is not, and thus TT needs to start managing to their strengths and not manage crisis to crisis.

Why don't you dress your best 18 game to game? and worry about the points on hand now, not in the future
Start Demerit and sub him out if he can't go a full 90 instead of bringing him on during the latter stages
Go with your horses through the middle of the park at D, Midfield and up front
and have different ways of playing on the road vs at home (the stats for points achieved away from home vs at home are more difficult in this league)
It's time to get a campaign going...

Dancin Bear

Active Member
Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
What a frustrating game to watch.

Until this game I think Dunfield has been above the standard of play in every game. Generally he does a good job and has good vision (f the haters). Wednesday he was not on.

My opinion of Dunfield does not stem from being a hater mate. In my opinion, he is sub-par. It doesn't take vision to make a 3 yard pass....not that I'm against keeping the bloody thing, but 'above the standard in every game', he most certainly is not.

As a captain, he needs to be consistently one of the best, game in, game out. He's not that without the armband. For me, he lacks vision and most certainly the composure it takes in that role.

Just my nocents.


Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
at my age you have to try and be open minded. however I find watching the game with C-mac and Nash commentating absolutely horrible. so much for being open minded and no wonder i drink so much!


Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2001
Dirty Money
at my age you have to try and be open minded. however I find watching the game with C-mac and Nash commentating absolutely horrible. so much for being open minded and no wonder i drink so much!

Anyone try syncing team 1410 with sportsnet? I'd take Schadt (sp?) and Dollie any day.

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