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Youth club/coaches with no clue


Oct 31, 2003
Dirty Money
Talk about destroying the fun. In my u-5 girls team this year for practice we just ran around half the time, the girls had an absolute blast with barely any kids missing any practices. If we were running around cones we were "snakes" with the coach hissing while he did it. It's all about getting the kids to be involved while teaching them a few basic basics. At the end of the day there were not really playing soccer but they left loving it. And I think thats the idea at bloody four years old. But next year it's windsprint time :)


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Trece, the "Screaming Italians" team turned out to be a few good players, with a few bad players on the bench and in net, who are still bad players.
At that age, you are supposed to be teaching "all" the kids how to play soccer, and develop their skills, not just the ones you think are going to be good.

At that age, i'll bet half of those so called "good" players will stop and play another sport, or will move on to another team.

The most important thing at that age, is that my daughters team beat Fat Monkeys. :)

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So Yoda is actually Wackadoodle?

Hope you made them do windsprints at those 2 to 4 practices per week. 5-6 year olds are coddled enough as it is.

Just make sure the kids have loose enough shorts.



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
I like canuckboys idea with the practices!!

If we were running around cones we were "snakes" with the coach hissing while he did it. It's all about getting the kids to be involved while teaching them a few basic basics.

At my daughters practice U7, heck we would even get the goalie to play hide and seek on the shooting drills, just to give everyone shooting, some cofidence. :eek:


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
This thread was gold. Ten years on, U7s at the time must be graduating from youth soon - how did they make out?


Active Member
Sep 24, 2006
Dirty Money
Thanks for bringing this up. It is a good indication of coaches who are to afraid to challenge their players. This is why some kids keep on playing soccer for 4-5 years and still do not know how to play the game properly, how to make a correct pass, or kick the ball. We see it all the time at later stages of their development. They are missing key components in these early years. Because they are being coached by coaches who are having fun collecting flowers and making sand castles and then when the game comes, get spanked every time but o well at least we are having fun!!! And then same coaches, who get spanked over and over start Bashing a coach, who wants to win?!?!?! Bashing a coach if he wants to have an extra session?!?! Many parents (me included) would rather play for a coach who challenges the kids, rather than soft coaches. Like when a kid keeps on making mistakes and coach keeps on saying 'good try' ahhhhh. How about some real feedback, what happened there? What should you have done different? and so on. That would be better coaching. I would rather have my kids play for coach who wants to win rather than a coach who doesnt care!! Thats me. Winning is part of everyday life and for some reason its becoming like a sin. I remember, my kid at u7 celebrated a goal, by running and sliding on the knees and I remember that coach said not to do that?!?! Are you kidding me....Why not? Let the kid celebrate...As for winning, yes, you play to win the game. We do not have to keep score, but expectation should be when you play, you play fair, play your best and play to win! I would hate every week to go out and watch my kid get spanked 10:2, 10:3 and pretend that it is ok. No, it is not. What are we going to do to fix that? How are we going to fix that? Can we try at least to fix it? Being like, o well, its just not good enough. Again, competitive spirit is learned from an early age, and it carries over to other sports, activities. Once you learn to play with edge and play to win, even if you quit soccer and start a different sport, you will know what the expectation is. Now, if some kids dont care, or are disinterested then maybe they are the problem? Maybe they should come back to the game when they show interest? Nothing wrong with that. My kid tried Lacrosse, didnt like it, pulled her out. Simple!
How about this? If you are a player and you decide to play a sport - you do it as best as you can. Another thing, we need to allow young players to dream about becoming professionals if that is their dream. We are the ones stopping them by saying no it is too hard. It is too difficult. Yes, it is hard. Yes, it is difficult, but it is not impossible. If a kid has a big dream, and willing to work, along with talent, support them and their dream just might come true! Only this way we will make more professional players.

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