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2019 Whitecaps

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FC Red Star

Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Whitecaps FC as of Monday, July 15, 2019:

BAD - the coach
WORSE - the players
WORST - the management
WORSE THAN WORST- the ownership (basically non-existing)


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm not convinced the coach is bad yet. I want to see him w/ a competitive squad. But bang on with the rest.

Keep as starters:

-Erice (maybe)

Gotta fill in the rest with MLS quality players. Not MLS quality roster / flls, we have plenty of guys who are good roster guys who can come in and do a job, but when you are surrounded by a crew of like quality players, all of a sudden you are a USL squad trying to keep pace w/ MLS squads.

This all trickles down from Ownership and management. They had a windfall of cash they promised to use and didn't. Their budget is unchanged as the rest of the league surges ahead. Instead of seeing what this market will hand them on a silver platter and owning the professional landscape in the summer, they've tried to nickle and dime their way to a black bottom line. Anytime you let the bean counters make organizational decisions, you've lost the plot. The Lions are in shambles, the Whitecaps should be, by far, the most dominant franchise through the NHL off season around here. Instead, people are voting w/ their wallets. It's Vancouver, you can find any number of ways to have fun around here that doesn't involve wasting your money on this shite.
Last edited:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I've seen enough to be convinced that when surrounded by good players he'll rise to the top of the quality scale. The club has really, really done this kid a disservice, and we'll lose him for sure after this season. Again, idiots...they buy a player that they intend to build up and re-sell for profit, then give him no tools to work with. There have been a few matches where he's stood out and you can see it, but when you have Tiebert as your attacking partner, and you look to the wings and have shite, then look up front and have, maybe, one guy that can break down a defense...doesn't leave you with much, does it?

I forgot to add Reyna to the list above...edited and done


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
They are paying Adnan $2million. What a fcuking joke. Was there also a transfer fee? Could have kept Waston, Parker and Kei...combined $2.1million in salaries. Caps are also the lowest paying club in combined salaries which coincides with being the 3rd worst team in the league right now. This team is definitely worse than last year and got rid of a lot of fan favs. Lol

FC Red Star

Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
Dirty Money
They are paying Adnan $2million. What a fcuking joke. Was there also a transfer fee? Could have kept Waston, Parker and Kei...combined $2.1million in salaries. Caps are also the lowest paying club in combined salaries which coincides with being the 3rd worst team in the league right now. This team is definitely worse than last year and got rid of a lot of fan favs. Lol

Yes, there was a transfer fee and apparently it is MLS record transfer fee (for a fullback position).

Yes, you are right. It is a joke. Adnan is a solid player but nowhere near a quality of real designated player. I am quite sure they decided to buy out Adnan's contract with Udinese just to buy some time and to show the fans that they are doing something. Unfortunately they are doing it completely wrong. How can you possibly have a left fullback as your designated player?

Really hard to believe they got rid of Kamara who (even at his age) left on the field everything he possibly could every single game. What's even worse is that they kept (or brought in) forwards that are not even 50% of Kamara's quality.

Dude said he is not convinced that the coach is bad. Yes, he is! He is the guy that "completed" this team (that is, at least, what he was publicly saying when he got hired; his involvement in team's selection was also mentioned quite a few times by Lenarduzzi although we all know that Lenarduzzi always says that so he has a scapegoat if he needs one (and it looks to me that is exactly what could happen here).
No wonder why Whitecaps can't attract any experienced coach.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Waston had to go. Godoy is a far better CB, way more consistent, way better in distribution, smarter. Not even close. But...how good would Parker have looked playing off him? Losing him was a big loss.

I also agree not resigning Kei made no sense, especially considering the way they play, and the over valuing of Monterro. Kei is not pretty to watch, but he works hard (and MDS trait), and he simply puts the ball in the net.

Also, Waston was a big reason for the poison that seeped through the room last year. He had to go, regardless, but again, that's one area where I feel we've upgraded.

I want them to put either Baldisimo or Colyn in as the #10. Why not? It's time to give these kids a go, no? Have Inboem play alongside him, and just let the kids play. Don't want to see Filipe or PC for another minute, either starting or off the bench. Reyna as your lone striker, because we have nothing better.

Jesus, that's where we are at. Sad state of affairs.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I actually have no problem w/ the Adnan fee or signing. I don't care if he's a left back, can he help drive the attack? Can he add some fear into the Caps terrible office? He does, and what I want to see are pieces around to complete it.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
FC Red Star: I'd like the see management cleaned out first. If a good FO team is put in place, let them choose their staff. I don't think we'll ever see Bobo fired, amazing how he survived the latest Women's crisis. Cats with 9 lives have nothing on Lenarduzzi. He's professional sports equivalent to a Vampire. He can't be killed, and sucks the life out of all those close to him. A HG signing by Lenarduzzi is by far the surest way to kill your career. Fact.

FC Red Star

Active Member
Feb 14, 2011
Dirty Money
Waston had to go. Godoy is a far better CB, way more consistent, way better in distribution, smarter. Not even close. But...how good would Parker have looked playing off him? Losing him was a big loss.

I also agree not resigning Kei made no sense, especially considering the way they play, and the over valuing of Monterro. Kei is not pretty to watch, but he works hard (and MDS trait), and he simply puts the ball in the net.

Also, Waston was a big reason for the poison that seeped through the room last year. He had to go, regardless, but again, that's one area where I feel we've upgraded.

I want them to put either Baldisimo or Colyn in as the #10. Why not? It's time to give these kids a go, no? Have Inboem play alongside him, and just let the kids play. Don't want to see Filipe or PC for another minute, either starting or off the bench. Reyna as your lone striker, because we have nothing better.

Jesus, that's where we are at. Sad state of affairs.

Dude, do we even know why Waston had to go? What was the "poison" you mentioned?
It is not that I really miss Waston big time but the fact is that we, as fans, rarely know what exactly is going on.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, we don't, just what was out and it looked bad. But, he was also overall bad for the team. Too many cards, and his defensive deficiencies were not something we could live with. He was a mess without Parker to clean up his shite. Liked his personality, his charisma, and his intensity, but too many cards, he was also a target of easy PKs.

I don't even see that as an issue, Godoy is better, full stop.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
iirc Waston forced his move out of town. He was grumpy that "his friend" Robbo got fired.

Here's an article from last October..



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yup. And it was a cancerous process. He went from being great for the club to very bad.

That being said, who actually believes he's a better CB than Godoy? I don't even feel it's close.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
Yup. And it was a cancerous process. He went from being great for the club to very bad.

That being said, who actually believes he's a better CB than Godoy? I don't even feel it's close.

With the right partner for Waston, like Parker, then I'd choose Waston. After Parker left he was exposed but together they were formidable. Waston has that aggressiveness you want but with out someone to balance him then you'll see his flaws come to light like last season. Just my opinion.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
With the right partner for Waston, like Parker, then I'd choose Waston. After Parker left he was exposed but together they were formidable. Waston has that aggressiveness you want but with out someone to balance him then you'll see his flaws come to light like last season. Just my opinion.

It's not a bad opinion. It's just wrong.

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