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B C Soccer blows it again !


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
I have tried to stay silent on this topic for about three weeks now, but that is about to end.
From time to time i read about the many silly stories and screw ups that happen down at B C soccer.
Well here is one that is happening to my team and our club.

B C was awarded the masters over 35's mens and ladies Western Canadian Championships this october.

About four months ago someone from B.C. soccer aproached our club and asked if we were interested in hosting this event.
Our Chairpersons came to me and asked me if our team and the club would also want to host the event. I of course said Yes!

We apply for the event the next day and one week later were told congratulations,"you are hosting the event"

Well this is great news and the club and the rest of the boys were very excited and ready to do a bang up job.

I start putting together a comitee of around 12 guys and girls and we set out planning the whole event.
Newton has a great clubhouse up top with a new Satalite system that can make the clubhouse a great place for the teams to go back after the games and enjoy a bevarage, and a game on the tv.

This is where it gets interesting.

Three weeks ago i recieved a phone call from an inside person letting me know that we may not be hosting the event.
It seems as though someone else from B.C soccer has promised the event to another club six months ago. (GREAT!)

I contact B C Soccer to enquire about " who the hell is hosting the event"?

Guess what? They can't tell me!

It seems as though one person gave it to us, and another person gave it to another club.

It gets better. Now both of these men won't bend or break and knowone is now hosting the event.

Our club asked B.C soccer to please make a decision and either award us or them the event but please make up thier mind. Nope!

Three weeks later and five emails later, still no answers!

How the heck do these guys constantly bottle things!
Two clubs are waiting to plan an event and they can't get there crap together.
One guy says this, the other says that.

The whole thing is shocking and embarrassing to say the least.

And yes , someone blew it again down there!

Nice job boys.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Coach said:
I have tried to stay silent on this topic for about three weeks now, but that is about to end.
From time to time i read about the many silly stories and screw ups that happen down at B C soccer.
Well here is one that is happening to my team and our club.

B C was awarded the masters over 35's mens and ladies Western Canadian Championships this october.

About four months ago someone from B.C. soccer aproached our club and asked if we were interested in hosting this event.
Our Chairpersons came to me and asked me if our team and the club would also want to host the event. I of course said Yes!

We apply for the event the next day and one week later were told congratulations,"you are hosting the event"

Well this is great news and the club and the rest of the boys were very excited and ready to do a bang up job.

I start putting together a comitee of around 12 guys and girls and we set out planning the whole event.
Newton has a great clubhouse up top with a new Satalite system that can make the clubhouse a great place for the teams to go back after the games and enjoy a bevarage, and a game on the tv.

This is where it gets interesting.

Three weeks ago i recieved a phone call from an inside person letting me know that we may not be hosting the event.
It seems as though someone else from B.C soccer has promised the event to another club six months ago. (GREAT!)

I contact B C Soccer to enquire about " who the hell is hosting the event"?

Guess what? They can't tell me!

It seems as though one person gave it to us, and another person gave it to another club.

It gets better. Now both of these men won't bend or break and knowone is now hosting the event.

Our club asked B.C soccer to please make a decision and either award us or them the event but please make up thier mind. Nope!

Three weeks later and five emails later, still no answers!

How the heck do these guys constantly bottle things!
Two clubs are waiting to plan an event and they can't get there crap together.
One guy says this, the other says that.

The whole thing is shocking and embarrassing to say the least.

And yes , someone blew it again down there!

Nice job boys.

Yes, shocking and embarrassing, Coach. That fcuking organization NEEDS a big time shake up......Money, money, money.....is what it's all about. Fcuking shambles......


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sadly, I find it hard to believe that these kind of issues can continue to come up time and time again. I always hear about the youth side of things being a bit of a nightmare but how hard can it be to support the senior side of things?

When we last went to Nationals, the rep sent with us was the youth vice-president :rolleyes:

Does anyone know what the 'duties' of the senior vice-president is? All of these issues should fall squarely on his shoulders. The senior side of BC Soccer should really be the simplest 'portfolio' to handle. Christ, there are only about 20,000 registered adult players in the province, of which only 5000 are male.

I apologise if the current vice-president does a tonne of things that are not readily apparent on the surface but even if that were true, it just manifests the issue of BC Soccer's poor image in the soccer community.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Or how about the Senior VP just picks 1 person to choose a place to host, instead of having 2 people. Makes it pretty hard to have this issue.
Well, i'm sure he'd find a way to do it, but at least it would cut the odds down a bit. No?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
It is a shame really.

I've chatted with a few of your teammates Regs and their experience last year at the Westerns was a bit amateurish.

I know it was a small venue in East Bumblefcuk Alberta but no real atmosphere or professionalism.
Rinky dink is the comments I heard.

Here we had a chance to do something special and quite frankly our club was real fired up to host this event regardless if we were or were not playing in it.
It didn't matter, we wanted to pull off something cool.

I'm sure the other club who wants to host it are just as keen but verbally awarding the event to two clubs again makes you shake your head.

I suppose the good news is there in fact is a bit of interest from folk to do it but...



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I would imagine it is Firemen... I think I remember something being posted about that elsewhere?


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny part is (funny as in sad) BC soccer was going to hire someone for what's called a 'Sports Administrator' to stop these exact types of c0ck ups. The position reported directly to the Keith Ryan and was to over see, coordinate and help where possible on all projects and to make sure they were being completed and running smoothly. They got down to a select 5 candidates to have a second interview with the board; they said they would call us erum... them back either way.... Nothing. 50 phone calls.... no returned messages. Several emails... unanswered. There is no such position at BC Soccer still.

They can't even pull it together to hire me.. erum someone.

PS. I'm available for an interview at any time. Reference available upon request.


New Member
Apr 28, 2004
Dirty Money
Yes, you are right. It is Firemen.I'm on the executive of Vancouver Fire Soccer, and we were asked to host the Westerns at least 3-4 months ago.We acepted on the condition that the teams stay in the Metrotown area due to the fact that our club.. Hose & Hydrant is situated there where we would be holding the banquet, also its close to skytrain and the fields for ease of transportation ( Riverway ) plus the Hose would be our headquarters for the tourny.Simple right?? so we book the rooms... but just this past week we were informed that B.C. Soccer had booked the rooms for all the teams in North Burnaby. ( there must be something in it for B.C.Soccer ??? )We think this would be a transportation nightmare for us. Patronizing our club was our #1 priority along with hosting a very profesional tournament... now with the hotels on the other side of the city, this would just not happen...so Coach still don't know if there is going to be changes, but I agree with you. It would be nice if the right hand knew what the left hand was doing down at the office.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

So what is the point of asking a club to "host" the event if they are going to do the work themselves (booking hotels and such)?

Sounds like they want clubs to arrange fields and event-day operations but control the financial side of things for their own coffers.

Really, BC Soccer in the past few years have done some very good things but it always seems like one step forward, two steps back.

Obviously we are just ranting on a website that probably does not hold much weight in the executive's eyes, but jesus h christ, someone down there must recognise that there is a problem? I told Keith Ryan as much in an interview 2 years ago and he went so far as to agree with me as well as ask what I thought could be done about.

So much for constructive criticism :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow - That Metrotown Hotel Fiasco absolutely sums it up.
Classic Otis.

I wonder if the fact that we have a bit of a Firemen connection is where the misunderstanding all came from.




Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
We are out!

We offically sent off an email to B.C. soccer stating that we were no longer interested in hosting the event.

What a shame, these guys have no clue in my opinion.

Yes Regs you are bang on.They only want your field and facilities.
It really is sad.

Good luck Firemen. Have fun boys.

Higgsy is out! :D


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Has there been a formal announcement yet on the resolution to this issue?

Where are they being held?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I've now heard the rumour that this event is being staged in...

Victoria :rolleyes:

If true, so much for getting a large crowd out.

Less than 2 months away, and still no info posted on the BCSA website.

Happy times!



New Member
Jan 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Coach said:
knowone is now hosting the event

I don't see what all the fuss is about. I think Knowone will do a bang-up job hosting this event. One thing for sure, there won't be a loss for alcohol, or illegal substances with him running this show!

Now, on to more pressing subjects please. :D


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