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Bob Birarda done as Womens Whitecaps/ CSA Womens U-20 Gaffer


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
Yep. Looks like anything less than firing management and their current leadership group is not enough.
On field and off field issues.
What more has to happen for them to make a move and clean house.
Performance on both fronts is piss poor.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So what do the Whitecaps have to do to appease the masses? Seems like nothing they can do at this point will stop the hate.

Twitter is full of folks calling for everyone’s heads. And these are with allegations.
Could you imagine if something illegal actually got proven in the courts?
This city would burn them to the ground.

Well, yeah???

If you put 2 + 2 together, it's pretty easy to figure out the math. The silence is deafening, has been for a while, and Ciara won't let it die. What IF something truly illegal happened? What if this guy was successful in his creepy advances at one point with a girl under the legal age of consent? That's one thing that has been implied here but of course nobody coming out to say, "Yes, it was me, and here are the details", and then of course there is the whole burden of proof.

Saw a great analogy on Jock Sniffer Forum. A guy goes out and gets in a fight, arrested, no charges. Next year same guy gets a 24 hour DUI suspension. Later that year cops come to the guy's house after his wife calls to say he hit her. The next year, he's bankrupt, got a gambling and drinking problem, and leaves his wife and kids to pursue his habits.

At some point, you just have to say, guy is an asshole. WFC is an asshole.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I don't know if it makes me a jocksniffer now. Does it? I haven't kicked a ball competitively in 2-3 years ? Maybe I'm a jocksniffer now?

Is this what it sounds like...when doves cry?


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Heard her on 650 yesterday and she talked specifically about them going to Bob L and him betraying their trust. Set the tone for everything after. How long until he is gone. Clearly the club doesn’t want him talking. He has lost his power on the soccer side and is only just a figurehead. He had SO much equity built because of what he did here as a home grown player. Way too much


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Heard her on 650 yesterday and she talked specifically about them going to Bob L and him betraying their trust. Set the tone for everything after. How long until he is gone. Clearly the club doesn’t want him talking. He has lost his power on the soccer side and is only just a figurehead. He had SO much equity built because of what he did here as a home grown player. Way too much

I wonder what the aim is here... light up management for mishandling it? light up BB for allegedly inappropriate behaviour? just burn the whole club to the ground? or is this just a woman scorned for the reality that she was good but not quite good enough?

it's really quite bizarre that we hear nothing concrete for years, and then she picks now to empty the cannons over and over again...


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
Are you for real??

Must be an ulterior motive other than acknowledgment of an egregious and cowardly act of management??

The righting of a serious wrong perhaps

Let us know when you get past Neanderthal and hit cro magnon in your douchecanoe


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
I don’t care if it’s 2019, I need evidence and proof. It’s not brave to side with Ciara in this day and age. It’s brave to stand up to emotionally charged people. Oh you think sexual harassment is bad?...How revolutionary! Jesus fcuk of course it is. But where is the proof? Get some of the victims to come forward and put this guy away already. If he’s guilty then throw the book at him. What do you want the Whitecaps to do? Are the Whitecaps your parents? Yes they have a duty to protect you and they got rid of the guy. But what about your real Parents? What the fcuk are they doing? Are you telling me that there was sexual harassment and none of the parents went to the cops? Or better yet, none of the parents went to Bob himself to knock him the fcuk out? Look, I’m not trying to protect Bob. I have no idea who he is but I do believe in innocent until proven guilty. Shouldn’t be too hard. These text messages are probably screen shotted and if they aren’t then there’s something definitely rotten in Denmark.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
Believe it or not, sending sexual innuendo texts and threatening playing time and bullying isn’t a criminal offence... however it breaches so many fifa/CSA/BCSA rules and regulations, policies and procedures, codes of conduct it’s unreal... yet nothing is done because the CSA is culpable for not following well laid out policies to save face and funding.

As for the parents, read the blogs, most didn’t know squat...and if they did their daughters were probably begging them not to say anything because their position and scholarships would have been dangled in front of them.

There is really messed up sense of ownership that the CSA and whitecaps have over players and their families .. it’s unhealthy and cancerous

The whitecaps and CSA had a responsibility to suspend him immediately and report his behaviour to BCSA/fifa as well as coaching Assiciation of Canada and Sport Canada, which they did not.

Unfortunately there is no venue or impartial tribunal for these girls to go in front of because the very associations responsible for judging them is the one that ignored their abuse to begin with.

According to BCSA/CSA/FIFA harassment guidelines ... everyone associated with the decision to ignore the girls and to protect the coach should be charged with bringing the game into disrepute and conduct unbecoming a member.

The sporting landscape, not just soccer, has ZERO oversight and safety nets when it comes to internal policing....but our pinnacle is FIFA.... the Catholic Church of sports ... so it’ll be fun to see how far this spreads it’s much needed tentacles


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
Mtkb you have a bizarre take on this whole thing. I get it, anyone can make allegations but does it really feel like that to you ? On top of that you said your background is the boys game and knew nothing about him. Why when he was hired as an HPL coach do you assume nobody knew of his past. Because they stayed quite?

My understanding was his name was seen in the paper after he coached his daughter to a national championship in HPL. That is what brought this to life. That he was still coaching girls in the same stream. That combined with the current climate made it the right time to tell the story.

I don’t think for a second they are lying. I also don’t think this is a criminal situation. This guy shouldn’t be coaching, successful coach or not. The white caps for their handling of this have questions to answer. I’m surprised Bobby L hasn’t had to walk the plank for this one to show fans they are taking it seriously.


Active Member
Apr 18, 2019
Dirty Money
He crossed a line.... Policy was ignored, procedure was ignored, personnel was ignorant....end of story

The question is who is going to held to account?? BB ain’t jumping on the sword, the WC have run in the opposite direction and CSA is catatonic in the corner.... sooooo until legal action is commenced regarding a negligent investigation I would suggest all that will come of it will be sweet FA.

Nobody has the nuts to question the BCSA at their AGM regarding their knowledge of his firing or their complete inaction once knowing he was terminated for inappropriate conduct.

Are you telling me BCSA didn’t know seeing his name on HPL rosters and provincial cup forms... the CSA didn’t put two and two together seeing his name on a national championship roster??

This tweet?? Absolutely ball less leadership in this province... not a nutsack to be had when it comes to addressing the issues of transparency and fundamental justice....

It all comes from the top... fifa acts like a-holes and every shady mofo who wants his kid on a top team “volunteers” as el presidents of his little community feifdom until the next volunteer dipshit with an agenda comes along. BCSA and CSA don’t have a scooby effin doo what’s going on in their clubs... this case is just a glimpse into the systemic dysfunction

If we want our game to grow we need to stop having incompetent amateurs running the show.

We must demand An independent third party investigative unit for internal acts of misconduct.

Coaching Association of Canada should be overseeing all NSOs to ensure compliance and best practice.... rather than all the back patting and vacuous statements I’ve heard of late from faceless organizations who are looking to protect reputations and bottom lines



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Are you for real??

Must be an ulterior motive other than acknowledgment of an egregious and cowardly act of management??

The righting of a serious wrong perhaps

Let us know when you get past Neanderthal and hit cro magnon in your douchecanoe

This is a very complicated matter, and all I have done is provide my two cents and basis for them. I'm not going to be attacked personally because you happen to have a different take.

You and I are done communicating.

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