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France Attack


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

18 people dead after 3 attacks in Paris including one at the Stade de France as a match was taking place (vs Germany).



Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
This makes me so angry. So sad.
One of these acts of terrorism is going to send a country or alliance over the top and set something big off in the world.

What's the next step for France?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money
My thoughts and prayers to everyone over there.

This is terrible.

On a TTP note, is it coincidence that Blatter left the hospital today? Evil revenge plot?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Terrorism is working.

Reports of Canadian Mosques being vandalised, even set on fire. Visible Canadian Muslim women on the street being assaulted, being told to "go home". I have a lot to say on this, but and choosing right now to keep my trap shut...but telling Canadians who are visible minorities, who are choosing to practice their religion peacefully, to "go home", does not constitute being part of the country I love. It's not "my" Canada.

Over the last few days, watching what happened in Beirut & Paris, saddens me. Sadness for the victims' families, for sure. But, mostly for society.

This brings out the worst in people, because of the anger, and directing that anger towards easy targets...your neighbours and fellow Canadian whom happen to practice the same religion as these terrorists.

Meanwhile, there are about 4 million refugees whom have fled the Syrian region. Think about that, a population the size of our Province, all fleeing an unwinnable situation and a foe that kills any whom oppose them. Including Muslims. The majority of those refugees? Muslim. Yet I hear, time after time, and read post after post (on FB) from fear mongering people who oppose Canada's efforts at humanitarian aid.

"We can't afford it!"

"Oh, now we're helping terrorists?"

"Sure, help them, but ignore problems at home..."

On, and on, and on.

Sure, call me simplistic, but if we can find a way to fund a military supporting the American effort overseas, we can damn sure find a way to fund some badly needed humanitarianism. And so what if it puts us further in debt? Honestly, I don't care. This is something we need to do; these people need Canada, and maybe our country needs them. We are a Nation built on being a safe haven for those looking to flee poverty, oppression, war, and seeking freedom. We are nothing but hypocrites if we can't find a way to do our part. Sure, screen these people, even if it takes a little longer to go through the history on every one. Fine. But...

It's posts like this that would make me very unpopular in my immediate circle of friends (almost came to blows over dinner a few weeks back w/ a close friend who disagrees vehemently, and honestly, we haven't spoken since), and on at least one side of my family, but I'm at the point where I just don't give a shite anymore.

We can afford it.

We aren't helping terrorists, we're helping humans in dire need.

Yes, we have problems at home, and we shouldn't ignore those, either.

Fcuk it. Flame away.

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