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Local Derby's


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I was going through some old magazines (no, not those ones :rolleyes: ) and I came across a 442 magazine that featured an article called 'Who are ya? Meet the rival fans too grand to hate you back'. It was funny article about local derby's that rarely come about because of the success/lack of success of teams that are separated because of divisional leagues (Manchester United/Oldham) and the hate the one (usually the inferior club) will have for the other while the other could care less.

It got me thinking, especially with the BC's coming up. Who is your local derby opponent? Proximity has a lot do with it. (ex. Surrey United/Westside is not one!).

For us Metro-Ford lads, it has to be ... PoCo FC. :eek: Being from the tri-cities area and the floating back and forth of players from both clubs (youth and senior - Tayside!), they would be our natural derby team. We only really get to see them in the Provincials and the times it has happened, it has been heated and nasty with local bragging rights on the line. A fun game to play in that usually brings the best out of the underdog team. You would think that Sapperton, Khalsa or Burnaby would be, being that we're all in the VMSL and all, but they aren't. New West just seems too far away and Burnaby too.

Who is your derby team? I think it would be interesting to find out whom Champlain Heights or Wickham FC sees as their local derby rival and the stories behind them both, past and present. Why are they? It would spruce up fixtures that come up on during the season if more people knew what the significance of them.

Some I can think of off the top of my head:

Surrey United/Surrey FC/Peace Arch
Pegasus FC/West Van Trollers/Deep Cove/Norvan FC
Richmond United/Indo FC/Club I
Cliff Avenue/Burnaby

Here's hoping for a Metro-Ford/PoCo BC match-up. Maybe the two local rags might weigh in and spruce it up! :cool:

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Croats vs. Serbs at Swangard a few years ago was great, the two sides fans had to be seperated. We all know where this Derby comes from.

A big one before was Fireman vs. Norvan, two of the best teams in the province and country, some great games at Kinsmen, when the wood stands were around, and Clinton Park.

Burnaby vs. Sapperton was good a few years ago, but not because of geography, there was a incident off the park, that caused the intense rivalry.

Cliff Ave. vs. Norburn, all the old guys grew up playing with or against one another, so there are bragging rights of Burnbay for that game.

It would be fun to get Coach's and RF's Mighty Ranger team of the FVSL to play an Old Firm game vs. Capt.'s Club I team of the VMSL every year, that would be fun. Was there ever a Queens Park Ranger vs. any Coquitlam Celtic game ever?
May have to start the Mighty Rangers vs. Club I match for the pre-season.\



Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
That's why Danny's talking Derbys as opposed to Rivalries.
Yeeesh. :D
Fireman/Norvan derby. :rolleyes:

Great topic Jonesy.

That would be cool for us to play Club I on the mock Auld Firm derby.
However, we haven't worn the authentic strip like them since we wore the Gers' Addidas jerseys.
In fact, there used to be a select one in Port moody a while back, on New Year's day, which was cool, where they had the Celtic and Rangers supporters club make an Auld Firm classic every Hogmanay.
It was great.
Pints, Pies, and mushy peas.

From a valley perspective, I would say our derby day is against the Delta Metro Highlanders.
Peace Arch is too, but Surrey U. is in a league and class of their own now.
But, the good old days had both Surrey clubs going toe to toe.

I think GEU/Chilliwack has become a bit of a friendly derby, with also perhaps Langley/Aldergrove.

I like the idea of an Auld Firm matchup.
Just so I can kick the fcuk out of the Captain and Parkhead.
Fenian bastards.



New Member
Jul 24, 2003
Dirty Money
Great Topic !
DFC Razorbacks vs GEU Prem or Black Knights!
Also Razorbacks vs Poco City
Always good battles both teams want the bragging wrights !



New Member
May 27, 2002
Dirty Money
However, we haven't worn the authentic strip like them since we wore the Gers' Addidas jerseys.

Don't blame you RF who would want to be seen wearing their strip anyways! It just doesn't compare to the Hoops. :D

Just so I can kick the fcuk out of the Captain and Parkhead.

Bring it on RF! :rolleyes: Personally I don't think you could catch me but how would it look, a big lad like yourself kicking a poor old retired handicapped captain all over the place. ;) :rolleyes:



New Member
Jun 3, 2003
Dirty Money
ParkHead said:
Personally I don't think you could catch me but how would it look, a big lad like yourself kicking a poor old retired handicapped captain all over the place. ;) :rolleyes:

Quite funny actually. A fat bastard kicking a retard around. :D As for catching you, leave that to me...or Marshal...or Gordo...or anyone else for that matter. Just bring your green/white jersey, I mean target and we will go from there

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