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2004 AMSL Crap and Gossip...


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2001
Dirty Money
There are certain words that have never been allowed on TTP. Have a look around, and you will eventually see which ones.

**** is one of them. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
First I didn't even spell it right and second it"s not a bad word like if I said fcuk the system and all of its rules.


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
BDGC were amazing last night. Simply amazing. It was the footballing equivalent of being hit with a tidal wave while trying to surf on a Ritz cracker.

We were all commenting after the game how fortunate we felt to only have lost by two measly goals to such a dynamic group of players. One, who's name escapes me (although the moniker "Slightly Awkward Track Meet" seems apropos) potted a second-half hattrick. He was awesome. His dedication to his team was unparalleled - this individual, ladies and gentlemen, thrice refused to be substituted in his quest for goal scoring supremacy. To back up such actions with a natural hattrick said more than words ever could. And given some of the choice words (many of them were of the "****" variety) our team had for him, that's saying a lot.

I must go now. The season has finished. But just remember that whenever the wind blows on a warm sunny night at the Port Moody fieldturf, it will whisper the name "Broken Down Golf Carts." Or something like that.

And on that note, I'm out. Great co-ed season everybody.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Conductor said:
Well the positive out of this is, SC doesn't need to bring out her passport for sunday's final and can now go to her Caribbean days !!:D
Damn straight skippy! I won't have to strap on shin pads either. It's all about getting a tan from the knees down...


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Don’t let of these Dragons fool you guys; they were in full Johnny Hustle mode last night. I happen to take the game in from the centre circle and can attest to 5 or 6 Dragons with more than one bead of sweat dripping off the faces, some even had a wee bit of bum sweat, but Notty asked me not to post about that.

Quite simply, the Dragoons where out try-harded. It’s apparently something you can't just turn on and off. You either be a complete and utter loser and start the season with it or you don’t. The "Try-hard" bit is, amazingly I know, not my issues for today, well, to be truthful it’s made the exclusive list, but is way down at the bottom sandwiched in between birds with poor eating habits and parking my car under a lamp post and the always present holes in my underwear when is a hole too big? No, my issue today is with the biggest collection of wankers ever assembled together and given a blue top. I won’t name names, but BDGC are probably, at this moment, still moaning about something. I heard 70 straight minutes of it last night and I’m sure it would have been 90 if the Dragons had let them touch the ball in the first twenty minutes. (Some seriously sexy football) Hand Ball ref, off-side ref, that’s a push ref, I have a poopy in my pants ref, she can’t tackle me ref, come on ref, what are you calling ref…. enough to drive a man to drink, though not me. My body is a temple.

There were a few awful moments that almost made me walk away from my centre circle club seats and hang up my co-ed jock strap for good, like when that kid up-front #23 I think his number was. The track star. Everyone knows him the guy who runs 120km/h with his head down whether you’re in the way or not…the guy that is so unbelievably uncoordinated he’ll fall over innocent keeper's laying on the ground with the ball securely tucked in his out of shape bosom, or will run over the same jigly kid on any 70-30 ball. (to the keeper) You know who I'm on about, the co-ed rock star. Well this rock star, when he was asked to sub off last night, said no. Yes, he said no. I think this is the same Ass Clown that moaned to his mates to come back on the pitch when he found out his 3rd goal was disallowed the first time we played. Yes it was very important to get that 3rd they were only up 4-1 at the time and we were dangerously close to having our 10th player show up. Well played dip ship, you only had 24 players, almost literally waiting to have a run and you say no because it was 2-2 at the time. Any chance we can sign him next year SC? He can have TheRob’s spot.

No offence to Dial, because for some strange reason I’m starting to find him rather entertaining, but the Young Gun and the BDGC truly deserve each other and man do I feel for anyone associated with their game on Sunday.

The door has been closed for the roar for one more… Thanks to the organizers and head honcho’s for all their efforts.

Love and deep, wet, sloppy kisses,




Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Striker, no offense, but my money is on the UJs only because our drunk president let it be known numerous times that the UJs could win the competitive side if they tried.

ha ha ha...no offense taken Dial 9-1-1.

2 words for the UJ's...BRING IT



New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow I had no idea that so many people loved the Golf Carts soooo much. Really if you want to be a part of the team, our tryouts will start in March. Because we are such a tryhard team we definitly have tryouts, well that's how we found our uncoordinated track star. Really it's amusing to read some of the comments from last night's game. Our team has been in this league for 4 years and now because we finally figured out how to play together, then we are now big huge wankers. Don't hate just because your jealous :D .
And to even comment on last night's game of hard tackles, you have to be kidding:
same girl who ran into me and sent me off twice this season
There were a few awful moments that almost made me walk away from my centre circle club seats and hang up my co-ed jock strap for good
Well after you whine about us, why don't you have a look at what your defender did with 4 min. left in the game. Was that one of the moments in the game KNVB that made you walk away. Because the ref after the game explained that he wanted to give a red card, but realized that your team was almost done for the year and so the paper work would not have been worth it, so a yellow was all he wanted to do. If we were sooo tough and giving such hard tackles; did we receive any cards for tackles????
A typical whine and bitch fest going on, dragons do it on ttp, carts do it on the field :D .

YG; no need to start making excuses yet for sundays game.
Hopefully we'll be able to get 4-5 girls out. Some of our guy players also have commitments in other leagues.
Hopefully it's a clean game. And then a big friggen party afterwards. Atleast at this turf field we can drink. Cheers


New Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
A typical whine and bitch fest going on, dragons do it on ttp, carts do it on the field

Point taken...but you said it yourself....Dragons do it on TTP. If you're not familiar with the abbreviation T.T.P, it means Take The Piss. Just what has been taken out of you! :eek:

No you can pull that hook outa your lip! :D :rolleyes: :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
why don't you have a look at what your defender did with 4 min. left in the game. Was that one of the moments in the game KNVB that made you walk away.
Actually it was, but I didn’t want Besty to know. He yells really loud and to be completely honest, I'm scared shitless of his wife... yet strangely attracted at the same time. You can see why I left it out.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Now I know how relieved Buddha must have felt when they lost the title as "biggest wankers and tryhards" when YGs rejoined the league. Ahh, it appears that the torch has finally been passed and I think I'm going to sit back and enjoy this for as long as possible.

When we played the Carts last time, everyone was quick to pass judgement on us: the YGs shot Sirus and the Carts were the sacrificial lambs. Of course, unlike other sheep, I pointed out that maybe, just maybe, it was a two-way street. I hate having to be the one to say "I told you so!" But anyhow, I told you so.

Sounds like we'll have to dress our enforcers for Sunday. Yoda can vouch for them! Hopefully they can attend, because we're going to be short players, and I have a sore leg. No excuses though. ;)

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
I know I could have asked this in my previous post, but that would have been so un Striker-14 of me.

Who was this referee that seemed to lose control of the match?

Also, as for BDGC's roadrunner up front, I figure that by next season he'll probably chill out a bit. I thought there was no hope for Cheatside's red socks, but he's taken a complete 180 this year. That Thai-Chi must really work. And, I actually miss the fact that he's lost the red socks. Be careful what you wish for, I guess.

No offence to Dial, because for some strange reason I’m starting to find him rather entertaining

KNVB, I love you too. You really are a misunderstood twat.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't get to far ahead of yourself Dial, I also find picking lint out between my toes entertaining.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
ha ha ha...no offense taken Dial 9-1-1.

2 words for the UJ's...BRING IT


Isn't Bring it a high school cheerleader movie. If so that bothers me that we are being challenge by a bunch of high school cheerleaders but then again mmmm highschool cheerleaders.



Active Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow, has it been that long....I think the last time I posted anything this site was called "Off the Ball" I would apologize for my absence but am sure most were glad ;)

Anyways, not the best time to re-join TTP after a horific loss last night but I guess one of us should address the game. I can't remember who posted from the YG's about how the score was not indicative of the game but I must disagree, it was 7 - 2 and could have been more. We had good numbers out last night and a legitimate keeper so no excuses, we got shat-kicked !! Frankie took the piss scoring four times, I think. We did make it 4 - 2 and had some chances to get closer but in the end, they wanted it more and deserved it. I can't believe i'm going to say this but here it goes.....good luck to YG's in the final :(

Anyways, thanks to my 'mates for a fun season, I believe we were once again the "Lady Bingers" of the AMSL, but that's just my opinion !!

Cheers, mackers.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Sounds like we'll have to dress our enforcers for Sunday. Yoda can vouch for them! ;)

I would suggest a team set of these in team colors.



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Hey Mackers just for your info,Frankies grand total of goals in yesterday's rare outburst was 1.We actually had 6 different scorers!!I do hope that Frankie scores 4 on sunday though :D


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Conductor said:
We actually had 6 different scorers!! :D

Conductor, are you sure that it wasn't 6 different cigarettes you had?

The question is, will the Park Ranger step up and play? I've seen him score goals before, and he actually knows the difference between his right foot and his left foot :eek: :D :p ;)

I predict the Italian Pony dance at least 2 times...but, I'm not sure from which team they will come from :confused:

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