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2004 AMSL Crap and Gossip...


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
STD said:
Isn't Bring it a high school cheerleader movie. If so that bothers me that we are being challenge by a bunch of high school cheerleaders but then again mmmm highschool cheerleaders.

Actually, that movie I believe is "Bring It On" but good on ya' :p

If all of us puttin' on short skirts and waving pom pom's is gonna help us to distract you...I'm game!! ;)

It shall be a good one!!

mustleaveandfillall3beercoolersforsunday :wa:

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
knvb said:
Don't get to far ahead of yourself Dial, I also find picking lint out between my toes entertaining.

So do I!! I tell you KNVB, you and I are cut from the same cloth.

By the way, I just had a peek at your tokens total. We get 15 tokens for every post. You have (if I remember correctly) 7000+ posts. How does someone with more posts than anyone else on TTP (even Regs) only have 300+tokens?

Have you lost all your tokens in the arcade trying to better my Frogger mark (actually, that might be Yoda). Or, is there a TTP whore out there prostituting herself, and your only form of payment is tokens? If it be the latter, please tell me who this whore is. And out of curiosity, what could one can get for, say...1300 tokens?


New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
Beernuts took the cup!

.... Rec cup that is....

Unbelieveable that we won 4-2 considering we watched them run through our half and score in the first 5 seconds..?? :eek: But with hard work, determination and a little "Tryhardness" we took the cup while derserving it.

Kudos to the Union Jacker as they put up a good fight and played a very competitive game! Very fun!

And what a spread of food & beer we put on! 8 hours & 175 cans of beer is what the Beernuts really came for! :D And Striker14 couldn't let the cup outta her grip for 8 hours! :rolleyes:

Good job to the Yun Guns and well played for the BDGC's! :wa:

I am done for the day!



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
That's great

Way to go Young Guns, I'm really happy for you. No really I am. Seriously. What a tremendous feat to win the league and the whatever cup. Stellar effort. Really, I can't be more happy. Warms me right down to the c0ckles of my heart. Pleases me to no end.

Again, I well chuffed for you. Fantastic.

PS. Way to go.

PPS. Awsome

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
I'll be quick.
Congrats to the Beernuts for their victory over the UJs. It was a well played match by both teams and could have gone either way. Good chances for both teams and good sportsmanship.

Our game vs the Carts was a game that put most people to sleep. I don't know what happened in that match vs the Goons, but the BDGC were on their best behaviour, and there wasn't a sniff of tryhardness from them. We went up 3-0 by the half, and we had a number of chances to add to the score early in the 2nd, but the Carts' keeper was stellar, as was their defender (Fletcher, I think is her name). The Carts made it 3-2 with about 14 minutes to go, but then a PK by Nadia and a late goal by Frankie put the game out of reach. Even when the score went 3-2, the Carts were content keeping many of their starters on the bench.

We told Frankie (who doesn't read TTP) that the Carts badmouthed him on TTP. We were hoping that we'd get him riled up and maybe even put a spark under his butt. Frankie responded by showing up at half time.

Afterwards, I must give credit to the Beernuts. They always talk about the beer, and they're not kidding as they made flat after flat of beer disappear. They were savvy enough to offer us their food, knowing that we could now not say a word as they lifted beer after beer from our cooler, and then pinched a pizza from us for good measure.

Kudos to Shamrock as well. It's amazing how having a top knotch referee seems to settle everyone down. And I swear, in the rec final, Ed actually left the center-circle and broke a sweat. It was Herb, who afterwards was lifting everyone's beer and copping a feel whenever he got a chance.


New Member
May 25, 2002
Dirty Money
A great way to end the season, would have preferred to be the co-ed Champs but hey there's alway next year :rolleyes:. The play was fairly even and the only difference is that the Young Guns finished on there chances and the Carts did not have such luck in the first half. I think we suprised ourselves when we started to finish our chances in the 2nd half and things were looking up to possibly tie the game and make it a bit more exciting. Then they got the PK which was very questionable :( and that was the game clincher, along with Frankie's goal to follow.

Congrats to the Young Guns for holding your title and winning the season again!!! This year we had some good games against each other along with some of the other teams. Even the Dragons were fun to play against until the playoffs. But I won't go bad mouthing them as I think they have done enough for the both of us.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Then they got the PK which was very questionable and that was the game clincher, along with Frankie's goal to follow.

Surely, you are TTP, Carebear? Darkmeat had his jersey pulled and tripped at the same time. Your defender who fouled Darkmeat said absolutely NOTHING because he knew immediately. Were you on the field at the time, Carebear? The ref was at the top of the 18 making the call. If you were closer, I apologize. :) Also, your keeper stood on his head to keep the game somewhat respectable. Apparently he was playing hurt too. It was difficult to tell because he did make some cracking saves, especially on Frankie.

Overall, it was a very tame game. Darko(No. 7) was the difference and Frankie also caused more problems when he came on at the half.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Good chances for both teams and good sportsmanship.
I totally agree, it was nice to see two teams compete with no 'lip'.

Our game vs the Carts was a game that put most people to sleep.
I actually thought it was the sun that did that :eek:
I don't know what happened in that match vs the Goons, but the BDGC were on their best behaviour, and there wasn't a sniff of tryhardness from them.
IT was actually the reffing and lack of control of attitudes (both teams) :rolleyes:
We were hoping that we'd get him riled up and maybe even put a spark under his butt. Frankie responded by showing up at half time
As much as Frankie can finish, I don't think you really needed him to finish the deal. Frankie certainly took the sweet piss out of the BDGC's defense on a few occassions. No stopping him. Honestly the score should have been a lot greater. Well done to Nadia with a top notch PK- Cappy, I wasn't sure what the call was either :p
Kudos to Shamrock as well. It's amazing how having a top knotch referee seems to settle everyone down.
I'm all for it, and unfortunately we don't see enough good reffing in coed. Perhaps if we had the quality reffing on a regular basis we wouldn't feel fear of bad tackles, cheap sportsmanship and bad attitudes. Cappy, Way to set the tone early... :)
And I swear, in the rec final, Ed actually left the center-circle and broke a sweat.
Yeah and the heat must have dropped him on his ass later on.
It was Herb, who afterwards was lifting everyone's beer and copping a feel whenever he got a chance.
Thanks to whomever Herb stole beer from to give to me :D

Congrats to the Beernuts, and their quality food set-up! Congrats to the Young Guns for a well deserved final win :) How was the after party at the Roxy? :confused:



New Member
Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
good job YG's. Somebody on the bus from Kelowna had us thinking you had lost, and that sucked for a bit. Then that person admitted they had lied, and that felt better.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
If any girls are interested or knows of some that aren't hooked up for a team in Vernon YG's are short a couple of females!!I know, don't all jump at once :eek: Seriously though we could use a couple of females.The tournament is aug 7th and 8th!The tournament fee has already been paid from our championship money that we won on the weekend.So your costs will be cheap!!!


May 4, 2004
Dirty Money

Congratulations conductor !!! Your the scotty boman of co-ed soccer.... I don t know what it is about you but you sure can play hard and party hard !!! Cheers and good luck in vernon.... If you can t beat them, you might as well join them.... :bronco: :knvb: :wa:


If only the YG's weren't around...

Think of what life would be like without the YG's....I know, why am I thinking about things like this on a holiday weekend, but can you blame me if 911 and the Conductor are always on my mind? :confused: As the original Cartdriver, I gotta tell you they have been the difference the last couple years between BDGC CO-ED championship glory and also-ran status (and this year we were SO close)! I am happy to see the Carts rise to the top of the CO-Ed world, side by side with the YG's, gaining the accompanying shots of "tryhardness" along the way.

But back to my post topic, if the YG's didn't exist: no brilliant :eek: posts on here from YG staff, no REC trophies to tie to the grill of the YG Vega on the Coquihalla! :p , and lastly, leaving the Carts as the only true tryhards.

Now back to girlie drinks to waste the weekend....


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Beernuts Win It All!!

I just woke up from the after party, so give me a break :p

Just wanted to say to all the haters...

nah nah nah nah nah!! :wa:

Your Truly,


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