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2007 BC Womens Open Provincial Cup Discussion & Banter

under dog

New Member
May 1, 2007
Dirty Money
Not that I want the banter about this to stop because I'm sure Regs is loving that the women's threads actually have some action ;) but enough is enough. Plus as you say above FB, I highly doubt anything will be done by the BCSA.

No matter what the ref did or didn't do with his hand, or did or didn't say to players, Coquitlam didn't finish their chances and Surrey's defense and goalkeeper played a solid game. End of story.

Coquitlam had a great scoring chance on a blatanly offside play just 20 minutes into the game and the lino called nothing.

If Coquitlam scores and wins the game based on that play, is Surrey upset about it? Yes.

Do we protest the game and pull out the rule book to see if it was a "Misinterpretation of the Law"? No.

Anyways, I'm sure FB will have something to say about it but I'm done. I've got a provincial final on Sunday to focus on. :eek: :eek:

Give me a break. Surrey's manager and coach would definitely protest that call if it happened to them. Any team would protest because it was so unfair. Oh well, Surrey must feel so good knowing they won because of a dishonest and unprofessional referee.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
First it was games on thanksgiving and now this?

Fcuk me, if you all stayed in the kitchen none of this bickering would be going on!



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Under dog, I disagree with your comment because not every team has money to spend or waste on a protest like Coquitlam has!:rolleyes:

. Any team would protest because it was so unfair.

I'm not 100% sure exactly how SU players feel but being a betting person, I would have to say they definitly feel alot better than Coquitlam does right now!:D Besides would Coquitlam really feel good about themselves if they had their chance to win on the field and didn't, but ended up getting a 2nd chance because they paid $$ off of the field on a protest!

" Oh well, Surrey must feel so good knowing they won because of a dishonest and unprofessional referee."


New Member
Sep 16, 2002
Dirty Money
Give ME a break, "so unfair," hasn't anyone ever told you life is unfair. I think you're forgetting that you guys failed to put the ball in the back of the net. You weren't winning before "the call" who is to say you'd be winning after "the call," It's all speculation. You are putting 90+ minutes of playing into 1 call, 1 shot, 0 save. Of course we feel good about winning. There were shifty calls all over the park that day, any one of them could have turned into a scoring chance. Would that suck... ummm, yes. But somehow, putting that on the other team, like we're feeling good for getting away with something or whatever you're implying, I don't fcking think so, grow up.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I know that Tony weighed this decision heavily. And if you know him at all, he is always first to put the responsibility on his team, not referees, not field conditions, or whatever, but always on himself and his team. But the deciding goal was scored on what should have been an indirect kick. That's not a bad call, or a missed offside, or the like. There are reasons that FIFA and it's associations allow for protests.

And I have known the SU man-in-charge for years and years. Believe you me, if he thought there was a legitimate protest to be had, he'd take it. And rightfully so. We should all be so lucky to have our club run by a man as committed as Martin is.

If anything good comes of this, besides some action here on TTP, and a very heated renewal of the rivalry between these two squads, it's that maybe BC Soccer will actually start taking womens soccer seriously. They can't like how this has transpired, so maybe in the future they'll give some consideration to quality control and assign match officials who are more than just 'qualified' but experienced enough to manage a game. You can bet your house BCSA would not have scheduled such green officials for a mens provincial cup game.

When was the last time the womens Provincial Cup was an event for BC Soccer? Hell, the final is in four days, and they haven't even promoted on their own f--king website, let alone in papers, or what have you. They spend one-freaking-million dollars on salaries at BC Soccer, surely to hell they could find someone who could promote these events. According to bcsoccer.net, the last significant news item - ironically - was the hiring of TWO MORE staff members at BCSA. More ironically, one of the new positions was ASSISTANT to the Events & Competitions Coordinator. Wrap your head around that one for a while.

under dog

New Member
May 1, 2007
Dirty Money
Give ME a break, "so unfair," hasn't anyone ever told you life is unfair. I think you're forgetting that you guys failed to put the ball in the back of the net. You weren't winning before "the call" who is to say you'd be winning after "the call," It's all speculation. You are putting 90+ minutes of playing into 1 call, 1 shot, 0 save. Of course we feel good about winning. There were shifty calls all over the park that day, any one of them could have turned into a scoring chance. Would that suck... ummm, yes. But somehow, putting that on the other team, like we're feeling good for getting away with something or whatever you're implying, I don't fcking think so, grow up.

You're right. The outcome of the game without that call is speculation. Unfortunately we'll never know. And yes Coquitlam could have and should have put the ball in the back of the net, and they had control over that. But "the call"- or whatever you wanna call it- was not under Coquitlam's control. Did you know that the referee initially said the foul was "obstruction" and when questioned again after the game he changed it to "holding"? Why would he change the call after the fact? He knew he fu*ked up.
If Coquitlam protested the game it's definitely not because they think they should have won. It's because a fair chance of winning was robbed from them in a split second.
It doesn't matter anyways, a protest would never go through because BC Soccer will believe whatever the ref says. End of story.

under dog

New Member
May 1, 2007
Dirty Money
I know that Tony weighed this decision heavily. And if you know him at all, he is always first to put the responsibility on his team, not referees, not field conditions, or whatever, but always on himself and his team. But the deciding goal was scored on what should have been an indirect kick. That's not a bad call, or a missed offside, or the like. There are reasons that FIFA and it's associations allow for protests.

And I have known the SU man-in-charge for years and years. Believe you me, if he thought there was a legitimate protest to be had, he'd take it. And rightfully so. We should all be so lucky to have our club run by a man as committed as Martin is.

If anything good comes of this, besides some action here on TTP, and a very heated renewal of the rivalry between these two squads, it's that maybe BC Soccer will actually start taking womens soccer seriously. They can't like how this has transpired, so maybe in the future they'll give some consideration to quality control and assign match officials who are more than just 'qualified' but experienced enough to manage a game. You can bet your house BCSA would not have scheduled such green officials for a mens provincial cup game.

When was the last time the womens Provincial Cup was an event for BC Soccer? Hell, the final is in four days, and they haven't even promoted on their own f--king website, let alone in papers, or what have you. They spend one-freaking-million dollars on salaries at BC Soccer, surely to hell they could find someone who could promote these events. According to bcsoccer.net, the last significant news item - ironically - was the hiring of TWO MORE staff members at BCSA. More ironically, one of the new positions was ASSISTANT to the Events & Competitions Coordinator. Wrap your head around that one for a while.


Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow did I create all this discussion:)

I havent posted on this great website in a long time and I feel as though I need to clear some stuff up.

By no means was I discrediting Surrey's win or Geri's well taken free kick by protesting. Surrey has been been the cream of the crop for the last 5-6 years and great teams find ways to win. I'm sorry if any of you ladies took this as an insult by I truly have the upmost respect for your coaches, your association and most importantly, you ladies.

I think we all agree that K-Vale and Megs are absolutely correct in saying that we didint find the net with the chances we had. Soccer is won by putting the ball in the net and on that particular day we didn't. We as a team are responsible for the loss, plain and simple.

Now on the reason of my protest, I am tired of getting any referee sent out to see over our leagues important matches. We need the best available, period. They always seem to be getting assesed which obviously puts more pressure on them and I'm sure makes them more nervous. Yes, their were horrible calls all day long both ways but what irked me was how he changed his tune after the game. I didn't know what the foul was for on the much talked about call , so I got one of my players to ask the ref, she came back to me saying it was "obstruction", yes Alikira your absolutely right, the rule book does now state "impeding" but obstruction was what my player relayed back to me, so I'm assumimg that was what the ref told her. So after the goal was scored, I expected the call to be over turned. Being part of this great game for the past 30 years, I have come to accept that everyone makes mistakes, players coaches and yes referees. I just want whoever it is to stand up and admit when they are wrong. So when I passionately questioned his decision (never once swearing I must add) during the game, I feel as though he realized his error and had no choice but to send me off to save face. Now after the game was over, he changed his the call to holding. How can our player be called for holding when she clearly had her back towards the attacking player while giving a pass back to our keeper??? Boggles my mind.

Good Luck to both teams on the weekend.

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Very classy. Well said JH.

Enjoy the weekend at the Hall of Fame banquet. I understand there will be an army of Mobilios and family going to T.O. Obviously a well-deserved honour for your brother, but also very long overdue.


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
JH, well you have always been a stand up and classy guy on and off the field. This is just another example of why people respect you so much!;)
Looks like now you are gonna take the excitment out of this thread though as there will be no more hot topic to bitch about!;)

Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Looks like now you are gonna take the excitment out of this thread though as there will be no more hot topic to bitch about!;)

C'mon Conductor. The final is being played on the Island. That pretty much should guarantee there will be something to bitch about come Monday morning... referees, field, ferry food, quality of beer garden.;)


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
By no means was I discrediting Surrey's win or Geri's well taken free kick by protesting. Surrey has been been the cream of the crop for the last 5-6 years and great teams find ways to win. I'm sorry if any of you ladies took this as an insult by I truly have the upmost respect for your coaches, your association and most importantly, you ladies.

I think we all agree that K-Vale and Megs are absolutely correct in saying that we didint find the net with the chances we had. Soccer is won by putting the ball in the net and on that particular day we didn't. We as a team are responsible for the loss, plain and simple.
Good Luck to both teams on the weekend.

Thank you JH - you are and have always been class.

I understand your disappointment with the ref and many other teams have been disappointed with the reffing this provincial cup run. I don't think Westside particularly liked the guy that reffed your quarterfinal (and I'm putting that midly based on what some of their players have said) and I know the ref we had on the island in our quarters was shocking. There is a need for better refs for all of our women's games (regular season and playoffs) and this has been an ongoing problem.

I'm just hoping we get someone experienced for the final - they love to have these all-women reffing crews in the final and while I have absolutely no problem with Romy or Michelle, some of the linos we get seem underqualified. But as k-vale put so succintly, life isn't fair and you deal with the cards you are dealt.

And SU is planning to come out and play our asses off in the final. Come on Four-Peat!! :wa:

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Sorry WW! :eek: Thank you very much. We have a few people that have also been able to give us the inside info and their reports were very similar to yours. So there's no way I'm paying you back with a keg. Maybe a beer after a coed game this summer. ;)


Sounds good to me. Good luck this Sunday.:)



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Nutmegs, with the info that WW shared with you I hope the beer you are getting her at co-ed is a Molson O'Douls. Also I would be wary of trusting her comments.

Sounds good to me. Good luck this Sunday. 


I personally think she as well as most other HATER's on here would like to see you lose, but they are now pretending on the outside to wish you luck when you know deep down they want SU to go down!! Go on Meg's and help me get my sports action ticket right this weekend! Remember to be THE CHAMP you need to beat THE CHAMP and that's something that Coquitlam couldn't do last week!:D
p.s. Nutmegs, can you pass on the message to your team that I truly do wish you guy's good luck on the weekend! Hopefully I'll see you guy's at the Roller on sunday night!:wa:


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Nutmegs, can you pass on the message to your team that I truly do wish you guy's good luck on the weekend! Hopefully I'll see you guy's at the Roller on sunday night!:wa:

Thanks for the well-wishes Conductor. I'll be sure to pass them on to the girls. :)

If we do win, it will be one helluva ferry ride home, maybe another cup dismantling and a gong show at the Roller. :wa:

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Nutmegs, with the info that WW shared with you I hope the beer you are getting her at co-ed is a Molson O'Douls. Also I would be wary of trusting her comments.


I personally think she as well as most other HATER's on here would like to see you lose, but they are now pretending on the outside to wish you luck when you know deep down they want SU to go down!!

Conductor, you are a wee bit paranoid:rolleyes:. Truthfully, I really don't care who wins. Since we are not in the finals I am totally indifferent, although it would be nice to see someone different win. That being said, I won't lose any sleep if Gorge or if Surrey wins.

Seeing as my tips were very similar to the other tips that Nutmegs received I highly doubt anyone is lying. It would be very obvious very quickly if we were lying, and Surrey isn't stupid, they are a good team and would be able to adjust right away. That being said, I am not lying. Give your own team a little more credit, and me:cool: . Good luck to both teams this weekend.



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
WW, I'm not paranoid at all, I just wanted the truth to come out and it did! Truthfully you want to see another winner, so why wish someone good luck if you really don't intend that on them!:confused:

As for credit I believe SU deserves alot of it for what they accomplished so far, considering the injuries they have had and the short bench they have had through this playoff run! As for you, I would like to give you credit but it seem's you do a pretty good job of doing that yourself.

Give your own team a little more credit, and me .


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Well said Conductor. You took the words right out of my mouth. :)

WW you totally contradicted yourself.

Welcome Wagon said:
Truthfully, I really don't care who wins. Since we are not in the finals I am totally indifferent, although it would be nice to see someone different win.

Be honest. You like many people don't want to see Surrey win for the fourth year in a row. You've been cheering for the other team for quite awhile now (I'm sure you were pulling for Coq in the National final) so don't change. We like to use this kinda stuff as inspiration. ;)

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Well said Conductor. You took the words right out of my mouth. :)

WW you totally contradicted yourself.

Be honest. You like many people don't want to see Surrey win for the fourth year in a row. You've been cheering for the other team for quite awhile now (I'm sure you were pulling for Coq in the National final) so don't change. We like to use this kinda stuff as inspiration. ;)


If you must know, I was actually pulling for you guys against Coq in the semi's, and I was not at the National finals. I was working...... And, I did not contradict myself, I said that although I am not pulling for either team I wouldn't be too upset if Gorge won. That being said, I would not be all that upset either if you guys won, seeing as I'd rather a lower mainland team represent BC, and with my stellar tips I think you guys know what to expect from Gorge;) . Maybe I should have made myself more clear......

Conductor, I rarely post on TTP anymore, and now I know why. :rolleyes:. I only posted in response to Nutmegs's question, and posted honestly, as I am sure Surrey will see on Sunday...... Pegasus had a great season and we are all disappointed because we thought we could do a lot better. That being said, I am sure we are all looking forward to an even better performance next season which I am sure we will have.

As for giving credit where credit is due, I will give credit to Surrey since they gutted it out with all of their injuries made it to the finals with a strong defensive performance, and I will give credit to Pegasus for a great season. The semi's was not our strongest game of the year, and I am sure 100% of our team will agree with that, but we did have a great season. As for you Conductor, well........................:D. Having to justify myself is so silly. No more TTP for me for awhile.....


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