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Presidents Cup 2012-2013 Presidents Cup

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peg leg

Active Member
Mar 22, 2011
Dirty Money
Having signed with masters prem ( a smart move----one and out!) I was not at the game but got a couple texts from Sub saying that Stolo 'lost their cool'----I don't know the ratio of the number of reds but it sounds like Stolo got the majority.

I hate to say to everyone that I'm some sort of soothsayer but I am....all my early reports on Stolo have always said they are the most two-faced team I HAVE EVER seen: all chummy chummy until they are behind then they morph into the biggest bag of dicks ever. It is too bad that I couldn't of seen it or play in it but itis good to see the better team win. (No bias at all!)


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
@Jimmy - well you have comments on everyone's game so.... nah, just kidding ya. This site is called TTP after all.

Tim Berners-Lee

Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2006
Dirty Money
I hate to say to everyone that I'm some sort of soothsayer but I am....all my early reports on Stolo have always said they are the most two-faced team I HAVE EVER seen: all chummy chummy until they are behind then they morph into the biggest bag of dicks ever. It is too bad that I couldn't of seen it or play in it but itis good to see the better team win. (No bias at all!)

great point. Happy when winning, getting drunk and fighting when losing.

Not only the drive out there, but just the way that team is. Boot them from the fvsl


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
few years back vs a geu team, I want to say the rams. couple sucker punches caught on the game photos by michael victory I believe.


New Member
Mar 3, 2012
Dirty Money
RE: Dynamo vs Stolo. all red cards went to stolo. 2 of them were during the game, i believe one guy got two yellows for chirping at the ref, the other was two yellows one chirping, one tackle. dynamo got one yellow for a tackle.

the remainder of the red cards came POST match, for verbally attacking the referee with some pretty serious allegations. By the end of the game Stolo had 30-40 onlookers, which made for a pretty hostile environment.

As far as the game went, Stolo did themselves in and simply wouldn't keep their mouth's shut- not a lot of soccer was even played as we all waited around several times for people to stop yapping, a fan to exit the premises and so on. Game went to PK's and they lost, and for that you can say they lost fair and square. I personally have no interest in heading back out there for another game. Their sidelines were chirping our (dynamo) sidelines with comments about paying off the ref etc. etc. Team representatives telling us we should forefit that last make-up game.

Its probably not wise to say anymore on my part because i understand there is going to be further discussions regarding their team however I will say this; The comments being made throughout that game, and after and the environment that was created as a result has no place in recreational soccer ( competitive or not) at any level.

Credit to the ref he called the fouls about as consistent for both teams as I've seen this year.


Active Member
Jul 24, 2006
Dirty Money
Not to mention their bench and sideline jumping in. All against one of the rams players, while the play was on the other side of the pitch. All caught on camera. That being said, the ram player sort of started it with one of the stolo players. Still no reason for 6 or 7 other stolo members/supporters to jump in. The rams player started two-handed choking a stolo player. Stupid thing to do as it left the stolo players hands nice and free to ko the ram guy. Well that's exactly what happened. One on one. Fine. The part that everyone has a problem with is their bench and fans jumping in and kicking and punching the ram player. Lesson learned for the ram guy. Moral of the post..... Who two hand chokes a guy??


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Its a shame a team who is very skilled and plays some nice footy, acts like a bunch of asshats. We all come to play because we love the game, and the last thing teams need, is driving out into the boonies to be threatened and harassed. I really hope the league does something about this, because this isn't the first time. Especially after they sent an email out stating about serious consequences about referee abuse. Will be very interesting to see what the outcome of this is. However im sure we'll be disappointed in the end.


New Member
Feb 12, 2013
Dirty Money
RE: Sto:lo vs. Dynamo
How can anyone even be saying anything like this about our team! You were not there! those reds were for asking the ref a simple question and saying "thank you" after a call. This game was hands down the most racist game I have ever experienced. How can you even say that the fans were hostile!!! is that your stereotypical assumption that First Nations scare you?!? I cant even believe you would say this! Is there a double standard here! our fan got kicked off the field for announcing he would be recording the game now if that isnt a sure sign the ref was there on a mission what is?! also you talk about us being two faced! i would like to ask how? when we heard from every langley player and COACH how they felt bad for us and we outplayed them even with 9 men! so how does this change so much now! also our team has been to poco, abby and the knights home fields and have been ridiculed and belittled by there fans and not once has any fan been escorted off the field. I ask how is racism still in soccer and how do all of you who are posting honestly feel right about this! you all are still stuck in your ways, whats wrong with playing hard with emotion, every other team does it but when we do the environment becomes hostile?? how is this possible! where did this ref even come from I heard he was sent from vancouver specifically for this game??? This is a joke no one had any problems with our aggressive play when we sucked now we are a threat so you try to get rid of us! And whoever posted about us just getting drunk and fighting when we lose, how dare you! we as a team keep each other accountable and we are probable one of the only teams who does NOT pack beer to every game! I am done with all your posts this has gone way to far.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
RE: Sto:lo vs. Dynamo
How can anyone even be saying anything like this about our team! You were not there! those reds were for asking the ref a simple question and saying "thank you" after a call. This game was hands down the most racist game I have ever experienced. How can you even say that the fans were hostile!!! is that your stereotypical assumption that First Nations scare you?!? I cant even believe you would say this! Is there a double standard here! our fan got kicked off the field for announcing he would be recording the game now if that isnt a sure sign the ref was there on a mission what is?! also you talk about us being two faced! i would like to ask how? when we heard from every langley player and COACH how they felt bad for us and we outplayed them even with 9 men! so how does this change so much now! also our team has been to poco, abby and the knights home fields and have been ridiculed and belittled by there fans and not once has any fan been escorted off the field. I ask how is racism still in soccer and how do all of you who are posting honestly feel right about this! you all are still stuck in your ways, whats wrong with playing hard with emotion, every other team does it but when we do the environment becomes hostile?? how is this possible! where did this ref even come from I heard he was sent from vancouver specifically for this game??? This is a joke no one had any problems with our aggressive play when we sucked now we are a threat so you try to get rid of us! And whoever posted about us just getting drunk and fighting when we lose, how dare you! we as a team keep each other accountable and we are probable one of the only teams who does NOT pack beer to every game! I am done with all your posts this has gone way to far.

Fcuk off with the racist card...


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2008
Dirty Money
I was not at the game, nor do I offer any opinion to your game (not my spot to comment.)
But when you accuse someone (especially an official) to being a racist, going onto an open forum where the league reads it and anyone can review this material, is not the best idea. You say you recorded it, I would take the video footage to the proper league officials and show the `racist allegations`.; Do not open up a topic that is very sensitive to many individuals, especially in the most multi cultural city in probably all of Canda. If you feel wronged and you have the proof, take it to the league.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
LIKE I SAID WERE YOU EVEN THERE? and please atleast have the balls to disclose your team and location lol

No i wasn't not there but after reading the fairy tale u posted it feels like i had a front row seat so i don't think there was any need plus i saved money on the gas. Smart move on my part.

Why do i have to disclose my location?

are u coming for me????


Mission FYI...

Here is some advice... dont use the poor me excuses, work on your social skill and u may perhaps invite better responses.
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