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Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
I hope we see some roster moves soon. Mehdi has lots of skill. We might see one or two moves in the midle of the Park soon. I don't tink Robbo is happy with mids. If he can retain Mattocks and make the young guy think team first we might not need much up front. Brian Shrivers would help. I am not sure if he is avalable in January transfer deals.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Camilo in his new uniform???



Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Seems strange that our new away strip doesn't have any blue in it.

sorry make that very little blue.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
From what I can gather from the Southsiders forum this is what happened.

Club picked up the option on Camilo's contract making him Caps property, or so they believed. The contracts I believe are standard contacts that the league uses not put together by the team, they probably put the amounts and term in.
Camilo's agent found a loophole that these type of contracts are not valid and he believes will not be enforced by fifa. Camilo wants to cash in on a good year and believes he should get Miller type money so he signed with the Mexician club.
Apparently Bobby stil believes he is Whitecap property and will have to report for training camp but he has not talked to Camilo's agent during this whole process because he felt he was under contract. Now I can understand not wanting to renegotiate a contract every year a player has a good year, remember Camilo did this the first year, but to not even talk to the player or his agent once the rumor broke is asinine. He is arguably your best player if not atleast your most marketable player you have to have open communication with him to make sure you know where he is coming from. To assume he is under contract therefore you do not have to contact the player shows a major incompetence and he should have to answer for that.

For the record I still like Bobby's intimate atmostphere.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
For once I will not throw Duze under the bus, the Caps have been VERY quiet on this issue however which isn't good.

This is obviously an agent or a player trying to lever cash out of a club(s)

The supposed disagreement is over an option...as Dude said in the other thread it can't be that hard to figure out, or can it?

The MLS owns the players and their contracts. IF the Caps are found to have bad info on this contract I think that HAS to be the final nail in Bobbaduzzi's coffin.

Also curious was this same team had supposedly announced they had signed DeMarcus Beasley a few weeks back, and it never materialized.

Stay tuned... and keep your Mickey Mouse fat firmly on your skull.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
I'll just point to my brilliant post in the other thread...


Not to say its the same thing happening but now we have also Desiree Scott transfering to England although a contract extension had been presented to her:

"Reached Sunday, Scott’s agent, Chuck Vine, provided the following statement detailing a contract extension that was never signed by Scott, thus making her free to move to Notts,"


There are many things in MLS rules that always sounded funky to me (when compared to my understanding of Brazilian/European/FIFA rules) and I was waiting to see how long would take for the shite to hit the fan...

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
All shyt a side. Camilo is fricken lost monkey. If he lets his agent lead him around like stupid blind sheep, all I can say let it go. Go to England and bring a young man that will play in Canada. There is no way Club can trast Camilo from here on. Young man could have been king of kings here, now all he is is a fricken sheep. Duzzi is smart guy I don't think he will bend.
This is why I always push for Canadian kids to get a chance. Robbo does not need crap like that before the preseason. You could add three guys for the same money Camilo gets paid. Between the three they will score more goals than Camilo. One day we will guys proud to play for Caps. This way it is a fracking gong show. In my eyes Camilo can go and FHS absalute idiot.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
All shyt a side. Camilo is fricken lost monkey. If he lets his agent lead him around like stupid blind sheep, all I can say let it go. Go to England and bring a young man that will play in Canada. There is no way Club can trast Camilo from here on. Young man could have been king of kings here, now all he is is a fricken sheep. Duzzi is smart guy I don't think he will bend.
This is why I always push for Canadian kids to get a chance. Robbo does not need crap like that before the preseason. You could add three guys for the same money Camilo gets paid. Between the three they will score more goals than Camilo. One day we will guys proud to play for Caps. This way it is a fracking gong show. In my eyes Camilo can go and FHS absalute idiot.

OK, from my end, I am hugely disappointed. And here's another wrinkle Mini Dude pointed out while we were listening to the Don & Barry show featuring Bob yesterday. Barry intoned something like, "Whatever happened to he loved playing in Canada for the Cap's, and wanted to play for the national team?"

To which Mini Dude them pipes in, "Duh, Mexico has a WAY better national team..."


Which is, actually, 100% true, and hell, maybe valid? Camilo is maybe not a club free agent (who knows), but his nationality is clearly up for sale. Could there be a situation whereby he has been lured w/ Mexican nationality? Would he even win a spot on the Mexican side? Maybe? He's a quality striker...Brazil obviously has those in spades, but Mexico? A couple, but maybe?

Anyhow, Base, you're off the mark, again...you can't sign three players to replace on Camilo, and expect all three to replace the production. For one, there is one, maybe two spots up front to replace, assuming Camilo is gone...and assuming Miller is gone, too. Second, You already have a striking partner in Maneh.

Any way you look at this, it is a kick in the nuts...we will most certainly lose a quality finisher, one that only comes around as often as Hailey's Comet. Even if there is transfer or fine money coming back, it still doesn't replace the diamond in the rough you had- until recently- wrapped up.

This still falls on the Duze. How could he have not seen this coming? The kid did this already after his first season...asked for a raise based on production. Well now you have the Golden Boot, Goal of the Year, and fan favorite...he was due for a raise.

Total shite show, anyway you look at this. This falls on poor player management by the Cap's, no matter what.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
After hearing the Duze yesterday with Ballsack and Taylor, and further reading around the topic I am back on the Duze under the bus....bus. Agree Dude with you. If he's your "A Player" you need to be in his ear, communicating/negotiating with him, not his agent, and if his agent is leading him astray you need to tell him that also, and tell him to get a new agent.

Everything about the way this club is run is Mickey Mouse, from unpaid interns, lousy ticket sales reps, high-jacking away travel from your official supporters groups, ideas that creating artificial demand by tarping off huge sections of the stadium etc... If you invest the cash and hire the right people, develop a plan and stick to it you will get your dream of being a top club, winning trophies, filling a massive stadium and attracting top talent that is level-appropriate.

I highly doubt the best clubs that are audience and level-appropriate that the Caps compete with run their organizations like a USL/Tier 2 semi-pro club, which is precisely the way the Caps are doing it under Lenard's direction and management. That's all he's ever known and all he's ever done. They've been one of the best Mickey Mouse shows in Mickey Mouse leagues for a long time, their in MAJOR League Soccer now- act MAJOR LEAGUE FFS.

Just win baby...that's all I ask, and when Lenard gets out of the way, that just might happen and I might spend another dime on this venture again.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude I agree with you but would you take the two face shyt back. If I was Robbo he would never again see Caps uni . I don't give a dam how good he is. Bob has to move the guy if it all works out for a club. There is kids in PCL that would do same job as Miller. Camilo on the other side did do well. But due to lack of brain on his part there is no reason to waste the time on a two face guy.
Relicarion headed clubs in Barcklay will have two three younger guys at good price. Club has to stop fricken scraping the bottom and get a guy or two to lif the team up. How about kids from New Zeland and Australia. Fast strong mean and on top of it come to play each game.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
The biggest jaw dropper I took from that interview is that they had not reached out to talk contract renegotiation but that they were open to it. How do you not get out in front of that? I'm not in favour of what Camillo has done here at all but the blame is on management in my opinion. Really really poor job.


Active Member
Sep 21, 2005
Dirty Money
The biggest jaw dropper I took from that interview is that they had not reached out to talk contract renegotiation but that they were open to it. How do you not get out in front of that? I'm not in favour of what Camillo has done here at all but the blame is on management in my opinion. Really really poor job.

Exaaaaaaactly. Like Dude said, how are you not in his ear. It is tough to take him back after putting on another teams jersey, but really how can an organization allow their star player at the peak of his career so far to ever get to that point? If you're going to allow your players to take advantage of the club, they're going to take advantage of the club. This is says alot about how "world class" our organization is at bringing and keeping talented players, when a player leaves in such a fashion.

I am really interested in what actually drove Camilo to this point. Does he just talk out of his ass at all times? Had full support and praise for the coach, is on a high, said he wants to play for Canada, likes Vancouver, unless Bob completely played hardball and shut down talk of a raise, which is a huge possibility based on his elaborate answer regarding the question about Reo C wanting to renegotiate his contract...


Maybe he'll throw on another teams shirt too.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
So some of you guys think Bob should give kid a raise. No fricken way. He came here and got what he asked of the club, for that many years. Now that he scored few goals he wants triple amout of money. GTF out of here. Same goes for Croaker. He could not hit open airiport hanger doors, he allso wants more money.
Robbo needs to email these boys and thell them if they want more money head east across the sea. Get two three young Irishman or Azi kids or guys from New Zelad. Forget all these dancers /prancers. It does not matter how many goals they score.
Club is getting to be same as Toronto FC. Coaches get choped due to dog fruckers. Team can not make the playoffs. Club's are managerd by seven eight guys. It is no dam good. One G-manager gets the players coach coaches. One voice and team will make the playoffs.
I wish Croacker puts one new shirt if that is the way he trys to prove to fans his loyal support to Caps.
I can not wate for 16 th of January. I think Bob will take care of buisness with Robbo.
I am sure Robbo is reloading the shot gun. We might see few guys sent running.
If this shyte keaps on going I might go and see Robbo and Bob and fly and find three players for them. I have one that would do just as good as Reo and he might score five six goals in a season. All is one big joke. Bob should sell new shirts make tons of money and go and buy a real player for a change. Add 3rd uni in red white red. In Hong Kong is is the most wanted coulor. Caps are well known. Third uni red white red. Money like you neve have seen before. Say buy to cry boys.
Last edited:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
After all is said and done, Camilo can't be playing here next year, and hopefully not even in the MLS. The jersey stunt is unforgiveable. Let him see what burning bridges will do for your career, long term. He would have been a star in the MLS, making pretty good coin, getting publicity and recognition, and at 25, 26, maybe, just maybe getting a shot in Europe on a player transfer. Now? Fcuk him...go play in obscurity in Mexico.

Still, there is no doubt this all falls to player asset mismanagement, and Duze needs to go. I wonder how long it'll take for the three headed monster to figure this out. Stevie Nash, come on man, you of all people should know what it takes to run a professional sports franchise.

You sort of have to hope now that Maneh is the real deal, and Salgado can step in. I still think the kid has the tools and nose for the net that make good strikers. He'd be a different quality than Camilo, for sure, but, assuming he's now added muscle to his frame, he should be able to play that target striker role with far more skill and speed than Heinemann.

Yes, I'm hoping for the best now...and expecting the worse.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Got to agree with you Dude especially since Camilo is now 25 and a club from Norway was asking about him.
I was also wondering if Camilo was making a mistake. he is a proven goal scorer here but a lot of those goals came from spot kicks and freekicks and on a new club there is no saying he will get the same amount of opportunities. He will also be playing against better defenders so he may find goals a lot harder to come by and if Camilo isn't scoring I am not sure the other parts of his game are strong enough to keep him in the lineup of a good team.
At this point the best we can hope for is a transfer fee and for somebody else step up or they bring someone in.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Here is where the goals came from for the whitecaps, doesn't show who scored them though.


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