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2016 BC Mens Provincial Masters Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

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hard ballz

Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2001
Dirty Money
Wasn't at the game but heard MF went up early. 1-0 at half. Ian Clarke got a red and MF was down a guy. TK scored on a breakaway to make it 2-0. From there, the flood gates started opening up as we pushed forward. I heard injuries hit us hard in this game. 5 min in, our guy went down. 4-5 guys after that got hurt.

Good luck to MF and to the remainder of the teams in the Masters Provincial Cup.

Also, well done to our depleted squad on winning the league this year. Congrats!


New Member
Apr 13, 2008
Dirty Money
Coastal won 4-1 not saltspring. Salt went up 1-0 about 10 minutes in and had a few more chances early but couldn't finish them, Coastal tied it up about 20-25 minutes in and that's when Salty's fitness or lack of took effect. Full credit to Coastal, definitely the better and deeper team, if not for our keeper who made some ridiculous saves it could have been a much uglier score line. Good luck to Coastal the rest of the way!

Salty Dog

New Member
Apr 6, 2016
Dirty Money
Haha, no definitely 4-1 for Coastal. That's the quality of the refs we get over on the island, he didn't even know who won ;)
Hey Bobby, you can't use quality and ref in same sentence if your talking about that Saltspring Ref who wears the dark shade's on cloudy day's.

Dancin Bear

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Oct 26, 2006
Dirty Money
No disrespect to Westside but BC historically has the stronger teams in terms of Western Canadian championships....For example the 3rd or 4th place team in VMSL can win the western Canadians. Westside is a good squad but there are 3-4 teams in the Masters VMSL that are better...when at full capacity.
Real tough one to swallow on the weekend. They scored early on a miscommunication at the back and then parked the bus. We had the ball for what seemed like 3/4 of the game but to be fair, it didn't feel like we were going to get one. A couple of near misses and Croatia grabbed one near the end when we were pushing. Croatia played a smart game with counter attacking football and their defensive shape was good. I've seen us win many a time playing that game.
So this is what it feels like to get pumped out early doors......@Stuart75, if you had been at the game, I'm not sure you would have the same opinion. Overrated? Give me strength. I'll let the history books decide that.
Good luck to Croatia. Quality bunch of lads.

The edge

New Member
Apr 20, 2016
Dirty Money
Here we go quarters.
Well it seems that the teams from FVSL got the better of the draw will place into the semis
Port Moody 4. - 0 Coastal.
Coastal got there playing a very week Saltspring team but will get thumped here.
Delta will lose to Croatia. 3 - 1
6 th place MVSL is better than a 3rd FVSL.
Now it gets interesting, top 2 VISL against one of the top 2 MVSL.
Talking to some Victoria boys Saanich is the team to beat from the Island but unfortunately they probably end up with the worst draw having to travel every game against tough opponents. Second week coming to the mainland, will they field their team I say no. They lose 3-1
Uvic at home to West Van. Even though they have home field this one will go to VW. 3-1. These 4 teams feel like the semis but that's the beauty of cup play the draw plays a huge part of how teams fall
Good luck to all.
Since my team is out I'll go watch Saanich play MF. Should be a good one.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
rubbish... what league are you following? CFC play very well against Pomo. I *think we have a 1-1-1 this year including a 5-0 win of our own. it'll be close either way.

@Regs BC soccer reported the score wrong last night... and of course the Island guys ran with it on FB. Bastages

Once we got all the sheep off the park yesterday the pitch was the nicest grass field we've played on and we get to play at SSA all year. Rough start. Very rough. Going to chalk it up to the sunshine breakfast, extra sausage combo. After a spell of possession the results came to us in late in the first half and all the second half. Their goal keeper was simply out-stand-ing. kept 4 from 10 with minimal exaggeration.

Thanks to Salt spring for being great hosts. Made the game convenient for both sides and even set us up with change rooms in the high school next door. Not a bad guy on the side from what I could tell.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
JC had a busy and productive weekend. Ran into him at El Furniture in Whiss on Friday night, getting his drink on, and looking to get his dink on with the missus. Nice work @Guinness!
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