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2017 BC Mens Provincial A Cup - Draw, Predictions, Results & Banter

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Active Member
Feb 22, 2013
Dirty Money
F...... farmers hopefully this will shut the FVSL gonna win it this year garbage cups staying on this side of the bridge


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
What an ending that was!

Milad R was getting a lot of abuse from a couple of people, so that's partly why he was celebrating like he was. But he was chirping at the crowd the whole second half too.

The brawl was superb! haha Frustrations clearly boiled over. Connor with the tackle. Right though the guy. Only a booking. Spoke to him for a bit after and he knew it should probably be a red. But teams need a tough tackling player with bite like that. Connor missing the first half penalty probably added to the frustration.

First Inter goal was bouncing around the box for what seemed an age before it was poked home. Both teams hit bar in first half and I think Aldergrove hit post too in first, but might have been second.

Good crowd there for it. And perfect weather in the end.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I image the keeper was still upset about Nonni running him early in the first half.

There's always "somebody chirping Milad", the guy is in his own head. He honestly needs the animosity to get himself into it otherwise he can't seem to affect the game. He'll find someone somewhere on the sidelines or the opposing bench or wherever who is winding him up...
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Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
Haha Today is was some guy in a Chelsea top!

Was a different keeper btw. Aldergrove keeper was subbed out. They didn't have a spare keeper on bench so one of the outfield players went in goal.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
The "Brawl" was definitely started by Inter after Connor committed that hard fowl towards the end. It was hard, not malicious. Inter 16 literally started a ground and pound session on Connor.

Then, yeah, everyone got into it, including the Aldy keeper.

Not a pretty game, and Aldy will think about those early missed opportunities for the rest of the year.

Oh, Milad? Quality player, no class.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
The "Brawl" was definitely started by Inter after Connor committed that hard fowl towards the end. It was hard, not malicious. Inter 16 literally started a ground and pound session on Connor.

Then, yeah, everyone got into it, including the Aldy keeper.

Not a pretty game, and Aldy will think about those early missed opportunities for the rest of the year.

Oh, Milad? Quality player, no class.

I agree centre back cambiasso look alike on Inter caused the brawl
10 mins in Brett Weines clipped in box 100 pk no call
Pk by Conner not was not good telegraphed to a great Inter goalie
Aldergrove good fast young team great coaching
With a Squad lacking experience like Inter have
Soccer god did not shine on Aldergrove today
More chances in future for them
Not a good final as many of the balls were just booted in the air


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Its not that bad Dude...

Gotta love it!

I felt this was one of those games where experience got the edge.

When the PK save was made you just sort of had a feeling it was Inter's day.

By no means did Aldy look bad, if anything, for the majority the better squad. Inters back 4 were studs holding it together.

Congrats to Inter.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Gotta love it!

I felt this was one of those games where experience got the edge.

When the PK save was made you just sort of had a feeling it was Inter's day.

By no means did Aldy look bad, if anything, for the majority the better squad. Inters back 4 were studs holding it together.

Congrats to Inter.

By no means studs
I think soccer Coach should take over coaching Inter


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
A mile better than Westside's back 4, considering the play was mostly parked in the Inter end all 2nd.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Inter thanks everyone for their unfailing support over the past 27 years. Despite having an unheralded lineup of also rans, they pulled off the unthinkable.

As for the end, no, Cambiasso did not start a brawl. Fake news. Two foot someone in the 99th minute down 2 nil and it might cause a reaction.

As BC's representative this October Inter looks forward to fighting to show BC's quality.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
A mile better than Westside's back 4, considering the play was mostly parked in the Inter end all 2nd.

Ya Westside's back four was pretty taped together that day, no sign of their "stud centre back" that @LION has made mention of in previous posts.

I'll take the goal they scored against Aldy in the highlights @GoF posted over anything I saw out of Langley/Inter/Aldy though.

Like @Crazy-K pointed out, not much "football" from the portion of the game I saw today. Just long balls to Brett and to Milad/Milad/Nonni. I had to go when the Aldy keeper was injured so I didn't see the outfield player go in net. Credit to him though, never an easy spot to be in. It was a bit of a weird incident. Nonni didn't seem interested in going after the ball until there seemed to be some confusion or miscommunication between the defender and the keeper, then he went in full pull. From my angle it did look a foul though, and I was surprised the referee didn't take further action.

I felt Inter looked the better side until the penalty, hitting the cross bar and seeing more of the ball. Though, as I said, neither side were putting on a great display of top tier "footballing" for the Province. Brett was really on an island for Aldergrove but did well when he got the ball to his feet. Thought the first tackle was a clearer penalty shout than the one that was given, but Brett had no doubt primed the pump with the first incident. Referee was definitely going to keep the Inter defenders on a short leash after that and sure enough he was quick to point to the spot at the next incident.

Perhaps Connor was not 100% after playing Friday night. Tough to see a great player take such a poor penalty. Knowing his calibre, I am sure he will take some time getting over that one. He really didn't seem able to get into the game and put his stamp on it for the chunk of the match that I saw. Figured Inter would really get a lift out of the penalty save, which of course they didn't think should have ever been given and were not shy about letting the referee know that... Instead though, Aldy turned it up, hitting the post and then Brett nodding that one just wide. Looked like things were tilting Aldergrove's way until the sucker punch just before half time. Like I said earlier, Milad of course kept things classy... That's the second time I've seen him do that celebration where he runs over pointing and shouting at the opposing bench before turning his back to point out his jersey number to them. He knows his name's not on his shirt right?? Like, is the number 12 supposed to mean something to these guys? I guess maybe they're suppose to take note of it (which it would appear Aldergrove clearly did...)

Not surprised at all to hear that the bald centre back was at the heart of the brawl. That guy always seems to be right on the edge of snapping. Sounds like Milad can't be too upset with the outcome, after his antics, but it also sounds like Connor was definitely frustrated and was trying to leave one in on him. I'm keen to see the actual incident, so hopefully there are some highlights or BC Soccer makes the archived stream available soon.

Can't say I'm super excited to see Inter represent BC in front of the whole country at Nationals after their display today. Not only was I not overly impressed with their football, but their antics don't paint us in the best of light in terms of playing with class etc. I do wish them well though and lots of credit should go to Joe and Ken and everyone else involved over there. It's never easy winning a Provincial title and with Nationals at home maybe BC can get it's name back on that trophy.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
Hadn't originally planned on shooting any video at the match, since there was the stream, but after filming the teams coming out and the penalty, I thought, what the hell. So here they are. Even put fancy titles on it and everything since it was the final! lol

Both the goals, the missed pen, the brawl and the tackle that led to it, and a couple of pre and post game stuff and chances. Enjoy!



Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2004
Dirty Money
By no means did Aldy look bad, if anything, for the majority the better squad. Inters back 4 were studs holding it together.

Congrats to Inter.

It looked like Inter dominated from
@GoF's highlights.

The tackle in question was hard and reckless. considering you're losing 2 buzz and in stoppage time; deserving of a red imo.

Congrats Inter.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I can be convinced the tackle deserved red. I certainly thought it would be after the ref and linos calmed everything down and he reached for his pocket.

I look at it this way: your cards carry into Nationals, right? So you suck it up and let the ref handle it, you don't throw it all out and go MMA on a kid 1/2 your size. At least the tackle was a football play, don't know what the rest was.

Just like anyone can say the tacke started the brawl, I could take a leap and say Milad's classless antics in front of the Aldy supporters (players Moms and Dads, grandparents) could have led to a player watching that, getting incensed, and going in extra hard on his next opportunity to tackle.

On the day, Inter did enough to win, and should be moving on. But if these teams played another 4 times, I bet Aldy would win 3. Experience a huge factor yesterday.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It looked like Inter dominated from
@GoF's highlights.

The tackle in question was hard and reckless. considering you're losing 2 buzz and in stoppage time; deserving of a red imo.

Congrats Inter.

Nobody dominated, but Aldy seemed to have possession edge, they just couldn't get their game flowing, credit to Inter.
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