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2017 Whitecaps

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2003
Dirty Money
DC United are the worst team in the league - slow and lacking skill. They beat the Caps through luck - the Caps outplayed them badly and failed to score. United had one chance in the game on the phantom penalty kick and they scored. Caps hit the woodwork several times including on the PK by Techera.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
Why wouldn't the league take this opportunity to come down hard on this guy? Flagrant simulation should come with significant fines and suspensions after review. It is guys like this that are making the officials jobs that much harder. The same guy was fined last week for simulation. Think is should be easy in situations like this where the ref made a mistake that the highest of penalties be handed down for a clear/successful attempt at cheating.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Why wouldn't the league take this opportunity to come down hard on this guy? Flagrant simulation should come with significant fines and suspensions after review. It is guys like this that are making the officials jobs that much harder. The same guy was fined last week for simulation. Think is should be easy in situations like this where the ref made a mistake that the highest of penalties be handed down for a clear/successful attempt at cheating.

sometimes inferences can be drawn from what we lawyers like to call "a constellation of objectively discernible facts"...

such as:

1) Ortiz had JUST been fined for simulation this week, which you would tend to think would put him on the referee union's radar...

2) Tchani clearly steps into the referee's field of vision at exactly the wrong moment, keeping him from seeing whether there was a foul or not. These things happen - not the referee's fault, yet, but happen it did.

3) Kendall Waston, himself with a spotty discipline track record, was the closest Cap to Ortiz; the referee, notwithstanding Tchani's screen, must have seen that before making his decision and

4) This particular referee has made multiple dubious decisions against the Caps in the past.

When you add all of that up, it tells me that, despite not having been able to see the play, instead of the proper default to "I can't see what I can't call", and despite a known diver being involved, the referee somehow defaulted to "Waston must have tripped him" and called a penalty.

Sorry, with all of that, I'm quite prepared to conclude that this particular referee has a bias against either Waston specifically or the Caps generally, and if I were the Caps I would be making a formal complaint of bias and demanding that they not see him again. Ever.

On another note... bury your fcuking penalties...


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Bogus penalty but good teams find ways to win everybody else finds reasons they didn't.

Three crossbars and one post not to mentions plenty of other chances that didn't even register a shot. Sure could use a goal scorer like that Camilo guy.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
@mtkb bang on. If the ref misses something because a player's in the way or they're out of position then the players can understand. But to call a PK when you don't see it is completely unacceptable. There should be repercussions. As for the player, a long suspension should be in order. Although, maybe a pay raise as his antics won them the game :) Right @LION?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Possibly. But better late then never right?

Same could be asked about my new avatar.

Too Soon?

Holy shite, has he ever looked worse? Hope it was worth it.

If the league wants to send a message, there is no better time than using this PK as the example as to the consequences to playacting. Big fine plus suspension, justifiable due to the result it led to.

I don't care what the rest of the world feels about it, and how accepted it is, in North America it is frowned upon, and the MLS needs to play to it's audience here.


Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
I don't care what the rest of the world feels about it, and how accepted it is, in North America it is frowned upon, and the MLS needs to play to it's audience here.

I'd say among the audience in TTP for sure, but in North America?
Tough to find reliable statistics but if I am to trust what I could find (http://www.sounderatheart.com/2016/...ta-offers-demographic-snapshot-of-the-mls-fan) I'd say that the white male viewer influenced by the British view of game is likely to be a minority and those are the ones that I see complaining the most about diving.

Frankly, it is now and it has been for a long time part of the game. And football is not alone in these dark arts (e.g. the amount of flopping in the NBA). There were 2 teams playing and the 'Caps is full with guys with the same cultural background as me who have learned from a young age that at that level if you get touched (or if you can sell to the ref that you were) inside the box you'd be naive not to fall. What you have to do after is BURY THE FRIGGING BALL.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd say that the white male viewer influenced by the British view of game is likely to be a minority and those are the ones that I see complaining the most about diving.

You're damn straight.

Sad how the Southern Europeans and the Central and South Americans have ruined the game we invented.



Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
@TulioMaravilha this is very true. Like it or not, it's in the game. You'd expect these professional athletes to be better at their simulation...the hands thrown back and the twisting hips is such a giveaway. At the very least the refs should be calling these obvious embellishments and get them out of the game. New rule for refs: you see a player throw their hands back = yellow card. NOBODY in the history of falling down has ever done that...it's counter intuitive...this is a learned action...by soccer players. That would force the players to go down and trick the refs like they'd actually been fouled. That would possibly help the game's reputation.



Active Member
Mar 6, 2007
Dirty Money
Sad how the Southern Europeans and the Central and South Americans have ruined the game we invented.

Funny thing about the whole diving issue is that in Brazil you only see it in the pros. It's similar to baseball's old saying that "if you're not cheating you're not trying". Fans back home EXPECT their side's players to con the refs (while bitching and complaining when the other team's do it). But if you were to try diving in a beer league game you'll be a laughing stock and will be run off the field...


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Funny thing about the whole diving issue is that in Brazil you only see it in the pros. It's similar to baseball's old saying that "if you're not cheating you're not trying". Fans back home EXPECT their side's players to con the refs (while bitching and complaining when the other team's do it). But if you were to try diving in a beer league game you'll be a laughing stock and will be run off the field...
You know, the competitor in me can understand a player doing anything in his means to win...including cheating the ref. I just wish they'd do a better job of it. The simulation in today's game is crazy. The over the top dive is somehow accepted.

And diving at the pro level is the same here is it not for the most part?

And that f*ucker only getting one game is a JOKE. Joke league.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'd say among the audience in TTP for sure, but in North America?
Tough to find reliable statistics but if I am to trust what I could find (http://www.sounderatheart.com/2016/...ta-offers-demographic-snapshot-of-the-mls-fan) I'd say that the white male viewer influenced by the British view of game is likely to be a minority and those are the ones that I see complaining the most about diving.

Frankly, it is now and it has been for a long time part of the game. And football is not alone in these dark arts (e.g. the amount of flopping in the NBA). There were 2 teams playing and the 'Caps is full with guys with the same cultural background as me who have learned from a young age that at that level if you get touched (or if you can sell to the ref that you were) inside the box you'd be naive not to fall. What you have to do after is BURY THE FRIGGING BALL.

I am not disagreeing with you. It has always been apart, and will always be apart. Anyone who's played around here has played with some pretty good divers, I know I have. That said, I think the audience on TTP is, ahem, not representative of all fans. I think in terms of actual footballing education, we're higher. The vast majority of footballing fans the world over have never played the game at an officiated level. Also, there are about 17 posters on TTP these days, which means that we are statistically irrelevant.

Here is my point: the MLS target market is the mainstream American viewer, and by extension, mainstream Canadian viewer. The MLS isn't concerned as much with the world outside the US, in the sense of who they are marketing to, they are concerned about their target customer. I don't think it's a stretch to assume the majority of US Sports fans abhor diving.

I would have liked to see 2 or 3 games for this, and set that as the standard. One game for simulation, then 2 for repeat offenders. The MLS has a chance to be unique on this topic, and set a higher standard for punishment of assimilation, as well as officiating. Maybe the VR they are bringing in will help this, hell, the amount of time the official took on the review of the peno awarded to Shea can't be any longer than a VR, where you have a faceless, nameless official making the call in a situation like this. It would also help, frankly, to have better officials. Go pay some EPL guys a stupid amount of money to move to the US, improve the standard.
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