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2019 Whitecaps

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Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I think they need to drop in a "big name".

Or bring back Koffie, I would get on board again for that.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Letting go of Koffie was a huge misread. That was when the slope started pointing downhill, results wise.

They need to drop in at least one known, productive big name.

Mostly, they need to change the culture, in a big, meaningful way. Maybe this year was a start to that end. I literally checked out on them in July. Stopped watching, stopped caring. I'm a lifelong supporter, and don't support any other club, here or overseas. When you lose people like me, it's a big, big problem.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Thank God that absolute travesty of a season is over... time to drop an atomic bomb on management - adult and youth - and start over...

I agree with most of this, except I have a good feeling about Do Santos. I think he needs to be sole survivor and shape the club in his image.

For the youth...I like Craig and Scott a lot. Craig was a good academy coach for my son before he left the game, and Scott was really good for the Surrey United Girl's program I was a part of. I know he id smart because he's a full supporter of Ice Cream Psychology. That being said, too many very negative occurrences have happened under Craig's watch. If a culture change has to occur at the top, the sense of entitlement that has been pervasive in the club at the youth level needs to stop right fcuking now. These kids need to understand what a privileged it is to be selected, and that the real hard work starts the minute they put on the colors. Not sure that is the atmosphere in the clubhouse.

Congrats to the TTPers boys who've been selected. @sid, you said your kid had a head for the game years ago, and now he's proven it. If Thomo's kid is anywhere as good as his old man, look out. @Soccer Coach, you are a dick, but you are a dick who can teach the game. May not be able to kick a ball if your life depends on it, but obviously a good teacher. Congrats.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Interesting to see what the caps do in the off season to try to get the fans back in seats.
They lots thousands of fans and regulars this season. Another off season half team over haul?
Again, hard to create a fan base when the team flips over every year with no true big name talent to watch. You guys think the ownership will make a true splash? Or more of the same?

Sadly I think more of the same.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
Koffie one was difficult because he wanted to try Europe so they dealt him before he left to try get something for him. The fact that you couldn't replace him is the real problem.

Anyway like Dude I have completely checked out on the Caps but unlike Dude I wasn't a cheap cnut and I was a season ticket holder for seven years so they notice I'm gone.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Koffie one was difficult because he wanted to try Europe so they dealt him before he left to try get something for him. The fact that you couldn't replace him is the real problem.

Anyway like Dude I have completely checked out on the Caps but unlike Dude I wasn't a cheap cnut and I was a season ticket holder for seven years so they notice I'm gone.

I like the term "Selective".

It's one of the problems with living in the greatest town on the planet, I don't want to drive 2 hours to see a shitty footy match when I can play all day and hit the PVR in the evening. With a bar-b-q going on simultaneously in the backyard. And friends over.

But, I do make most Wednesday matches, scarce as they are. Get good, and maybe I'll sacrifice the odd Friday, Saturday, or Sunday.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

He also mentioned he would be open to Seattle, Portland, San Jose, Dallas, Toronto, Montreal, New England, Minnesota, Atlanta, Cincinnati, Utah, Houston, Orlando, Philadelphia, Colorado, Kansas, Ohio, Austin, or Nashville.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
LoL, awesome.

Yep, the problem with the Cap’s is perception is reality. Word has gotten out they are cheap and treat players like shite on the way out. Also, MLS has the worst travel....and the Caps never charter. Or spring for business class.


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
I do think that - Yes.

I'l admit maybe not a huge difference I guess, but I'd definitely rate it #4 out of those.
And those three organizations have way more to offer despite their artificial pitches.
I did use the word 'also' in addition to the Caps travel, etc.
I'm not implying its the sole reason but a guy like Giroud is not going to play on that fcuking shite pitch every second game.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I agree with most of this, except I have a good feeling about Do Santos. I think he needs to be sole survivor and shape the club in his image.

For the youth...I like Craig and Scott a lot. Craig was a good academy coach for my son before he left the game, and Scott was really good for the Surrey United Girl's program I was a part of. I know he id smart because he's a full supporter of Ice Cream Psychology. That being said, too many very negative occurrences have happened under Craig's watch. If a culture change has to occur at the top, the sense of entitlement that has been pervasive in the club at the youth level needs to stop right fcuking now. These kids need to understand what a privileged it is to be selected, and that the real hard work starts the minute they put on the colors. Not sure that is the atmosphere in the clubhouse.

It's not about the individual people. Bart's been gone for a while now. Craig's been in for a while. People come and go. The results never change and they graduate exactly zero talent to help the first team. There's something structurally wrong there, and hopefully whoever they hires as a sporting director takes a good hard look at that as well as the first team itself...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
It's not about the individual people. Bart's been gone for a while now. Craig's been in for a while. People come and go. The results never change and they graduate exactly zero talent to help the first team. There's something structurally wrong there, and hopefully whoever they hires as a sporting director takes a good hard look at that as well as the first team itself...

I will say I'm mostly about cleaning house due to the issues that came to light in the organization.

Do they or don't they actually develop players in the academy? I've spoken to many people that are coaching at the BCPL level (like you @mtkb ) and you get a very mixed review.

I only know this: we sign these young, promising guys to an MLS deal, and their careers die. Is that the manager saying, "The talent isn't good enough", or the manager simply playing all his established vets with the hopes of getting a result, any result?

I was hoping to see the young guys take a good step into the 1st team this year, and really the only one that did was Bair. Weather it's the manager saying not good enough, or the manager being too chicken, the end problem is the same, and it needs to be addressed.

I'm not looking for a Davies, more like a useful guy like RT get produced every year.

And yah, our grounds are pure shite. I'm sure it works against us in the recruitment department.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Bart is actually back with whitecaps. I'm not sure why he was briefly slumming it in bcspl.

Regarding lack of 1st team opportunities it is 100% because academy players aren't good enough. Just go read the quotes from MDS about Bair and how he had to send him back to the dev team to change his attitude. Players coming through think they've made it when they get signed and it's the furthest thing from the truth. They need to work twice as hard to prove themselves and earn their playing time


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I'm about three years out of all things BCSPL now, incidentally, so my opinions are becoming stale-dated... whether that makes them more or less persuasive I don't know...

Bair's touch isn't good enough, I'm sorry...

I can tell you that when I was at MUFC, we had some friendlies against the at age development teams. They were better, and who knows if we were getting anything like their starting 11, but they weren't worlds better. Certainly the days of "oh our u14 team needs to play your u17 team for it to be a fair fight" are long passed.

They used to get solid results in development league play, which you would think would be an apples to apples comparison against the other MLS franchises... or, are they playing for wins and the other clubs playing to develop players?

You'd have to really take a close look at their operation to be able to offer a fair critique of it, so I hesitate to say more than "maybe this maybe that"... but the proof is in the pudding - they're a small budget franchise that absolutely has to rely on their academy to be competitive, and it's been a 99.5 % dud (I'll give them 0.5 percent for the 2 seconds Davies spent with the Whitecaps on his way through)...


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm about three years out of all things BCSPL now, incidentally, so my opinions are becoming stale-dated... whether that makes them more or less persuasive I don't know...

Bair's touch isn't good enough, I'm sorry...

I can tell you that when I was at MUFC, we had some friendlies against the at age development teams. They were better, and who knows if we were getting anything like their starting 11, but they weren't worlds better. Certainly the days of "oh our u14 team needs to play your u17 team for it to be a fair fight" are long passed.

They used to get solid results in development league play, which you would think would be an apples to apples comparison against the other MLS franchises... or, are they playing for wins and the other clubs playing to develop players?

You'd have to really take a close look at their operation to be able to offer a fair critique of it, so I hesitate to say more than "maybe this maybe that"... but the proof is in the pudding - they're a small budget franchise that absolutely has to rely on their academy to be competitive, and it's been a 99.5 % dud (I'll give them 0.5 percent for the 2 seconds Davies spent with the Whitecaps on his way through)...

Bair's touch is better than many draft players and established MLS players that have come through. My concern isn't his touch but his processing speed. He just never quite seems to be initiating sequences or plays. He's reactive, and too slow at that.

The rest....really don't know. It's why I'm asking. The one comment I completely agree on is this: "...they're a small budget franchise that absolutely has to rely on their academy to be competitive, and it's been a 99.5 % dud..."

Who's fault is that? The academy can only take players up to a certain level, then you need managers who will play the guys in MLS minutes. My biggest bone of contention this year was overuse of Andy Rose. The guy is a Swiss Army knife, I get it, but he's a below average Swiss Army knife. Yet, MDS could not see it in him to use the HG players in his spot on occasion, just to see what they have. Dave Norman Jr. by all reports earned that HM spot out of camp, then got hurt. Eventually he heals, and the Caps are out early...yet no minutes, and then allegedly he requests a move out. I know what MDS said mid year about Baldissimo and Colyn not being ready, but fcuk me, who's fault is that? It's like Daso is pointing to the 1st team saying, "I got them as far as I can", and MDS pointing back saying, "Still not good enough". Well, if you don't put them in, they never will be, and all the time and money spent developing these guys then signing them is wasted. It's beyond frustrating. They need to get their shite together fast in that area of transitioning players.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
If only there was a league a step below the MLS where these players can play meaningful minutes to prove themselves. We could call it the CPL or something like that and fill it with Canadian players. Then MLS teams like the Whitecaps can buy them when they are ready, it would probably be cheaper than the academy they are currently running.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Ding ding!

Wouldn't it be nice if the leagues and teams actually formed a working relationship. More on the Teams I think.

DNJ get traded to Miami, and immediately loaned to Pacific. WTF, could the Caps not have facilitated this? How many years and dollars went into this player to lose him for peanuts?
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