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Argyle’s Dead Wrestlers Society


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
He didn't do roids, test negative on April 10th and his body was clean after the autopsy....roids had nothing to do with it.

I suspect roids will turn out to be a part of this and if so, wrestling will make sure it gets buried.

When you fix the matches, why not rig the drug test results. Chris Burns ex CFL OL said on 1040 yesterday that to look like bodybuilders as these wrestlers do and make 300 or so appearances a year, it's not a stretch to get to steroids. This is the only sport that you can get next week's results this week.

Apparently the son had fragile x syndrome - some form of mental illness.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
How the US Congress can spend so much time on Roids in pro sports is beyond me when there are big issues like Iraq, Afghanistan, Basically the entire Middle East, etc. Their failing $, there are a lot issues politically that should take precidence over pro sports athletes using roids, but how does mcMahon and Wrestling escape? Bar-Roid and Balco are in hot water, Giambi, McGwire, Sosa, Clemens, Palmeiro, are all suspected etc..and their legacies, and careers are jepordized/ruined...yet Vince mcMahon can continue his dog and pony show and they get to run free?

How many dead before 50?

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
How the US Congress can spend so much time on Roids in pro sports is beyond me when there are big issues like Iraq, Afghanistan, Basically the entire Middle East, etc. Their failing $, there are a lot issues politically that should take precidence over pro sports athletes using roids, but how does mcMahon and Wrestling escape? Bar-Roid and Balco are in hot water, Giambi, McGwire, Sosa, Clemens, Palmeiro, are all suspected etc..and their legacies, and careers are jepordized/ruined...yet Vince mcMahon can continue his dog and pony show and they get to run free?

How many dead before 50?

First it's not considered a sport, its entertainment thats why McMahon gets away with everything and there are roid tests all the time now not like the old days.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
First it's not considered a sport, its entertainment thats why McMahon gets away with everything and there are roid tests all the time now not like the old days.

There are tests, but the results are just as made up as they are made up on Raw/Smackdown and any PPV...

Even the 123 Kid or Xpac or whatever his name is, is probably on roids too, even though he weighs no more than 120 lbs....

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
First it's not considered a sport, its entertainment thats why McMahon gets away with everything and there are roid tests all the time now not like the old days.

Yes, and the tests are obviously public knowledge just like Carl Lewis when he was tasted............:D ****ing laughable. :mad:

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
There are tests, but the results are just as made up as they are made up on Raw/Smackdown and any PPV...

Even the 123 Kid or Xpac or whatever his name is, is probably on roids too, even though he weighs no more than 120 lbs....

See thats were your wrong......why do you think scott Steiner isn't in the wwe or jerry lawers son ....all steriod users who tested positive in the last two years.....

just look at hhh and how small he has gotten in the last two years all because steroids are tested now.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Yes, and the tests are obviously public knowledge just like Carl Lewis when he was tasted............:D ****ing laughable. :mad:

Odd why you tasted Carl Lewis:eek: but in comparison when did bonds test positive again......if you want to make comparison's


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Those test are used to find out who's NOT taking them. Those guys were most likely kicked out because of drug and alcohol problems/no shows rather than testing for steroids. Most are addicted to pain killers. and who can blame them when they put their bodies through so much, travel 300 days a year that result in family problems, loneliness and depression. Let's face it, their freaks in a traveling Circus!

Brett Hart was on CNN last night and said that Benoit had trouble turning on and off from Chris Benoit the Wolverine/Canadian Crippler wrestler and Chris Benoit the person. Hart said that most wrestlers do and he should know, he had a real hard time balancing the Hitman and Brett Hart the person persona's.

I honestly think that this type of entertainment has run it's course. They've done it all and there's no more "Rock", "Stone Cold" or "Hogan" personalities that can carry the industry. Funny how the biggest personalities that drew the most attention to the sport were some of the worst wrestlers in the industry history. Let's be honest, those guys were entertaining but the were crappy wrestlers! The really good ones were the ones that made them look good! The greatest and most notorious tag team in wrestling history was the Road Warriors and they were terrible wrestlers! They looked the part but very rarly actually did any "real" wrestling!

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
Those test are used to find out who's NOT taking them. Those guys were most likely kicked out because of drug and alcohol problems/no shows rather than testing for steroids. Most are addicted to pain killers. and who can blame them when they put their bodies through so much, travel 300 days a year that result in family problems, loneliness and depression. Let's face it, their freaks in a traveling Circus!

Brett Hart was on CNN last night and said that Benoit had trouble turning on and off from Chris Benoit the Wolverine/Canadian Crippler wrestler and Chris Benoit the person. Hart said that most wrestlers do and he should know, he had a real hard time balancing the Hitman and Brett Hart the person persona's.

I honestly think that this type of entertainment has run it's course. They've done it all and there's no more "Rock", "Stone Cold" or "Hogan" personalities that can carry the industry. Funny how the biggest personalities that drew the most attention to the sport were some of the worst wrestlers in the industry history. Let's be honest, those guys were entertaining but the were crappy wrestlers! The really good ones were the ones that made them look good! The greatest and most notorious tag team in wrestling history was the Road Warriors and they were terrible wrestlers! They looked the part but very rarly actually did any "real" wrestling!

The best wrestlers were Benoit, Guerrero, Hart Foundation, and Kurt Angle....all great entertainers and very good wrestlers

if you want to be honest


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Getting weirder!

Dead Wrestler's Web Page Was Altered

ATLANTA - Investigators are looking into who altered pro wrestler Chris Benoit's Wikipedia entry to mention his wife's death hours before authorities discovered the bodies of the couple and their 7-year-old son

Benoit's Wikipedia entry was altered early Monday to say that the wrestler had missed a match two days earlier because of his wife's death.

A Wikipedia official, Cary Bass, said Thursday that the entry was made by someone using an Internet protocol address registered in Stamford, Conn., where World Wrestling Entertainment is based.

An IP address, a unique series of numbers carried by every machine connected to the Internet, does not necessarily have to be broadcast from where it is registered. The bodies were found in Benoit's home in suburban Atlanta, and it's not known where the posting was sent from, Bass said.

Benoit strangled his wife and son during the weekend, placing Bibles next to their bodies, before hanging himself on the cable of a weight-machine in his home, authorities said. No motive was offered for the killings, which were discovered Monday.

Also Thursday, federal drug agents said they had raided the west Georgia office of a doctor who prescribed testosterone to Benoit.

The raid at Dr. Phil Astin's office in Carrollton began Wednesday night and concluded early Thursday, said agent Chuvalo Truesdell, a spokesman for the Drug Enforcement Administration. No arrests were made.

Hours before the raid, Astin told The Associated Press he had treated Benoit for low testosterone levels, which he said likely originated from previous steroid use.

Among other things, investigators were looking for Benoit's medical records to see whether he had been prescribed steroids and, if so, whether that prescription was appropriate, according to a law enforcement official speaking on condition of anonymity because records in the case remain sealed.

Astin prescribed testosterone for Benoit, a longtime friend, in the past but would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed when Benoit visited his office Friday.

State medical records show that Astin's privileges were suspended for three months in 2001 at a Georgia hospital for "reasons related to competence or character."

Astin did not return calls to his cell phone from the AP on Thursday.

Anabolic steroids were found in Benoit's home, leading officials to wonder whether the drugs played a role in the killings. Some experts believe steroids cause paranoia, depression and violent outbursts known as "roid rage."

Fayette County District Attorney Scott Ballard said in a statement Thursday that he could not immediately comment on the raid.

Benoit's page on Wikipedia, a reference site that allows users to add and edit information, was updated at 12:01 a.m. Monday, about 14 hours before authorities say the bodies were found. The reason he missed a match Saturday night was "stemming from the death of his wife Nancy," it said.

Reporters informed the Fayette County district attorney's office of the posting Thursday, and the agency forwarded the information to sheriff's investigators, who are looking into it, a legal assistant said in an e-mail to the AP.

WWE attorney Jerry McDevitt said that to his knowledge, no one at the WWE knew Nancy Benoit was dead before her body was found Monday afternoon. Text messages released by officials show that messages from Chris Benoit's cell phone were being sent to co-workers a few hours after the Wikipedia posting.

WWE employees are given WWE e-mail addresses, McDevitt said, though he did not know whether Chris Benoit had one.

"I have no idea who posted this," McDevitt said. "It's at least possible Chris may have sent some other text message to someone that we're unaware of. We don't know if he did. The phone is in the possession of authorities."

On Thursday afternoon, the Wikipedia page about Benoit carried a note stating that editing by unregistered or newly registered users was disabled until July 8 because of vandalism.

In other developments Thursday, Ballard told the AP that 10 empty beer cans were found in a trash can in the Benoit home. An empty wine bottle was found a few feet from where Benoit hanged himself, Ballard said.

It could take several weeks for toxicology tests to be completed on Benoit to see what substances, if any, were in his system.

Benoit took four months off from work in 2006 for undisclosed personal reasons, McDevitt said.

"He was feeling depressed, that kind of thing," McDevitt said.

In the days before the killings, Benoit and his wife argued over whether he should stay home more to take care of their mentally retarded 7-year-old son, according to an attorney for the WWE wrestling league.

The child had a rare medical condition called Fragile X Syndrome, an inherited form of mental retardation often accompanied by autism.

Chris Benoit's father, Michael Benoit, declined to comment on the slayings when reached Thursday by telephone in Alberta, Canada. Funeral arrangements were incomplete.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
McMahon stages his death, and then kills off Benoit who was about to blow the cover on wrestling being fake.



New Member
Oct 10, 2001
Dirty Money
yep...because its a job like any other...puts food on the table.

If you are a Pro Wrestler then I understand. If not your one hell of a fan of make believe worlds. I just think you are defending something that should be frowned upon. Doesn't matter what sport it is performance drugs have no place in them.

I think McMahon is a genuis and his bank roll kinda proves that

Absolutely he is. Makes millions of of all the Hulkamaniacs who can't understand reality from make believe :) Some of these fans are a bit over the top. On the negative side if I was making money of of other people deaths and murders I don't know how proud I would be.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Heard that on the Rick Ball show on my way back to the office from the bowels of Maple Ditch and instantly thought of this thread on TTP...

Barring a natural death surely the US Senate or whatever will call up an inquiry now...

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