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BCPL- BC Premier League: Proposal


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So that's your claim to fame, eh? Helping a couple of div 1 teams get promoted and that you were treated good. Well, you sure put mine and Dude's sports day ribbons to shame. I suppose my egg toss doesn't count for much if you can be 18 -20 at the same time.

Congrats on being the fittest and best drinker over a sunny weekend too.

Keep my ribbons out of this, especially the potato-sack race. And we all know you boiled that egg.


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
That is a terrible thing to say about your wife ...

That is a bad joke man ****en idiot where do u guys think of these jokes very poor just like your football

here i will spell it out SIZE (****) Matters(she gets off)


Aug 12, 2001
Dirty Money
18-20. Obviously.

wow Dude when i say muppet i am joking but in your case you really are a muppet ur life must really suck i come on here to TAKETHEPISS yet u actuallly come on here for your social life wow that must suck


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
OK, this has gone far enough. Mix in a fcuking comma. For the love of bleeding eyes everywhere. You aren't actually that illiterate.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Just let me know when you guys are done so I can split the crap into it's own thread and we can go back to not talking about developing national team players in the proposed BCPL.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
posted by:liar liar pants on fire
MF MUPPET how was that redwoods
Are you saying you won Provincials with Metro Ford in 1999?

Not that I care, but you don't need to make things up to feel good about yourself. ;)


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
Nice Carrot head has arrived the biggest loser of them all.

Sapperton - Promotion to Premier, a bunch of tournaments ( A few MVP awards in with those) not bad for only being 18-20 years old

MF - VMSL GOLDEN BOOT ( which KNOB you could not score in a whore house) * Coached by John Vairo who said " i did not score enough goals that year"

AFC - got them also promoted and was taken good care of

Also was named MVP Nations Cup, Pacific 96ers got them also promoted and again taken good care of

This is just a litte bit for you KNOB which you have never even come close to acheiving yet you still open your mouth as if you know the game

two thirds of fuk all is still fuk all

The Vike

New Member
Nov 24, 2004
Dirty Money
I was just told of this last night at training and thought it was a great concept. It would be beneficial to have a league like the one proposed. I am not too sure how many players from the VISL know of this proposition but if it were to go through I think would would see a very competitive league. On another note, hopefully it would provide some good soccer for spectators. From my perspective it is a good idea.

Summer soccer has also been something that has come up several times. I know that baseball takes up a lot of the field use. But there are more turf fields these days so maybe it is an option. I know Victoria has 5 or 6 turf fields with the possibility of another two going in and Nanaimo has 1. This would finish off the PCSL though.

Interesting concept. Look forward to seeing where this one goes.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
we should find out a little more tomorrow.
f.v.s.l. prem teams have a meeting and its on the agenda.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
I've heard that in principle, the 3 leagues have OK'ed it and this upcoming season will be the 'qualifiers' - top 4 in each league to begin play the following season.

In the years following, a focus would be put on moving to the Spring/Summer.

What intrigues myself is where this will all fit into the Provincials.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I've heard that in principle, the 3 leagues have OK'ed it and this upcoming season will be the 'qualifiers' - top 4 in each league to begin play the following season.

In the years following, a focus would be put on moving to the Spring/Summer.

What intrigues myself is where this will all fit into the Provincials.

Myself is wondering if / how the Spring league will be incorporated w/ PCL, if at all?

Myself is also wondering if they move to Spring / Summer, does that mean there will be a full Premier slate in each of the leagues leading up to each Spring season?

Myself has a lot of questions.


Active Member
May 30, 2006
Dirty Money
The season would start the same as usual, in Sept and run longer into May/June with a 10 week break over Xmas. As we usually have 4/6 weeks off anyways. More domestic Cup games dureing that break so its not like you wont be playing footy at all. Ending later to be closer to the rest of Canada.(for now)
Better weather for spectaters is needed for sure. That Imperial Cup game last weekend was so wicked out in the sun. Tell me if it was raining the same amount of peeps would have been there. No way. Weather dictates everything to people (fans/family/friends) here. Imagine Gorge vs WV or Who ever that travels in or out when the Sun is shineing...This new BCPSL is an Awsome Idea and yes you need the weather so peeps come out and support and buy beer cause thats in the future too. Double headers with beer gardens and food. Make a huge day of it for everyone. Sun, Soccer and Suds. Raiseing money for travel and profile for the sport.Teams traveling together to save money on travel. Makes $ents.
I personally cant wait.
As for the PCSL. Again dont be so sure they will just roll over and die. They have plans too and are very well run. I guess time will only tell. I do believe that if the Interior teams jump ship then the PCSL will be in trouble but again time will only tell.
I personally would like to see the PCSL merge into this BCPSL too.
One strong BC league. Like the BCJFL or the BCJHL.
Wow could you imagine. Soccer in the press...Dare to dream. ..Its comin


Active Member
Sep 20, 2003
Dirty Money
Re: [VMSL Premier] Who will come out on top in the VMSL 2009/10

Heard SU played Peg on Saturday and won 4-0

Not too sure if either team was missing anyone... Reedie?

Yes, it was a well deserved 4-0 victory for SU and both teams were missing players (we were missing a total of 8 by my count), although the first 35 minutes was quite even and somewhat entertaining. We ran out of gas (and subs) and they proceeded to keep running at us on the turf that was too hot to walk on with bare feet. Nevertheless, good pre season run for both teams and we will see them again soon in the first league game of the season.

As everyone keeps mentioning, Surrey United will be very strong this year. They have an extremely quick team, especially when Niall's not on the park, and adding Tyler Rosenland to the mix is massive. I would certainly rate him as one of the top midfielders in this league. They've also got depth and experience, in particular Skinner, Niall and Clarkey, which makes them an odds on favorite to finish top 4 and compete for all of the hardware...and subsequently decline the offer to play in the BC Premier League. I had them as one of the teams that would move on to the "super league" but maybe I was wrong about that!!

As for ICST Pegasus, we have added 5 or 6 quality players from last year but we still have a long way to go to compete with the best of Premier. We are very excited about the season though and, overall, I think we have a great group of lads that are up for the challenge.

Back on topic though....the more premier teams I talk to, the more I hear that everyone is against the BC Premier League. To me, this is ridiculous. I know people will say that I should have been at the meetings months ago when the voting took place but, from what I understand, the premier teams actually did vote against this league and then it was passed with a vote that included representation from the other divisions, who really are not impacted by this decision.

I would strongly suggest that the contacts from each premier team get together and try and figure this out ASAP. I believe if Mr. Azzi is aware that the majority of teams will not accept the offer to play in the BC Premier League if they finish top 4, then the concept will not fly, which is a good thing because the league does nothing more than destroying the VMSL and the FVSL.

If you agree with me on this, you should voice your opinion on this thread and/or we should all find a way to meet and discuss this as a Premier League ASAP.

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