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Canada Women @ Tokyo Olympics


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Game 1 finished earlier this morning, 1-1 draw with the host nation.

I don't know about anyone else but I am not really excited about these Olympic games. I guess some filler before EPL fires back up in less than a month.

Sinclair is 38 now, is it not time to pass the torch on?


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Game 1 finished earlier this morning, 1-1 draw with the host nation.

I don't know about anyone else but I am not really excited about these Olympic games. I guess some filler before EPL fires back up in less than a month.

Sinclair is 38 now, is it not time to pass the torch on?
Same boat. No fans. Cardboard beds to prevent banging in the athletes village. Then there's the time difference which doesn't help. Hearing the US women lost to Sweden in their opener is my gold medal.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Game 1 finished earlier this morning, 1-1 draw with the host nation.

I don't know about anyone else but I am not really excited about these Olympic games. I guess some filler before EPL fires back up in less than a month.

Sinclair is 38 now, is it not time to pass the torch on?
I am always jacked about the Olympics, but this time it definitely has a different tone, more like a "Let's get this over with" sort of feel.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Game 1 finished earlier this morning, 1-1 draw with the host nation.

I don't know about anyone else but I am not really excited about these Olympic games. I guess some filler before EPL fires back up in less than a month.

Sinclair is 38 now, is it not time to pass the torch on?
You would think so but then she went and scored their goal today...

Tossed the PVR on for the game but haven't watched yet. Sounds like I'm in the same boat as everyone else. I usually love the Olympics, but it really does feel as though they are just cramming this one in. Time difference also a major factor. Hopefully there are some "morning events" starting next week when the games get into full swing that are on starting around 6pm or so our time, similar to the early rounds of the Australian Open tennis.

As for CWNT, by all reports they were industrious in midfield as usual but struggled to create going forward. Been the case really since Sinclair was in her prime around London 2012. They keep talking like the Canadian's are serious gold medal contenders, but given how they are currently constructed and set up I struggle to see it.

F*ck the Yanks, though!


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Well I guess you have to give them that one...

It was not pretty, although I guess you could call it a "stalwart defensive performance". Credit to them though, 20 years since they beat the Yanks so I am sure they do not care one bit how they got there.

Best of luck to them in the final!

I'll save my comments about this likely maintaining their possibly somewhat inflated world ranking after finishing at the top of a 12 team tournament with limited UEFA entrants while the talent of that confederation seems to be growing exponentially at the minute...


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Gold medal match KO time has changed to FRIDAY 5AM PACIFIC.

On another note, I did not know until yesterday that Canada has a transgendered, non-binary person in the starting 11. Obviously I am old and stuck in my ways, but I cannot wrap my head around the whole they/them thing.

the 90s GIF by absurdnoise


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah. That stuff makes me feel old, too. I don’t know the extend of their current medical bits or if it’s just their pronouns preference, but they were born a “her”. I’d have a huge issue if either:

-Born a “he” and in transition.
-Currently in transition to a “he” and on testosterone treatment.

So far as choice, to each their own.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So I was thinking about that too but don't know if being transgendered also means you are gonna do the hormone/surgery thing and change your bits to bytes.

If "they" are going that route, I would imagine this would be "their" last Gold medal chance.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 26, 2006
Dirty Money

Gold medal match KO time has changed to FRIDAY 5AM PACIFIC.

On another note, I did not know until yesterday that Canada has a transgendered, non-binary person in the starting 11. Obviously I am old and stuck in my ways, but I cannot wrap my head around the whole they/them thing.

the 90s GIF by absurdnoise
I pretty much am swarmed by US news and US broadcasting. After the Americans lost, the only thing they said about Canada is that they have a transgendered player. Nothing more. Typical US.

I looked up Quinn, and she was born a female physically, so I am guessing a move to be a @Dude.

I have a new neighbor and met the guy. He kept referencing his partner as they. I am thinking, is this a threesome thing? I don't quite understand how a specific group of people want everyone to change grammar. Fair enough if you are shitfaced and are seeing double calling someone they, but otherwise We (or I) don't get it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
Do not get me started on that subject..

WRT Quinn, my understanding is that Quinn (I refuse to use made up, language hijacking pronouns and they is not singular, so anyone playing that game gets referred to by their actual name, nothing else) is a biological female who either identifies as non-binary or a male. In any event, I don't believe Quinn has had any of the testosterone boosting treatments; if I'm right then I have no issue at all with Quinn playing on the team that lines up with her biological realities.

Where I cry foul is the idea that someone who has developed into (and trained as) a male athlete can one day wake up and say "I'm a woman now", and pretend that limiting testosterone from that point forward is a magic fix. Of course it isn't - there's an academic from the UK putting a lie to that particular argument but i can't place my fingers on the article right now.

But hey, don't take my word for it. Skip to about 1:50:



Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
Dirty Money
I pretty much am swarmed by US news and US broadcasting. After the Americans lost, the only thing they said about Canada is that they have a transgendered player. Nothing more. Typical US.

I looked up Quinn, and she was born a female physically, so I am guessing a move to be a @Dude.

I have a new neighbor and met the guy. He kept referencing his partner as they. I am thinking, is this a threesome thing? I don't quite understand how a specific group of people want everyone to change grammar. Fair enough if you are shitfaced and are seeing double calling someone they, but otherwise We (or I) don't get it.

It's about making their deluded world normative, and our normative world obsolete. Same thing with "birthing people", no more "head girl" and all-girls schools. etc etc. The intent is for the non-binary world view to replace the binary. Never mind that transgendered people make up .02 percent of the population; the agitators on that side of things are militant and incessant and to date no politician has had the jam to stand up and say "the answer is no".


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
Yeah. That stuff makes me feel old, too. I don’t know the extend of their current medical bits or if it’s just their pronouns preference, but they were born a “her”. I’d have a huge issue if either:

-Born a “he” and in transition.
-Currently in transition to a “he” and on testosterone treatment.

So far as choice, to each their own.
As far as I understand Quinn identifies as non-binary, as in neither male nor female. They are not transitioning to "become"/identify as male, so no hormone therapies etc. that might run afoul of WADA or the IOC.

Re Olympic standards on this - it is a tricky area (and an emerging area of law). No joke, they used to do physical inspections of athletes back when the Olympics first opened up women's competition to determine if an athlete was/was not female.

I don't see a bunch of men suddenly identifying as female for the purpose of winning gold medals. That is something that is pushed constantly by media etc. and I think it's a total straw man argument.

That said, there are areas where the lines blur and Quinn is just the latest example. Not sure if anyone remembers the South African runner Caster Semenya, but that left the IOC in all kind of a sticky situation. She was born biologically female (and identifies as female) but naturally had closer to male levels of testosterone in her body. Basically, she was close to being a hermaphrodite from a hormonal stand point. She won the 800 going away and other female athletes cried foul.

WADA and the IOC currently have maximum levels for the amount of testosterone allowed to be present in a female competitors body (hence why men can't just wake up in the morning and declare themselves "female" before heading out to win a gold medal...). This meant Semenya had to take testosterone reducing medications in order to compete and this, obviously, affected her abilities. There was a huge legal battle over this, it went all the way to the court for arbitration of sport, because this was naturally occuring testosterone in her body. She was born that way. The court ultimately ruled in her favour, but it understandably kind of took the fun out of sports for her.

All this to say that it is a tricky situation and one that it's going to continue to develop over the coming years. However, no, don't expect dozens of men to simply opt to compete in the women's categories because it is "easier to win"...that's just ridiculous. It is about letting people live their lives as they feel they are meant to. As was mentioned, the transgender population is an incredible minority, so it is unlikely to be an everyday issue. But it will continue to attract attention.

As for Quinn, they aren't gaining any kind of athletic advantage by being non-binary, so I don't see the issue. Good for them to be able to live their best life and play the game that they love at the highest level where they have earned their spot.

Re the pronouns - boy do I feel bad for the commentators. You've got 21/22 she/hers and 1 they/them in a fast moving game. And you've got a bunch of Twitter trolls waiting to pounce when you make a mistake. Honestly, the pronoun thing seems like it should be simple, but it's just not. The vast, vast majority of us have lived our lives with just he and she. Not only that, but "they" was also taught to us as meaning multiple, not singular. So ya, I think people need to lighten up on the pronouns. It's going to take some time...


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
WADA and the IOC currently have maximum levels for the amount of testosterone allowed to be present in a female competitors body (hence why men can't just wake up in the morning and declare themselves "female" before heading out to win a gold medal...). This meant Semenya had to take testosterone reducing medications in order to compete and this, obviously, affected her abilities. There was a huge legal battle over this, it went all the way to the court for arbitration of sport, because this was naturally occuring testosterone in her body. She was born that way. The court ultimately ruled in her favour, but it understandably kind of took the fun out of sports for her.
Wasn't there a couple of runners in this Olympics that couldn't race early on but then could in other races because the 30 day "suspension elapsed? Namibian runners I think, teenagers.

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