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DCS Dart Night - July * All-Star Edition

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Fcuk you are, among many other things, a giant pain in the arse.

Rules as approved by Captain William Hill Sports book and the DCS Ethics committee.

Group stage - 2 players with the highest point total per group go through in a Round robin format. Games are 501 - 3 points for a win. 1 bonus point for a win by Skunk (beating a player by more than 171 points) 1 point for a loss, but by fewer than 10 a point differential.

Second round – All qualifying players names will be randomly drawn from the least greasiest hat available. If there is non Neo's belly button should be large enough to sufice. First out of the hat/ belly button plays the second and so on. Rules and point totals as above.

First to be knocked out of the tourney must pull names from Neo's gut. Unlucky.

Third Round – The player with the highest point total from the Group stage and round two combined earns a bye into the final. The second and third place will play off 2/3 501. Winner moves onto the final

Final - 501, best 2/3 final.

*All tournament ties between 2 or more players will be broken by a race to 5 - diddle off.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money

Your a pain in my giant arse.:D

knvb said:
Fcuk you are, among many other things, a giant pain in the arse.

Rules as approved by Captain William Hill Sports book and the DCS Ethics committee.

Group stage - 2 players with the highest point total per group go through in a Round robin format. Games are 501 - 3 points for a win. 1 bonus point for a win by Skunk (beating a player by more than 171 points) 1 point for a loss, but by fewer than 10 a point differential.

Second round – All qualifying players names will be randomly drawn from the least greasiest hat available. If there is non Neo's belly button should be large enough to sufice. First out of the hat/ belly button plays the second and so on. Rules and point totals as above.

First to be knocked out of the tourney must pull names from Neo's gut. Unlucky.

Third Round – The player with the highest point total from the Group stage and round two combined earns a bye into the final. The second and third place will play off 2/3 501. Winner moves onto the final

Final - 501, best 2/3 final.

*All tournament ties between 2 or more players will be broken by a race to 5 - diddle off.

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
As stated earlier, The Power is working until 10:30, but will stop by afterwards. Same goes for next week. Format looks good, but since I'm on a break from class, that's all you get from me now.


Feb 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Sidewinder is OUT for tonight.[sorry Tilly] family committment[sp.]

At 100-1 think I'm not a bad bet as long as we play at the Landing. Fcuk the Downer with it,s low ceiling.

Have fun tonight boys!

Dart Vader

New Member
Aug 27, 2003
Dirty Money
Dart Vader is back in town from "poncing around Europe". I am still trying to fight off the jet lag so I will be at darts tonight if I don't fall asleep on the couch.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Sidewinder said:
Sidewinder is OUT for tonight.[sorry Tilly] family committment[sp.]

At 100-1 think I'm not a bad bet as long as we play at the Landing. Fcuk the Downer with it,s low ceiling.

Have fun tonight boys!
50-1 for the group win is not that bad of a bet. 100-1 on you to win it is a definite loser. You can't possibly come out ahead of evryone over the entire evening.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
DI sh*tkicks Neo all night.

Huge POM points on the line last night as the top 4 in the standings were in attendance along with Tilly. I have one question to all in non attendance
"Where the fcuk are the punching bags when you need them" SOme of us had a bit of a mare and there was noone to play to get the confidence back.

No easy wins for anyone last night. Well, unless you played One Dart who was giving away games left, right , center and back on the left again. I beat him 3 times last night, I think DI beat him 2 times, Power and Tilly once each. Nice when he's a bonus point for everyone.

Also easy wins for DI over myself as i just got past the skunk level the first 2 games(170,158) and the third game made a valiant attempt to do it again by throwing 78 on my last 3 darts only to lose at 172. Cnut

Tilly was throwing good darts but had no finish, Power I'm not sure of his form, he beat me twice, i think they were close it was late in night don't expect me to remember.

Overall Standings have changed huge, with DI now in first and OD and myself in a tie for second.

Some official business. And i hate to be that guy.

BraveDart = no post about attendance = fine
DartVader= no maybes allowed = fine
(you think you would have got enough sleep poncing around Europe.:D )

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
AP - Newswire - July 8, 2004

Tilly Tompkins made his much anticipated return to the DCS circuit last night. Things hadn't changed much - the DJ was still a humpty dumpty with no musical taste, the smoke pit had more pub dwellers than the pub itself, and there were many, many OVERWEIGHT young girls who smoked and supported noticeable gunts. Not a nice combination.

Tilly was fairly please with his performance.

"Overall, my finishing could have been better but I also had a couple of cracker finishes. Ask the number one player, Double In about that. I also had a solid comeback against the Power but lost a similar game to Neo earlier in the evening. I bought some new PLASTIC flights, which was a mistake on my part. I guess that is what happens when you're out of action for extended periods of time."

With the big tournament just under two weeks away, Tilly says that he will not practice, but feels the need to buy some new aluminum shafts.

"Yes, the shaft is an important part for any male. If it is too small, it can be deemed useless. No one wants a small shaft. A medium shaft will suffice but if a large shaft is available, anyone would be crazy not to grab it. I'm confident that a medium shaft will do the job, as long as it is used properly."

It was interesting to not that there were no real punching bags in attendance last night and every player got to play at least 8 matches because of the quality of the darts. According to the DCS ethics committee, there were a couple of fines levied - to Dart Vader and Bravedart.

"I'm looking forward to surprising a few people in the all-star tournament. I was planning on being hammered but that is not going to happen due to a coaching commitment. I might have something else in store for the DCS, with perhaps a special appearance by a living legend, who might even be wearing a balaclava."


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Last nights records. POM points in ( )

DI – 6-3 (23)
Tilly 5-3 (15)
Power 4-4 (10)
Neo 4-5 (10)
OD 3-6 (1)

The combined June, July POM points to date

DI - 40
Neo – 25
Power – 20
Tilly – 15
Prince – 8
OD – 4
SW – 2
1Hun – 1
Bunch at 0
BD – (-1)

An absolutely great night as far as dart quality goes. No waiting for Prince or SW to throw a 300 dart minger or waiting for WW to calculate 25 from 501. I doubt more than 2 or 3 of the 22 games played went past 30 darts either.

Neo, I’ve renovated my back pocket, obviously adding on an extention, so there should be enough room in there for you and The Power. If I could ever get that squater Tilly out of my fcuking kitchen I would have space for Brave Dart as well. Christ, why does Tilly ALWAYS bring his A game over to my house? In our first match I was lucky not to have been skunked, especially after the bastard threw an awesome two dart ton to finish. The second was a little closer, but I still never had a shot at finishing. I think he threw 4 darts to close me out twice... I can’t tell you how aggravating it is to watch him throw 140, Ton, 85 to start against me, twice, then have him turn around and start 26, 41, 46 versus everyone else.

I had a tremendous night stat wise humping everyove except above mentioned Tilly and tight one to OD early. I ended with 3 skunks (OD, Neo (Neo should have been skunked 3 times) and Power ) and 4 bonus points to go along with my 6 wins adding 19 to my over all total. Nice to be #1 again for sure. It’s where I belong.

OD, I’ll total up your consecutive weeks at #1 later, but I’m sure it’ll be a long standing record. Happy to end it for you too.

Again, how bloody nice was it not to waste your time humping players for 1 and 2 points and not having to listen to Prince punt walls and scream "fcuking cnut" because he sucks all night. Now if we could just get rid of that humpty DJ….


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
btw, who fcuking cares ??

knvb said:
Again, how bloody nice was it not to waste your time humping players for 1 and 2 points and not having to listen to Prince punt walls and scream "fcuking cnut" because he sucks all night.

Let's be honest here you wanker, without the Prince in attendance, the quota of laughs per evening goes significantly down. I would imagine that all the members last night were bursting full of personality :rolleyes: and at their best taking the piss out of eachother :rolleyes: . As per the usual really ..... :rolleyes:

Let's see, being away for the last 3-4 weeks, I'm sure that the DCS has all dramatically changed :rolleyes:. So, if I do ever make it out again :rolleyes:, I'll be blown away if I don't see / hear the following:

1) Neo yelling at the top of his lungs while he tries to 'converse' with you.

2) Double In wearing Slurrey United kit.

3) Tilly away due to marking tests or getting a gobble.

4) Double In telling everyone how great he is but failing to let everyone know that he chucks approximately 1,854,903 arrows a week in his garage.

5) OD pinted and slurring after 11:00 pm (mind you, there's nothing wrong with that).

6) Sidewinder doing his impersonation of a snake getting electrocuted every time he steps up to the ochre.

7) Neo telling everybody how drunk he got the night before while hoisting another glass of the Landing's best piss.

8) Double In calling me within 22 seconds of leaving the Landing rambling on about how he lumped everyone, how I'm a cnut, how fast he's going down the highway, how many rpm's he's at, having a moan about not making the PCSL All-Star team, having a moan about life in general, blah, blah, blah ......

Christ ..... I long for those days again :rolleyes:


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Double In,

Whirlwind called to offer you his calculator.

knvb said:
Last nights records.
DI – 6-3
Tilly 5-3
Power 4-4
Neo 4-5
OD 3-6

Let's check the math. How are there 22 wins and 21 losses.????????

Prince, Last night DI was wearing VMSL all star kit. Not sure who he stole it off but........ oh yeah i forgot he was the assistant to the chief water bottle handler for their exhibition in Tsawwassen.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
It was a typo, you big cnut. You were 4-6. Feel better about opening your gob with out shoving a chicken wing in it this time? Thought so.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
knvb said:
It was a typo, you big cnut. You were 4-6. Feel better about opening your gob with out shoving a chicken wing in it this time? Thought so.

I feel fine thanks. If your gonna put me in your back pocket you had better wear suspenders or a really good belt.

Still a pain in the arse :D ,



Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Went to quite possibly the worst attended fundraiser ever at the Landing saturday night. Discovered one thing.

Never,ever play any sort of dart game with Tilly for pints. If you do just buy him one beforehand and have at'er. He's lethal when it comes to pint games.

OD, how was the head on Sunday???? :D You ever get your McDonald's. :p

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
As long as it is not a left-handed game, I'm usually okay. :)

I will NOT be at darts on Wednesday due to a Nations Cup 'training' session.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Tilly Tompkins said:
I will NOT be at darts on Wednesday due to a Nations Cup 'training' session.

I guess we should just meet up with the 'Irish' squad at O'Hare's then :D


Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
As long as it is not a left-handed game, I'm usually okay. :)

I will NOT be at darts on Wednesday due to a Nations Cup 'training' session.

Training shouln't last that long you could still make it, I will be there whenever our coach is done running us.


the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
If there are darts, The Power will be late. I have to work until 10:30, so if its anywhere but the Landing, I'm out.
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