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DCS Dart Night - March

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Feb 5, 2003
Dirty Money
Mission Accomplished. I managed to bring almost everybody down to my level and then exhibit a bit of crafty fininishing.The only ones not falling into my trap were Neo {who managed to avoid playing me} and Tilly{who almost fell for it as I was down to a low number when he finally found the double slot}

Great boob show, however POM failed in his attempt to get them uncovered for us.

I hear that 1HUN DREd and 80 is enrolling in basic arithmetic at B.C.I.T. or else trying to buy a used calcaluator from Whirlwind. And, speaking of contraction perhaps Mr. Whirlwind should be treated like the Expos and play his games in a foreign land, say like Surrey.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Results / Points from last night:

OD 5-2 - 10 points
Power 3-3 - 1 point :D
BD 0-4 - -4 points :rolleyes:
POM 4-4 - 9 points :wa:
SW 5-1 - 14 points :eek:
Neo 2-5 - 1 point :D
Tilly 2-2 - 5 points
1Hun 3-3 - 8 points :eek:

Sidwinder with a dominating performance to earn player of the week honours. Well done old fella' ......


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
I just got the fax from Prince and I'm looking over the proposed nick names you guys jotted down for JB and I've got to be honest as much as I like 1HUN if I'd be there I would really have pushed hard for CHUNT. Fcuking classic. :D


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
As i figure it the point totals for POM are

DI 32
OD 39
TP 24
Neo 23
Tilly 14
BD 3
SW 18
DV 0
Prince 7
1Hun 8

Christ 1Hun played 1 week and passed 3 people.

God, i hate myself right now. I feel great. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Basically I'll have to beat OD a couple times next week to pass him because he'll be worth the 5-pom points. I'm not sure, but I think Power will be back ahead of me as well. If he is he should be easy pick'ns right now, of course now that I've said that he'll probably use me as his slump buster...

I'm sorry, but I can not stop laughing at CHUNT as JB's nickname. Can I request a change?

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Crafty finishing? Are you fukcing kidding me old man. I had about 49 chances to finish (there were some distractions near the pool table, on the dance floor, in Michaela's lap, with the dirty old man, the list could go on forever) before you finally nailed the ever elusive D3. Congratulations. We'll see next week when you pull a Bravedart and get lumped by everyone. This was just a secret plan so that your POM points would increase.

The loss to the Hun was likely due to the booze, no other way around it. My form was not nearly as good as earlier in the night and then the bastard finished off single 19, single 12, D16. I should have given him the wrong numbers. In any case a solid finish. Congratulations must go out to said Hun for accomplishing a rare feat, a victory in his first DCS match. It was against the POM, who likely would've lost to the two plonkers who were trying, key word trying, to play when we got there, but nonetheless, it was an exciting start to the Hun's career.

If you play me twice next week DI, you'll have to play Tilly twice as well. No running scared like two weeks ago.


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2001
Dirty Money
Tilly Tompkins said:
She didn't know what day it was but it really didn't matter when she was moving the way she was around the pool table.
Indeed Tilly ........ apparently the youth of Ladner are now spending their parents money on glue based products rather than the usual Heroin, Crack or Chronic. Bless 'em ....... After placing a few phone calls today, there is presently a massive shortage in the Lower Mainland of Krazy Glue, Rubber Cement and Kerosene. Further to that though, mail orders from companies that produce these products are thriving at the moment. Advertising campaigns have stepped up focusing in on the white trash 15 - 19 year olds. Ladner apparently is a gold mine ........

After 32 cups of coffee, 8 periodic naps and 4 cold showers ..... a few reflections on the evening .........

1) See above. Great nuggets, cold breeze ........ 'nuff said. She disappeared (rumoured off to London Drugs for some more 'product') when I went looking for her to ask about the 'indecent proposal'.

2) Arrows. About right for me :rolleyes: but it's all about the 9 points :wa:

3) 1Hun - 249 skunk on Neo in a 23 dart finish :eek:. I got revenge later (for Neo of course) by battering him with a D7. Thanks for coming out Porkchop ........

4) Waitresses - DI, please bring your camera next week with you. The shortish waitress with the nuggets is keen to have her arse on the website. I kid you not ...... I believe Neo and 1Hun were there when I asked her ..... a future DCS Calendar could be in the works ..........

5) Neo - fcuking wasted. Made myself and OD look like schoolboys. 14 Corona's later, the glassy eyed one was well on his way :D

'till next week then Smallsy ......... the update as you have it.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
I like to see it as more of DrunkArmy not BlazeArmy on those occasions.

I did hear the arse comment and wanting to be posted. I am all for a DCS calender as long as we get the girl from another world in it predominantly.

32 coffees. Fcuk that. It was the rum and coke at 11:30 am this morning that put me back to rights. Next week, no Coronas, Strictly a couple(no more than 4) pints.

1Hun, your a cnut. Don't take advantage of the drunk guy like that. You could have hit 3 1's and called a ton and i wouldn't have noticed i'm certain.

If your interested Prince we have some lovely glue/adhesive products that i can bring out for the youth of Ladner. Top Drawer stuff, You need to have a mask and gloves on before you open it. :D

the power

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Unfortunately, Tilly wasn't the only one mired in a an afternoon of parent/teacher interviews.

The Power is in a downward spiral. The continued absence of his own darts have prevented any form of consistency. A trip to East Hasting's finest dart shop might be in order this weekend. I was, however, good enough to punt POM, 1HUN, and Tilly all across the Landing.



Jul 22, 2001
Dirty Money
I must say a great start to my career as a new DCS member. However I was not using my own darts, because as stated early they are being shipped, but thanks to BD( I think, still learning everyones names).

Anyway the highlight had to be the clinical finishing last night I had on OD as I asked him what the best way was to finish my 63, and after him letting me know did so one the first three darts.:D

Next Highlight was the skunking I gave Blaze, I think my lowest throw If i recall correctly was a 25 maybe Blaze could varify that:D

All in all a good night, some shitting finishing against a match that I should have never lost against SW, as I was up 180 at one point and I couldn't finish the double 2.

Thanks for the names suggestions, I believe that Tilly was trying to find the best name to make fun of the team I support.

One last thing I paid for nachos that had to be the most hurting looking nachos I have ever had the cheese in the center wasn't even cooked and I think we got the bottom of the chip bag.



Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
A few helpful tips for you 1Hun... first off you need to learn some of the lingo. It'll only better serve your posts here, plus the chicks dig it. Shoc-king is a good one to start with then see if you can work moot into one or two of your posts. When you're using some one else's arrows it's not borrowing it's call sharezies. It's nice to get a skunking but try using the words humped or stuffed. Start with those and we'll progress from there.

Second, never ask OD what a good finish is especially if you're playing him. He's a fcuking cheater and has stitched me more than once with some shady calls.
All in all a good night, some shitting finishing against a match that I should have never lost against SW, as I was up 180 at one point and I couldn't finish the double 2
I'll let you in on a little secret we/you should NEVER lose to Sidewinder. Mostly because of the smug fcuking look on his face as he yelps like a puppy who's just had his tail stepped on when he turns for that ever so limp wristed handshake of his. Fcuker.

Always try to keep your finishing numbers above the height of the D16 the rest is for the shitty players, like Prince and especially SW who's salmon naturaly fall that way. Never fear him going out on double top , but be prepared to lose when he's down muff diving. (I'll teach you that one when you're a bit older)

PS. It's na-chos not nachos. You can't go wrong with the use of hyphens.

Stick with me kid... I'll take you places.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

One last thing I paid for nachos that had to be the most hurting looking nachos I have ever had the cheese in the center wasn't even cooked and I think we got the bottom of the chip bag.

Actually, there was a sufficient amount of cheese on the NA-CHOS, 1Hun......BUT a fcuking English wanker who throws darts like he is permanently being zapped in the electric chair, decided to take ALL of it. He even had the audacity(too lazy too check the spelling if it is wrong) to shake off all of the little tortilla chips that were stuck to the fcuking wad of cheese. He proceded to shove this mountain of cheese into his canyon of a mouth and that was it. Gone. So next time, make sure you get to the na-chos before our loveable wanker gets his paws into the DCS na-chos. Just a thought.


Not Bright
Dec 13, 2002
Dirty Money
No more Coronas. It was Rum last night. Tonight I'm thinking about straight wine so i can have a serious hangover tommorrow. Not a minor one like the last few days. :rolleyes:

Until there is a footwear provision in the code of Ethics, Sandals and slippers. :D


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
OK, this seriously pains me to do, but I have no choice... I'm out for Wednesday, I have another fcuking game! Which means unless Power pulls his head out from the deep, dark depths of his own arse and beats everyone twice and OD has a MAJOR, MAJOR stink show, OD will repeat as player of the month. Fcuking SHOC-KING!

Player of the month standings to 03/30/04
  1. One Dart - 39
  2. Double In - 32
  3. Power - 24
  4. Neo - 23
  5. SW - 13
  6. Tilly - 12
  7. 1HUN - 5
  8. Prince - 4
  9. BD - 3
  10. Dart Vader - 0
  11. WW - 0
  12. BB - 0

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
"It's good to be king, to have your own world..."

My world would of course be the DCS. Nothing cemented yet of course but pretty fukcing close. Although The Power has found his darts he will need a herculean effort to catch me. I look forward to serving another term as your king. Bow to me muckers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Wing and a prayer....

This is of course unless a few will DCS members (and OD haters) are willing to stick around until about 10:54 and take a their rightful lump-ings from me. I suppose 1HUN will not be there either.

I know OD, like the twat he is, will be the first out the door so I won't get a shot at him if I show up, but the POM point standings for tonight go as follows.

OD - 5
:knvb: - 4
Power - 3
Neo - 3
SW - 3
BD -2
Tilly - 2
POM - 2
1HUN - 1
DV - 1
WW - 1
BB - 1

(Another week or so Tilly and you'll be worth my time playing again. :D )
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