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Election Night Bush vs Kerry....

Will you be watching tonights US Election Coverage???

  • Total voters

saint jr

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Oct 24, 2003
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Hey, all I've got to say is that I never knew that there were so many people on TTP who could express their opinions/facts in such a coherent and intelligent manner...

And the TTP award for 2004 goes to...

P.S. Regs, were you takingthepiss when you said I'd be receiving some gift certificates? Bravo. The forum is back with a bang. Two classics in less than a month.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Actually, no I wasn't Sheps. Your brother was mailed his stuff out on Tuesday.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Wow. That's a lot of reading, and I skipped the last two pages.

I respect Smiles for his opinions and reasoning, even if I don't agree with him. My biggest issue isn't that Bush is a man of God, it's that he is a man of HIS faith only. There is a HUGE difference. You don't have to be a Baptist or Christian to be a "Man of God", or to extol the virtues of God. Stew made a good point about the Bible and the Koran, and how too many have used their passages to mislead the "faithful". Take some time to sit down and read random passages of both (an English version of the Koran, preferably...I know I had trouble with the Arabic). At the end of the day they are written by the same author, just one is a newer version.

This is the problem...nobody questions the fundamentalist Christian when he/she makes a statement referring to "My God" as opposed to "Their God", implying Muslims have a different God. It's ignorance. Thought typically the cultures are as night and day as you will get, at the end of the day, they both believe in the same God, and follow the same moral pillars. What does Allah mean, anyhow? It's just Arabic for God. President Bush is only a follower of HIS GOD, which is his biggest problem, and the biggest reason we should be scared shitless of what he will do over the next four years.

Coach: I'm surprised that you'd take a blind stance in support of your old man, despite obvious evidence to the contrary. BC has just come out of a terrible past four years of recession, and it is tied at the hip to 911. The US economy went for a dive, and many Canadian firms suffered along with it. Now, Canada, and BC, has managed to temporarily prop itself back up into a position of growth, but as the US economy dives, and the US buck drops, you'll see BC go right back in the shitter. You thought softwood lumber tariffs were a hit? Wait till you see the prolonged effects of a low US buck. This is what will really kick us in the nuts. If the US do suffer another major terrorist attack, BC businesses better brace themselves.

One Dart

New Member
Feb 25, 2002
Dirty Money
Jesus H. Christ, what the fukc do they put in the water in Mississippi? Average IQ of 85? My guess, and this is just a hunch, is that it is legal to marry your cousin in Mississippi. How many electoral votes do they get? They shouldn't be allowed to vote.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
No Dude i do disagree with you about the whole dollar thing?
In fact i love the fact that our dollar is slowly but surely climbing back up the ladder.
The paper or company buys to sell up here is finally giving us a competitve edge.
90% our buisness is done from across the line.
911 was a setback for everyone Dude, but yes we are recovering and yes we have learned a valuble lesson.
Michale Moore blames Bush for 911, do you? If so, are you not telling me the usa would not have been hit by a mad man no matter who the hell was in charge.
I don't support Bush because of my Dad, I support him because i feel he keeps our world a little safer for standing up for himself.
Bagdad is a touchy subject, but at least the world knows that he means buisness.
Sorry but that's how i feel.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Coach, I'll never take the conspiracy route on 911. And, I don't disrespect you for your opinion, I'm just debating it.

All businesses will eb and flow with the currency change. Mine, for example, should be helped in some aspects because the USD is 20% more attractive than this time last year. That stated, my #1 industry- the #1 industry in BC- is being hit the hardest. If they suffer, so will suppliers. It's about the big picture- you're company may benefit now, but Canada exports far more to the US than it imports, so on the grand scale, we lose, because we are that much more uncompetitive. When the largest industries suffers, the trickle down effect causes the rest of us to suffer. So, your short term gains in a slightly more profitable product will eventually be eaten up by long term lower sales.

My point isn't to try and sell the conspiracy theory, but a realistic scenario whereby while the US is out occupying Iraq, and Bush is pushing his pro-America, anti Islam agenda on 1/3 of the world's population, he's creating more enemies than when he signed up for this gig. Since Bush has come into power, he has created an anti American environment everywhere else...much greater than it ever has been. If / when the day arrives where the US is hit again with a major terrorist attack, we will suffer economically again right along with them.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2002
Dirty Money
Great points Dude, but i really don't think that people will strike the Americans because of G W Bush. They will strike the USA because the hate Americans.
Also Dude, the USA has alot of support from many of those middle eastern countries.
The States days were coming no matter who was in power.
Remember insane men who hide in caves did this attack.(very smart insane men mind you.)


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Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper said:
Or, you could PM Jinky so we could all read about it.

Unlike you Mr. Moderator, I don't want to go off topic here but I will to explain it to you one more time.

I made known the contents of the PM you sent me because you tried to avoid a piss taking by taking the discussion of your on-line newspaper to the private message centre. It was a cowardly act and I wasn't going to let you get away with it. We all know that you're a shite piss-taker, but why do I have to keep explaining these things to you. Would you like Sensei to explain it to you like he had to the last time?

Getting back to this discussion, I doubt very much that the Dems have to court the Evangelical Christian masses to pick up votes. To paraphrase Saletan, this election was about "Vision without Details" beating out "Details without Vision". The Dems need to find a charismatic candidate who the people will trust without overwhelming them with numbers and statistics.

My prediction, the law limiting a president to two terms will be scrapped and we will see Bill Clinton kick George W Bush's ass in 2008.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
Getting back to this discussion, I doubt very much that the Dems have to court the Evangelical Christian masses to pick up votes. To paraphrase Saletan, this election was about "Vision without Details" beating out "Details without Vision". The Dems need to find a charismatic candidate who the people will trust without overwhelming them with numbers and statistics.

I heard on CNN that 22% of the vote was based on "values." That's the equivalent of 26 million votes.

80% of these "values" voters were Republican. That equals appoximately 21 million votes. The Democrats lost out on 16 million votes here...definitely enough to put them over the top considering they lost by 5 or 6 million votes.


There are some decent articles in USA Today's Politics section. You can get to them from that first link. More controversy with the ballot counting machines!


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
But not all of those 21 million supposed "values" voters were Evangelical Christians.

It's likely that all the elegible Evangelical Christian voters backed Bush because essentially he is one of them and he played beautifully on their fears. The Dems don't have much chance of winning that vote but they may be able to court non Evangelical swing Republicans and former Democrats duped by the fear mongering. This of course all depends on the state of the Nation in four years time.


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Oct 14, 2004
Dirty Money
Smiles said:
I find the passion by the rest of the world to be very interesting about who we pick for president. If I was not an American I would want Kerry too. The bottom line is we want someone in office representing our values our beliefs and battling for our team. If I was from any other country I would want the Puppy sht running this country too. Why not. He bends over for the UN which is am absolute joke. France, China, Russia all involved in the oil for food scandal collecting cash from Iraq. If I were them I would have voted no on the war too. Who likes getting caught in corruption? The bottom line is if Canada (#1 trade partner) or any other country has a problem with us stop trading with us. They won’t, why because they want the money. Who is really money driven? I am sure as Canadians you want leaders that will do what’s best for Canada not what’s best for the U.S. or any other country. And Yes I would fight and Die for my country like most Americans would; our love and passion is strong for this country and I understand not living here these things are hard to grasp. We are not looking for world approval in every action we take; this is why we are leaders and not followers.


You can't be a "leader" without leading. And exactly WHOM are you espousing to lead in the first place?! The world? If that's the case, then how do you reconcile your point about "being leaders" with your assertion that "the U.N. is a piece of shite and we (the U.S.) don't need to listen or involve them in our decision-making" (paraphrasing)?

Are you aware that the U.N. was created partly by and majority financed by the U.S. as a way to prevent World Wars from happening as well as to establish a "rule book" for countries, as a way to prevent or deter the types of wars that marked the start of the 1900's?

Additionally, are you aware that the world is economically linked to a far greater degree than it has ever been in the entire history of the world, and that the U.S. has historically provided a economic market where people will buy almost anything that is put in front of them (i.e. pet rocks...where else but in the U.S. would ANYBODY buy river rocks with two googly eyes glued to it?!??)? So, the argument being that if the President of the U.S. is completely incompetent on the fiscal front (and arguably an individual who takes a $5 Trillion surplus and turns it into a $2 Trillion deficit in 3 and 1/2 years has absolutely no credentials to manage money), it has a very negative impact on the rest of the world. The countries which are most effected by this type of massive incompetence, are those with the most secure markets, who have historically traded with each other, which means countries like Canada, the U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Japan and Italy.

Meanwhile, China waits for the U.S. to financially weaken itself, so that it can begin to exert itself to a much greater degree than it has ever been able to do before, as does India, and a gangster ridden Russia.

Also, the terrorists lie in wait for the U.S. to be so diverted by its impending financial crisis, caused by the quagmire of the Iraq war, that they can mount another psychotic attack. And this time, they might have nukes or biological weapons, or worst (is there any worst?). This is all thanks to George W. and his administration's complete incompetence.

Finally, this administration probably thinks that controlling the oil revenue from the second largest oil reserves in the world (Iraq's) will help to offset this impending world financial crisis, and that everything will all work out for the better. However, they have to first GET CONTROL of this oil, which means that they are going to be an occupying force in Iraq for a very, very long time. I'm sure that the Iraqi's are not all fine with that (as evidence on the news every night will attest to). Along the way, there are going to be many more casualties of patriotic U.S. soldiers, and none of them will be giving their life to destroy the terrorists. They will have died for oil.


the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
further to the leadership point...

what angers everyone non-american in the world is the US's deliberate machevellian tactics of leadership. the whole notion of "we are above all laws, we make our own rules and willingly contradict our own laws for the sake of attaining our desired outcome" is insane. It show the world that the US will not play nice with anyone. No wonder allys are in short supply...and getting shorter.


New Member
Jun 30, 2001
Dirty Money
It's nothing new Manager.

Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for overseeing the Paris Peace accords (ending the Vietnam War) when he should in fact have been tried for war crimes for escalating the conflict.

the manager

New Member
Sep 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Jinky said:
It's nothing new Manager.

Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for overseeing the Paris Peace accords (ending the Vietnam War) when he should in fact have been tried for war crimes for escalating the conflict.
good point jinky

how ironic! it wouldn't suprise me if the arab world shared the same sentiments around war crimes with "W".


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Smiles said:
I will bite. I thought you might find this interesting that over 70% of the ballets from Iraq went for Bush. The poor soldiers as you call them support him by an overwhelming majority. According to your thoughts should'nt that number be the other way around?

This is a laughable statistic. I would guess that of those 70%, 90% are God-bothering, white, uneducated Southerners. Really worldy folks, eh? They would also be the same people who couldn't locate Iraq......or Manhattan for that matter...... on a map, but think it's "right" to liberate them......because their God-bothering, white, uneducated Southern President said so.

As for the rest of the ballets, I would guess that the Communist Party picked those up. Those Commies can dance.

Bring on Iran. Those cnuts are asking for it.


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