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trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
So why can't that lazy cnut write pressers for his own league? Doesn't have any time because he's too busy having a moan about life on Twitter?

Right...:rolleyes: Carry on, then...

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
The problem? There is no proof, no smoking gun, nothing that is actionable. If the VMSL (or whatever league this sort of thing happened in) ever got tangible evidence, they would act, so too would BC Soccer one imagines.
Walking with my canine companion in the woods of the Oregon Coast was I.
When told I was that my name invoked in the TTP was.

The problem is not that proof exist not.
What the corrupt of the VMSL wants you to believe this is.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Logical fallacy this is.

The fraudulent of the VMSL know that his highness Prince Nawaf Bin Faisal and Mohammed money to the Tigers give.
Between $50,000 to $100,000 a year, this sum is since the year 2012.

Even in Youtube and Facebook this evidence was, as the Saudis about this openly bragged.
Of payments to players many of them have also admitted.

That something wrong with the Tigers is, any intelligent person in the VMSL Board would know.
The unusual high number of players in roster, inconsistent results, and transfer of players all show that the Tigers are up to not good.
But the ones in charge of the VMSL CHOOSE this not to see or investigate.

Many things the VMSL can do to stop the Tigers from paying players. But they did not want the Tigers go to the FVSL.
The truth this is.

The crux of the problem is that the VMSL Board allows unethical behaviour to occur in order to discourage players and teams to move to the FVSL.

This is why players like Ramahati and Poly would not get appropriately sanctioned, why players like Castro would not be banned when playing both for the FVSL and VMSL, why teams that pay players do not get investigated.
This is the truth and the essence of the problem. The VMSL do anything to get ahead of the FVSL even if is illegal.

@Dude is correct that the FVSL in the future should be the dominant league, but this day will never come with the crockery of the VMSL.

The only solution is for BC Soccer to run one league with many divisions and regional subdivisions or to have an independent professional management company run the league and disciplinary committee.

Claudio's situation and perhaps West Wan, Poco, ACBC, is not the same as the Tigers is. Even if @Canucks4Ever cleverly wants you to believe.
A common strategy in argument of those who frequent the right wing circles that to confuse the masses they purposely do.
Prince Nawaf Bin Faisal money gives for political and religious propaganda and this not fair is for honest Canadian teams.

The question is. Are those in the VMSL ready to question the reality of the league? Or are they happy to pretend that everything is fine and fair?
Will they continue to be the Dolores of Westworld?

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Oh dear god he's back!

@SmartCoach he might need a few poetry tips...
Oh please...spare me the bullshit.
The way the VMSL has let the Tigers and Saudis get away with this charade for so many years is simply wrong, and you know it.
Do not deflect the issue. How do you explain that when Mohammed is around suddenly all kind of good quality players show up to play for the tigers but when he leaves the Tigers lose the players and get demolished. The fortunes of the team do not depend on the coach or the administration.
It is the cash that Mohammed and the Saudis bring.
You guys are in the wrong here for turning a blind eye in a clear situation of cheating.
If the VMSL wanted to stop this, they could do it quickly and promptly with all kind of measures.
Do not give me that bullocks excuse of "we do not have evidence". Look for it. This is your job and responsability.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
The question that should be answer are:
1) What is the special magic of Mohammed? We know that the coach and administration got "demolished" every single game that he was not around. You can recall their first season in Premier.
2) What caused the change of heart of the Rino's Administration? How did they reach epiphany? Every time that I would meet them in the field or the street they would bitterly complain about Mohammed and the Tigers.

Is it possible that the answers are related to something something green.....

I am about to lose reception and continue the journey on the wilderness. Take care. Much love from SoccerCoach. If you have not done so already, travel to Oregon. A really nice place to find peace and quiet.



Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Not to defend him, but there is a big difference between a TD that is paid compensation by a club, and players in an armature league getting it through backchannel means.

That said, I still kinda don't care. When CPL comes in, the top players in all three leagues will all get poached anyways.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Not to defend him, but there is a big difference between a TD that is paid compensation by a club, and players in an armature league getting it through backchannel means.

That said, I still kinda don't care. When CPL comes in, the top players in all three leagues will all get poached anyways.

Awe you miss him. Cute.

"The Technical Director (TD) is accountable for developing, implementing and supervising player and coach development programs. The TD shall provide leadership, guidance and mentorship to all coaches. The TD shall support the Club and all programs."

Just sayin



Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I'm sorry, men's amateur clubs consisting of 2-3 teams do not have an actual TD. That's just a title that someone with a large ego would give themselves.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Sure. And if a club chooses to compensate then it is above board. I’m just here to state facts, stupid decisions clubs may make is something entirely different.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
I believe the "TD" in question said he left the club because he was not remunerated as promised :rolleyes:

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
This is music to my years. I never thought that the day will come. My trust in BC Soccer and the CSA has returned. The Tigers have cheated and taken this community for fools for so long. Well done! So happy that these cheater were finally caught.
This is an Amateur league and competition, why they kept paying and bringing semi-pro players.
Well done!
I just hope that BC Soccer also investigates the games in the VMSL. This guys have been cheating for so long. I bet that if they search for the players in Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3, they will find players who played semi-pro or pro. These guys have been cheating for so long. I am glad that our soccer authorities care.

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