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FIFA Womens World Cup

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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm going to try this again for the sarcastically retarded.

Me saying, "You don't say?"

Then posting this photo means that I am being sarcastic.


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Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
the germans have it right



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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sinclair seemed to be a bit more involved yesterday, this is good.

I thought Devos calling her touch on the goal "sublime" was a bit much (her intention wasn't a pass) but to be expected I suppose.


New Member
Apr 9, 2015
Dirty Money
Sinclair seemed to be a bit more involved yesterday, this is good.

I thought Devos calling her touch on the goal "sublime" was a bit much (her intention wasn't a pass) but to be expected I suppose.

I agree with that. She was a bit better but is still not playing up to the expectations. She lacks the explosiveness and isn't dynamic like many of the top forwards and because of this, she can't seem to create her own chances.

On the other hand, Belanger has been amazing! McLeod has also stood on her head. Lawrence, Buchanan, and Chapman have also impressed me.

Now for the bad, and consistently VERY bad...Sesselmann. I'm a bit lost as to why she is still being played. Clearly I'm not the only one who thinks this as you won't see an article about Canada, or read a post from many soccer analysts who don't single her out for her MANY errors. If they were playing against stronger teams, they would have been punished for it


Active Member
May 31, 2010
Dirty Money
Now for the bad, and consistently VERY bad...Sesselmann. I'm a bit lost as to why she is still being played. Clearly I'm not the only one who thinks this as you won't see an article about Canada, or read a post from many soccer analysts who don't single her out for her MANY errors. If they were playing against stronger teams, they would have been punished for it

But, she is pretty, isn't she?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Took my 13 YO daughter to the match. It was my recent birthday gift to her, and her father's day gift to me. What a day. A day RIGHT after R2S, I must say, so walking, standing, and otherwise staying awake was a major challenge. :D

First, this match was a very memorable experience. To be part of 55,000 people cheering on woman's football was incredible. My daughter is so inspired. Being a part of developing little girls into footballers, this performance is a massive gift to me as a coach. I love it.

Onto the individual performances...

Sessleman did have some errors, but the truth is, those errors, had it been any reasonable level of men's football, would have cost us goals against. And trust me, I hate it when the women's game is compared to the men's, but it is the truth. At this level of woman's football, there are errors on the attacking end, too, such as being too slow to react. Saw it a couple of times from Sinclaire, too. Errors on the Swiss end, and CS not reacting nearly quick enough. It's infuriating. If Sessleman's early errors weren't so noticeable, she would be praised today for having a quietly effective and strong game. She, not Sophie Schmidt, should be on the end of every free kick. She won her strength match-ups, and was strong in the air. Please Lauren, don't make any more pass-backs, fack me. :D

Now...Desiree Scott...pitt bull, can see why coach wants her there, but she gave away more balls than anyone. It's easy to single out Sesslemann, but Scott was terrible when she was trying to make simple outlet passes. You can't bring her out- her energy and hard edge are very valuable- but I am really concerned one of those giveaways is going to cost us.

Sinclair...coming alive. I do hope Coach Herdman takes her aside and shows her tape of herself. When she's on the move, she draws defenders. When she gains posesstion, she becomes an immediate threat, and often makes the right, and good, play (something lacking in her teammates). She needs to focus on those off the ball runs to open space for her strikers, and really focus on those hard 5 yard runs to give herself space, cause that's all she needs. When her and Schmidt linked up near the 85th minute on the far right side, it was actually sublime to watch. What intelligent play from both of them. On the goal, Sinclair DID mean to poke that ball over. You could see that if you watched the replays closely. It was ugly, far from sublime, but it was w/ intent, and her sense of urgency in that sequence created the goal. As she goes, so shall this team go.

So pumped for next Saturday. It's going to be historic!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh, Sesslemann signed my daughter's jersey afterwards. Boy, I wish she'd looked my way and passed her phone number, too. Mrs. Dude may give me an exemption on that.


trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Looks like Coach Herdman has been reading my posts...:D Belanger worked her arse off playing up front, and looked like she belonged there. Wilkinson was struggling for a lot of the 2nd half even before she was subbed; she's definitely not recovered completely yet. Sesselmann is guaranteed for at least one mind-numbingly glaring brain fart per game; I'm really not sure why Herdman has so much faith in her as a centre back, unless there's nobody else on the roster who can play there.

As for Sinclair, definitely had her heart in the game if not her head. She went in a lot harder for the ball than she had been recently, but still hasn't been living up to the hype. The only good thing is that if teams are still concentrating on her, there will be space for other players to move in offensively.

Refereeing: somebody was watching a different game than I was. Two fairly blatant (at least in my opinion) balls off defenders' wings in the Swiss box, and a very tenuous yellow to Sinclair for the kind of tackle that her uncles used to do on a regular basis :D - somebody should be getting a new one ripped at the refs' meeting.

Ingerland or Norgevay?


Well-Known Member
Sep 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Agreed MC12 - Belanger and McLeod have been fantastic.

The reality check for me is Sophie Schmidt cannot go 90 and her legs are done after a half hour.
No problems with her starting but she cannot go the distance right now.
And why is she dropping back to take free kicks from inside our own half when McLeod could get that ball into or close to the box with ease while Schmidt's are barely going 20 yards in the air.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Agreed MC12 - Belanger and McLeod have been fantastic.

The reality check for me is Sophie Schmidt cannot go 90 and her legs are done after a half hour.
No problems with her starting but she cannot go the distance right now.
And why is she dropping back to take free kicks from inside our own half when McLeod could get that ball into or close to the box with ease while Schmidt's are barely going 20 yards in the air.

Yes, I'm drooling. I seem to drool more as I get older, not less. Go figure. I have the same issue w/ Ashleigh MacIvor. Damn you Jay Demerit...

RF, YES! I get that she wants to be a leader, but her free kicks are terrible. Not even close to being acceptable. And McLeod FULL MERIT for her WOTM award. Huge save near the end, and very strong in owning her, erm, box. She has a super strong leg, and she can put the ball into the opposition 18 from her side of center. I'm still not quite sold on Herdman the coach. Herdman the motivator, yes, but Herman the tactician is baffling. He needs to take some of the control back, and give out the assignments. Sophie Schmidt is way more valuable battling for possession than taking the kick. Everyone w/ 1/2 a brain in the stadium could tell, so what can't he see this? Is he giving too much power over to the players, and in turn, is Sophie dominating the others?

@MC12, what say you?
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