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Friends of Soccer: Quebec Turban Ban Cannot Stand.

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Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
So it's just like everything else in Quebec: Political in nature and an attempt to isolate itself from everything that is "Canadian"

Dia-fcuking-bolical. Even that Moron Trudeau sees it how any normal thinking human being would...

Premier Marois sides with Quebec Soccer Federation on turban ban - Montreal - CBC News

When will the CSA Grow a pair and dissolve the Provincial bodies and govern the game in our country from one establishment!? I'm not well-traveled when it comes to smaller bodies, but does the FA have county specific FA's in England? What of the USA? or Spain? Italy? Is there a Tuscan Soccer Federation that ultimately rolls up to the Italy Football Federation?

What about these flagrantly racist and exclusionist comments??!! Quebec Soccer Federation sticks to turban ban - Montreal - CBC News

On the positive side of the coin: Well in by these youngsters!
Strombo | Quebec Soccer Team Wears Turbans To Protest Ban & Support Sikh Players

I believe you have a bit of a miss quote there. I read that people with turbans can still play in their back yards but not with officials in sanctioned games. It wasn't a reference to going back to their country if that's why you are referring too. I don't see where the racist comment is but again you're the expert.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
All those boys with turban all they need is to move to BC. Who cares about Quebec they do not want to Canadians any how. All the better for us. What the hell is turban got to do with game of soccer. You head the ball with your forehead.
Sad to see what is going on in this World. Let the kids play ball.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I believe you have a bit of a miss quote there. I read that people with turbans can still play in their back yards but not with officials in sanctioned games. It wasn't a reference to going back to their country if that's why you are referring too. I don't see where the racist comment is but again you're the expert.

What specifically are you talking about? If you're going to try and fire me up you need to come stronger than that. Saying "They can go play in their backyard" is racist and exclusionist in my humble opinion- specifically in the context in which it's being spoken. Only Sikh's (A religious group inside the Indian Race) wear these head coverings that the QSF has banned on the park. "they" refers to them, and "in their backyard" means not "with us"

am I missing anything?...


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
What specifically are you talking about? If you're going to try and fire me up you need to come stronger than that. Saying "They can go play in their backyard" is racist and exclusionist in my humble opinion- specifically in the context in which it's being spoken. Only Sikh's (A religious group inside the Indian Race) wear these head coverings that the QSF has banned on the park. "they" refers to them, and "in their backyard" means not "with us"

am I missing anything?...

Yeah your are missing the part after that comment was made by the Quebec official, the other Quebec officials begin laughing in the background.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
The QSF ruling exemplifies the very bad and ironically the very good that comes out of that province. Unlike the rest of Canada, Quebec has the gumption to make stands on issues and beliefs. As pompous and arrogant as that can be, it is something that is severely lacking in our country and why we breed mediocrity. Of course, this arrogance doesn't come without consequences, and in this specific case, they have made a horrendous error. I can't believe that their "concern" for player's safety regarding turbans can supersede the plethora of other items that must be on their agenda. Someone in a position of influence has exerted their own personal agenda and convinced some ignorant and impressionable people in positions of influence to push this issue. Now it has taken a life of its own, and the original issue of player safety is not even a focal point, proving it never really was.

To be honest, I am sick and tired of dealing with the shrapnel from people in positions of influence making decisions that affect my personal life and lives of others. How and why these people attain these positions is a topic unto its own. Sometimes an autocratic approach is necessary, but when someone or a few decide to take this approach, they better have a Plan A and Plan B, in supporting their decisions which includes educating the masses that were obviously inert and now alerted to an issue. An autocratic approach is needed when time is of essence or a misguided group has taken advantage of the status quo. What has prompted the QSF to take this stand? Has something threatened them and their agendas to suddenly make the turban and head wear a high priority? If it has, educate us!

QSF reply, "They can play in their backyards!" My reply to QSF can go pound sand!


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Edited my last post in the event some of my players read TTP. I don't want them to think I use obscenities from time to time.:rolleyes:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Edited my last post in the event some of my players read TTP. I don't want them to think I use obscenities from time to time.:eek:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Greece was one of the first civilizations on earth, and the cradle of modern thought/logic, and democracy.

Cliff Claven.

Now add Edmonton to that equation and hose in one's hand, and you just might have something to really work with.;)
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