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From the Pigeon Loft: Waiting for Robbo


New Member
May 25, 2015
Dirty Money
From the Pigeon Loft: Waiting for Robbo

ESTRAGON: We always find something, eh Didi, to give us the impression we exist?
VLADIMIR: Yes, yes, we’re magicians.

It’s been an eventful few weeks since that 6-0 loss I Kansas City. Eventful like the action sequences in a Beckett play. We’ve hit a beige patch of form with three consecutive 2-2 draws, each one exploring the narrow nuances of a different tempered emotion: bemusement, anticipation, astonishment.

We are drifting, slowly gliding down the table, in a gentle descent, losing a few hundredths of a point per game at a time, while our inability to win gently lifts our opponents around us. We currently sit sixth, in a crap division, with our four draws holding us in a flirtation with the fine line of playoff contention.

This is merely the short wave of things at the moment. Our 6-0 loss to Kansas City, a defeat so bad even Carl Valentine could not recall a worse one, set off agitation in the supporters section and the Southsiders unleashed a protest message that was either poorly understood or poorly targeted or both. But to be fair, It’s hard to get right to the source of what ails the club in the long term.

Replace the manager and we still have the same owners and executive in place. Replace the front office, and we are still stuck with the same tactics. The calls for Robbo to leave have intensified, but the small shifts in tactics to a 4-4-2 and some of the good efforts on display of late have tempered that. But no matter: many people believe that a single cold winter day means global warming isn’t a reality. It’s not the daily results that are the problem. It’s the long wave trend that matters.

“We wait. We are bored. No, don’t protest, we are bored to death, there’s no denying it. Good. A diversion comes along and what do we do? We let it go to waste. Come, let’s get to work! In an instant all will vanish and we’ll be alone more, in the midst of nothingness!”

I remarked to someone from the club that the current problem with the team is akin to what happens when you try to run an old app on a new operating system. Our team was built for MLS 2.0, but that ship has long ago sailed and the developer isn’t supporting upgrades for the 3.0 firmware. There are a few other teams like that too in the league and one of them is moving to Austin while the other enjoys the highest altitude stadium and the second lowest points total.

After our latest 2-2 draw, when we all exited the Tardis for the third time, Felipe tweeted this out:

We are a TEAM. The effort from everyone at this club, from the door man to everyone in the staff. Every single person I’ve meet since day one in here is unbelievable. It’s time that everyone start to really support us and stick with us. TOGETHER we will make it. #VWFC

— Felipe Martins (@FeliMartins8) May 19, 2018

All I could say, to a guy that sometimes can’t even seem to support himself, is that we are indeed supporting you. We are still here. And we are calling for better. We are calling for silverware including the trophies all of our top rivals and expansion cousins have won. Since 2011, we have won a single national championship and that’s it. Surely Felipe Martins, a man that has won a ton of MLS silverware in his day, would not argue with a call for our team to aim at trophies.


The problems are right in front of us. Our team identity is firmly established regardless of the squad: defensive football, systematic substitutions, a clear desire to beat players 1v1 instead of playing a possession style. We play dozens of minutes at a time absorbing pressure looking for the chance to counter and get results ground out through individual character or luck. Anomalies abound but we regress to the mean.

Our players are waaaaaay underperforming. When you look across WhoScored.com you can see that we only have three players rated over seven. Teams around us have six or seven of their top players with that rating. To me, that’s down to the coaching of our best ever MLS squad. Robinson is not getting the potential out of our guys. We don’t play together.

Our top rated guys display their quality mostly in their individual performances, Kamara, Davies, Levis and De Jong. Our highest rated midfielder is Felipe at 6.75, seventh in the club and that would put him out of the top ten on most MLS squads. Our overall average of team stats is 6.23. Good enough for 22nd overall. If “TOGETHER we will make it” we should probably try stringing together a few more passes.

That is what is concerning. The long wave, long term trend of this club is towards fading away. In a league that is improving around us, there is no way to hold your own. It’s an arms race in MLS 3.0 and we are admiring our muskets.

“All I know is that the hours are long… and constrain us to beguile them with proceedings which … may at first sight seem reasonable, until they become a habit.”

I firmly believe that there is a manager out there that can get high quality out of our players but I don’t think that’s the current boss, because he seems to want to manage out of an admiration for rational planning. And that’s why the fan base is so irritated. Staying the course takes us into efficient mediocrity. These draws over the past week have saved Robbo’s job. Late results leave you with endorphin flows that help blur the reality.

But it’s like waiting for Godot. The promise never comes.

What can be done? In order of easiness:

• Change tactics – something that seems to be happening in the last couple of games.
• Sign a dynamic number ten and make the 4-2-3-1 great again.
• Replace the manager.
• Make a solid case to the owners that their financial strategy needs to change.
• Bring in new investors who are willing to open their purses and use our DP slots to maximum advantage.
• Replace the management team.
• Replace the current owners.


Right now is the time to make a bet on one of these changes. If we are to stay the course then it is time for Robbo to be bold and say something like “if I don’t win a trophy this year, I don’t deserve these players.” The Voyageurs Cup is now a non-negotiable accomplishment. Our rivals are garbage and we have no excuse not to compete. If we don’t upgrade now, it’s going to mean we’ll need a much bigger intervention later.

POZZO: I hope I’m not driving you away. Wait a little longer, you’ll never regret it.
ESTRAGON: (scenting charity). We’re in no hurry.

What does this mean for supporters?

It’s the fickle fans that are leaving, the ones that want to see the exciting attacking football Bobby Lenarduzzi promised us when we all began this journey together eight years ago. The hard core supporters are still here and I daresay some us remain optimistic that better is possible. But it’s becoming increasingly frustrating to see the team keep doing the same things it always does.

This year had some very exciting new faces and yet we still don’t know who many of these guys are, and we have never seen the same starting line-up twice. Fan favourites get dropped with no explanations. Guys in form see the bench. Subs happen based on scientific management principles rather than the context of the game.

Who is actually having fun? What’s it like outside the supporters section? Frankly, hanging out with the Pigeon Casuals and dancing five reps of the Nagila twice a night is the most fun I’ve had this season since our opening day win. We’ve been singing our asses off for this team, trying to conjure results from our mantras. But what’s it like for the rest of the ticketed crowd, to sit in your seat and not to sing? To only have recourse to watching what has been laid out for you to see?

Maybe most ‘Caps fans don’t look around the league and see what else is happening. . We are getting left behind and it feels like it. The squad overhaul isn’t working, not because we don’t have good players, but because we haven’t changed our approach. Time for a change. How long will we have to wait?

Read Further on AFTN.ca


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
I'm not sure how the abandonment of our USL squad went by so quietly. While it struggled to promote players to the first team and get fans, surely there was a better solution than to sell the farm. Thats where the real hopelessness comes in. Management have stated they're not going to go out and buy top talent. Yet we also have no way to develop our own. We're forced hoping to continually find diamonds in the rough - while we've been somewhat successful at it - is it really a long term strategy? Is our scouting that much better globally than other teams/leagues?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Sep 24, 2011
Dirty Money
I'm not sure how the abandonment of our USL squad went by so quietly. While it struggled to promote players to the first team and get fans, surely there was a better solution than to sell the farm. Thats where the real hopelessness comes in. Management have stated they're not going to go out and buy top talent. Yet we also have no way to develop our own. We're forced hoping to continually find diamonds in the rough - while we've been somewhat successful at it - is it really a long term strategy? Is our scouting that much better globally than other teams/leagues?

Needs a clear out from front office to all coaching/management staff...first person to go is the one who decided to get rid of Whitecaps 2, why not have another season and then join the CPL and make it Canadians only on the team, they must have known it was coming.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
The Caps definitely would like to be part of the CPL but the CPL keen not to have the second sides of the MLS teams in as they feel it would devalue the league as they aspire to be the same level as MLS, which is clearly not going to happen for years no matter how much spin they put on it.

Getting rid of the USL side was ridiculous and I know it's something Robbo had no say over. The whole Fresno affiliation hasn't worked as the bulk of the players didn't want to go there and those that did have seen few minutes.

My understanding is they plan to form a reserve team to play local teams, so maybe college, VMSL or whatever. Just to get guys minutes. When you have to do that, you know you've fcuked up.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
I don't think the Whitecaps can afford the salaries of the players in the VMSL but I know a coed league they can get playing time for both their men's and woman's teams.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Finally an article calling for a house cleaning. Too bad the mainstream publications never catch on.

This comment had me giggling: "Southsiders unleashed a protest message"

Unleashed is a massive overstatement, but the tongue could be clearly seen planted in cheek. That was a faint muffle of a protest, barely anything, and frankly quite laughable. Very, very Canadian and polite, so far as any message goes.

They didn't show up early, and they stayed quiet for all of a few minutes. Wow!

Anyways, besides the absolute non-bite of the Southsiders, there is no doubt that amongst supporters there is appetite for massive change. Not just Robo, but everyone. @dezza spread a ruhmor that I jumped on and developed nothing but crickets about Kerfoot looking to unload his shares due to going through a divorse. True? That explains WFC2 getting axed. The CPL affiliation will never happen, as stated, the CPL doesn't want to be considered both American 2nd division, or affiliated w/ MLS. Non starter. That said, on an organic level, it only makes sense to have that USL squad. It's a cost of professional development, pure and simple. They should have just put bleachers up at their UBC training facility, and been done w/ it. Make it a small crowd experience in a small, pretty ground, at nearly no extra facility overhead (do whatever to meet the bare minimum of the league if you must), and just play FFS. Seriously, why not?

The idea that they will place a reserve team in the VMSL makes me want to puke. it should be the FVSL. :D

I kid,I jest.

But, seriously...after the whole Provincial Cup drama about both ITC forms, and the witch hunt to nail teams that "allegedly" pay players in an armature league, how exactly do they figure they can put their reserve team stocked of professional players in an amateur league?

Maybe- and this is a far stretch maybe- if the BC soccer scene actually gets a Tier III league off the ground, I can see that. Far stretch maybe. That requires the VMSL / VISL / FVSL meeting of minds. Will never happen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Dirty Money
No it was to play friendlies not play in the league. i didn't make that clear.

The issue with the USL team was the league mandated that clubs from this season had to play in minimum 5000 capacity stadiums. They launch their new D3 league next year though that doesn't have those restrictions and Dallas are putting a team in there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
Professional reserves playing friendlies vs local teams is a complete waste of time. The USL D3 league is absolutely the right place for them to be playing.

That said, I think having the residency kids play vs some top local sides could be a useful complement to the ussda stuff they currently play as they will have to learn to deal with the physicality they wouldn't see in that league.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Because it is a reserves league?
...and mere seconds away from earning promotion into the big time.

LOL. One day Regs, Pigs will fly.

A few years back they had the residency kids from I think U18 and some U19 guys playing in the FVSL Div. 1. They were fast, and as stated above, not in love w/ the physical play. I think it was the last game I played open. If I recall correctly, they placed 2nd or 3rd on the table. I think there is merit to the idea, but then, the concept still doesn't fit in w/ the leagues current structure of promotion / relegation. So...possibly worth exploring, but still...not convinced.

I am convinced of the Tier III thing, and maybe that's what the Caps were waiting for. It starts next season? If so, then I can see the bean counters winning the argument to shelve WFC2 for a season, save the money, and wait for Tier III where the back end requirements are way more lax. Yeah, just play out of the training facility. Simplify it while still being in a professional environment.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Thank you for writing notes that fall more under analytical journalism. Well done. We do not need more "pompom girls" in the media with respect to the Whitecaps. We need to be brutally honest with these guys until they get it that they are doing things the wrong way. By now, the team and organization should be better.

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