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Gangster arrests


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
rcmp needs to review thier recruitment and training methods and adapt to the new generation of officers joining the force. There are alot of "Punks" patrolling our streets these days. Example... the officers at the airport with the taser... they clearly lacked the ability to asses the situation and acted out of panic and impulse... That situation could have been clearly avoided with common knowledge and proper training. Communication was poor. There was none.

I'm not taking anything away from the daily repetative B.S. these guys have to deal with, however you know what you are getting into when u enroll.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Again...high profile, and a few guys who made very poor decisions, coupled w/ a new technology that isn't supposed to "harm". Bad recipe.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
i think the info the cops at the airport were given prior to going in may have had some influence on the out come.

were they told this guy has been here 8 / 10 hours no one speaks his language and is very frustrated or

he's acting like he's high and no one can understand a word he's saying


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money
i think the info the cops at the airport were given prior to going in may have had some influence on the out come.

were they told this guy has been here 8 / 10 hours no one speaks his language and is very frustrated or

he's acting like he's high and no one can understand a word he's saying

could be? how ever it takes place at the airport. the man has gone through strict security checks , has no weapons (except the lethal stapler:rolleyes:)

Those officers were big boys and there were 4 of them.. Proper communication was not made from the evidence i have seen... Was there no way to let this guy know the Police were there to help him... Probably not cause the cops involved in this case were nothing more than a bunch of punks..

Bottom line is the guy is dead.. and it didnt have to be that way:(


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

It's a sad story, and the media has been painting this as an RCMP / YVR bumbling- which it may very well be- but a lot of info still needs to come out. Last I checked, YVR is an international airport, and international airports these days are on razor's edge. The RCMP responded to what they termed a violent situation. I don't agree w/ the force used, but that is based on what I've learned through the media.

The YVR itself is flying under the radar right now, as is Canada Customs. Wasn't this guy in their hands for 8 hours or so? Everyone knows what dicks CC can be.


Not Bright
Sep 10, 2007
Dirty Money

It's a sad story, and the media has been painting this as an RCMP / YVR bumbling- which it may very well be- but a lot of info still needs to come out. Last I checked, YVR is an international airport, and international airports these days are on razor's edge. The RCMP responded to what they termed a violent situation. I don't agree w/ the force used, but that is based on what I've learned through the media.

The YVR itself is flying under the radar right now, as is Canada Customs. Wasn't this guy in their hands for 8 hours or so? Everyone knows what dicks CC can be.

Ummmm are you agreeing with me.. Are we having a moment:D

tell me about customs.. as a father who drives to seatlle every other weekend to pick up his daughter and bring her back into canada for past 8 years. i present these guys with the proper court documents and i still get treated as if im guilty of abducting my own child in most instances yet some dont even ask me for id. there is no consistency policy with these guys


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
as to the cops in airport and the polish dude, i think first taser was justified. only 1 guy should have tasered the suspect. after that was panic/overkill/thrill of a toy... choose your poison. also, the officers who had let their license lapse, should NOT even had a taser. if none of them had a taser, he would have been shot. at least once.

now i understand a stapler is not a very intimidating weapon. however, i believe cops are trained to take down "dangerous" suspects fast - and with no injury to themselves. I got an email the other day highlighting this. a highly trained martial artist cop decided to take down a knife wielding suspect hand-to-hand, as per his training... and got cut up badly - numerous deep gashes (12-18 inches long). deleted email so no pics for you guys. point is, he had training for that and still got cut badly. he'd have to stay off work for quite awhile to heal, and if any tendons/ligaments got damaged, he'd be permanently injured. but, 1 shot with the gun - and suspect down, cop healthy.

as to $1000000 money bag - the cop had to wait another 6 years before he was entitled to it, to make sure no one else showed up claiming it... anyone else read that part?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
...probably not.

People only read and are able to recall things that prop up and justify their perceptions.

Like I said, the mishandling of a few situations or a few poor decisions by some cops who are regular folks like us tars and feathers a group of people that deserve better.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
the man has gone through strict security checks , has no weapons (except the lethal stapler:rolleyes:)

Those officers were big boys and there were 4 of them.. Proper communication was not made from the evidence i have seen... Was there no way to let this guy know the Police were there to help him... Probably not cause the cops involved in this case were nothing more than a bunch of punks..

Bottom line is the guy is dead.. and it didnt have to be that way:(


It's a sad story, and the media has been painting this as an RCMP / YVR bumbling- which it may very well be- but a lot of info still needs to come out. Last I checked, YVR is an international airport, and international airports these days are on razor's edge. The RCMP responded to what they termed a violent situation. I don't agree w/ the force used, but that is based on what I've learned through the media.

The YVR itself is flying under the radar right now, as is Canada Customs. Wasn't this guy in their hands for 8 hours or so? Everyone knows what dicks CC can be.

totally agree with both statements which is why i think they went in with a pre concived idea and only had one thing in mind.
4 TRAINED men should be able to take down 1 guy no matter how big he is with out too much trouble, especially when you can be confident that he is not armed.
i know assesing every situation is a huge part of their training as well, that diddn't happen.
and when each cop gives a different account of what went down and go on to say they never talked about it ......... its a death was there no de-brief
not sure how many of them had tasers but the first guy did admit to not waiting for his lead officers instruction he just did it at least twice then the boss said taser him so he did again..... the whole thing is a shambles and its a real shame a guy had to die. lets hope some good for the rest of us can come of this.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
In every line of work, there are people who do their job appropriately and there are those who are an embarrassment to their profession.

Teachers, clergy, lawyers, doctors, mechanics, and even city workers...none are above reproach.

Not picking on the police in general here, and I do not know the whole story, but what about that incident last month where the police officer erased a witness's cel phone video of a police shooting downtown.

I watch a lot of Law and Order, so I know this was clearly obstruction of justice.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Hey Oranje you're dumb cuz you don't know how to spell your own name.

Just noticed this. Pretty damn funny :D

Like saying Azzuri is dumb. Should just say blue.

Anyway, back to regular programming, kudos to the police for a job well done with the gangsters. In many businesses you are only as good as your last file. Same for the police. They have another challenge ahead with that poor lady who was killled in the Endowment Lands.


Nov 12, 2006
Dirty Money
Not picking on the police in general here, and I do not know the whole story, but what about that incident last month where the police officer erased a witness's cel phone video of a police shooting downtown.

It just so happened that the cell phone belonged to a self styled marijuana activist. Do you believe him, or is he like the many professional protesters in this town who turn up when there is something to bitch about?

Would really like to know how that expert is coming along with restoring the video :rolleyes:

The police say there is some good surveillance footage of the incident. When the time is right and when it does not compromise the investigation, it would be interesting to see the video.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
I dunno. I can guarantee you that if this happened to Detective Elliot Stabler, he'd have to turn in his badge and gun. Captain Cragen would be sooooo pissed! IA would have a field day with this one.

The police say there is some good surveillance footage of the incident. When the time is right and when it does not compromise the investigation, it would be interesting to see the video.


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
well, it would be the last straw for stabler.... funny how the producers named him "stable"r then made him a tad unstable...


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
In lieu of all of the good work that the police do in protection of the general public, I believe that it is not fair to criticize them over the latest airport incident with the Polish man. After all, the police have a right to defend themselves.

Yes, there was a language barrier between the Polish man and the police, and it appears that the man feared the Police based upon the state of the Police force in Poland.

However, accidents will happen. The only thing that can be done to avoid this kind of incident in the future is to have more interpreters available at the airport. If anyone is to blame in this incident, it is Transport Canada for not having a Polish interpreter available for the police.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Dirty Money
In lieu of all of the good work that the police do in protection of the general public, I believe that it is not fair to criticize them over the latest airport incident with the Polish man. After all, the police have a right to defend themselves.

Yes, there was a language barrier between the Polish man and the police, and it appears that the man feared the Police based upon the state of the Police force in Poland.

However, accidents will happen. The only thing that can be done to avoid this kind of incident in the future is to have more interpreters available at the airport. If anyone is to blame in this incident, it is Transport Canada for not having a Polish interpreter available for the police.

They accidentlly tasered him 5 times???. i agree with you that were was transport canada in all this. they guy was in a secure area, gone threw all the security checks, had been at the airport for 10 hours, how come no one talked to him before they called the police. doesn't the airport have people walking around the airport whose job it is to find people in exactly his perdiciment and help them. i'm on the side of the police, 99% of the time. unfortunaly not this time. i understand accidents happen, this one happened to end up with a mother burying her son because no one wanted to ask a simple question. Just my 2 cents.

The Franchise

Lifetime Better Bastard
TTP Bookie Staff
Sep 7, 2004
Dirty Money
They accidentlly tasered him 5 times???. i agree with you that were was transport canada in all this. they guy was in a secure area, gone threw all the security checks, had been at the airport for 10 hours, how come no one talked to him before they called the police. doesn't the airport have people walking around the airport whose job it is to find people in exactly his perdiciment and help them. i'm on the side of the police, 99% of the time. unfortunaly not this time. i understand accidents happen, this one happened to end up with a mother burying her son because no one wanted to ask a simple question. Just my 2 cents.

Completly agree with above....Way out line on this one


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
If you resist arrest and threaten attack the police (with a stapler), the Police have the right to use force. The man was acting extremely erradically and the police didn't know what to do. Unfortunately, the man died. That was the accident. If the Police did not have tasers, the man could have been shot dead by a gun instead.

The point is that the police have received too much negative publicity in the media for an event which unfortunately could only have been avoided if they had been better equipped to handle the situation. With their current equipment/training, this situation was unfortunately unavoidable. Equip the police with more interpreters or members of other nationalities such as Polish.

If people choose to ttp at me for these comments, so be it. I have stated my case.


Active Member
Feb 18, 2008
Dirty Money
Wizard, no ttp'ing indended, just for once, i disagree with the police actions. my concern is more towards the time leading up to the tasering. this wasn't 10 minutes, he was at the airport for 10 hours. the tasering, his death, were all very much avoidable. and it's kinda sad that no one wants to claim wrong, and instead blame a dead guy who can't defend himself.

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