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GnR Concert Vancouver!


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
What BS tonite was. I wasn't gonna go to the concert and feed Axle $70 but i ended up gettin tix for 30$ from a buddy and what a show. I had a feeling axle wasn't gonna show up. Ended up going to get a bite and a few bevi's before the concert. we ended up at gm at bout 730(1hour late on door openings) and the doors weren't open. go to will call to pick up tickets and they just shut the windows. interesting. not even a minute later a security guard i knew yells at me go home in croatian. and i knew it was time to see some action. Concert cancelled. What bullshit. Axle is the biggest fkcu there is. The concert company sayin he had plane trouble. screw that shite. why did they cancel teh concert at 735 if he had plane trouble. i hope GM place sues GNR for the mess that went on. but it was an interesting evening. hope they dont' come again, and if they do hope nobody goes to it. but they probably will.

Axleisafatfcku! :eek:

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