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Group G

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New Member
Jul 21, 2001
Dirty Money
Late is better than never

First, congrats to the Croats.
Second, does HRVATSKA translate into english?
Thrid, I believe that if you break down the game, the appropriate score should have been a tie.

Croats played a very strong first half, generating many chances.
Italians brought it together and showed well in the second.
Croats second goal was a bit lucky..the shot then off an italian defender's foot and then off of the Croat's foot and booble into the net.
As for the two goals called back...I beleive the first one was not called on Vieri but on the player that touched the ball first.
The second one should have been a goal, even after watching the replays, the Ital player ran by the defender and used his hand to push by...not pull him down. And how does the linesman make a call when the players involve have their back to him?

The refing was kind of irratic but not favourable to any team.

The game could have had more flow if players weren't falling so much.

Oh well...Thursday is a big day..hoping to see the Itals pull through . Too bad that all three teams could not advance.


The Apprentice

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Slav, before I come down to Dundas street and give you a fcukin slap of a life time watch your fcukin trap you punk. I'll meet you down at North American and give you a pummeling if that is what you want.

Somebody made a suggestion about making the bet less harsh and change it to the uni's instead. I was up for that, or anything else. You never responded or anything, so what was I to assume.

Assume that your at the Roxy, you and three other Hrvatskas were pooling your money together to buy a round and this hot chick walks by and you ask her to go dance and she says nothing, are you assuming she wants to Dance with you? If someone doesnt respond to you do you really think they are gonna do whatever a ****roach like you wants.

You say I am gutless and Have no Balls...you backed out of the bet to leave ttp....and when I see you I wont forget the gutless or No balls comments...

See you Soon


New Member
Mar 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Hey Apprentice calm down there buddy. I mean no harm, I'm just having my fun on here, this is TTP isn't it? Anybody that knows me, knows that I mean no harm. So relax, the game is over, and can't we all just get along? Lets turn our fustrations towards the Mexicans now.


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money

Please find the quote where you see Slav backing out of a bet. I remember him giving an offer to change the bet as per Zaurrini's and my suggestion but I don't remember him backing out of anything.

That's right, I'm calling you a liar.


New Member
Mar 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Good point CDK ;)

Yes Apprentice , please do find the qoute where I "apparently" backed out. I'm to much of a pride filled bastard to back out of any bet where I have Croatia kicking some serious ass.

Guinness , are you going to back out of our bet when Croatia go through to the final 16? I suspect that you won't.

Crazy Calabrese

New Member
Apr 22, 2002
Dirty Money
Apprentice, if you know this guy why dont you just go give him a beating...actually nevermind you probably would do it ....At times your not always there: He was carving you in the ital threads...GO GET HIM....



New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Appy doesn't have the balls. It's been proven by his backing out of a bet.

What are you afraid of, Appy? Do you think the Croats are going to hurt you or something? I tell you what, just put on the shirt at the suggested location. We'll have Jimmy H, Zaurrini and Jinky there to help make you feel secure.

All we really want is a couple of picture's of you in the Croatia shirt for some TTP.:cool:


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Let's all get the facts straight

After a little research, here's how the betting situation stands:

The bet is offered:
Slav: 05-15-2002 04:53 PM

The plan (bet) is:

I am so confident that I GURANTEE Croatia will beat Italy in WC'02, on June.08/02. So the bet is, if Croatia by some fluke chance lose to Italy, I will never ever go on TTP again. Sorta like I've been sent out in exsile, banished, got the idea. Is there's any Wopper out there willing to do the same when Croatian beats Italy? Once again same idea, you would be exsiled from TTP if when Croatia beats Italy. Also, just to make sure the loser doesn't ever try to come back on TTP under a different user name or something, maybe we can get the web masters of TTP, if possible, to completely block the user on the CPU they use. This might not seem such a big deal, but a lot of us really enjoy going on TTP, to rant and rave. So, how confident are the Wops?
And then accepted 8 minutes later:
The Apprentice: 05-15-2002 05:01 PM

You Got it !!!!!!
Another Italian fears for The Apprentice's well being and suggests a modification a few days later:
Zaurrini: 05-18-2002 03:26 PM

What about simply the loser has to wear the Jersey of the winning side at the next TTP Event....

That would be far more humiliating.....
Slav: 05-19-2002 04:02 AM

I'll do it. Do you Appy?
Will he? No answer so far . . .
CDK: 05-26-2002 01:00 PM

Looks like the Apprentice has chickened out of the offer so I guess it will be up to Zaurinni to step in. I have an old Croatia kit he can wear to the next TTP get-together.
But The Apprentice still hasn't responded either way. The original bet still stands.

Then Guiness, of all people, steps up to the plate:
Guinness: 05-28-2002 11:17 AM

Name the bet pal, there is no way in hell Croatia will make it to the Final!!! How about something simple, I will change one of my avatar symbols into a "I love Croatia" or something to that effect for a year if you are right, BUT if you're wrong you will change your avatar to "Croats smell like pig farmers" if they don't make the final...
And Zaurrini likes the idea:
Zaurrini: 05-28-2002 11:54 AM

I am into changing my AVATAR if Croatia beats Italy...as Guinness first came up with.
Slav then enters a second bet with Guiness:
Slav: 05-28-2002 05:12 PM

OK OK OK, I am up for the avatar wager. I accept Guinness. BUT, the bet is, Croatia makes it out of the group stages ok!!! Deal or no deal?
Guiness agrees to Slav's slight modification:
Guinness: 05-28-2002 06:07 PM

I don't know why I am even betting you, but for shits and giggles I will make the deal... Croatia finish second or better in their group and I will change my Northern Ireland avatar to a Croatia one... If they do not qualify for the second round then you must change your wee flag into something along the lines of Croats suck!!!
June 3, 2002: Italy beats Ecuador and still no sign of The Apprentice: The original bet still stands.

June 8, 2002: Croatia defeats Italy
Slav: 06-08-2002 06:19 AM

Thirdly, where's The Apprentice at? Shall he live up to the bet we made?
At long last, 23 days later, The Apprentice returns to confirm his original bet and goes on the offensive:
The Apprentice: 06-08-2002 12:29 PM

I made a bet that if Italy lost I would leave the site and you backed out and all of a sudden changed it to switch uni's. I WILL NEVER WEAR THAT KIT
Slav retorts:
Slav: 06-08-2002 04:37 PM

I never backed out of any bet!!! Ask anybody on TTP. Somebody made a suggestion about making the bet less harsh and change it to the uni's instead. I was up for that, or anything else. You never responded or anything, so what was I to assume.
You were to assume the original bet was still on.
CDK: 06-09-2002 11:35 PM

Appy doesn't have the balls. It's been proven by his backing out of a bet.
Wrong. The Apprentice never backed out of the bet he made. In fact, if anything, he reiterated the original bet he made with Slav. Therefore, you can file The Apprentice under “R” for “Arrivederci”! Ciao Bella!

Meanwhile, we'll just have wait to see the fate of either Slav's or Guiness' new avatar.


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
As for my opinion . . .

I wouldn't mind if you stayed TA. You've been around a lot longer than Slav has been and have contributed far more interesting and quality posts than he has. That said, you'll probably be mocked like German at Jinky's house.

For your sake, I hope the Italians make it through this round.


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
He's posted since Italy lost. I'm still right.

I do remember him posting one where he agreed to the shirt bet, he must have deleted it... It doesn't really matter as I'm sure we'll see him at the Croatia A / AC Milan games next VMSL season. :)


New Member
Jul 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Oh, btw, I change my mind on Zaurrini...

Zuarrini, you'll have to change your avtar to a Croatia one. I'll pick one out for you...it'll be ready by wednesday.;)


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
No problemo.

According to the self-proclaimed (and much needed) moderator KEEPER , no one accepted my bet.
Two Reasons:

1) No-one noticed my post
2) Nobody gives a sh*t about me




Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Keeper, excellent work! I've been watching this from a far and secretly been cheering for the Crotes. Guinness has been busting my chops for 2 fcuking weeks straight, ever since he got a hold of my WC pool picks. "You picked Croatia to go through?" "You're a stupid bastard." he said. "You've been listening to those stinky Crotes haven't you?" "They have naaae Scooby" "Don't be a dumb cnut."

Slav please think long and hard about Guinness's new avatar. Please make as big and as bold and God awful ugly as you possibly can. Maybe just a picture of the jersey will do. :D

P.S. Thanks for coming Apprentice. Hit the bricks bitch. A-Bu-Bye.........


New Member
Mar 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Keeper Thanks

Ok then, since the Apprentice didn't back out of the original bet, nor did I, yes he shouldn be BANISHED from TTP like we agreed upon in the bet. :D So the original bet still stands and is still valid, therefore CAIO Apprentice.

knvb and anybosy else.

I'm not getting to cokcy here yet about the bet with me and Guinness, Croatia have to beat Ecuador first. But I am still very, very confident they will win. So if you guys have any creative and interesting ideas for my pal Guinness avatar change feel free to PM me, I'll take all ideas into consideration.


New Member
Mar 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Lets get back on topic here

Ok lets leave it with the bet. Now lets get back on topic and start talking about the Group.

Thursday will be a big day. The way I see things since all the teams play at the same time, Croatia has to win by 2 goals or more, no point in taking any chances with a lesser score line since we won't know the out come of the other game. This will be our toughest game by far.

As for Italy and Mexico. The obvious favorite has to be Italy, but you never know with the way this World Cup had gone. Plus the Mexicans might play bunker and throw everyone on defence.

So many possibilities to consider, best not to think about it and just wait and see what unfolds.
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