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Gun control on a more serious level


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Just talked to my in laws, their room was right across the street from the concert in the Luxor towers and they could see shooters window. They were unable to see where he was due to darkness but had a clear view in the morning. They said it was absolute mayhem and the stampede, sirens and gunshots are absolutely haunting. Yet again it’s the people’s fault not the weapon. I really don’t think anything will change in the US, doesn’t matter how many kids or adults die, theyll ban concerts and sporting events before they ban guns. It really hits home when you know someone who was there, hugs your kids extra tight, and appreciate every day, even if work sucks or your stuck in traffic, it’s not that bad.


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Just talked to my in laws, their room was right across the street from the concert in the Luxor towers and they could see shooters window. They were unable to see where he was due to darkness but had a clear view in the morning. They said it was absolute mayhem and the stampede, sirens and gunshots are absolutely haunting. Yet again it’s the people’s fault not the weapon. I really don’t think anything will change in the US, doesn’t matter how many kids or adults die, theyll ban concerts and sporting events before they ban guns. It really hits home when you know someone who was there, hugs your kids extra tight, and appreciate every day, even if work sucks or your stuck in traffic, it’s not that bad.

Scary shite buddy. I read some where yesterday......

If a Black man shoots, he's a thug
If a middle eastern man shoots, he's a terrorist
If a white man shoots, he must be mentally ill.

Society is fuked.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
Scary shite buddy. I read some where yesterday......

If a Black man shoots, he's a thug
If a middle eastern man shoots, he's a terrorist
If a white man shoots, he must be mentally ill.

Society is fuked.
Ya absolutely, “now isn’t the time to talk about gun laws” so when is? Also if it’s a white person, we just need to look at mental health aspect of things.

Would this incident stop any of you guys from going back to Vegas?


Better Bastard
Jun 28, 2011
Dirty Money
Ya absolutely, “now isn’t the time to talk about gun laws” so when is? Also if it’s a white person, we just need to look at mental health aspect of things.

Would this incident stop any of you guys from going back to Vegas?

Never been nor had the desire.
It starts and stops with the NRA. Too Much power. you can make the argument they run America.....


Smith & Wesson, the storied American gun company, is today a proud supporter of the NRA.

In 2012, the company signed on to a four-year sponsorship of one of the NRA’s promotional programs. And its new chief executive, James Debney, was inducted into the NRA’s Golden Ring of Freedom — the highest ranking of donors, reserved for those who donate $1 million or more. It comes with a golden jacket with the NRA insignia on the breast pocket.

In a statement hailing the award, Wayne LaPierre, the NRA’s executive vice president, said: “Smith & Wesson is a valued corporate partner in NRA’s fight to preserve the Second Amendment and we are grateful for their dedication to our shared American values.”

But the relationship wasn’t always so friendly.

In the late ’90s, Smith & Wesson was facing a major lawsuit filed by cities and states that blamed the company for rampant gun violence. The company stood to lose millions. So in 2000, under pressure from the Clinton administration, Smith & Wesson’s chief executive, Ed Schultz, made a fateful decision — and raised the ire of the powerful National Rifle Association and its supporters.

Watch what happened next:



Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
Dirty Money
Ya absolutely, “now isn’t the time to talk about gun laws” so when is? Also if it’s a white person, we just need to look at mental health aspect of things.

Would this incident stop any of you guys from going back to Vegas?

Sorry to hear that people so close to you had to witness that. I'm supposed to be going early next month, with everything all paid for but a part of me doesn't want to anymore. I've never fully felt the effects of something like this happening, even though I've always hated guns. I think it bothered me more so this time due to the fact it's a place I frequently visit, as I'm sure many people on here do. It's cheap, and it's fun to visit for a few days so why not right?

Honestly as much as I hate guns, and wish they were banned. It's not going to change anything down there. Until they change their mentality about guns nothing will change there. They teach their kids from such a young age that guns are so important, they teach them how to shoot, and they misinform them that without guns people will take over their country, or that you need one for protection from other people with guns (irony). It's wrong but it's their way of thinking so sure banning guns would take some time to take a major change but slowly I think it would. That being said I don't know if they'll ever change, I mean come on they accept kids being shot in schools, and instead of taking action a large majority take it as a conspiracy. It's insane. I've even read people arguing online that this shooting didn't happen in the Vegas, and it's all staged. That's how nuts some people in that country are.

Then there's their stupid arguments that without guns people would find other ways to kill. Sure, but why make it easier?

Another argument is that why should everybody lose their rights to guns because of one nut job? Well if given access to bombs not everyone would blow people up but some would so they're illegal.

I really wish there was something I could do but unfortunately there isn't, which is really saddening.


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
I’ll definitely go again, we can’t let these events stop us, we have a better chance of something happening at work or on the pitch as incidents like this. Conspiracy or not, in the end it’s bullshit and innocent people died and others loved won’t be the same. All super crappy.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
My sister was in Vegas and caught in the escape mayhem.

Scary, sad, and on guns....not much more I can say.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
My sister's FB post today:

"Thought Id write a quick summary, more to help me remember, of Our (Kristy Wyllie & myself) experience on Sunday night on the Las Vegas Strip. I’m not writing this for reaction etc, more so that I don’t forget all the little details, before, during and after all this unfolded

11:00pm (ish) We decided to head out to walk the strip, to buy some food for our room (flamingo hotel). On our ride down in the elevator an older man told us his niece had called her earlier to tell us there was a shooting down the strip, by Mandalay Bay, but he made it sound like it was earlier in the day, and just a single incident, NOT anything like what we now know it was like.

as we were walking the strip we noticed that they were putting up barricades in front of Planet hollywood / miracle mile front doors. This was very odd, but we kept going

11:30 - we are at south end Planet Hollywood, at Walgreens, when some guy comes running down the escalator, SHOUTING "get out, get out, there's a shooter, get out, RUNNNNNN" . At first we both looked around, and i noticed a few store staff listening to their ear piece, and starting to usher people out of the store, and just as suddenly they were telling us to RUN to the gathering spot.

Kirsty and I followed the crowd, and within moments everyone was on their phones, people were speculating ; there are multiple shooters, there are shooters at NYNY, no they are across the street. Both of us were in disbelieve, so we decided to slowly make our way back to the Flamingo.

Within about 50 ft, we noticed people on the street running/crouching behind garbage cans/columns , so we bolted up the escalator of the sky bridge, only to be physically pulled into a shopping strip by a security guard.

People in that little area were a mess; crying, screaming, shouting, Full on panic attacks, with lots of "we are going to die, no not here, I'm never going home ..." Granted it was 11:30 at night, and most of these people were highly intoxicated.

Kristy and I decided to try to get home, so we got out a back door, around the corner again, but this time we only got as far as the front doors of Planet Hollywood when we were physically pulled in AGAIN. the securities guards were just doing their job, Metro police had ordered the strip be cleared, but we didn't know this.

We decided to try and find a way thru the casino to our hotel; the Casino floor was a ghost town - the tables were empty, the machines were silent, half empty drinks still on tables, overturned food on tables in the restaurant. the only floor staff to be seen were security guards. We watched TV coverage for a few minutes, and it sunk it just what was happening.

At this point there was still tones of talk of multiple shooters roaming the streets - one was dead for sure, but "they think" there is another one out there.

11:45 We ended up being able to get out of that property, when we saw 14 police cars go racing down the strip (strip still had tones of vehicles on it) and they were all in the Bellagio driveway. THEN in front of us, not 20 ft away, out of no were 12-20 SWAT team members appear , running towards the Belliago. Funny enough the last guy dropped his weapon/equipment all over the strip, this made us giggle. This also made us RUN, faster and with more urgency to just GET HOME

11:50 - We run from PH to Paris, and eventually to the Skybridge to cross the last street, but were told it was close, "the shooter is on that side" so we ended up crossing the street a bit of the ways down .... if you've been to Las vegas you know its not safe to jaywalk a street mid way, but by this point there were NO CARS on the road. i truly felt like i was living a hollywood movie script, and i was NOT enjoying it. I was not scared, panicked or anxious, i was surreally calm, but at the whole time putting my prayer training into action.

We eventually made it as far as the entrance of The Cromwell, and got pulled inside again (ma’am, your coming in here now!!!) All the doors were closed, NO ONE was going out!! we could see the entrance to our hotel, 30 ft away, but NO WAY they were letting us out. So we sat right by the door ... during that 90 minute wait we watched swat teams outside our hotels sweeping the street/outside of the property, a team also swept the casino floor twice, casino security were EVERYWHERE, checking all garbage comes, plant stands, behind every none fixed item. Basically they were doing a bomb sweep.

Lots of rummers going around, but mostly people just wanting to get back to THEIR hotel, so they could feel safe. Remember we were 1.5 Miles away from Mandalay Bay, so in hindsight , we were never in danger, but it never felt that way.

Around 1:35, a security person that was on duty at the door we sat ourselves at, told us they were letting people out the back door, as long as they were just running across the driveway to the Flamingo entrance. we did just that, RAN!!

Once we made it back to the Flamingo we were bag checked at the secure doors, and again found an ghost town on the casino floor- the gaming floor was roped off, all the stores/restaurants shut down, not sure if they were checking in people, as they quickly ushered us to the elevator and our rooms. By now it was almost 2am, and we were DONE!!

Monday the Strip was somber, still busy but not hectic, every hotel had a #lasvegasstrong message on their marquee, all the shows in the Cesar hotel chains were closed for the night (out of respect) and there were LOTS of police on the strip. Paris hotel Tower was dark (as was the original in Paris, out of respect) . But instead of people being distant with the police, we saw lots of hugs, lot of compliments and thanks you and just general respect being given to theses first responders. The hoods of the police cars were pilled high with water and food for the officers.

Again, our lives were never in at risk, but we did experience everything that happens in a chaotic , crazy, surreal and dangerous event like this - mayhem, miscommunication, fear, mob mentality, and a bit of paranoia. I am so grateful that Kristy and I both stayed level headed, calm and rational during this scary few hours, while at the same time I still can't wrap my head around the thought that just down the street, just past where i can see, thousands of people were experiencing something a thousand, a million times worst then what we experience, something that has changed their lives FOREVER.

But most of all, what i will remember is what I’ve witnessed from The Las Vegas community , on the streets, on the 24/7 news coverage, from the people we have talk to .... Las Vegas is not "sin city", it is a city full of love, compassion and people who will hand over the keys to their truck to a stranger to transport victim to hospital, remove all their clothing to stop bleeding on a stranger , will lay their body over another person to protect them, will open their hotel room to 10 strangers to offer them a safe place, will line up for 8 hours to give blood (in the middle of the night). Its a city that started a go fund me page with the hopes of raising 500,000 for victims family - that total is now over $9million.

Tonight, 3 nights later, the strip was full; of laughter, of music, yes of drunks, but it was alive. NO ONE is going to close this city.
Thought Id write a quick summary, more to help me remember, of Our (Kristy Wyllie & myself) experience on Sunday night on the Las Vegas Strip. I’m not writing this for reaction etc, more so that I don’t forget all the little details, before, during and after all this unfolded

11:00pm (ish) We decided to head out to walk the strip, to buy some food for our room (flamingo hotel). On our ride down in the elevator an older man told us his niece had called her earlier to tell us there was a shooting down the strip, by Mandalay Bay, but he made it sound like it was earlier in the day, and just a single incident, NOT anything like what we now know it was like.

as we were walking the strip we noticed that they were putting up barricades in front of Planet hollywood / miracle mile front doors. This was very odd, but we kept going

11:30 - we are at south end Planet Hollywood, at Walgreens, when some guy comes running down the escalator, SHOUTING "get out, get out, there's a shooter, get out, RUNNNNNN" . At first we both looked around, and i noticed a few store staff listening to their ear piece, and starting to usher people out of the store, and just as suddenly they were telling us to RUN to the gathering spot.

Kirsty and I followed the crowd, and within moments everyone was on their phones, people were speculating ; there are multiple shooters, there are shooters at NYNY, no they are across the street. Both of us were in disbelieve, so we decided to slowly make our way back to the Flamingo.

Within about 50 ft, we noticed people on the street running/crouching behind garbage cans/columns , so we bolted up the escalator of the sky bridge, only to be physically pulled into a shopping strip by a security guard.

People in that little area were a mess; crying, screaming, shouting, Full on panic attacks, with lots of "we are going to die, no not here, I'm never going home ..." Granted it was 11:30 at night, and most of these people were highly intoxicated.

Kristy and I decided to try to get home, so we got out a back door, around the corner again, but this time we only got as far as the front doors of Planet Hollywood when we were physically pulled in AGAIN. the securities guards were just doing their job, Metro police had ordered the strip be cleared, but we didn't know this.

We decided to try and find a way thru the casino to our hotel; the Casino floor was a ghost town - the tables were empty, the machines were silent, half empty drinks still on tables, overturned food on tables in the restaurant. the only floor staff to be seen were security guards. We watched TV coverage for a few minutes, and it sunk it just what was happening.

At this point there was still tones of talk of multiple shooters roaming the streets - one was dead for sure, but "they think" there is another one out there.

11:45 We ended up being able to get out of that property, when we saw 14 police cars go racing down the strip (strip still had tones of vehicles on it) and they were all in the Bellagio driveway. THEN in front of us, not 20 ft away, out of no were 12-20 SWAT team members appear , running towards the Belliago. Funny enough the last guy dropped his weapon/equipment all over the strip, this made us giggle. This also made us RUN, faster and with more urgency to just GET HOME

11:50 - We run from PH to Paris, and eventually to the Skybridge to cross the last street, but were told it was close, "the shooter is on that side" so we ended up crossing the street a bit of the ways down .... if you've been to Las vegas you know its not safe to jaywalk a street mid way, but by this point there were NO CARS on the road. i truly felt like i was living a hollywood movie script, and i was NOT enjoying it. I was not scared, panicked or anxious, i was surreally calm, but at the whole time putting my prayer training into action.

We eventually made it as far as the entrance of The Cromwell, and got pulled inside again (ma’am, your coming in here now!!!) All the doors were closed, NO ONE was going out!! we could see the entrance to our hotel, 30 ft away, but NO WAY they were letting us out. So we sat right by the door ... during that 90 minute wait we watched swat teams outside our hotels sweeping the street/outside of the property, a team also swept the casino floor twice, casino security were EVERYWHERE, checking all garbage comes, plant stands, behind every none fixed item. Basically they were doing a bomb sweep.

Lots of rummers going around, but mostly people just wanting to get back to THEIR hotel, so they could feel safe. Remember we were 1.5 Miles away from Mandalay Bay, so in hindsight , we were never in danger, but it never felt that way.

Around 1:35, a security person that was on duty at the door we sat ourselves at, told us they were letting people out the back door, as long as they were just running across the driveway to the Flamingo entrance. we did just that, RAN!!

Once we made it back to the Flamingo we were bag checked at the secure doors, and again found an ghost town on the casino floor- the gaming floor was roped off, all the stores/restaurants shut down, not sure if they were checking in people, as they quickly ushered us to the elevator and our rooms. By now it was almost 2am, and we were DONE!!

Monday the Strip was somber, still busy but not hectic, every hotel had a #lasvegasstrong message on their marquee, all the shows in the Cesar hotel chains were closed for the night (out of respect) and there were LOTS of police on the strip. Paris hotel Tower was dark (as was the original in Paris, out of respect) . But instead of people being distant with the police, we saw lots of hugs, lot of compliments and thanks you and just general respect being given to theses first responders. The hoods of the police cars were pilled high with water and food for the officers.

Again, our lives were never in at risk, but we did experience everything that happens in a chaotic , crazy, surreal and dangerous event like this - mayhem, miscommunication, fear, mob mentality, and a bit of paranoia. I am so grateful that Kristy and I both stayed level headed, calm and rational during this scary few hours, while at the same time I still can't wrap my head around the thought that just down the street, just past where i can see, thousands of people were experiencing something a thousand, a million times worst then what we experience, something that has changed their lives FOREVER.

But most of all, what i will remember is what I’ve witnessed from The Las Vegas community , on the streets, on the 24/7 news coverage, from the people we have talk to .... Las Vegas is not "sin city", it is a city full of love, compassion and people who will hand over the keys to their truck to a stranger to transport victim to hospital, remove all their clothing to stop bleeding on a stranger , will lay their body over another person to protect them, will open their hotel room to 10 strangers to offer them a safe place, will line up for 8 hours to give blood (in the middle of the night). Its a city that started a go fund me page with the hopes of raising 500,000 for victims family - that total is now over $9million.

Tonight, 3 nights later, the strip was full; of laughter, of music, yes of drunks, but it was alive. NO ONE is going to close this city."


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
So sounds like at least one Cop killed. We’re played with at least one Abby cop in the not so recent past- hoping Kenny is OK. Heartfelt condolences going out to the families.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Police officer.

I always thought Cop was short for Constable On Patrol. With all the Police Officers I've known, never has any expressed any issue with the word as being derogatory at all, only a synonym. If it is, I shall change my thinking immediately.

Anyways, our teammate wasn't the one harmed; Ken says the man killed was a good friend and really good man. Some devastated families over there.

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