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Inside the TTP closet: section 2.4, Sub-section 5, paragraph 41, 12:38pm.

Which of these would you like banished to the Closet?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Single Ply Toilet Paper - 3 words come to mind when I think single ply TP , rough, chaffing and messy. The sadistic TP nazi who decided to remove the second layer should be put in the the closet bathroom with his or her creation after being forced to eat 8 pounds of screaming hot wings, washed down with pint of jalapeno juice. There can't possibly be anything worse than having to use a public washroom, single ply's natural habitat, but to be forced down that avenue and have to deal with this, (pardon the pun), shite will make for a most unpleasant of experiences to say the least. Flush it into the closet.

Garden Gnomes - Really, what's the fcuking point? If your garden is so devoid of it's own natural beauty what's a few strategically placing life size replicas of Buckfast in precarious positions going to do for you here? Not a lot. Take those gnomes, their mushroom huts and wheel barrels and toss them into the closet. For those of you who are good enough at it, I hear the Rangers have a contest every Tuesday.

People who wear socks over their soccer socks - Perhaps the biggest and gayest in football fashion next to only wearing your shinnies over your joggers. Honestly, why can't you wear them under your soccer socks? Are these people's skills that poor that this is the only way they'll get the attention on the pitch? It's looks fcuking ridiculous and you should be kicked every time you touch the ball. These people should not only be banish to the closet but bet shot in the arse on their way in.

Valentines Day - Who's the hopeless cnut who couldn't get laid on his own and had to think this little commercial gem up, huh? What a fcuking load of rubbish this day is. I really hate being forced into something, especially when it will cost me money, like the TTP hockey pool. If you're anything like Dude (God help you if you are) and communicate (almost endlessly) with your missus then there is no good reason to have one particular day in which you're forced to say 'I love you'. If we're going to have this kind of day why can't we have a drop your gear day or a Living in porn day. "Excuse me miss, do you have the time?"... "Yeah, time for your c0ck" (cue the 70's beats) I bet that would be a particularly big hit at the Fire hall eh? Ballbaby? Any holiday worth it's weight would come with a mandatory day off so, take you chocolate hearts, cheap jewelry, cheesy greeting cards and expensive dinners and piss off.

Fruit Cakes - The longest running Christmas piss take. Nuts, Jelly chunks, raisins, scabby bits and frosting in a bread so thick Exxon has used it to clean up spills. It's an awful creation and If you get one, don't be fooled into thinking you're liked or being thought of in the festive seasons. Well, you're probably being thought of, but your Aunty is thinking you're a cnut. I put one out last year, thanks btw Jinky, between my mum's 9 year old Christmas candy and the plastic fruit to see if anyone would actually eat the vial thing, but there were no takers. I did notice the Christmas candy was all gone and someone had tried to peel the plastic banana. On you're way the fridge to get me a beer please drop the fruit cake in the closet. God knows it'll keep.


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Single-Ply Toilet Paper-Who do you think you are, Prince William or something? Never had to wipe your ass with pages from the phone book or a newspaper? Maybe you should have been on that show Silver Spoons with Ricky Schroeder then you could ride your cute little train around your nice, warm house then go take a shite with your five-ply goose down toilet paper while you read a story about fuzzy ducks or squirrels or something. You better not take that weak, two-ply shite to the ghet-to I'm telling you.

Garden Gnomes-Garden Gnomes are allright because they are creepy, especially the way they look at you with their soulless eyes. They are also nexus points for which the Dark Lord can use to spread evil across the land and therefore they should be kept in circulation. If you get rid of Garden Gnomes pretty soon we will all have world peace, two-ply toilet paper, widespread perkiness and, god help us, the Canucks winning the Stanley Cup. Get more gnomes and we would have winged monkeys, Stripper Appreciation Day, free university and college cheerleaders at work. Fcuk the Canucks, keep the gnomes.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
knvb said:

Perhaps the biggest and gayest in football fashion next to only wearing your shinnies over your joggers. Are these people's skills that poor that this is the only way they'll get the attention on the pitch? It's looks fcuking ridiculous and you should be kicked every time you touch the ball. These people should not only be banish to the closet but bet shot in the arse on their way in.

- Who's the hopeless cnut who couldn't get laid on his own and had to think this little commercial gem up, huh? ... "Excuse me miss, do you have the time?"... .

Fruit Cakes
- . don't be fooled into thinking you're liked or being thought of in the festive seasons. .

My thoughts exactly... :D


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Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money

right click > Save image as... in folder > TTP Future Headers




Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money

errrumm... I was young and just experimenting. It was a one time thing. It meant nothing.

Mental note: Have a word with Tiff.


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
It's funny how something sent to you almost a year ago will change the lives of others...

BTW, keep the gnomes, they're just like my well travelled dragons... ;)


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Single Ply Toilet Paper - I've rarely thought about this. I do know Beanbag goes through an obscene amount of the stuff and that's just the toilet tissue in his room. He also has a huge arse so we're forever needing more bog roll. Especially given the fact Saint and Mrs. Saint nick at least two rolls everytime they're over. I hadn't sussed it until last time they were over and Mrs. Saint left with a huge pair of funbags protruding from her top. Dunno what Saint's excuse for having tits is. It ain't bog roll, more like jam roll. This isn't going in the TTP Closet, let those already there shite themselves. Plus, I'd have thought you'd have had far more, ahem, pressing things to worry about going up your jacksie than single ply bog roll given the state of that fetching yellow Seaquam kit you were caught camping about in.

Garden Gnomes - I haven't got a garden as I live in a first floor flat. Still got the garden gnomes, however. Well, we did until Saint and Mrs. Saint nicked them. They're an unusual thing to object to. Dap summed them up. They stare mindlessly smiling into space but, when the lights go out, they frolic and cavort and do the elfin dance all around the bottom of the garden. At least they did when I went round my mate's house and we tried them mushrooms that were growing under his veranda.

People who wear socks over their soccer socks whinges the man in the yellow seaquam training kit. I've never noticed this development per se. More worrying for me is showing up of a Sunday and seeing lads play with their socks held up by duct tape and some even playing in high-tops from the early 1980's. It's like going to a social event at the Meraloma club. I agree that they should be kicked every time they touch the ball but, then again, had you suggested sending any opposing side's footballers I'd have agreed to kick them at every opportunity. That's what weekends are about. Chasing eleven men around a park and kicking lumps out of them. And shaking hands afterwards. I think women who play football are all dykes.

Valentines Day - I agree with you on this one. I don't need a day with which to tell my beloved how much I love her. I do it everyday. True, I'm single and bound to die cold and alone and the restraining order hasn't proved particularly helpful but there it is, I'll carry on regardless. A day which was certainly developed by yanks, most likely the Church of Latter Day Saints. Owning all the state of Utah and most of Hawaii was clearly not enough for John Smith's God-bothering wackos, they had to go and declare a day in which most people feel the need to gorge one another on false sentimentality and poxy flowers and chocolates. The cnuts. Your best bet is to go out with the missus and have a massive row. Then sit back and bask in the warm afterglow of all the sad cnuts carrying on as though they're the most virtuous people in the world. 'How could they do that on Valentine's Day of all days?' they croon. It's good fun, that.

n.b. best clear it with her indoors before embarking on this exercise. It's best if she's privy to your pisstake beforehand. At least that's what my ex-wife told the judge when she filed for divorce.

Fruit Cakes - Sending Luc Van Gormless and his merry band of aliases to the closet isn't very Christian of you. And, as far as the Christmas delicacy goes, you can't beat a nice chunk of my Gran's fruitcake smothered in custard. True, my Gran died in 2002 and, fair enough, she stopped making fruitcake in the early 1950's but now you're just nit-picking. A Christmas tradition that must not be stopped. Besides, after the impending holocaust the cokcroaches will need something to snack on between meals.

2/5..........40%.............D-.............Congratulations! You're a Seaquam honour roll student!!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Wonderful, so nothing has changed since I left, not even my jacket. I must say I'm terribly disappointed in not having anything to add to the closet, but then again most things I do end up in disappointment, ask my wife. I'll blame Saint for nicking all the votes and using them for Christmas decorations, fcuking Jehovah's witnesses.

Him and Bertuzzi.

Dapotayto on your bike son.


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