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Le Bout de Tête


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
"Gotta Support The Team"

I watched a Seinfeld episode tonight that put this all into proper perspective.

It was the one where Putty paints his face in Devil's colors ("Gotta support the team"). Well, the side story is that Cramer was at the Zoo as an assistant zoo keeper to George's girlfriend. While he's standing by the Chimpanzee cage, and he has his back turned to the Chimps, he's hit in the head w/ a banana peel. He turns around to see the culprit monkey, "Having a good old laugh about it". Well, Cramer picks up the banana peel, and throws it right back at him, wallops him right in the face.

Late, Cramer is called in by the head zoo keeper, and asked to go apologize to the monkey. The monkey is apparently now depressed, and suffering from depression, and impotence. Cramer, rightfully, asks why he should apologize? The monkey started it! Well, he's told, he is just a primate.

In the end, Cramer apologizes to the monkey- sorry, chimpanzee- against his better judgment.

Hang in the Zizu. Don't apologize to that chimp. He started it, you just finished it. ;)
Sep 28, 2002
Dirty Money
outkast said:
this is too funny. If it were the other way around and Zizou said somethin to Matterazzi and he turned and head butted Zidane, everybody here would defend Zidane and go after the "wops" Take it for what it is, he SAID something to him. He didnt elbow him, trip him, punch him, or headbutt him...he said something to him. This is cause for dismissal???

This is a brutal post.
If it was the other way around? But it isn't.

He didn't elbow him, trip him etc..he said something to him. This is cause for dismissal??
So your logic is that, even what Argones(Spains coach) said about Henry wasn't really that bad? Just words - right?

If Matterrazzi (sp) had the ability of, say Cannavarro, he wouldn't need to use insults as a big part of his game.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: "Gotta Support The Team"

Dude said:
Hang in the Zizu. Don't apologize to that chimp. He started it, you just finished it. ;)

Did Zidane really finish it ? I see Matterazzi holding the 2006 World Cup:confused:


Active Member
Oct 2, 2001
Dirty Money
Well it looks like nothing racist has been said so I think we can sum things up like this. Materazzi is a prick, Zidane is an idiot. Next controversy, please.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I told you Materazzi wasnt racist.

Prick, maybe....dirty, well you be the judge.


Active Member
Jan 30, 2004
Dirty Money
Dapotayto said:
Well it looks like nothing racist has been said so I think we can sum things up like this. Materazzi is a prick, Zidane is an idiot. Next controversy, please.

I think this sums it up perfectly. I think we can all argee that Materazzi shouldnt have said what he said, and Zidane should have realized that Materazzi is not on his level and kept running...

Its almost like a Dennis Rodman, Karl Malone kind of thing.


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Basically he got what he deserved then.
It was a long time coming by the looks of it.
Maybe he needs to get his eyesight checked while he's at it


Aug 16, 2004
Dirty Money
BERLIN (AP) - The Berlin city government's World Cup coordinator died Thursday, four days after he shot himself in an apparent suicide attempt.

Juergen Kiessling, 65, shot himself in the head hours after the tournament ended with Sunday's final. He had been in hospital since the shooting. His motives remain unclear.

Mayor Klaus Wowereit said Kiessling ''always worked restlessly and tirelessly to fulfil the tasks he was given'' and praised his ''great and successful commitment to the World Cup.''

Kiessling, a widower, lived with his daughter in a Berlin suburb.

Hmm...wonder if this is related to Italy's win...and the whole scandal thats goin on with Italian soccer (Juventus)...This could explain why they won..It was an inside job..Mafia style !!



Nov 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Superstriker said:
Hmm...wonder if this is related to Italy's win...and the whole scandal thats goin on with Italian soccer (Juventus)...This could explain why they won..It was an inside job..Mafia style !!

It wouldn't surprise me. It seemed that every step of the way when the Italians were in trouble the got a break. 2 Games in the round robin with a man advantage, including 2 reds to the Americans within 6 mins who began taking it to the Italians. A PK against Australia with no time left on a dive. In the German game the ref called a foul on I believe Cannavaro who fouled Podolski which was clearly 2 yards inside the box, however the free kick was given a yard outside. When they were in trouble against France they turned to using harsh words towards Zidane leading him to react. Also Malouda was denied a 2nd clear PK.

The Italians victory most importantly made everyone stop talking about the match fixing, as an announcer said after Italy's world cup victory, the match fixing is certainly on the back page now.

As far as Zidane's head butt goes, I don't condone it to be the solution to a problem, however on the other hand if the so called remarks were said with regard to racism or about his family than I certainly cannot argue with him retaliating in some form.

As far from Italy being the greatest football nation, I laught at that. They had 2 tough matches all tournament and got the easiest way into the semis. It's gonna be a long wait for your next world cup, if ever.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
As a loyal Italian fan :rolleyes: , one thing you can't dispute is their abilities on the defensive side of the ball, and picking their moments on counter attacks.

They are the equivalent to the 1995 New Jersey Devils. Ugly to watch, but oportunistic, with the best defense and goaltender in the game.


May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
Freestyler said:
It wouldn't surprise me. It seemed that every step of the way when the Italians were in trouble the got a break. 2 Games in the round robin with a man advantage, including 2 reds to the Americans within 6 mins who began taking it to the Italians.
What game did you watch? Azzurri blew chunks, no doubt about it. We didn't deserve a result, but that doesn't default the other team as "Taking it to them"

Freestyler said:
A PK against Australia with no time left on a dive.
$hitty call. No way you call a peno like that in that stage of the game! Pretty embarising actualy, but a dive? I guess the jury is out on that...

Freestyler said:
In the German game the ref called a foul on I believe Cannavaro who fouled Podolski which was clearly 2 yards inside the box, however the free kick was given a yard outside.
Good point. I still don't understand that. None the less, where was Germany in extra time? You gotta play to win. Italy played, Germany didn't.

Freestyler said:
When they were in trouble against France they turned to using harsh words towards Zidane leading him to react. Also Malouda was denied a 2nd clear PK..
No mention about the dive that got France the first PK? Oh, of course not!

Freestyler said:
The Italians victory most importantly made everyone stop talking about the match fixing, as an announcer said after Italy's world cup victory, the match fixing is certainly on the back page now.
The world cup win os on the back page now also... I'm starting to wonder if Zidane knew they were going to lose the match and he couldn't deal with the fact that he was going to be out of the spotlight. So, he creates drama. As a result, the news is on him, his sponsors announce they are going to keep him on, the countries president hails him as a god... Prett calculated if you ask me...

Freestyler said:
As far as Zidane's head butt goes, I don't condone it to be the solution to a problem, however on the other hand if the so called remarks were said with regard to racism or about his family than I certainly cannot argue with him retaliating in some form.
Fair enough, but on the field? Still looks calculated to me.

Freestyler said:
As far from Italy being the greatest football nation, I laught at that. They had 2 tough matches all tournament and got the easiest way into the semis. It's gonna be a long wait for your next world cup, if ever.
If that helps you sleep at night. It's funny that through the tournament everyone was calling the opposing teams to beat Italy, except maybe Gahna, but they didn't and now apperantly their road was easy... That can only mean one of two things... They didn't know what the hell they were talking about and now they are backtracking. Or, they are just looking for a way to help themselves feel better that their nation didn't make it... Either way... We have **** on our jerseys. Again? ****! No, I am not swearing, that's 4 stars. That doesn't come with luck.

Take it whatever way you will!

Disclaimer - The "Calculated" stuff... I'm just following suit here.. It's about as unsupported as half the crap posted in this thread... But if you want to theorize, then I wanna join in the fun.


Active Member
Dec 1, 2001
Dirty Money
Freestyler keep laughing man, it wont change a thing. Italia is the BEST team in the World. Take it or leave it. I will send you the Campione del mondo shirt what size do you take?


Sour grapes, jealousy not to sure I think its a mixture of both.


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Why do Italians have to reply back to everything. Can't they just ignore and post we are the champs!!! Fcku!!! It was fun reading your guys excuses for the first couple of days, but we are at thursday and your are still making the same old excuses. Give it up. You won, enjoy it.

Hoping for some Croatian victory to come soon. Getting sick of this Italian cheering.... i mean excuses.... there really isn't much cheering going on. :D



May 12, 2004
Dirty Money
Oh, so we're supposed to sit back and let you numbnutts call us a bunch of greasy I-ties? Cause I'm sure if people start digging at your heritage/ethnic background or any team that you support, you would just sit idly by… Would you? Whatever. Not my issue you cannot defend yourself.:rolleyes: ;)

I’m happier than sigs in phits that Italy one! I do believe they deserved it. Best team in the tourney? Probably not. But undeserving? Get bent!

Is what Matt did right? Probably not! Is it worse than what ZZ did? Get bent again!

What are you bitching about anyway? Isn’t this what a forum is for? Oh look, someone called you out...I better not reply... :cool:

Fcuk Fil! Look what you've done to me... Honestly, I'm just posting away for bookie points for the NHL season, I couldn't give an ats rass...


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2001
Dirty Money
ZENYO said:
Oh, so we're supposed to sit back and let you numbnutts call us a bunch of greasy I-ties? [/SIZE]

I've been calling Italians that my whole life.... :D

Here's one thing the Italians don't have, is that they have NEVER beaten Croatia in Soccer!!! :wa: :knvb: :bronco:

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