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Lets help the Southsiders


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
If I remember back to the Swangard days there were at least 6 or 7 guys who actually are from England, so I cannot imagine calling their accent "fake", these are also rather loud guys during the chanting. I'm not sure how many "fake accents" I've ever heard, but as Stall alluded to above, is using "English" terminology like "Wanker" "Mate" etc grounds for calling someone on using a "fake accent"?...


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2003
Dirty Money
In all seriousness, the best song is "I just can't get enough" super fun to sing along to. I JUST CANT SEEM TO GET ENOUGH OF DO DO DO DO DO DO. :wa:

Blue and White Army

Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2005
Dirty Money
It's all a matter of opinion, I guess, but when I see grown men of Canadian heritage all of a sudden "acquire" English accents for the purpose of trying to piss-take (and I say trying, very liberally), I just cringe. Why would anyone even want to sound English? That's an embarrassment on itself, but to freely pick up the accent? Because you're at a soccer game? Honestly...

One of the group's founders (right after the Croatia days) did that from time to time, rather tongue-in-cheek. I don't really hear that anymore... or for many years, really.

That, and just on appearance, they were very...how shall I put it...awkward. Now, I know this is painting w/ a wide brush, but they had the impression that they were all kinda clumsy, had a hard time meeting girls, but most annoying for me, they (for the most part) didn’t seem to actually understand the game. They tried to be hooligans, but were bad at that, too.

Awkward: yes, there were a fair number during the Swangard days (and still some today), but I certainly wouldn't use that as an excuse not to participate. Part of the "awkwardness" concentration was that all the alpha-males in Vancouver were too damn cool for school to support a D2 club... COUGH. ;)

But you know what? Good on those "awkward" people. They were there. Not at home, or sitting quietly in the grandstands... they were there making noise. It's not a personally contest; it's supporting the club.

As for "trying to be hooligans": I've been with this group since 2002 (other than a four-year stint when I was overseas), and I don't recall anyone getting a Chelsea smile, or any puffed chests. What I do remember was a lot of witty banter that often had us pissing ourselves in stitches.

I wonder how much of our old reputation is based upon first-impressions (usually from afar), with groundless assumptions built upon it?


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Well, the main argument I'm reading is that the Southsiders are an embarrassment. However, no actual examples of how they are embarrassing are noted. Are they supposed to guess?

No, they're just supposed to know how to read and comprehend. See post #48 in this thread.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
One of the group's founders (right after the Croatia days) did that from time to time, rather tongue-in-cheek. I don't really hear that anymore... or for many years, really.

Awkward: yes, there were a fair number during the Swangard days (and still some today), but I certainly wouldn't use that as an excuse not to participate. Part of the "awkwardness" concentration was that all the alpha-males in Vancouver were too damn cool for school to support a D2 club... COUGH. ;)

But you know what? Good on those "awkward" people. They were there. Not at home, or sitting quietly in the grandstands... they were there making noise. It's not a personally contest; it's supporting the club.

As for "trying to be hooligans": I've been with this group since 2002 (other than a four-year stint when I was overseas), and I don't recall anyone getting a Chelsea smile, or any puffed chests. What I do remember was a lot of witty banter that often had us pissing ourselves in stitches.

I wonder how much of our old reputation is based upon first-impressions (usually from afar), with groundless assumptions built upon it?

Not disputing their effort. "A" for effort.

I observed over a period of a season when I had season's tickets. Sat a lot in the SS Section because it was easy to mingle around w/ guys I'd bump into, many from this board. Sorry, the fake accent was prominent, and bad. As I said, "trying" to be hooligans. Incidences of being a bit overzealous w/ some threats to players on the pitch, nothing ever came of it. Again, maybe that awkwardness trying to work itself out.

I will not dispute your effort to organize yourselves in the way of a true, meaningful supporters group. And, if the Cap's HO being difficult is true, shame on them. I'd like to hear two sides on that story. That being said, go to a Canucks game in this city...if you are a little on the over-enthusiastic side, you are warned then likely tossed, and probably because some conservative douche snitched on you. Never happened to me, but have seen guys escorted out for what appear to be the most minor of offenses. I think it may be that Vancouver is actually not a great sports city that way. Our fans are fickle as a whole. Many get offended and put-off if you happen to be standing in your seat cheering. So, that being said, I’d hate to hear that WFC are neutering their fans the same way the ‘Nucks and GM place have over the years. The enthusiasm that the Sounders and Timers supporters group brought to Vancouver should be welcomed from the home supporters group. It would give WFC a niche in this market place that is definitely different than the corporate / prude set, and something that we could be a little more proud of than the wife-beater wearing MMA crowd at Lion’s games.

Wishing you guys the best of luck, and next season may join you all at the pub before a match. That being said, yes, you guys were very embarrassing. Kinda still are, but getting better.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
hmmm, so that's what that was all about... I was in Waves Coffee and saw the incident (post scrap, just cops and paddy wagon, and then him being released a block away at Georgia and Beatty-ish)


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2003
Dirty Money
After all that reading I'm sorry I brought it up.
Euro snobs who are jealous of awkward boys who are scared of girls.


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Guys I have been member of this site for some time but mostly a lurker I get the site is about having a laugh but I have been a Whitecaps supporter since 79 kid and I have been a supprter through the CSL and USL versions. I have also been a southsiders since 1999 I quiet frankly wanted to take my support to another level tired of the blue hairs in Swangard I joined the 10-15 guys behind the goal and I was hooked and cheering the 86rs and Caps as I did then and seeing how much the players fed off our cheers and support I realized just sitting for the full 90 was not for me anymore.

I now as a group you will attract some folks that you may make you cringe once you hear what comes out there mouths but then you realize as supporter it takes all kinds and when you have 700 + memmbers you are going to have some newbies that need to realize we are not a firm we are not hooligans just guys and gals that participate and have an active part of every Caps game. I dont expect most on this board would give it a try heck I know its not everyones cup of tea but I have been to many stadiums in Germany and UK and always love the atmosphere of fans chanting, clapping and suporting their club like I want to do here in Vancouver.

If you support the Whitecaps great if you dont slag away but for a majority of Southsiders supporting the players is what we care about lets hope this name calling can be put to rest and support the boys on the pitch !


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Footy I would suggest you stop lurking TTP and start just lurking at the whitecaps games. You may then realize what all these guys are saying.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2005
Dirty Money
Being that BC Place runs from East to West shouldn't the Southsiders now be called the Eastenders? Now wouldn't that be cool... - Jack Handy

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Only '74? Seems longer ago than that, but I do remember being at a number of games during that first season as well. Toes, you're just old. Then again, so am I...

Nothing wrong with "White Is the Colour;" it's part of the club's history, even if it is cheesy. There are a lot of other options available too, that have not been explored yet.

The Southsiders I know include a 3-generation family (with at least one legit Ingerlish accent), and an Italian friend from elementary school (no fake accent) who is a lifer (hi Nazz!). What I miss from Swangard are the crazies that only a location like that could foster: the cheapskates who parked on the east side with their RVs and sat on lawn chairs on their roofs to watch the game, and the guys who watched from the trees.


New Member
Feb 24, 2009
Dirty Money
The Southsiders were getting praised on 1040 this morning. One of the workers who was at the game last night said it was the best atmosphere she had ever seen. I don't know who was talking to Scott Rintoul but he said he's been very impressed and the Canuck's fans should take a look at the Southsiders and try to get something similar going at GM place.

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