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Many youth refs with out a proper badges

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Just to point out to all the coaches out there. If you see a ref with and old BC logo and not with a new Canadian logo. He or she is not registered with BC soccer. They did not take the fitness test nor update seminar.
You do not have to play the game. These could be the guys that club coaches call to help them win the games. Thy are even showing at U18 gold games.
Same goes for AR at that level. Far tomany offside goals are alowed in the games. Just because ref does not want to couse any drift.
There is many over fity guys that would do a fantastic job as Ar and could make the soccer go to next level. Kids from the same club shoud not be the AR. It just does not work.

You foxs from BC please respond to this and help us out with all this.Or send the board people to check it out.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
Just a quick question from the peanut gallery.

Why would a coach refuse to play the game? Seriously, we are not playing for the World Cup here. With the weather what it is and the fields situations what they are in many municipalities, why would a coach refuse to play a game because the referee doesn't appear to have the proper patch?

At the youth level who is out for what purpose? That is what I would like to know.

Fundamentally, grassroots football is flawed to the enth degree here. Coaches only care about winning games, they care about the result, not the process.

Isn't that the root(s) of all the evils attributed to the lack of growth in this game in this nation?


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2005
Dirty Money
I would be very upset to learn that a U-16 Silver game had a ref who wasn't registered anymore. That's almost as bad as the whole Tim Donaghy thing.


Mar 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Just to point out to all the coaches out there. If you see a ref with and old BC logo and not with a new Canadian logo. He or she is not registered with BC soccer. They did not take the fitness test nor update seminar.
You do not have to play the game. These could be the guys that club coaches call to help them win the games. Thy are even showing at U18 gold games.
Same goes for AR at that level. Far tomany offside goals are alowed in the games. Just because ref does not want to couse any drift.
There is many over fity guys that would do a fantastic job as Ar and could make the soccer go to next level. Kids from the same club shoud not be the AR. It just does not work.

You foxs from BC please respond to this and help us out with all this.Or send the board people to check it out.

This guy's is talking out of his ass and hasn't a clue what the **** he his rambling about. IGNORE...


New Member
Mar 11, 2008
Dirty Money
This guy's is talking out of his ass and hasn't a clue what the **** he his rambling about. IGNORE...

I second the part about shat out his ass,lack of officials due to BC Soccer not ordering enough badges is rampant through out the province.Anarchy reigns you Pisshead.

If you have an official who is scheduled to work your game,why second guess you TARD,let em whistle.

Never wear my badge anyhow,clashes with the rings around my eyes from the pre-game booze.Why does this guy even involve himself...................


New Member
Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
again Mr Base proves he's the stupidest oxygen breathing being on earth.

Linesmen 6
Badges 5
New Orange Pylon 2
Goal Post 1
Mr Base 0

It must be easy to spot pisshead since he's got shat all over his pants and up his back.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
WE have had refs with the 'CANADA' badge in our school games recently and I can assure you they were absolutely diabolical............so that means? :confused:

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Some of you might be upset with the post. BC Soccer has to control what is going on.
There is many refs out there that do not care. Any guy with out a Canadian badge is not aproved ref by BC Soccer. There for he or she is not permited to ref. If they do come you as a coach you have a right to refuse to play. One rule for all is the only way to go. Just look at your AR's and your refs shirts no Canadian badge not aproved.


Mar 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Some of you might be upset with the post. BC Soccer has to control what is going on.
There is many refs out there that do not care. Any guy with out a Canadian badge is not aproved ref by BC Soccer. There for he or she is not permited to ref. If they do come you as a coach you have a right to refuse to play. One rule for all is the only way to go. Just look at your AR's and your refs shirts no Canadian badge not aproved.

I'll bite...
Although the appropriate badge is to be worn, you might have an official that lost is current one and is wearing the old one or whatever. In any case, you can't determine weather or not the official is currently registered then and there so the only thing that can be done is to protest the game after it has been played. BCSA policy is that teams can protest a match if it is officiated by an unregistered official. Protesting the match and refusing to play are completely different. And it would be extremely irresponsible for you to come on here and put out complete bullshit in the event that someone who hasn't been paying attention to your utter nonsense actually take your advice. If they did refuse to play then they most likely have to forfeit because they were in the wrong.
You have no idea WTF you are talking about so fcuk off.


New Member
Feb 8, 2002
Dirty Money
Okay, I’ll bite on this one, granted my opinions are based on the Lower Mainland (not the Fraser Valley).

Most youth referees ref youth games it is a rare occasion they ref anything over U16 unless they are linesmen. They get paid next to nothing and it is extremely difficult to even find a ref for the younger kid’s games, not to mention they are not that reliable and often don’t show up, so you are lucky to find one at all.

But for arguments sake you are saying that if a youth ref shows up without a proper badge they should refuse to play? These are kids, this is fun, it’s not World Cup; its kids out there kicking the ball around having fun. Sure, teaching proper play and having the rules enforced is important but come on you are taking this a bit far with the forfeit, don’t you think.

Lighten up, have a beer, get laid and relax a little.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
No not at all. There is many people out there with wrong intantions. For the saftey of the kids we do not have to play the game. Who ever is posting to play the game first and then protest,that it a false statment. As soon as you agree to play you have broken all the rules. If you do submit your protest you will lose your hundred dollars.
The guy could be a criminal how do you know who he is. BC soccer has a check on each ref before the season starts if the have the proper papers.
You as a coach have a right to ask him to show you his proper Canadian badge. If he does not show it ask him if he is registered with BC Soccer. Or better yet get him to show you his drivers license in order to know who he or she are.
If somthiong goes wrong and a child gets hurt you are liable. And that is the fact. You have aloved the game to go on. It is fun in house and under thirteen. Fourteen and up kids come to play hard games at sertain levels.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
Thats ok with me. Fother Bouer said. It is not criminal to lie but it is if you get cought on the spot. The word is saftey for kids first. Rest is all talkable. Let me tell you one thing if they do not have the badges we are not playing. Points or no points. Some clus already called a refresher course to get the things done properley.
How I cought on to this was when their coach said I have called a guy to come and ref.
That is always done by a district refferee coordinator and not by a coach.


Active Member
Feb 5, 2007
Dirty Money
So what you are saying Mr. Base is that two refs showed up to the game? sounds like the other team is iffy, not the system. How are these refs going to hurt the kids anyways?


New Member
Aug 8, 2007
Dirty Money
So what you are saying Mr. Base is that two refs showed up to the game? sounds like the other team is iffy, not the system. How are these refs going to hurt the kids anyways?

the refs won't hurt the kids. The kids are hurt by the shite coaching by mr waste. How asinine is this complaint.

Asinine is the perfect nickname for the base. Foolish, unintelligent, idiot and acts like an ass. And it's not even a foul word.

Faul, fowl, faol, phaul, phowl, etc. it goes on and on.

Mr Base

Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2005
Dirty Money
The more i read from posh the more I see A west side player with a chip on his sholder.
I would like to se you one on one my lad. Maybe i can prove that idiots are not with posative input but perhaps a wide legged worn out dry box. All the same nothing that hand full of easy slde can not fix. As a coach for many years i love your posts. You mast have gotten hurt by a Canadian Soccer Associatin or some one in your family. Whats new they do not care. It is you only ho has to take care of nuber one. If you can not do it here there is many places you can go. They do not care if you are gay or a straight guy or a girl. You just have to be first good Canadian and than a good player.
Christ is in all of us even if you follow Muhamed or Buda as long as you do not get mislead by a fulish calt. Sometimes i see that your sole is empty unsedisfied lost in the shadows. Stop a bit write two posative things a day and your next day will be better.
I lowe coaching and local chalanges as long as one of the kids becomes better person better player I have done my job. Just remeber only one in power can judge. rest of us have to keap our sole happy.

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