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Merger Between VMSL and WCOTL?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2002
Dirty Money
Not sure is this has been posted elsewhere, but I'll post it here.




The WCOTSL League Executive Committee in conjunction with the Vancouver Metro Soccer League Executive Body (VMSL) is pleased to announce at this time news regarding a joint transitionary amalgamation initiative.

As a result of previous league body discussions the respective League Executive Committees have been meeting over the past year to explore the possibilities associated with forming a stronger alliance between each other.

After a series of productive meetings, it was determined that both Leagues had many areas in common and that efforts should be pursued with the view of a joint venture or merger occurring between them. The rationales for this were as follows:

Both Leagues share common geography

Both Leagues operate during the same time frame (months of the year)

A number of clubs have teams in both Leagues

There is a common pool of referees between the two Leagues

An alliance/merger between the two Leagues would help alleviate the problem we have with double-registered players

An alliance/merger would give our League access potential to draw on more players and new teams as they get older, thus keeping the league competitive

An alliance/merger would give older VMSL teams an option for future play

Our League already has an established infrastructure as an Over 35 league

We have the largest over 35 league in the province, and the best levels of competition

Setting up a common disciplinary procedure between the two leagues

Allowing a CAT-style transfer of players between teams of clubs playing in both leagues.

The plan for this would be as follows:

Seek consensus approval by the membership of the League at the next AGM (TBD in June/04)
If and once approval is received the WCOTSL will begin a one-year trial transitional joint venture/alliance process with the VMSL.
The two Leagues will continue to operate independent League Executive Boards
There will be a requirement to introduce changes to some League rules primarily in the area of disciplinary process and procedure.
Harmonization of the fines paid structure and suspension lengths to those of the VMSL will occur.
A corresponding change in the fines paid collection system will be made so that the onus is on the offending player to pay the fine rather than the individual’s team as a whole.
The WCOTSL will also take advantage of the VMSL's existing Disciplinary Committee structure and utilize access to the meetings during and along with regular VMSL Thursday disciplinary hearings.
This will also allow teams in our League with Club affiliations in the VMSL to implement a CAT (Club Affiliated Team) system so that eligible players (only those over the age of 35) can be moved as required between teams in the same club (VMSL and WCOTSL).
This does not mean that teams in our League must be tied to VMSL clubs. One of our strongest stipulations going into this is that our League will always allow single entity teams to enter and compete in the League.
Additionally, teams in our League who so choose may also affiliate with VMSL teams or clubs to form new or larger clubs.
The intention with this is to encourage more VMSL clubs and/or teams to enter the WCOTSL as they age, which is viewed as a natural progression to continued league and team play.
This will require a new class of player ID cards specific to the Over 35 CAT players (orange cards), which will be accepted in both Leagues.
Discipline applied to players in this position will be based on the League that the player is registered to play in.
Cooperatively speaking, the WCOTSL Executive Committee and the VMSL Executive Committee strongly believe and see additional benefits occurring as a result of becoming more unified entities.

For example, by applying a joint approach, greater benefit could arise in the acquisition of field allotments for both game and practice fields. Those fields in heavy rotation could be better utilized by joint judicious reallocation of the teams that play on them; other fields could be block-booked so they could be best shared by the same teams each week reducing unauthorized use and overuse by others not affiliated with both leagues.

There is also a joint initiative in place to combine scheduling for the two Leagues so that the administrative process involved is a lot less painful for all those affected by unforeseen changes to the scheduling and playing of games.

The WCOTSL Executive Committee firmly believes that the announcement of these initiatives is a positive step in the right direction for both Leagues and all players involved.

The WCOTSL Executive Committee is aware that this announcement will generate many questions from the Team membership body.

For further information please respond or contact in writing through a designated team spokesperson to any WCOTSL member of the joint WCOTSL/VMSL Executive Body Committee Team prior to and for discussion at the AGM (TBD June/04).

I personally think it is a good idea, especially the linking of the cat system.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Yes, it's legit. We have sold our souls (or at least, I've sold a few that previously belonged to other individuals).

It's kind of like a trial marriage, but still has to be approved by the general memberships of both leagues before it's a full go.

If this does get accepted, both leagues have bought in for a year to see if it will work or not.

This message was actually up on the WCOTSL site. VMSL doesn't have anything up about it yet.


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
I am interested in starting a O-35 team for next year. Do I have to be involved with one the the various VMSL Clubs, or can I start my own team.
I have many quality ex-VMSL players that want to play for my team, but do we need to be part of the CAT system. Just a few questions before, Hos starts his domination in VMSL O-35.
I allready have Sarge signed.

hos is working on regs.


New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
You do not have to be affiliated to join with an Over 35's team. No restrictions on that part. But, if you have a VMSL squad, the CAT system can apply. You can see all the Over 35's lining up to play on Saturday afternoon! Can your lot play at 10am Sunday morning? Maybe, while working on Regs, send him a comp alarm clock :)

Your domination - big words, stand in line!! :p

I eagerly await HOS team moniker.




Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
HOS, your post brings up an interesting question about how the merger will work: in the WCOTSL (for the last couple of years anyways) a new team to the league had to start in the bottom division and work its way up. The same process happens in the VMSL.

I'm sure there will be a desire for newly formed teams from VMSL clubs to be playing at a high level...and maybe they should be from a talent standpoint, or at least there could be some good teams formed.

How will the new setup work? This must have come up at the planning meetings. Were you there Stew?


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

You also might want to start to recruit a few O35 players for the team while you're at it...........


trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Uncle Stew answers all (well most) questions.....

HoS and Peter (and John): one of the things that we demanded (and got) in negotiations was that there would never be a requirement to be CAT'ed to an existing club. The WCOTSL is mostly made up of teams in exactly this same situation. Only a few (Westside, Firefighters, Columbus, ICSF, Cliff Avenue, PCOV, Meralomas, Lobbans, SFU) exist in VMSL as well. Does Sarge know he's signed?

Yes, we'd welcome your aging, wonky-kneed, geriatric old ex-VMSL crew - they'd fit right in with the rest of our aging, wonky-kneed, geriatric old ex-VMSL players and teams.:D

The CAT system will only be applicable for players over 35. WCOTSL has allowed some grandfathered players under 35 in the league - these were guys playing in the league between 30 and 35 when we were told by BCSA that we had to go Over 35. We also allow teams to carry 3 guys on their rosters (in addition to this) between 31 and 35 as "underage players." Anybody under 35 doesn't get to play in the Provincial Cup.

Peter: In terms of who starts where, this is kind of up in the air. Realistically, it's going to depend first on how much interest there is. Willy was talking about Surrey U. coming over (although I'm sure that's news to their guys :rolleyes: ) and for a case like that, it wouldn't be fair to either the existing 3rd div teams or the new one coming in to start at the bottom. On the other hand, previous new teams haven't burnt up the league either (see Meralomas, Bulldogs, Vancouver United, Paddlewheeler, Sierra, PAOK, etc). Most have either taken a while and built up gradually, or just kind of settled at a level. None have been regularly blowing out the opposition.

I expect that there will be a fair number of exhibition games over the summer to try to help sort things out, but what I can see happening is the following: you can expect that any new teams comprised mainly of premier (VMSL) players will be carefully vetted against existing premier (WCOTSL) teams. We have talked about the possibility of expanding divisions if needed, too.

Stay tuned to this Bat-channel for the answers for all your questions.....

Uncle stew:cool:

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Uncle stew's response

Do you mean SU from that crap FVSL Masters League or a new team?

Yes, Willy was referring to SU from that crap FVSL Masters League.

Glad to be able to enlighten,

Uncle stew:cool:


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
It's not exactly news to us as this came up last year. Most of our guys live in Cloverdale, Langley area and do not enjoy the idea of venturing ino the land of the Porsche. Unlike the Westcoasters, most of our guys are still in their first marriage and family commitments keep them close enough to home so they can dart off after the game to get to their kids game. Travel is the main consideration. As far as the competition, it's better here than you think, by a long shot!!!!!

Sometimes I wish I was a Westcoaster soon-to-be VMSL'er O'35 er. The babes. The sunglasses. The BMW's. Alas, I'll stay in the valley and limit myself to the shallow existence of GMC Sierras and F150's. Molson Canadian will be the drink of the day, and maybe on a good day someone will crack a bottle of Scotch. :( :D

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

That's okay - I know a good therapist who can help your vehicle envy - she might even help you out with that Kompressor fixation you picked up from listening to Iand.....:D

As I stated before, this was Willy's idea - I didn't think you guys would want to leave your peaceful suburban existances, with all the quaint bucolic crack houses and stolen cars... heck, don't most of the west side's Porsches end up in Surrey eventually anyway?:p

The babes. The sunglasses. The BMW's.
Sigh.... It's a Baywatch existance alright, especially out here on the East side of town. The babes in sunglasses at Trout Lake are just fine.....:rolleyes:


Uncle stew:cool:

Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
Re: Uncle Stew answers all (well most) questions.....

stew said:
HoS and Peter (and John): one of the things that we demanded (and got) in negotiations was that there would never be a requirement to be CAT'ed to an existing club. The WCOTSL is mostly made up of teams in exactly this same situation. Only a few (Westside, Firefighters, Columbus, ICSF, Cliff Avenue, PCOV, Meralomas, Lobbans, SFU) exist in VMSL as well. Does Sarge know he's signed?

Yes, we'd welcome your aging, wonky-kneed, geriatric old ex-VMSL crew - they'd fit right in with the rest of our aging, wonky-kneed, geriatric old ex-VMSL players and teams.:D

The CAT system will only be applicable for players over 35. WCOTSL has allowed some grandfathered players under 35 in the league - these were guys playing in the league between 30 and 35 when we were told by BCSA that we had to go Over 35. We also allow teams to carry 3 guys on their rosters (in addition to this) between 31 and 35 as "underage players." Anybody under 35 doesn't get to play in the Provincial Cup.

Peter: In terms of who starts where, this is kind of up in the air. Realistically, it's going to depend first on how much interest there is. Willy was talking about Surrey U. coming over (although I'm sure that's news to their guys :rolleyes: ) and for a case like that, it wouldn't be fair to either the existing 3rd div teams or the new one coming in to start at the bottom. On the other hand, previous new teams haven't burnt up the league either (see Meralomas, Bulldogs, Vancouver United, Paddlewheeler, Sierra, PAOK, etc). Most have either taken a while and built up gradually, or just kind of settled at a level. None have been regularly blowing out the opposition.

I expect that there will be a fair number of exhibition games over the summer to try to help sort things out, but what I can see happening is the following: you can expect that any new teams comprised mainly of premier (VMSL) players will be carefully vetted against existing premier (WCOTSL) teams. We have talked about the possibility of expanding divisions if needed, too.

Stay tuned to this Bat-channel for the answers for all your questions.....

Uncle stew:cool:

Would be very interested in hearing a final decision on in which division new teams such as Peg would start as this clearly would influence whether we would consider moving over from NSCL to be more directly aligned (CAT etc) with Peg of VMSL...there are those that are proponents of this, but I would seriously doubt it if not in the top Div...

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Sir M:

Very good question. Again, it depends on how many teams there are in that situation. We would still have to work out a fair situation for those teams that would ordinarily start out in the 3rd Div. as well. How Peg does in the Provincials would definitely have substantial bearing on this as well....How likely would Peg (or other similar teams) be to make such a move? This kind of jump would not be good for the NCSL....


Sir M

Lifetime Better Bastard
Feb 3, 2004
Dirty Money
stew said:
Sir M:

Very good question. Again, it depends on how many teams there are in that situation. We would still have to work out a fair situation for those teams that would ordinarily start out in the 3rd Div. as well. How Peg does in the Provincials would definitely have substantial bearing on this as well....How likely would Peg (or other similar teams) be to make such a move? This kind of jump would not be good for the NCSL....


I know...and the health of the NCSL woud be a factor as well, there are definitely pros and cons...we have to speak with all involved, there are parks, competition issues, continuing to get new blood from Peg or other VMSCL as they get too old, lots of issues...all I can say at this point is that we will have to see...l cannot speak for any other teams (I think NorVan is the only other VMSL affiliated team in NCSL) but we don't want to go backward either...just canvassing @ this point...I am sure other NCSL types will be putting in their opinions shortly...

Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
stew said:
....How likely would Peg (or other similar teams) be to make such a move? This kind of jump would not be good for the NCSL....


With the boys on the VMSL Peg getting older, I could see them wanting to move onto O-35's, but not in the NCSL, I could see a Peg VMSL O-35 team started, so that they could work hand in hand in the Peg CAT system, now that would be a good investment by the Club. There would be two O-35 teams, one in each league, who would be stronger is the question? In fact this may allready be in the works, but we would have to ask NextToGod.


trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money

The papers are in the mail....;)


Haven't heard anything yet from NTG; I'm not sure if the VMSL has put this out to their general membership yet. NTG, if you're reading this at all, and interested in the idea, let hedKandi or me know. Personally, I don't want to see the NSCL lose out on this by having teams jump ship on them; they've suffered enough with the North Shore's crazy residency requirement policy. If Peg really has enough bodies to let them play competitively in both leagues, great. What about clubs like Khalsa or the other Premier/non-Premier teams that don't have affiliates in WCOTSL? Any thoughts, guys?



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