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MWSL - DIV 1 2008/2009 - Predictions, Banter, etc...


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

jaguars played well against this very strong team
the spirit are a hard working team and most of their girls have a good boot on them. they were peppering our goalie all game but none could get by our keeps.

in the 10th minute or so, jaguars had a bum call against them.
i sent seki in on a breakaway, she shot, the goalie got a piece but the ball squeaked through her, and was going in, it crossed the line by about 6" and the spirit defender booted it out. there were about 6 of the jags that saw it CLEARLY go over the line...we had a couple of fans arriving to the game and had clear view of the goal line who called it in. the referee who was walking from center didn't call it a goal. if he kept up with the play and was in the proper position to make the call, he would have seen that it went in. you didn't hear one peep from the spirit as they knew it went in.

a lot of the play was in the neutral area of the pitch...the spirit did get more shots off, but the jags held up well.

at one point the referee who didn't make a couple of calls on hard tackles, and was hearing it from the players and side lines, says out loud, "the game is going to go on no matter what...they can kill themselves for all i care" and that is an EXACT quote...word for word. what kind of comment is that?

i loved the fact that the coach, or whoever this guy was, from the spirit, asked the referee after the game why i didn't get a card when i was put into the books and had my necklace on. the referee wrote my name in his little book but never did lift a card or show a card to me?? :confused: i think he was giving me a yellow for my necklace. he sent me off to take it off and then i was able to come back on.
this same idiot was lipping me off as i was subbed off in the first half saying there was no way the goal was in, the referee would never make that call, etc... i was talking with some friends (glasgow girl and spazz) and telling them about the disallowed goal and how it was in, etc... this was before the referee showed his true colors so i had no beef with him at all at this point, except the missed goal, but, i never once said anything durogatory about him. after the game, this idiot says to the referee that he should have red carded me because i was trashing the ref when i was off the pitch. :eek: what a tool.

all in all, a well played game by both teams
our last game of 2008
we meet up with the spirit in january, our first game of the new year


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Striker, with all these negative posts about the MWSL referees on TTP, I certainly hope that game reports are made by your team. It helps to clear out the trash when we can...whether it be the players or the refs:eek:

I look forward to reffing some calm games tomorrow...and for sure I'll be keeping up with the play ;) ...I'm also trying to get back 'into' it on the other side of the whistle, so look out January :eek::wa:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Striker, with all these negative posts about the MWSL referees on TTP, I certainly hope that game reports are made by your team. It helps to clear out the trash when we can...whether it be the players or the refs:eek:

the reports are definitely being sent...whether they are being read or not is the question? :rolleyes:
SC...trust me buddy...i'm the first one to shake the referee's hands after the games, and the first one to comment to the referee when it has been a fair game, or even when it hasn't, but when comments like that are being thrown at us, it's just inappropriate.

i have lots of good things to say about certain referees as well ;)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
we get to play again! :wa:
unless of course we have a surprise snow storm
that never happens.......right? :rolleyes:

vancouver jaguars vs. semiahmoo spirit
montgomery west

i believe there have been a few games played on this pitch, so, hopefully it is in decent shape

our last meeting was back on nov 28th where we battled on their turf
we scored, but, the referee missed it and the game ended 0-0
i think semiahmoo were surprised to have come out of it without a win as we are bottom feeding right now

pumped to play


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
jaguars 0 spirit 1

another one slipped away from us
we had 2 breakaways in the first half where our girl shot wide and then at the keeper
ended the 1st half 0-0

2nd half, spirit scored in the first 15 minutes. a cracker from outside the 18 yard box that tagged the far post and in. great shot. no chance for our keeps.

good game, back and forth action from both teams. more chances for us i'd say, but just couldn't finish.

30 seconds left, one of our girls is sent in all alone, nobody around her, their keeper comes out, our girl tries to chip it over, and the keeper makes a great save. that's it, that's all.

another hard one to swallow as we should have won 3-1 at least.
shoulda woulda coulda


our first game is vs. Surrey United Selects


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Well at least you got to play Striker. I showed up for both games today and had to call them due to the skating rinks they were about to play on!:mad:

Best of luck in the cup run...:wa:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
our pitch (montgomery) was not in the best condition, but, it wasn't frozen. our game was at 2pm, so, i'm not sure what the 10am game would have been like if there is one?
we were constantly having to clean our boots...which is not a huge deal, but, it made for tough traction when goin' for a sprint, but, let's get real...i don't sprint. :p


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Vancouver Jaguars 0 Surrey United Selects 2

First Cup Game
We played at Rupert Park which is a horrible pitch. I guess SW Memorial is still not playable. Not sure how it could be any worse than Rupert Park.

Game was going well, both teams playing well...our girl goes to clear a ball out of the 6 yard box, hits a surrey united girl in the knee, goes in our net. Nobody saw that coming. :eek:
Their 2nd goal came in about the 30th minute or so when they had a corner kick, the ball bounces out to a girl at the top of the 18, she smacks it high middle of the net. Our keeper got some finger tips on it, but, went in. Nice goal. Our coverage was SHITE!

2nd half, we had a few chances, but their defense played tight on our asses. We didn't have any quality chances.

Next week we play PCOV. They are in our pool, and we have lost 1 and won 1 against them, so, hopefully we can pull out a big win and keep our Cup Play going.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Jaguars 1 PCOV 3

Our season comes crashing down HARD!
PCOV went up 1 nil in the first 20 minutes. Their girl had the ball in our end, in the corner, got a little room to shoot, the ball went about 20 feet up in the air, towards goal and looped over our keeper and in the back of the net, far post. Hard one to swallow.
We had majority of the play in their half before that happened.

About 15 minutes later, our stopper sends a high ball over their sweeper's head by about an inch, springs me free, in on goal, all alone...GOOOOOOOOOAL!!! I hadn't scored all season so it felt pretty good.

It was 1-1 at halftime

The game was going really well, not a ton of chances for either team.
PCOV gets a corner kick, the ball bounces around in our 6 yard box, bounces off one of the PCOV girl's arm, who then takes it and pokes it out to one of her players, with all of us in an uproar, the referee standing about 10 yards away, and a girl puts it back in the box, in the air, and PCOV heads it in. :mad: A few of us had a few words for the Referee who CLEARLY knew he made the wrong call and his response was "the ball played her." of course it did :rolleyes: I saw it all from the center circle. It was clearly a hand ball, she got full advantage from the hand ball and it lead to a goal in Cup Play, in a tie game. sick!

With about 10 mins remaining, another little mosh pit in our 6 yard box and it falls so nicely to a PCOV boot and in it goes.

And that's the game folks.
We have 1 more Cup Game next weekend and maybe a league make up.
Otherwise...BRING ON CO-ED

Good luck to all teams who remain in Cup contention.



Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money

It sounds as if your team needs to regroup over the break... It hasn't been the best season for you, but may co-ed bring you a bit more joy, love, peace... better weather, but not necessarily better reffing ;-) :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money

It sounds as if your team needs to regroup over the break... It hasn't been the best season for you, but may co-ed bring you a bit more joy, love, peace... better weather, but not necessarily better reffing ;-) :)

oh herb


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
jaguars 0 wickham fc 2

this game was played back on feb 15th
we had a great first half, considering our keeper decided not to show up...again!
we had the majority of chances but i swear there was some sort of force field around their goal because nothing would go in. the keeper wasn't making many saves, we were just hitting crossbars, skimming posts...

2nd half i was in net :eek:
they had a girl cross one in at the top of the 18 yard box. i challenged, and one of their girls got up high enough to redirect it away from me, and it literally rolled into the net and i just couldn't get any grip in the frozen ground to get back quick enough. i missed knocking it out by inches.
their 2nd goal was a corner kick right at me...i called for it...my defender stuck her foot in and poked it past me...OG! :eek:

we had about 5 fabulous chances...more crossbars, missed breakaways, but just could not finish. that was the jaguars major issue this season...TONS of chances, no finish. :(

we have 1 make up game vs. westside shamrock rovers
they are 1 point behind us right now but have a game in hand.
this is an important game as it could mean relegation back down to div 2 which we do not want.

we did our best this season...didn't get creamed by any means...we were in every game, but again, just didn't finish enough chances to get the "w"

good luck to all who are still in Cup Play!



Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
we have a make up game vs. VGSC Sabres that has now been cancelled 3x
i guess they need to give our field to cup play

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