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[MWSL Division 2] Predictions, Results & Banter - Sept '06

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Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Wings said:
That being said, don't expect to see many more posts from me. I have no intentions of putting my teammates in danger for the sake of exchanging some humourous banter with people I don't even know.

So to those of you who actually get it (Striker 14, ScreamingBeauty, Alikira, Spazz, etc.)...It was fun while it lasted...

That's too bad Wings, it was fun talkin with ya:(


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Wings said:
That being said, don't expect to see many more posts from me. I have no intentions of putting my teammates in danger for the sake of exchanging some humourous banter with people I don't even know.

So to those of you who actually get it (Striker 14, ScreamingBeauty, Alikira, Spazz, etc.)...It was fun while it lasted...

Hey Wingsy...don't let them win on AND off the pitch...no need to take yourself out of this game!
It sounds like a nasty game happened...it happens to ALL of us...you need to shake it off.

Hope you change your mind, and yes, I agree, with comments like "she got what she deserved"...those ttp'ers aren't welcome if that's the kind of crap we're gonna be hearing...this is TAKE THE PISS, and if you don't understand that, then my words to you are BEAT IT!! this is a fun site ladies...


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
B~Canadian said:
...game was not abandoned, less than 10 seconds left, when one of the cows started heckling a few of our players, and things got a bit physical, so our player did what she had to do.

what exactly is it that you HAVE to do in this situation? just so i know for future :rolleyes:


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
what exactly is it that you HAVE to do in this situation? just so i know for future :rolleyes:

I concure.. Do tell...:D

Striker14- how do the points work on this website? I am confused. Would you mind explaining it to me?


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Wings said:
Okay...so I've read all the posts about our game...and I'll start with the score since it seems there's even confusion about that!

The final score was 4-2 for Burnaby...They deserved the win...While our skill levels were pretty even, their fitness level was definitely better than ours and we ran out of gas in the second half.

The first half went well...a physical match for sure, with only a few questionable hard challenges from both sides...Ref saw that it was a physical match and gave us the benefit of the doubt and let us play. It was the second half where things all went downhill.

Shock was chippy and throwing in bad, and late, challenges right from the second half whistle. But it got out of hand right at the very end...

I'm not sure exactly when or why it started but I know that words were being exchanged between one of our players and the Shock. Shock got all in the face of our player, who raised her arms in an attempt to get her off. Shock mashed the heel of her palm into our girl's cheek, who again flailed her arms to get her off...all this goin on at the half while play was at the other end of the field. Ref finally realized what was happening, stepped in and stopped it.

Not a minute later, our girl moved to the sideline to get into position, and was viciously hacked down by a Shock player. It was a shot straight to the ankles...FROM BEHIND...and it was completely malicious. Ref saw the whole thing and gave her Red. I hope she gets the 5 game suspension she deserves.

The Burnaby team was completely classless, proven by the "she got what she deserves" and "I don't blame my player for what she did" post. She was oinking at your player? So what!?!?! Trash talk, or animal noises as the case may be, does not warrant being physically attacked. I would rather lose every single game for the rest of this season than sink to the lows that Burnaby did this past weekend.

And I hate to say it, but I know the posts on this website played a part. It's obvious that Shock doesn't understand the nature of this website - Everything that's posted is tongue in cheek and sarcastic...it's meant to be humurous...and it's meant to stay on the Boards. Shock was obviously pissed off that I predicted a Win for my team (oh, the horror of saying your own team is gonna win!), and was quoting things from the website during the game...For example, one of our players gets tackled from behind and goes down. Their players yell "Well done" and "It'll be hard to get the W from the ground".

That being said, don't expect to see many more posts from me. I have no intentions of putting my teammates in danger for the sake of exchanging some humourous banter with people I don't even know.

So to those of you who actually get it (Striker 14, ScreamingBeauty, Alikira, Spazz, etc.)...It was fun while it lasted...

Ok so I have read Wings reply. Fair enough the game was physical. Most probably because the girls did see the postings on this website of you guaranteeing your win, which did exactly what it was supposed to do. CREATED SOME COMPETITION!! Isn't that the point. Burnaby went into that game with the intent to play our best game. Going back to "screamings" comments about not underestimating the shock. We have come a long way as a team and are very proud of our improvements and increased skill level. One of the pitt cowgirls made a comment to our player Sunday that we are a new team and that is not true. We are the same team with one new girl and we have lost a few. So the competitive nature of the girls came into full effect when we went out there.

Now as for the incident...I just want to say there is obviously going to be some arguement by both teams as to what really happened. I am assuming you are not the player who was involved and neither am I. But i am curious to know what position on the field you were in to see what really happened?

Our girls were irritated by the words thrown around by a particular player that were completely uncalled for. Calling our entire back line C*&%s throughout the game at seperate instinces was completely uncalled for, and it seems as though the player was looking to find the best person to get under her skin. It started in the first half with one player and moved across our whole back line. I know there is going to be bickering from all players in everygame no matter what, but that was just constant antagonizing from your player trying to get a rise. From what I saw(in midfield, when this took place at center de) was something completely different than you. From what I know your player was doing a lot "behind the scenes" when the ref wasn't looking and was in fact the one who threw the first punch at ANOTHER player before the last incident. She also was seen following our player around making comments to our player, pushing her buttons even more. After the ref stepped in as well and they were spoken to, our player tried to settle the score with a simple handshake but your player refused. But there lies the argument. Our team was not putting your players in danger there was just some obvious bantering going back and forth, but your player was definitely not innocent in this matter. Point being it should have never escalated to this. I am not going to argue on this website with people back and forth over what happened because that will never be fully known except by the two players. This website is made for creating competition and having a laugh, so lets leave it at that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Sloan08 said:
This website is made for creating competition and having a laugh, so lets leave it at that.

who's laughing?! only those of us who aren't in that pool of teams I suppose :p :p

I tell ya...i do my fair share of razzing...my fair share of bickering to players...bottom line, I am a shite disturber, but, I've also had my fair share of games on the sidelines due to my actions...it's just not worth it ladies...why does it have to come down to that...let your lips do some flappin' and leave your hands at your sides.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
screamingbeauty3 said:
Striker14- how do the points work on this website? I am confused. Would you mind explaining it to me?

I believe 3 points for a WIN and 1 point for a TIE



Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
I believe 3 points for a WIN and 1 point for a TIE

Not sure if you're taking the piss on this one striker but I believe she was asking about the points on TTP.

sb3, the points are given when you make posts. They can then be used for vbookie events to gamble or to purchase icons, etc. in the tStore. Check out those sections of TTP to get an explanation of each.

Hope this helps.


New Member
Oct 1, 2006
Dirty Money
You Know Whats Funny? The Situation Between Cowgirls And Bby. In Mens League...bickering And Scraps Are Nothing Abnormal. But No Matter How Much Junk Takes Place On The Field...at The End Of The Game, Its All Good Laughs And A Beer Together.

Whatever The Situation I Heard It Was A Tough Game And Hard Work By Both Teams. Hopefully When You Girls Play Each Other Again ...you'll Play A Serious Match The Rest Of Us Would Die To Watch.
Lets Move On.....


New Member
Sep 29, 2006
Dirty Money
Whatever The Situation I Heard It Was A Tough Game And Hard Work By Both Teams. Hopefully When You Girls Play Each Other Again ...you'll Play A Serious Match The Rest Of Us Would Die To Watch.
Lets Move On.....

I AGREE! The game is over so now lets get on with the rest of the season and hope for some more hard working games.


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
striker14 said:
I believe 3 points for a WIN and 1 point for a TIE


Sorry I didn't direct the question well enough I meant the points of this website where it says how many entries you've put and your team name , how long you've been a member and such. But thanks for responding.


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
nutmegs said:
Not sure if you're taking the piss on this one striker but I believe she was asking about the points on TTP.

sb3, the points are given when you make posts. They can then be used for vbookie events to gamble or to purchase icons, etc. in the tStore. Check out those sections of TTP to get an explanation of each.

Hope this helps.

Yes it does thanks:D


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
I agree with Striker.. Although I did my fair share of battling with Wings this website and soccer should just be for the talk and not about violence or anything like that. Please don't take what people say on here to the game ladies, it's all in good fun!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2002
Dirty Money
nutmegs said:
Not sure if you're taking the piss on this one striker but I believe she was asking about the points on TTP.

sb3, the points are given when you make posts. They can then be used for vbookie events to gamble or to purchase icons, etc. in the tStore. Check out those sections of TTP to get an explanation of each.

Hope this helps.

how embarasking!! ha ha ha :eek: they call me special...


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
Dirty Money
Sloan08 said:
Our team was not putting your players in danger there was just some obvious bantering going back and forth

I'm sorry but you are completely off base with this comment. A deliberate strike to the ankles of a player, especially while they have their back turned, is putting them in danger. A physical attack is much more than banter.

I also feel the need to mention that the incident at the end of the game was not the only poor tackle of the game. Extremely late tackles were coming from everywhere, and I know at least 5 of our girls picked up injuries as a result.


New Member
Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
Wings said:
I also feel the need to mention that the incident at the end of the game was not the only poor tackle of the game. Extremely late tackles were coming from everywhere, and I know at least 5 of our girls picked up injuries as a result.

Wings- I'm sorry that your players got hurt. There must've been an incident to start it all off, what happened?

Soccer_girl18- what did you think about the game?


New Member
Sep 5, 2006
Dirty Money
I honestly believe it was my posts on here saying that we were going to Win that started it off. I think some of their players got offended, got their knickers in a twist, and decided that taking us out was the best redemption.


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Oct 21, 2004
Dirty Money
screamingbeauty3 said:
Wings- I'm sorry that your players got hurt. There must've been an incident to start it all off, what happened?

Just a couple of thoughts:
After it gets out of control does it even matter what or who started it all? One person may have started it, but it takes someone else to continue it. I think beaking is ok in a forum like TTP because it is supposed to be in FUN, but I don't think it is classy on the field (unless it is between friends and meant in FUN!). Both parties should be ashamed, but especially the player(s) that resorts to dangerous tackles/punches. NO ONE should take it to that extreme regardless of the amount of beaking/yapping/noises going on and it shouldn't matter how long it was going on for. Deal with it like a grown up, and the player(s) that were out to injur should be punished accordingly. Hopefully the ref was able to sort that out afterwards.

It would be nice if it could be left at that, but as most of us know, we women folk have difficulties leaving it on the field. This rematch between the 2 teams might turn out to be another Div. 2 tilt worthy of a cooler and some lawn chairs just in case it ends up in a brawl. We could provide our support as fans/bouncers!

DISCLAIMER: I don't know any of the parties/teams involved, so I am making a comment in general based on what I've read here, so if I've taken someone's post out of context, SUE ME!! At least I'm not going to go out and goon anyone for it :rolleyes: .

Wings - don't leave us!!! If your comments were taken out of context or misconstrued, then that is THEIR problem, not yours. If someone lowered themsleves to the level that they decided to go out and hurt another player based on what was posted here, then that just goes to show what classless people they are. screw 'em.


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Sep 25, 2006
Dirty Money
munchkin said:

Wings - don't leave us!!! If your comments were taken out of context or misconstrued, then that is THEIR problem, not yours. If someone lowered themsleves to the level that they decided to go out and hurt another player based on what was posted here, then that just goes to show what classless people they are. screw 'em.

Well said!:)
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