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MWSL Premier 2003/2004

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Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money

Keeps, nevermind :rolleyes:

Feb 1, 2004
10:00am H: Westside Shooters
V: Westside FC
Hillcrest SW

This is H-U-G-E for the club. I believe bragging rights will be in order if the B side takes the match. (I have no predictions at this time).

Good luck to both sides :)


Fat Bastard

New Member
Aug 13, 2002
Dirty Money
Re: Promotion

I heard a rumour that even if Shooter's win Premier B, Besty's ladies won't be promoted. Apparently the league won't let more than one team per club in Premier A. That would mean either Valley United or Vancouver Only would be going up. I wonder if Besty cares? I do think Valley would relish the opportunity, but I am pretty certain Only would want nothing to do with it.

It's not a bad rule in most situations. But in the MWSL most club teams operate independently of each other. It's not like the VMSL or FVSL. Example: Westside Shooters may be better than Westside Premier (we'll see this weekend) and SBAA Strikers are probably a stronger side than the Premier A Saints.

Which leads to the next point that if the CLUBS had their sh*t together, both SBAA and Westside (for examples) could field much stronger Premier A sides with decent support squad in Premier B. (C'mon people it's not rocket science.)


Jul 24, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Promotion

Not being promoted is just fine with us.
We didn't even want to be in the Premier B division either, but we had no say in the matter.

As far as making stronger teams, that isn't what we are about.

The Shooters have been around for many years with the idea that, although wanting to be competative, the main goal was to play for the fun of the game. Yes, some ex-premier A girls now play for us, but this is because we all didn't want the commitment of playing at the top level.

The league has tried very hard to take the fun part away and although many faces have changed over the years we have been able to stay competative. Now we have to try and beat the best because we have been presented with the task without asking for it. That's OK it will be "fun".

Seeing us atop the Premier B division is nice,but surprising considering the fact we did not want to move up.

If we fair well against the "A" teams in the up coming cup run, so be it, but it was something we didn't plan on happening as a fun oriented team.
Oh well, if we some how manage to surprise a few teams in the cup then good for us. :D

It's all or nothing now!!!! :eek: :wa:


New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Cup Play

So what did everyone think of the first week of cup play between premier A & B. A shocker with SBAA kaizan beating their own clubs A team the Saints. Otherwise no big upsets. I would say that it was nice to play a team you hadn't seen this year. But the level of soccer was much lower. Our Poco team found it difficult to play to full potential.
I'm wondering why cup games don't have linesman, yet league games do? Another mysterious action of the MWSL. Anyways, the cup play should be fun, adds a little more competition to the game. We'll see how things end over the next 2 weeks, should be interesting!


Staff member
Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Mrs. Yoda is nursing some serious bruising from Sunday's cup game.
But how about that goal from almost centre to go up 1-nil? :D
It bounced once hit the crossbar and went in and the keeper still couldn't get to it before it went in. Talk about getting caught out of position.
Man that Noel Booth field is small.

And what's with the snow? Any other games get snowed on?

Welcome Wagon

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Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

I thought that BF's goal was well placed. That goalie did suck though, she dropped every ball that went to her. Too bad we didn't figure that out and actually follow in on all of the rebounds. If we had, the score would have been far greater. That postage stamp of a field did not help much either. I would have even rather played on a huge field like Trinity than Noel Booth.

I am bruised as well from that game. I have a pretty bad black eye from when their player attempted to head the ball and smoked me in the face. I think her reflexes were pretty slow because I had headed the ball away long before she went in to try and win the ball. I have been getting quite the weird looks wherever I go because of my stupid eye.

I talked to a player on the SBAA Saints team and she said that one of their midfielders tried to be all fancy and take on the whole other team and got stripped of the ball and they went in and scored. Then they basically piled everyone back and didn't allow any goals. The Saints are not a bad team, they just are offensively challenged like us. Shitty for them though, I would not like to lose to a B team. Maybe if the likes of BF and others continue to score we will fare far better.


Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

My mistake. I forgot about the change in initials. BJ or BF, I could come up with a few dirty comments for either set of initials, but I am far too mature for that, at least I'll pretend I am ;) I think you bring us scoring luck anyway so you better be out next weekend as we will definetly need some goals if we hope to win. BJ better keep her scoring streak alive as well.
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