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[MWSL Premier] 2004 Results & Banter

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Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Westside 3 Poco 0

Westside definetly was the better team by far today and deserved the game. For the most part, our team sucked today and wern't able to generate any offense at all and played really sloppy, but Westside played as well as I have ever seen them play, especially defensively. If they keep playing like that they should at least be able to compete against the top 3.



Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Thanks knvb for posting that pic - although I have no idea where you got it from?!?

SC, I don't think I like what you implying and if it's true it's only because I've learned from those much older and wiser than me (like you...)

I was without computer for a few days there so was unable to post about our waste of a Sunday against the Beavs (although I think if there was no game we all would have stayed in bed nursing our hangovers). 6-nil was the final with SBAA playing with only 9 or 10 for the entire second half as well as having to call up a few players from their Premier B squad who probably had already played that morning. Apologies are due to the lurkers out there who are Beavers as it was the league who turned down our request for postponement and supposedly the Beavs never even heard we wanted to change the game (although I would only trust Trevor as far as I could throw him - and judging by my size and new monkey tendencies probably wouldn't be far).

We had only about 10 or 11 from our regular squad due to injuries and post-wedding obligations but three players from our U-21 team came up and did a pretty good job.

Not the best game to have as our last one before PEI but a good chance for the injured to rest and for those with major hang-overs to run the alcohol out of their system.


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Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Westside Renegades 1 - 1 Vancouver Only

It was an unfortunate result for Westside today. The girls did not play their best against a team that simple hoofed the ball down field all day.

Gorgeous morning, though. What weather!


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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 25, 2001
Dirty Money
Poco 0 - UBC 2
Apparently a pretty good match. Poco could have had a couple to make it closer but a decent result none the less. I'm just glad i didn't have to make the trip to to UBC (UnBelievably Cold)

I'll let Welcome Wagon or Lionheart give the details.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Norvan 4 Poco 1

Absolutely f***ing pathetic. Enough said.

Actually, while I am here I might as well rant a little as well. If we don't get a major influx of new players, and if some (not all) of our existing players do not adjust their attitudes/efforts/fitness it is going to be a bloody long and irritating season. It seems to me that some of our players don't care if they win, and just go through the motions. If that is the case, they should quit or go play in a lower division. Our certain weaknesses are exploited game after game after game and if they are not addressed some people are going to get even more annoyed and frustrated than they already are.

SC, way to pick Norvan. I have no idea how the other games went but you are one up on me already. Not good. I just figured it was inappropriate to bet against my own team, especially since we were playing Norvan. Any other Poco players have a take on the situation??



New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Westside Renegades 3 : 2 SBAA Strikers

Didn't see it: can't comment. Heard it was cold though.


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Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Westside Shooters 2 : 4 M & J Rovers

Didn't see it: can't comment. Imagine it was just as cold though.


New Member
Dec 10, 2002
Dirty Money
Well WW, I do agree that the loss today was an embarrassment and our team really needs to start figuring things out. I think the problem we had last year is still around this year, despite the coach stating things would be different. It was painfully obvious when the subs went on the field that norvan scored all the goals and we had no offense. Yet our coach continues to put in the subs who haven't proven they deserve to be there. Also, we had 90% of the possession in the second half and everyone thought that we were amazing. Yet how many on net, quality chances did we get (3 or 4). Our team dipsy-doodles with the ball in the middle of the park way to much. We need to have more urgency to get up the field and in their box. Hopefully we get more players that will waken some of the girls up and realize they have to earn a spot on the field. It is hard to lose 2 players in 2 weeks to ACL tears.
On to SBAA next week, they seem to be having troubles this year, so hopefully we can get a win next week. Our team despirately needs something positive to occur.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

I agree with everything you said. Those subs absolutely killed us, and continue to kill us game after game, season after season. I know you aren't the only person who is really annoyed and frustrated. I had quite the phone conversation with J Mac a little while ago, and she is fed up as well. With this new defensive system we are playing, we can't afford to have certain weak players on even for 1 minute, and if they are on the field we need at least 1 player without a check so they can essentially babysit the player and clean up their mistakes, or be there for when the opposing team blows by the player(s) again and again, or when the player(s) miskick the ball or passes it right to the other team. Unfortunately we wern't able to solve that problem today and allowed all goals from the same side due to horribly poor marking. We have a good defensive line that works, providing the right people are on, but when we make those 1 or 2 subs all hell breaks loose. That happened today, and in many of our other games. It sucks when you have to monitor certain player's every moves, and worry about them. Shouldn't happen at this level. We obviously have some players who are not capable of playing at this level, even against the weakest teams, and I look forward to when we have some players who can come in and replace them.

As for our offense, or lack-there-of, should I say, there is way too much f***ing around and trying to make little passes. When I think of many of our mids or even forwards, I could probably count the number of shots they have taken all year long on one hand, and that would even be pushing it. We know that we generate much of our offense from long balls in or crosses from the defense, but we still fail to react to it. And sadly enough, I know that usually I take the most of, if not near the most number of shots per game on our entire team. Although the defense should be responsible for generating offense, they shouldn't be the largest source of the offense. We have some capable players, but they need to contribute or should be sitting on the bench. I was pissed when he took you 3 off, and it cost us, both offensively and defensively. You put a number of great crosses in that our team seemed totally oblivious to.

And as for our other major major problem, although it was not nearly as glaring today, 2 of the goals should have been stopped, and there was a few other really bad errors that luckily didn't cost us. I was talking to Sarah R after she scored that last goal and she was laughing at how slow her shot was, and was shocked that our goalie didn't stop it. It was a complete lack of effort, which in my books is unacceptable. Try or go off, that's the bottom line. That issue needs to be solved soon too, because although I have gotten really frustrated many times this year, I have no idea when I will lose it and say something that I really feel badly about, because I really do like her, I just get frustrated.

Well, I am glad that you agree with me on what is going on. We need more Poco people on TTP, but maybe that some aren't might be a good thing too :eek:


ps. Sorry if much of what I am saying does not make sense. I have a really bad headache from Kirst's cleat, and actually have 2 cleat marks/contusions between my eyes and on my forehead. If it was someone else who did that to me, I would have absolutely snapped even more that I did because it was totally unsportsmanlike and should have been a card. Who tries to heel the ball away when someone is bending over to pick up the ball to take a fast free kick, and how can the ref not card her, especially when she smokes me in the face. F***er.

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money

Good burn :D . You come play on my team right now and I bet you'd be even more disgusted than I am, seeing as how I recall you and your beloved Young Guns can do no wrong. Come play for a team that is going through a period where most that can go wrong is, and you see how much bitching you do. And at least I don't bitch about coed :eek:

Till next week


Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
9-11Good burn :D . You come play on my team right now and I bet you'd be even more disgusted than I am, seeing as how I recall you and your beloved Young Guns can do no wrong. Come play for a team that is going through a period where most that can go wrong is, and you see how much bitching you do. And at least I don't bitch about coed :eek: Till next week WW

Well stated WW. Actually I was going to recommend that maybe your team should get a few more YGers on board. I'm sure having Lionheart on your team has done wonders for your team's chemistry :D

I did a Rorschach test on Lionheart last season using TTP smilies, and here are the results.

:D = "I see dead people."
:( = "I see me."
:p = "I'm horny."
:eek: = She lost it on this one and I had to cancel the session. She made some threats about cleaning my throat with glass shards and gravel glued to a tree branch, and I was out the door.

Happy Halloween Lionheart :D


Active Member
Jul 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Welcome Wagon said:
SC, way to pick Norvan. I have no idea how the other games went but you are one up on me already. Not good. I just figured it was inappropriate to bet against my own team, especially since we were playing Norvan.
Sounds like you should go against your own team...I read that you are frustrated, probably not the best place to vocalize the situation ;) Sorry I had to go against your team WW, but that was my feeling. I've been on fire at the roulette table lately, so maybe you should listen to me :D
Norvan (has had their rest, and need a win-anything to stir the pot here)
Believe it or not I think Richmond will give S-town a run. It will be close, maybe even a tie but, I'd hate to go against my girls

As for the Westside teams in Premier B
Westside Shooters
SBAA over the Westside Renegades
Wrong about Coquitlam (looks like a close one though) :confused:
Right about Westside FC :wa:
Wrong about Westside Shooters :(
Wrong about Westside Renegades :)

Right about Sportstown, but I thought Richmond had it in them to give them a go... :(

+yoursinguessing :eek: SC


Nov 4, 2002
Dirty Money
Wow WW that was quite the essay on your team's problems. Maybe that should be discussed with your team and not posted on TTP.

Anyways, our game was a good one despite the very cold and wet weather.

Surrey United 3 - Coquitlam City Premier 2

Coq went up 1-0 late in the first half off of a scramble from a corner although two of our players were down in the 18 after being flattened trying to challenge for the ball. Our coach went to check on the players and gave the ref a piece of his mind (with a few expletives I'm sure) and was kicked out - well done Stevie!!

Second half we tied it up on a nice goal by Sharon (great set-up by Martina) then went ahead with a PK by Martina. Advice to the young Coq city player who handled the ball in the box - next time try to act a little more discreet and don't grab your hand with a sheepish look on your face. :eek:

Coq tied it at 2 off of another corner (our team seems to have troubles defending set pieces - both goals in the loss at nationals were on set pieces) unfortunately it was an own goal - great flick on by our defender short side. :rolleyes:

But we won it in the last five minutes on a great buildup that led to a series of shots and rebounds before Martina put it into an open net.

Exciting game with lots of back and forth action and I will risk pissing off some Coq players by saying we had most of the play and I felt we deserved the victory and maybe could have had a few more goals (if we could finish :rolleyes: ).

Welcome Wagon

New Member
Oct 26, 2003
Dirty Money
Nutmegs and SC

You are definetly right that TTP is not the best place to talk about team issues. I was just responding to Lionheart's comments and likely said more than I should have because I was feeling particularly annoyed at the time. Oh well, that will be the last rant for me. Hopefully there will be something positive to write about next week.



Well-Known Member
May 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Hopefully there will be something positive to write about next week.
What that you got a new coach,all the bad subs read your post and decided to quit or that maybe you joined a new team??
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