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National Team: Women


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money

Soccer may have more people registering for the sport. However, that does not mean that it is the most popular sport in canada. Hockey in canada hosts at least 8 games per week at the NHL level. Soccer holds not nearly as much. As far a spectators go hockey rules over all, more hockey fans show up at Canuck games then the Vancouver Whitecaps. In order to put money into something you have to get money back out of it, otherwise you are throwing money down the drain.

These women have sacrificed much more than you have to be where they are. They are the best Canada has to offer and they play a worldclass brand of ball in the women's arena.

you should not be talking about sacrifice when you know nothing about what kind of program ASA(abbotsford soccer association) has in the lower mainland. I have been there ever since the first academy started there by Berry Crocker...now, working with Collin Miller and Allen Arrington, dont you dare tell me that they dont ask for sacrifice. Maybe you should look into what kind of programs we have in abbotsford before you make remarks about my commitment to this game. If I have to make the necessary sacrifices in the future in order to develope as a player in the game I will no question do whatever it takes.

I remember the men doing something similar a few qualifications ago and it came down to one game where Peschisolido hit some guy with a corner flag and took a red. Dolie is still fuming about that because they would have got a lot of money had they qualified. I think it was 100K each, which was a percentage of the dough that FIFA gives qualifying nations. The men had to stand up for themselves to get that kind of incentive.

the score was 0-0 and peschisolido wasnt the only fault to tying that game, Canada hit the cross bar twice and miss tons of chances.

I've gotta say that I find them far more entertaining than the men and the drive and desire is refreshing to see: Lang's second goal last night was a result of determination rarely seen at any level.

drive and desire? more like clumsiness and no brains. In the U-19 girls National team final against US, Canada never stopped diving in to balls that were impossible to get, if you watch any girls game they stand too up right when they defend and end up running into each other the whole match, Canada couldn't hold the ball upfront and when they did they had no midfield support, US had possesion for 90 percent of the match and just wore Canada down until they broke. US had way more disapline then Canada and they deserved that win. as far as Lang, I'd like to see her try out for any boys youth metro soccer team and make it at the U-18 level.

I recall only about a month ago, the BC provincial team consisting of only half the team made up with the rest being metro players beat the U-19 candian girls National team something like 7-0 or 7-1. Go girls, but money should be put more into the men's and youth side of soccer simply because the boys are of much higher calibre.

also CSA's structure to the game is all wrong, in England each town has its own professional football club, wether it be Premeir, 1st div, 2nd, 3rd, etc etc. The money comes from these regional teams winning championships and recieving money as an award or buying/selling players, and also the fans who watch the game. They also have farm teams which indeed give them players also. With this money they offer to buy or trade players from team to team, and when your team does well its value goes up and the club is able to fund itself, its players, equipment, and so on. In canada we do not have such a thing, instead we have a National training Squad in all provinces and players are chosen from those squads only to particapate with the the National team, Consisting of going on trips, tournaments, and stuff. In england, everyone is free game to play on their National team, they do not have to particapate in any National training squad or anything like that. If you are a good player and are provincial material you have to pay to be there, whereas in england everything is covered either by your club or by the team you are playing for.

Also, Australia did not pump money into its senior athletic players, they pumped it into the development of youth, youth is who compete in the Olympics. What canada needs to do is focus on all youth in all sports and pump money into that rather then spending it on players that apparently are playing at a high calaber of soccer. When you pump money into youth, the sport will grow because the players develope, parents become interested to particapate and the game flurishes and the result well done.

Give them the money, but dont dump it into a team who hasnt won any championship mind you. They have to earn that spot and I hope they do. I think CSA is just being careful on how they destribute their money. The girls are young and if they continue to compete well they will get what they deserve. If the Canadian Girls even win the world cup Kudos to them and everything I say on here will be switch around, till then they will have to prove themselves.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Spending 5 years with same group of boys, training 4 days a week plus games on the weekend, tryouts are basically nullified, we get players who trail for our team for some time before they are considered to play with us

Fcuking training four days a week? There's the problem. We won National Championships and trained less than this. Sometimes, things can be overkill and people can take advantage of the Academies. I'm talking about the coaches. Anyway, carry on with your youthful exuberance(sp?). You make some good points, Sam Perkins(he was silky smooth btw), but Canada is shoc-king when it comes to men's soccer and it always will be. Get used to it.


New Member
Aug 1, 2002
Dirty Money
I recall only about a month ago, the BC provincial team consisting of only half the team made up with the rest being metro players beat the U-19 candian girls National team something like 7-0 or 7-1. Go girls, but money should be put more into the men's and youth side of soccer simply because the boys are of much higher calibre.


Why do you think that the boys side of soccer is so much stronger then the girls? Where has all of the money gone for so long not to mention the coaching talent! I'll wager that if you take a father (sorry for the sexist generalization but the majority of coaches that you see - good or bad are male) with two kids, let's say a boy and a girl, and you give him a choice to be actively involved in the soccer development of only one of their kids, whoms will he choose? My money is on the son's development. Why, because the male can at least have a future in the sport. Too many people think that women's soccer is a joke and that we shouldn't wast our time! Fcuk! Of course it's a joke when as little time and effort and money has been invested in it as has been to date.

Look at our women's national team now, how many key players are on that team that played in the U-19 World Cup? Why is this? Could it be a direct result of the time and effort and money that has been put into the women's youth programs over the past several years! How many key players under the age of 20 are on the men's national team? I think that you will see the average age of our women's national team getting younger and younger over the next few years until the level of talent coming thru our meager money endorsed girls system plateaus. Just think about what all of this publicity will do nationally for registration numbers in girls soccer!

Our problem is that soccer is still generally considered by the masses to be a recreational sport (in both women's and men's), so there is no goal to reach for. Young impressionable women have no one to look up to in the sport (Although I am sure that many a young soccer player now wants to be just like young Miss Sinclaire). Ask the average female teenage soccer player who david beckham is and they will most likely say they don't know or that he is Posh Spices husband.

Very few encourage their daughters to pursue sports as anything more then a passtime (sp?) because there is nowhere to go, except for maybe a free education, and this is only because the money is being pumped (forcibly - at least in the USA) into the women's side of college and university sports.

Those women on the National team give up a majority of their income producing lives to play soccer for their country. Do they not deserve some form of compensation (even if that is more money to girls soccer).

Anyways, I could go on all night...oh shite, I almost have.



New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money

In england, everyone is free game to play on their National team, they do not have to particapate in any National training squad or anything like that. If you are a good player and are provincial material you have to pay to be there, whereas in england everything is covered either by your club or by the team you are playing for.

Little Anthony,

You're right, ain't no politiks in English football on any level. Just ask Gareth Southgate or Sven Goran Eriksson next time they're bothering God in Abbotsford. And the facilities here in England? Exceptional. A bit like your ego.
:rolleyes: This is the best thread going on TTP at the minute. To the untrained pisstaking eye, you'd almost think you lot gave a flying fcuk about women pretending to play men's sports. Very subtle. Where is the next batch of world-beating Canadian ballerinas or ice dancing queens going to come from? The way Canada's next generation of the fairer sex is carrying on wth all this equality bollocks, the traditional pasttimes of little girls in pigtails from coast to coast will be well and truly taken over by the residents of Vancouver's West End. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. It's time to get our priorities straightened out.

I'm off to ringuette training.


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Throw a lot of shite on the ceiling and some will fall on your head...


What happened in between 11-03-2002 10:26 AM, when you said:

"Ok, I agree with you about what you've said about women's soccer, and you are right, I enjoy watching them play more then the men's team..."

And 11-05-2002 11:30 PM (after a full day of training, school, job, feeding the starving masses in the Abbotford ghetto, more training and then homework--Phew! I'm tired just typing it!) when you typed:

"drive and desire? more like clumsiness and no brains...as far as Lang, I'd like to see her try out for any boys youth metro soccer team and make it at the U-18 level."

I've never argued who is better, the men or the women. This thread is about their monetary worth. It doesn't matter that it wasn't Pesch's fault when Canada didn't make the World Cup. The point was; had they made it they would have been well compensated. That money wasn't offered to them by the CSA, they had to threaten a walkout to get that incentive.

To get back on topic, the CSA is offering $3,500 to each member of the squad if they qualify. The women would like $10, 000. My stance is that their incentive should be based on how much money is rewarded to Canada for qualifying just like the men. I know it's not as much and right now the women want 10% of what the men would have got (not including inflation and CPI). I think they're worth it and they deserve it.

I've got my research staff on the FIFA M/F Qualifying payout and I will report back when I've got some answers.


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money

If Fifa is going to reward canada for making it then why not wait till they made it to start talking about money? CSA says they want to give 3,500 and from what I'm understanding Fifa hasnt credited them yet for qualifying because canada hasnt yet. Why are there set numbers? the girls are asking 10,000 which they may deserve because, you right, it is only 10% of what the men would have gotten however, what if Fifa only sends enough money to pay for lets say 5,000 each? is that CSA's fault? and why stop playing as a result? whats gonna stop fifa from just booting them out?


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Because that's the way it is.


The amount is set because that's the way FIFA does it. They pay a flat fee to the official soccer body of all qualifying nations. I still haven't heard the real numbers yet but I think I remember something like $4 Million if the mens team made it. I could be way off though...


New Member
Jul 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Back to what really matters . . .

Canadian victory sets up golden final with U.S.
Mexico’s two-own goals not only send Canada to the Gold Cup final Saturday, but it also secures the women a berth in the 2003 World Cup.
SEATTLE -- Canada took advantage of two Mexican own goals to clinch a berth in next year's Women's World Cup with a 2-0 victory Wednesday night in the Gold Cup semifinals.

Canada was clinging to a 1-0 lead in the 70th minute, with the Mexicans pressing, when captain Charmaine Hooper sent a crossing pass to Kara Lang. The 16-year-old from Oakville, Ont., got tangled up with Mexican defender Elizabeth Gomez.

As they fell to the ground, Gomez knocked the ball into her own net with her back foot.

The Mexicans missed on two great scoring chances in the second half, both times sending the ball dribbling past an open net.

Canada meets the defending World Cup champion Americans in the Gold Cup final Saturday at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, Calif. The United States beat Costa Rica 7-0 in the other semifinal Wednesday.
The final will be broadcast live, Saturday @ 7pm on Sportsnet. So they say.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
remember something like $4 Million if the mens team made it

Funny stuff. The men's team making it.......Good stuff, Peter. :)

BTW, the women's team is still a fcuking embarrassment to watch. They make Wimbledon look like Real Madrid. Everytime I watch them 'play', I think of Desert Storm. They always bring a tear to my eye. They better have a good massage therapist for the midfielders because their necks must have some right knots in them from following the missiles from the back. Canadian soccer at its' best. :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money
Look at our women's national team now, how many key players are on that team that played in the U-19 World Cup? Why is this? Could it be a direct result of the time and effort and money that has been put into the women's youth programs over the past several years! How many key players under the age of 20 are on the men's national team? I think that you will see the average age of our women's national team getting younger and younger over the next few years until the level of talent coming thru our meager money endorsed girls system plateaus

The reason why the women's team has so many young players is because the intensity and standard of play does not change much from ages 16-19. If you watch a game of U-17 and a game of U-19 there is barely a gap when it comes to skill, structure, and down right disipline (sp?). campared to men the gap is severely increased and only a hand full of young players can compete at such a high level. Also, There is not really a future in soccer right now for the boys, and the key players are flocking off to other countries that handle the game more seriously ex. England, Italy, US, etc rather then staying and hoping for a spot on the National team. Its not the money, its the how the sport is taken within the country that drives them to go there. If you ask anyone of my team where they want to end up playing soccer if they go pro, none will ever say US or Canada. However if they did end of playing for one of them, they would be totally satisfied.

If you watch a girls U-18 metro practice and compare it to a U-15 boys metro practice. of course you can state the obvious and say that their skills are far apart but if you look at the desire and the wanting to learn more about the game , the boys are much more focused and they take the game much more seriously than the U-18 girls team. This comes from experiences I have had with my own club, witnessing both practices, it may vary from area to area.

In the U-18 Nationals in Calgary, I also witnessed the girls teams who all stayed in the same hotel as us, their approach to the tournament was far from professional, and they had more focus on singing the new Eminem song rather then playing their game an hour later, is that desire? they were the ones who made all the racket in the hotel around 12 midnight, and many of them were there checking out the guys rather then focusing on their job at hand to try and win the Nationals. These are the best club girls teams in Canada and from these teams players are chosen to play for the national squad? However I must give the Langley Ice credit for their professionalism because as far as that goes they were first class, but the girls need to progress a lot more I think to gain more compensation, from generation to generation.

I dont think money to athletes is compensation though. Maybe at first, but if you play pro soccer for 5 years lets say, how is the money you recieve compensation? I know in other countries players making half a million pounds every week are definately not recieving compensation, they are payed money according to value to a club, canada's girls...I hate to say this....are not valuable yet, and they need to progress inorder to bring their value up. thats probably why they are not being paid very muich from CSA. around the world at the pro level players treat soccer as a job rather then something on the side. Unfortunately Candian soccer is not as high compared to the rest of the world. If you refer to it as a job, then its not a high paying job and Reccos is right? you could make more at safeway in some cases. If you think about it, in reality people who love their job, often dont mind recieving a lower wage then to not love their job and recieve a higher wage. In soccer terms if you love the sport and your treating it as some sort of job income, whats wrong with a lower wage? if it becomes higher the girls will be stressed to do better and much more will ride on their shoulders, and the ability to losing their job will be that much greater. I knwo its only 7,500, give them it, but its just for the long term I guess, I dunno.


New Member
Oct 29, 2002
Dirty Money

hahaha nice capt...I agree!!

Whats the bet on the final? whos gonna win it?

The only reason why i like watching the girls more then the men is because its new, and I think soccer chicks are hot! lol :D

when it comes to standard of play, additude, and silkyness (sp?)...men all the way.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
and I think soccer chicks are hot! lol

Hopefully, you're not referring to any of Canada's players named Bertini? If you want to see a good-looking team, you'll have to wait for Club Ireland's women's calendar that will be ready for publication in December, 2003. That will be a cracker for a fund-raiser.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
they were the ones who made all the racket in the hotel around 12 midnight, and many of them were there checking out the guys rather then focusing on their job at hand to try and win the Nationals. These are the best club girls teams in Canada and from these teams players are chosen to play for the national squad

Perkins, I have to intervene here. Is your team gay? Why the fcuk wouldn't you be out looking at the girls and checking them out. What were you doing at midnight? Sleeping? The one thing you must learn in life is that you can't let opportunities go by, especially if these opportunities have nice tits, a shaved box, and luscious(sp?) legs. These opportunities come up lots, if you're willing to let them. You have to relax and enjoy your soccer more. You sound WAY too uptight and need to understand that a good experience on ANY team goes beyond the pitch itself. Good clubs are clubs that offer things to players outside of the pitch too. Don't get too wrapped up on winning. If your team is good enough, it will win. It makes it that much better knowing that you partied all night and still won the next day. Then you can party again to celebrate. :)

Captain of reason.......


New Member
Jun 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Let me get this straight.

You were shacked up in a hotel with a bunch of 17-year old girls.

They actually showed interest in the men's teams.

This upset you.

Then you went to sleep.


Future Trinity Western Univeristy men's soccer star!

Thou shall not covet anything,


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I said if...


They will get creamed by the US if they play the same way. For the first time this tournament, the opposition's defense were (almost) up to the task of shutting down the Canadian strikers who had run through and over all defenders to get to the semi's.

On a positive note, Kristina Kiss has come on as a late sub in a couple of the games and she seems to have a little creativity and touch but Hooper likes her chances 1v5 and Lang, for all her grit, hasn't figured out the finesse game, yet.

Pellerud has to make some tactical changes if he has any thoughts of winning this thing.

A few things to report:

-the women get $7,500 now and another 2K if they beat the US. That would be $500 off their demands. I still don't know what FIFA awards...

-Chapman (who's got to be the fastest on the team) broke her nose last night.

Over and out.


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Canada did well when they attempted to play. Too many times though the defenders would just launch missles up the park... I don't know if this was tactical or not, but I didn't see one midfielder showing for the ball. NEVER.

Kara Lang does OK at this level but I got sick pretty quickly hearing the announcers wank on about her :rolleyes: Why didn't they say anything when the mexican player flicked the ball up and over both their heads as she ran down the sideline? That was the highlight of the game and they had nothing to say about it. Very insightful and knowledgeable commentary :rolleyes:

And the 'non-call' offside that could have made it 1-1? It was onside. The rightback kept her on [the replay they showed about 3 minutes afterwards clearly showed this].


Jimmy Holiday

Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money

Where did they get those 2(I cant even remember their names).....Fcuk are they awful......Vic Bianchin would of done a better job:rolleyes:

As for the game,The Mexicans were very unlucky not to get a result,this kick and run crap has to stop if they're gonna have a chance against the Americans.......That American forward may be a liitle too much to handle.....Shes a monster!(scored 3 last night)


Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Though not a big fan of the style of play the ladies play it has been effective.........I mean they have qualified so a bit of support might be warranted:rolleyes:

As for the match vs the States.........I see it going much the same way as the earlier match in Edmonton! Talent and skills will most likely win out but I bet we are very competitive!

Cheers and congrats to the gals,


Hands of Stone

New Member
Jul 30, 2001
Dirty Money
Watched the first half, Canada was Lucky

First, the keeper for Canada is very confident in coming of her line, but may be a little to confident as she tended to wander out side of her box too much.

Second, Canada did just pumb the ball up the park and look for knock downs, I thought I was watching Croatia or Weakside play.
Those girls should try to play, especially with the time they had on the ball.

Last, the anouncers were terrible, get Forest or Bobby out for these games, at least they know what they are talking about.



Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
It was an American feed...'nuff said

The announcers were shite but the producer(s) were worse! I couldn't believe how many times they broke into the middle of action with isolation shots on someone not at all involved with the play or a full-screen-covering stat.

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