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north shore coaches league matchups &predictions

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New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
too late


Yeah you're right, we were flat and lifeless, By the time we woke up, Jua had made his point that he is one the top marksman in the league. We battled to get within one, but you with a hot frontman miss out the midfield:eek: and let him dazzle.
Interesting result for you Freybe losing to Nordic. Gives you the chance in trying for 2nd spot - Go For it, good luck.

Due to a knee injury, I was forced to watch :mad:

Well Done.

injured and not fcuking liking one bit



Active Member
Jan 18, 2002
Dirty Money
freybe vs nordic

pipes says it was an upset. definitely was. what about nordic's new keeper 3 shutouts in 3 and half games!!!


New Member
Oct 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Hi all NSCL'ers,

I am looking at the schedule right now and trying to determine what games matter for week 18 if it goes.

Rangers 1-3 Pegasus Rangers are not officially relegated so they should be fighting to stay in "a". Pegasus have not clinched third place yet and also have a chance at finishing 2nd at best. Extremely important to finish third because that also allows you to qualify for the over 30's provincials( Top three in "A")and also the Kilby cup (Top 3 teams) in "A" and the top team in "B".

Seymour 1-2 Nordic A nordic win would mean relegation for Seymour. Nordic needs a few more wins to guarantee they stay up.

C.A.S. 1-3 Rams Rams still have a chance to get promoted. Mathematically speaking as with the other above teams as well.

Meralomas 2-2 Malone's Mathematically meralomas must win their remaining four games and pegasus would have to lose their last three to gain third spot. Shitty thing is that finishing fourth in "a" does not allow you to play in anything else except the end of the year tourney. Mean nothing game for Malone's

Norvan 3-1 Freybe's Freybe's still have a chance for first place. four wins in their remaining games and three losses for norvan. Not likely considering norvan are undefeated after 16 games.

lynn valley 0-2 coveside Getting tired of the mathematical crap.
Lynn valley still have a shot for promotion. Long shot.

blueridge 1-2 Lupo Same boat for lupo. Long shot. Blueridge with only one win in a piss poor "B" division have declared interest in playing in the over 35 provincials. Give your head a shake Wayne. You simply don't deserve it and your team would be an embarrising representation of our league.


team games left pts. "A" Div.

norvan 3 48
freybe's 4 39
pegasus 3 36
meralomas 4 27
nordic 3 23
rangers 4 15
seymour 4 14

team games left pts. "B" Div.

malone's 3 36
coveside 4 23
rams 3 17
lupo 4 14
lynn valley 3 14
c.a.s. 3 6
blueridge 3 5


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Cancelled again!

Scheduling nightmare!

Well 3 weeks in a row. Due to the Malones whining at the last meeting, it was said that all cancelled w/e's would be made up on the same parks. So now that we have missed 3 in a row, any suggestions?


New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money


Here's what you do, Play all 7 games on Griffin with 20 minute halves:D .

No ,honestly, I think the NSCL has done well under the circumstances. I think all teams would prefer grass fields or Field Turf. Can I say that without getting sued?:eek:. You have to divide the time as best you can. I think most teams will accomodate. As to Malones saying that all games to be as the schedule is. Well you get what you're given, unless they can sort out the mess from Mahon and the parks board:eek:

Here's a thought, I am sure Connaught would be open for a 10am Sunday game. Field, Showers, Oh and the Bar!!;)




New Member
Oct 5, 2001
Dirty Money
Norvan Upset?

Just wanted to quickly to give accolades to the Orange men :D on a fine win. I was quite happy to see the almighty Norvan finally fall to a quality team like Meralomas. Way to go Hedkandi and troops. Hedkandi ...did you heal up to be able to contribute to your team's victory? hoping that you did. You sounded a little depressed in one of your previous posts. Anyways the Malone lads will be looking forward to our last couple of games with Meralomas and Norvan. looking forward to any game reports. We beat LUPO 5-0 with another strong 2nd half after a rather mediocre 1st :rolleyes: typical malone's type win tho! Later Johnno!


New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
An absolute blinder!

Meralomas 2 Norvan 1

Well well, what a huge monumental win. That was Norvan's only second lost in 2 years. It was a good solid game. As always Norvan keep you on your toes and make you work for it for 90 minutes. Or more like 80 as its been all year;) :)
That solidfies our position in 4th. We can try and chase Peg, but they got a big win this morning too.
Pipes, that save in the 2nd half from the free kick was top draw:cool: - Good game.

Johnno, thanks for the thanks, I will take them and dish them out to our lads. Sadly I was not on the field, I was biting my fingers on the side-line. :(, but maybe that was a good thing?

A good team effort from all. Well actually everyone played a fcuking blinder:cool:
Game report to follow.

:D :D :D for the biggest 3 points, we've won this year.




New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Sweet as


Well done, that is an absolute corker of a result!

Congrats to all of the older Orange Men. A good weekend for the Lomas all round.



New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Meralomas Vs Norvan




Today was our day, we man marked their 2 strikers all game. Huge game by Col & Ken to do just that.

All 4 of the midfield, played a very exhausting and valuable 2 way game.

We started with a jump and eager to win every ball. I got the impression that Norvan were only going to do the bare minimum to win. Maybe rusty from the break. But we pressured early and our strikers were closing their defense down quickly forcing them to clear.

Norvan cleared a ball from defense in the air, headed back by Garry, controlled by Bob, lobbed the defender and Art snuck in the 6 yard box to slot it right past the keeper. 1-0 to The Lomas.

Now I'll guess that Norvan have not come from behind this year. We, with our huge 14 man squad:rolleyes: & several key players away and or injured, me included;) we all played a team game.
Awesome defending from our back 4, and Rob who throughout the game saw everything and made it his as Norvan tried for the net.

They equalized early in the 2nd half, when one of their players ran straight down the middle, with us chasing, shot, Rob got a huge piece of it but was still able to go in, 1-1.

Our midfield, who worked tirelessly, not only in defending but creating was rewarded when Pat was tripped just inside the box - A penalty kick. Pat shot hard to the keeps right, 2-1.

Norvan pressed hard, continuously but were unable to get the ball to sit right for them. The last couple of minutes, their keeps was even up in our half to get the equalizer.
Not today, Meralomas 2 Norvan 1.

It was a good, hard and fair game. No crap from both teams, just the football.
In the past, we have always played well against Norvan. Today we have taken 3 points off them. The first points they have dropped all year. We have scored 3 goals out of the huge 7:rolleyes: they've let go by them all year.

A great team achievement and a huge Meraloma win.

Just awesome!!
Still riding high:D



New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Week 18 Results

Wow, there is still room for surprises!

Freybe 3 Norvan 0
- 2 losses in a row for Norvan. Goal scoring has frozen up. I thought they were trying for the century.
Pegasus 4 Rangers 0
- No surprises here. Now Rangers and Seymour face the inevitable. Good solid season from the Peg.
Nordic 2 Seymour 1
- With that win, Nordic have scraped by to secure the position in Div 1.
Rams 2 CAS 0
- Good win for the Rams. I hope they chalked that one for Gary O. Get well.
Coveside 2 Lynn Valley 1
- Another tight score line for Coveside. But I'm sure they dominated;)
Blueridge 4 Lupo 3
Meralomas 0 Malones 0
- Good game Johnno. But if I was actually playing, It would have been a totally different game :rolleyes: It could've gone either way, you having a much stronger 1st half and us a stronger 2nd.
We'll see ya twice next year though. Good luck Vs Norvan.

BTW Cside17,
RE: Competitions. So this is how it goes, right?
The top 3 in Div 1 go to the Provincials.
A 4th spot is open to an over 35 squad.
The top 4 in Div 2 play in this X-over Cup
The Kilbey Cup is the top team of Div 2 and the top 3 of Div 1.
...and the 4th in Div 1, get time off for good behaviour:eek:




New Member
Oct 5, 2001
Dirty Money
1week left

Hey fellow NSCL -TTPers..
We have finally come upon week 19 and I would just like to (suck up) and thank the league executive for all the hard work that has been put into by each member. (slurp!):eek:. It is much appreciated (slurp!) but always taken for granted by most. Thanks Bernie et al.
Hedkandi you guys were lucky to get away unscathed. I think that 1st half was easily our best 1st half of the season. We usually have to claw our way back to win or tie. A good 2nd half for your lads. It was a good game to watch from the sidelines - my back was acting up again:( Just like you I'm thinkin that if I was able to play and was able to contribute to my team's efforts... the entire outcome of the game would have been completely the same no different..like I was not there:D Anyway I think Norvan's problems are due to some key injuries and recent lack of focus. However they will be a big challenge for our club regardless. Cudos to the Freybe lads for their win over Norvan and a shutout to boot. When was the last time that happened? Look forward to the final weekend and wish all the best for any future cup action your teams may be involved with. - Johnno
PS. Pipes can't you use your 'Get out of jail' card for this weekend?:p


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
League standings/Match Report

Updated league standings, see here . I will post some Cup/make-up games info later in the week.

Here is our match report. Paul C was away lounging at his trailer at Mt Baker. So Harp stepped up and did a pretty good job.

Sorry boys I can't match Mr Chapman's eloquence...here's my stab at it. I
didnt think it was as ugly as Bernie made out...

On a day full of surprises Coveside United managed a rare come from behind
(insert Russ joke as required) win versus Lynn Valley at McCartney Park.

It was clear from the outset that Coveside would be undermanned. With Paul
Chapman cashing in his Rusty Gull loyalty points for some well earned R&R at
the trailer park it was up to Bryn Botham to don the gloves. Also missing
were Paul Kellor ( knee), Ryan Matches ( mistook McCartney for gravel), Mike
Norris ( heard who was reffing and decided to save himself a fine) and Andy
Dudley who altough injured was there to lend vocal support from the
sideline. Bryn's confidence was boosted by the sight of Al Roberts,
refreshed and well rested after a night on duty and the return of Russ a la
Tony Adams.

Surprise Number 1 came early as Bernie Ward boldly announced that he was
starting himself upfront, as none of the regular forwards had been at
training. The message was clear; if you don't come out on Friday nights ,
drink 5 pints and scoff down some wings you don't deserve to start. Also
there to observe was a potential new signing who had been spotted by
Bernie's scouting network. As he was wearing a Commonwealth games tracksuit
Bernie concluded that he had played soccer at the Victoria games. The flaw
in this theory became apparent when someone mentioned that there is no
soccer at the Commonwealth games. When pressed further on what type of
player and what position he plays Ward confessed " I'm not really sure but
by the looks of him I'd say he was a fast forward " (The BC Human Rights
Code forbids me to go any further) "We'll get him to come training this
week, at least we'll have enough for the team sheet at the Queens Cross".

The game began with Coveside doing a passable imitation of the Canadian
Hockey team as they laboured forward and puffed back. Lynn Valley sensed
the lethargy and sprung the creaking offside trap. Bryn did well to parry
the first shot and Ed Duynstee just failed to clear as the rebound was
bundled into the net. Surprise Number 2: Coveside's response was
instantaneous. A season of hoofing the ball upfront finally paid off as
Craig Larson outpaced the defence and goalkeeper to a through ball and
knocked into the empty net. Shortly after, injury struck as Bernie 'heard
something pop', thought it was a can of Canadian and went off to
investigate. Jason Fischer entered the game still pumped from the Aussie
gold at Salt Lake City, however his new tactics of running really slowly
and hoping all the opposition would fall down leaving him free to score
failed to yield any early results. Coveside created the best of the chances
with Brad, Cloudy and Craig looking dangerous. However it was all square at
half time with the major talking point being the performance of the referee
whose performance would have embarrassed an Olympic Ice Skating judge.

Surprise Number 3: Coveside started the second half with some jump Good
passing from Karim, Doc and Randy J got Coveside moving forward and
creating chances while Jason's pace and trickery were causing the Lynn
Valley defenders all kinds of problems. With Russ Randy A and Al and Ed
playing tighter in defence it was all Coveside. A couple of rips from Brad
just failed to beat the keeper but Coveside were not to be denied. Great
work from Brad released Karim down the left wing, a superb cross found Craig
10 yards out and the looped header gave the keeper no chance. The defence
then came into play highlighted by Bryn racing out of his box to lay the
smack down on a startled Lynn Valley forward as he was about to shoot. The
referee continued to be a source of amusement with a couple of decisions
that had Coveside players in fits of laughter. Despite a couple of mix ups
near the end Coveside managed to hang on for a deserved win and maintain
their unbeaten record in 2002.


New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Make up

This weekend

Seymour VS Meralomas - 9am - McCartney
Freybe VS Rangers - 10:30am - McCartney

Seymour & Rangers are fighting for pride.
Freybe want to own the 2nd spot in Div 1.
The Meralomas want to take those 3 points back, that we lost to Seymour back in late September:confused::mad:

I understand Coveside and Lupo played to 3-3 tie, just so Lupo could squeeze in at 4th for the X-over Cup. Well I'm sure those boys from the Millars League are just shaking in their boots:rolleyes:
If I don't see the final between Malones & Coveside, What the fcuk? is my question. Last year I did not see a team from the Millars that would be worthy of a NSCL 3rd Div spot.:eek:

Good Luck



New Member
Oct 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Still unclear when the kilby cup will take place. Also when the draw will be made for the provincial cup as well. Not extremely interested in the league tourney as it falls on the weekend at the end of spring break. Nice to see all these mean nothing games being played while allthe uncertainty of the somewhat important games remain in limbo. We must have park times coming out of our arses until april/may. Matter of fact I thought I may have heard that we could possibly be playing the cup mid week. Any truth to this?? Let's see- Cross-over cup, kilby cup, league tourney and provincials. We fight to play league games on dirt or play back to back 80 minute games yet we could possibly play about 8 games or more after the season ends. What gives?? Worst yet is any team in "A" division below 3rd spot gets to play for shite except the end of the year tourney. Outside of seymour who is playing in the over 35's provincials. congrats to Malone's. It will be goodto have another strong team in "a" division and sorry for meralomas who deserve to be playing for something to reward their strong season. Noticed that there was no results on the league tape sunday night which must re-inforce that nobody including bernie gives a rats ass about the cross-over cup and the make-up games. BTW I called it to see if there was any info on the kilby or provincials.

Pipes (Peg/oldboy forever)


Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money


There was no update on Sunday,as the rec center voice mail system was down.

We don't have parks coming out our "asses". We lose the grass fields after next w/e March 9/10. We are having trouble scheduling the Kilby cup as Malones are involved in the x over cup. So it might be played week nights on Griffin later in March or early April. Which it seems like a lot of people like the idea off. It give you guy's competitive games closer to the start of the provincials.

We have no crontrol over when BCSA hold the cup draws.
Lastly, if you don't like the cup/tourney format the league has, you should bring it up at a league meeting, and try to have it changed.

X over cup Semis

March 10th

Coveside vs Rusty Gull
Malones vs Rams

Times TBA



Better Bastard
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
League Update.


Coveside defeated Malones 3-2 in the NS Crossover Cup.

Looks like the tourney will be cancelled this w/e March 23/24th, due to the weather.
If Griffin is playable we will play the Kilby Cup Final on Sunday March 24th @ 11:00am between Norvan and Freybe.

I finally can post the North Shore Coaches League Website address


New Member
Aug 27, 2001
Dirty Money
Good Result


Good win. A good confidence booster for your guys to take them into Div 1 next year. Finally found the goal scoring boots, eh?;)

well done



New Member
Nov 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Freybes vs. Norvan on Sunday, 11:00am, Griffith's turf? The game could be on.

Norvan was impressive in their 6-0 semi-final win. Freybe's was the better team in their 2-1 semi-final win.

Who will win the final? It's a replay of last year. Freybe has a major axe to grind as they lost last year's final due to a penalty shot in extra time (nice golden goal!). Norvan has a reputation to uphold. After watching the sem-finals, it should be a great game. Playing on the turf really increases the pace of the game.
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