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Racism in (BC) Soccer?

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
I just have to wonder sometimes what people smoke in their pipes.... I am a Sikh and I wear a turban. On the soccer pitch I prefer to wear a cloth bandana or what we call a "patka", similiar to the one that the youth player was wearing. Sikhs only do that to keep our long hair in place, and how that could hurt someone is beyond my comprehension. I find that a knee brace is more likely to hurt another player on a tackle than a cloth covering my head. A little common sense goes a long way.

The ref in question really needs to do an Indo-Canadian soccer tourney in the summer, so he can tell all the little kids to go home, cause they are not allowed to play according to BCSA. :rolleyes:

The real bad thing about this is that it gives a black eye to BC soccer, and national attention for something that should have resolved on the spot by tourney organizers. It only took one over zealous ref to create a firestorm.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
This is simply a case of people not using their common sense and over reacting.

I see the logic behind the no head wear rule since it looks sloppy when you've got people wearing toques and bandanas of different colours. It's in line with socks being pulled up and jerseys being tucked in.

I remember the fad in the early 90s was to wear flourescent green spandex shorts under the team shorts. It was right up there with dancing the Macarena (so I'm told). That rule was changed so that under shorts had to match the team shorts...the same as how undershirts need to match jerseys in basketball. KNVB is still fighting the no flourescent spandex rule, but that's a whole new thread in itself.

So...this new headgear rule is introduced to tidy up the look of the players and keep them consistent. The refs with the common sense...the ones who understand the reasoning behind this new rule aren't the problem. They know that the rule was not introduced to rid the game of religious head wear. Unfortunately, there are refs who lack common sense.

And by the way, how the hell was Reccos somehow able to get Buck Pierce into this thread? :D

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Turbaned player blocked from game
Ref says Williams Lake teen must choose between religion or game

Ethan Baron
The Province

Monday, September 05, 2005

Several referees told Smith yesterday they'd uphold the turban ban.

"With the season starting in a couple of weeks, I am told they are going to enforce it to the letter," Smith said.

B.C. Soccer Association could not be reached for comment.

I can speak from our team perspective that GN Sikh United would pull out of our games if this is to be enforced by BCSA. I think other Indo teams probably would do the same........I pity the ref that tells me I can't play, and he should defintely bring some earplugs.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Sandman said:
A few thoughts:

-I think its important to note that the Sikh boy was not wearing a turban. That would be quite encumbering.

-The Vancouver Sun reported that there were kids on other teams in the tournament that were playing with bandanas:rolleyes:.....I hope thats a false report.

-I've never seen a National Side from India play soccer at an international level but the Field Hockey team regularly has men from the Sikh faith wearing similar head gear...I am sure Soccer would be no different. I doubt there has ever been a precedent set by FIFA....if there was I assume there would have been some outrage.

-It is clear from the reporting that this was not the case of one stupid official......this issue was raised during a few games over the weekend, hence three teams dropping out.

-I will be interested to see how BC Soccer squirms out of this one.


Turbans have to go. Get with the times. I have a friend who is sikh, he moved here from India and cut his hair. Infact he just had the " honors" to cut his nephews hair before he starts grade 8 tomorow.

This isnt a racist issue anyways. Its a religious situation, where the books are goin to be altered to fit with modern day. Sot of like divorce.How is was brought in to catholosism and judaism.

It was only 3 months ago that a sikh from surrey cut his own hair, marked his face and body up, and said 4 white kids beat him and cut his hair, the 5 days that followed were an embarassment and a wake up call to the sikh religion in b.c.All this occured because he couldnt face his parents who were too stuck in the old way.

Jews are not allowed to wear kippahs under fifa rules.

Turbans dont get the ladies either, just ask girth. when he was very desperate in the early 40s , he tried just about everything.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
LucVanLierde said:
Turbans have to go. Get with the times. I have a friend who is sikh, he moved here from India and cut his hair. Infact he just had the " honors" to cut his nephews hair before he starts grade 8 tomorow.

This isnt a racist issue anyways. Its a religious situation, where the books are goin to be altered to fit with modern day. Sot of like divorce.How is was brought in to catholosism and judaism.

It was only 3 months ago that a sikh from surrey cut his own hair, marked his face and body up, and said 4 white kids beat him and cut his hair, the 5 days that followed were an embarassment and a wake up call to the sikh religion in b.c.All this occured because he couldnt face his parents who were too stuck in the old way.

Jews are not allowed to wear kippahs under fifa rules.

Turbans dont get the ladies either, just ask girth. when he was very desperate in the early 40s , he tried just about everything.


Is that a new faith in your redneck of the woods? :rolleyes:


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
It was disgraceful and old English fart

this is from the 4th post on this thread is this not its self a racist slur

:confused: :confused:

racism is a slur on some one from another race is it not
im not offended by an irishman slagging the english because they have had as much racism thrown at them by the english as any other race but just where do we draw the line i know certain group's get most shite over here but its not exclusive to them if you look for it :mad:

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
bluebird said:
this is from the 4th post on this thread is this not its self a racist slur

:confused: :confused:

racism is a slur on some one from another race is it not
im not offended by an irishman slagging the english because they have had as much racism thrown at them by the english as any other race but just where do we draw the line i know certain group's get most shite over here but its not exclusive to them if you look for it :mad:

Eh, no. He was old. He was English. He was a fart. I put them together for old English fart. I don't have anything against English people. Just their government and the fact that they have troops in the Occupied Six Counties. In fact one of the men I respect the most in this world is English, George Roberts.

Imagine that.

Hail Hail


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Captain Shamrock said:
Is that a new faith in your redneck of the woods? :rolleyes:

good thread to exaust your arsenal of derogotory slurrs.....

you read my post and then contributed that?

another blog english teacher..........as original as your handle

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
LucVanLierde said:
Turbans have to go. Get with the times. I have a friend who is sikh, he moved here from India and cut his hair. Infact he just had the " honors" to cut his nephews hair before he starts grade 8 tomorow.

This isnt a racist issue anyways. Its a religious situation, where the books are goin to be altered to fit with modern day. Sot of like divorce.How is was brought in to catholosism and judaism.

It was only 3 months ago that a sikh from surrey cut his own hair, marked his face and body up, and said 4 white kids beat him and cut his hair, the 5 days that followed were an embarassment and a wake up call to the sikh religion in b.c.All this occured because he couldnt face his parents who were too stuck in the old way.

Jews are not allowed to wear kippahs under fifa rules.

Turbans dont get the ladies either, just ask girth. when he was very desperate in the early 40s , he tried just about everything.


Pisstakes aside, that was not very intelligent post and there is no "honour" in your story of your "friend" (imaginary friends don't count Luc)....its a choice that every person can make, thats it. A person can choose to practice their religion as they please and the real "honour" is, that this country allows everyone to live their life without prejudice and practice their own religion freely .......if your sorry ass doesn't understand that well I can give you a stereotypical answer to a Maple Ridge redneck.....go fcuk your self, your sister and your hillbilly goat.......but remember this, I support your choice to do so, because even a inbred dumbass hick has got rights under the charter too.

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
LucVanLierde said:
good thread to exaust your arsenal of derogotory slurrs.....

you read my post and then contributed that?

another blog english teacher..........as original as your handle

Yes, Luc, another fantastic rebuttle. U r da man.

P.S. I don't teach English. I was simply asking a question. You're generally a defensive fellow, aren't you?

Slursareus CSC


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I'm all for any rule that may keep Big-T off the pitch...there's a reason why we call this the beautiful game, T, and you just don't fit the bill. This isn't me being racist, just blunt in saying you're one ugly mother.

That being said, this is bullshite. The ref could have very easily turned a blind eye, and the tourney director could have easily told the ref to turn a blind eye, or simply not ref at all. Pay the man his $40, and tell him to take a hike. So many scenarios where this could have ended well. Instead, we get an official on a power trip that certainly appears racially motivated, and a tourney director with no backbone, both embarrassing themselves and the game.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Dude, good thing you took the postion of waterboy and hamstring stretcher in Div 2....just please don't show your momma loving mug, wearing only that grungy trench coat at our games again this year .... you are always scaring all the brown honeys with your small blunt tool. :D


Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2001
Dirty Money
Keep some class to the discussion, Luc. I think some issues aren't the ones to be doing the pisstakes with. This issue is one of them.

I hardly think the piece of cloth on a player's head is going to bring the game of soccer into disrepute but I sure know that the actions of officials and tournament directors and other coaches condoning the banning of the player has and will. This is a dark day for youth soccer in BC and someone needs to be held accountable for this stupidity and thoughtlessness. I suspect though that it is a power trip by a few.

BC Soccer will likely issue a statement saying among other things:
1. this is unfortunate and we apologize for the embarrassment it has caused.
The player is still to be disciplined for his actions in swearing. The teams and coaches will be disciplined too if we can find any reason for doing so.
2. the referees are technically correct and there will be more enforcement of the dress code for players at all levels this year.
3 while the referees were technically correct, the issue of religious head wear was not intended to be part of the rules for enforcement and referees and soccer associations will be advised of this.
Alternately, instead of 3, they might say this matter is being referred to their board (which might buy them more time but might keep the story going longer).
4. we are meeting with the people to ensure all are happy.

If they don't do this, they run the risk of the story getting legs as they say rather than it being a 48 hour issue that dies out with the return to school, etc.

This is a bad issue as it might fire up the East Indian community and they may want heads rolling (people being disciplined! - which might be a good thing.


Not Bright
Oct 14, 2002
Dirty Money
Big T said:

Pisstakes aside, that was not very intelligent post and there is no "honour" in your story of your "friend" (imaginary friends don't count Luc)....its a choice that every person can make, thats it. A person can choose to practice their religion as they please and the real "honour" is, that this country allows everyone to live their life without prejudice and practice their own religion freely .......if your sorry ass doesn't understand that well I can give you a stereotypical answer to a Maple Ridge redneck.....go fcuk your self, your sister and your hillbilly goat.......but remember this, I support your choice to do so, because even a inbred dumbass hick has got rights under the charter too.

Are their redneck sikhs in Maple Ridge? Incidents like this usually lead to some type of new understanding. As I stated I do have a good sikh friend. He has taught me alot about india and the sikh people. I have read most of the Adi Granth and understand the 5 ks. Most of this appears to serve an eastern society.

Guru Nanak 1469- 1539

It seems like sikh is a reasonably new religion, with alot of room for evolution. I have been told that over 80% of Sikhs in BC have broken the first K. That being said, it cant be a very big deal, can it?

I think you should get with the times and adapt. Appreciate the acceptance and mold.

I like the Sikh religion.

The goat sister fukcing stuff was beautiful, you inspire intellect. More of that will most definetly get you into the golden temple.

T, u play on gn?


Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
They had a news bit on this on the news tonight... (1) it was definitely a Calgary team (2) they are taking this to the human rights tribune/tribunal (whatever the term is) (3) they interviewed Vic who said BC Soccer would get to the bottom of this right away (I think he mentioned something about a very poor interpretation by those associated with the tournament).

Pretty brutal situation :mad:


Jul 14, 2002
Dirty Money
From the BC Soccer website....


Reports from various media outlets have stated that the British Columbia Soccer Association has a regulation prohibiting the wearing of religious headgear during soccer matches. The Association wishes to formally state that this is categorically incorrect. The British Columbia Soccer Association also wishes to formally state that the use of religious head gear similar to that worn by players at the Langley Labor Day Tournament is not prohibited by our association.

The Association regrets most sincerely the incident which occured in Langley and will be conducting a thorough investigation to ascertain a full understanding of the issue.

The Association does have a regulation requiring member clubs, districts, and leagues to use of FIFA's Laws of the Game for 11 a-side soccer matches. The FIFA Laws of the Game have a regulations (Law 4) that prohibit the wearing of any equipment that would be unsafe to the players and officials involved with the match. The British Columbia Soccer Association's interpretation of this rule is that the wearing of religious head wear similar to that worn at the Langley tournament is not a violation of Law 4. The Laws of the Game also require the Referee to apply his or her own judgement in the application of the laws.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money
Luc, i am taken aback that you have read anything but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt....If you have read something on sikhism then you will know that tolerance for all is preached , not just for sikhs but for all human kind....equality for all, no matter what they look like, or how they manifest themselves on earth.....so why should I mold into anything, why can't I be different, or are you saying that it is more tolerant to force me to appear more acceptable to a western society ??? That would be the exact opposite of tolerant would it not ?? Do you think they call that intolerance, Luc ??? :rolleyes:

Yes Luc you know diddly squat and you can try to cut and paste info from the net all you want.....eg. posting the years Guru Nanak was alive is not required in this research project nor relevant to your post.......Oh and I love the Indira comment :rolleyes: .....that is another insensitive remark that some others may not get but I do. I am not going to touch that one. :mad:

And don't turn this thing into a religious debate, and turn it so that Sikhs have to justify their existence, because we don't. Nor do I have to mold or accept someones opinion of my appearance.


New Member
Oct 8, 2002
Dirty Money
BCSA had a referee refresher clinic on Thursday (Sept. 1) in Langley in which 40 plus referees from the Fraser Valley attended. The instructor was an approved instructor under BCSA guidelines. All referee instructors were told of the new laws that was in place. This included the removal of all headgear.

The Referee Development Committee of BCSA (which was chaired by the Senior VP of BCSA) is the one that issues the directive to all of the BCSA registered referees through their instructors.

The referees from Langley were advised specifically to not allow the turbans through BCSA's own referee instructors. This came straight out of the RDC of BC Soccer Association.

At 10:30am (Monday, September 5) BCSA posts a "retraction" on this topic and said that it is not a BCSA directive. That is bullshite.

How can BCSA advise the referees not to allow any headgear and then when shite hits the fan through the media, BCSA takes the chicken shite way out by denying any wrongdoing???


They were the ones that told referees to not allow any headgear and jewelry. Now this is a publicity nightmare for BCSA and they take the easy way out and blames the referee.

Great leadership from the British Columbia Soccer Association!!!

Point of interest: The Calgary team is an Under 18 team and their coach said on TV that they were not coming back next year. They can't come back next year. Langley is a youth tournament. The Calgary team continued playing the remainder of their games in the tournament.

The Williams Lake team as mentioned in the media was involved in a brawl with their Fort St. John opponent on Sunday, September 4, 2005 at 4:00pm at Denny Ross field. The Williams Lake coach threatened to "drive to Fort St John's and kill" one of their players. Langley RCMP responded to this incident. This fight started because of racial comments made to the SAME Williams Lake team.

Referees are just the messengers of BC Soccer. We do not make these rules, we are told to enforce them.

It's interesting how only part of the picture is painted by the media and not the entire story behind it.

Big T

Oct 1, 2002
Dirty Money

I think the senior VP of BCSA should be singled out and shoulder the blame. Based on your account the refs did as they were directed. However the ref can use his own jugement in the application os the FIFA laws of the game. Did no refs question this directive ??? I know there are Indo Canadian refs, were they at these meetings and did no one raise a voice to say that this shite could blow up ??? More facts please.

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