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Premier REFEREES - Premier


New Member
Oct 6, 2004
Dirty Money
So we are at the midway point. I know the referees are usually shocking but has anyone else noticed that it is getting worse and not better??

Most of the games we have been in the Refs have completely killed the flow of the game. Has anybody else noticed this?? It's like they have never played soccer or even a sport for that matter, ever!!!

It's time for some fresh, young blood. When we have the 17yr old linesmen they are right on top of things and rarely miss a call. These old guys are just too comfortable and complacent to be doing Premier games. For $50 a game they have to do better!!! Martin is about the only exception to this, he is about the only one who has any idea out there. The Fraser Valley has to do something about this if we want the level of play to stay on the rise.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I feel it is 2-3 HORRIBLE referees that need to go. Not ref another division, or a different league. They just need to not ref.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
I can concur with Z's post. That being said...

I feel that generally speaking though, the referees have a hard job to do and are often times not applauded for doing a great job when they do deliver. I have had a few really bad games this year (no names) but have had a few really good performances.

Again no names are going to be mentioned one way or the other, but I feel like a few of the guys that are well known for being really bad almost have the air about them that the people in the bleachers came to see them, or they have to alter things to ensure they are earning their $50 when this is strictly not the case.

The best ref's are the ones you do not notice at all, and I think we are blessed to have more good and excelllent referees than shocking ref's on the whole.


New Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
Being a player is completley different than being a referee.

Look at Walks, great...errrr good ref (my ankle made me edit that), SHOCKING player ;)

It is a difficult job, no question.

Just because one may know the game inside and out, does not make for a good referee.

Same could be said for a coach.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2004
Dirty Money
More people (read: coaches,parents,players,etc) need to layoff abusing refs at the youth level so the youngsters don't get sick of the abuse and stick they take and quit.

The Leagues should do a big push to eradicate this behavior and then reallly set up a good way of dealing with managers and club complaints to constantly review refs...

How many of the refs out there doing senior soccer actually get reviewed and supervised by peers?

Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
I can concur with Z's post. That being said...

I feel that generally speaking though, the referees have a hard job to do and are often times not applauded for doing a great job when they do deliver. I have had a few really bad games this year (no names) but have had a few really good performances.

Again no names are going to be mentioned one way or the other, but I feel like a few of the guys that are well known for being really bad almost have the air about them that the people in the bleachers came to see them, or they have to alter things to ensure they are earning their $50 when this is strictly not the case.

The best ref's are the ones you do not notice at all, and I think we are blessed to have more good and excelllent referees than shocking ref's on the whole.

Not in the womens' leagues and high school football sadly.........people throw you out for saying "That's five wrong calls in a row you've made, are you going to make a right one soon?" On top of that, the balls of a league believes what the ref wrote in his lie, I mean report. Result.....a 5 game ban............****ing shambles.............and I know you're reading this, Refinquestion. It must be really difficult for you to reply to the e-mail I sent knowing how much you fabricated events on your report.

no finish

New Member
May 23, 2002
Dirty Money
as long as bc soccer keeps getting money from anyone who wants to give it to them to take their courses to ref games it wont get any better. that said as players we dont make the situation better by bitching about every call. until the guys with the whistle and cards have played the game and understand what it takes to play and us players show abit more class on the pitch it is what it is


New Member
Sep 15, 2007
Dirty Money
So we are at the midway point. I know the referees are usually shocking but has anyone else noticed that it is getting worse and not better??

Most of the games we have been in the Refs have completely killed the flow of the game. Has anybody else noticed this?? It's like they have never played soccer or even a sport for that matter, ever!!!

It's time for some fresh, young blood. When we have the 17yr old linesmen they are right on top of things and rarely miss a call. These old guys are just too comfortable and complacent to be doing Premier games. For $50 a game they have to do better!!! Martin is about the only exception to this, he is about the only one who has any idea out there. The Fraser Valley has to do something about this if we want the level of play to stay on the rise.

Not sure who you play for but I will be the first to applaud and defend the guys we get in the FVSL Premier, most of the time. We have had Martin, Uppall, Pinter, one in Abby that I forget his name but did a very good job, and probably the best performance was Kyle Williams last week in GEU. Granted not much to do but in perfect control. Yes they have bad games and make a call that may make our head shake and sometimes Pinter will drive you over the edge, but on the whole these guys do a very good job. We had one game this year against Port Moody where I think Kevin gave out 8 cards, but both teams were being idiots on the night. I am sure he felt more like a babysitter than a referee of a Premier game. What these guys take from us on most nights is not anywhere close to $50 of abuse.

My two cents and I think worthy of others in the Division stepping forward to make sure that these guys do know that they are appreciated.


New Member
Mar 17, 2005
Dirty Money
with the lack of people stepping up and taking the whistle the league has to use what it's got im sure if they had a choice some ref's would not be getting a phone call this weekend
it would be easy to sit here and list the blown call's and even the game changing call's but as was posted ... the best ref's ... you never notice
i did ref about 6 games and ran the line for about 12 back in the uk
i vowed i would never take up reffing ...its not the abuse that got me it was the pressure of making the right call EVERY time because if you miss one the players would be all over you
think about it ....50 / 50 tackle and the ball goes out .... who gets the throw or was it a corner or a goal kick never mind was the whole ball over the line for a goal ..... or the tackle inside or on the edge of the box

last week i totally lost it with our ref and was asked to leave the field .... its the first time and i hope the last :eek:... he wasnt horrible or useless he just sent the wrong guy off


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
I think it's a great point that ref's only " get it " if they once played the game.
On here we all have soccer smarts and understand the flow of the game makes for a good game because we are the players creating this.
Until the players are paid to play in this league which will never happen we can bitch all we want .
On another note if a player has a few bad games in a row and shouldn't see the premier pitch then guess what he doesn't and will sit on the bench or play at a lower level.
If a ref has a few bad games in a row nothing is done as a head ref for the league doesn't have the balls to demote the guy?


New Member
Oct 6, 2004
Dirty Money
I do appreciate the good ones ( good one ) but the rest of them it's time to hangem up its borderline pathetic on most nights. This is suppose to be the best league around here and most guys couldn't do a Div 3 game. But everyone has a different opinion and most guys are too scared to say anything. So, bottom line the refeeing is going to be shiite for a long time untill like someone said players start doing games. Until then I guess we just gotta keep our mouths shut and deal with it.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2001
Dirty Money
I agree and disagree with what's been posted about our lovable officials. We all have an opinion, fact is we tend to forgive bad officiating when we win and curse the same officiating when we don't. Human nature I guess, but as equals we must admit that the man in the middle (or that butch that gets a game once a year and must show her complete dominance over everyone "male" on the pitch) has a difficult task. Presure of making a call or letting one go can be the difference in a game. The only thing I ask as a player (who loves a good moan) is the officiating remain consistant throughout a game and possibly throughout the league.

It must be hard for the league to monitor each game and find the resources to evaluate officials on a regular basis. Fortunately, PNE has been given the daunting task of scheduling the officials this season and other than the game he did, he has been spot on for us! ;) My biggest complaint in the past was having a dodgy ref without a senior linesman assisting. I believe the league has addressed that and this doesn't seem to be the case anymore. Having played in the league for a while and after getting to know most of the officials, I must admit we have just a good a core as the VMSL. If Doc and Kevin could get a game, we would be in great shape.

Keep up the good work lads.

BTW, some idiots who think they are something special should try and put up more than 1 win in 10 games before trashing everyone around them. I know it can't be your fault. :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2002
Dirty Money
geeze guinness... this whole marriage thing has mellowed you out. does your wife give you your balls back for your matches?


whistle blower

Active Member
Mar 10, 2003
Dirty Money
Hang on lads i hear all this talk but i see no action. Please feel free to go to the BC Soccer website look up when they have the next ref clinic, pay $100 dollars and spend a weekend doing the course. Then go and ref games, do a better job than the ref's that are out there rain or shine doing Premier to div 3 games . I think reading this thread i should be able to see at least 4 new ref's for next season.


Captain Shamrock

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2001
Dirty Money
A 1:57 post, Whistle Blower? :D It is a shame we didn't have you ref our Fraser Valley final. :(

BTW, interesting that the MWSL sent the same ref to our game last night who threw me out a couple of weeks ago. I wonder why that was. :rolleyes: Transparent or what.



New Member
Feb 12, 2003
Dirty Money
You bunch of fcuking babies bitching about refs. Play the game! I've been in this league longer than Cantona has been alive and you are never going to get every call you want, believe me, I've tried. As a player, I make 20 mistakes a game, Guiness probably makes 25, that being said, the refs are going to make the odd mistake. Deal with it. Never has a call on the field changed my life. In 20 seasons in this league I can hardly remember a game that was "ruined" by a ref.
I feel lucky to have the refs that we have. If you consider the driving time to and from the pitch, as well as the game itself, a game would take 2 and half to 3 hours. To do that for $50 and take all of the abuse from you bunch of bitches, I wouldn't do it! Obviously, our refs don't do it for the money. Maybe to get some exercise, get away from their wives, get out with the boys, get a beer, whatever. Next time, say thanks ref...have a beer.

PS. Bluebird, please tell me that you didn't graduate with those writing skills

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