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Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Neither do I


As a player, I don't like it either. If you have even a somewhat undisciplined team, all the players pay if you miss a good teamate for 4 games. As someone who wants to see cleaner, but hard nosed soccer, you can't argue with the results. Nobody wants to pay with their pocketbook, but we especially don't want to miss games!

You should see how short the suspension list is this year.



Staff member
Total Bastard
Jun 28, 2001
Dirty Money
Yeah but you could get one red for a really bad foul/hack/whatever and then another for saving a ball off the line with a hand... there should be some amount of review discretion (sp?) involved.


fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Common Sense

Actually Regs, there is no way a person would be suspended for 4 games for a deliberate hand ball to stop a goal. I know that it is in black and white that a second sending off offense is 4 games, but no-one would do it. 2 games - max.

Now if the first infraction was the hand ball and the second one was for a tackle/hack/spitting.....

.....Dude, lighten up.

You say that you got me pissed, yet you are ranting and raving about my last post. I can see your face turning red with your arms waving frantically over your head as you type. I was not taking shots at you you dunderhead! Stop taking things so personally.

You may know that I have coached at the youth level - oh wait! I coached you did I not? I have coached at the senior level in mens, womens and co-ed for several years including years where I ran the team myself. You remember that as well. Do you, nitwit? I would still be coaching at some level if I had not gotten married and decided to spend a little time with the wife. When my kids are old enough, chances are, I will be the one running drills and teaching them how to kick poorly like all Canadian kids.

But I am still going to referee. For $40 a game (less for youth).

Perhaps you should read the bottom of my posts, where it says:

That is one Monkeys opinion.

Maybe then it will make sense. How am I supposed to know what goes through the head of an official before kick-off? Maybe some of them are money-grubbing fcukers. I do know the Bobby Browns of the world - the really good ones - are not in it for the buck, and those are the refs we need.

Once again, that is one Monkeys opinion.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Will you show me this trick

with your arms waving frantically over your head as you type.
Regs you can do this? Will this trick be preformed at the TTP x-mass bash;)


fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Frantic arms


Here, I will show you how to perform this trick. First wave your arms around like this. Then bash the keys with your forhead like this....kd&7#$8 -*OW!*- 9#*a:gk%b -*Ouch!*- lkjgâè&gÇÉ^ *Doh!*:p

That is how to do it. Any more questions?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: Common Sense

Originally posted by Fat Monkey
dunderhead! Stop taking things so personally.

Who you calling "dunderhead"? Wait...what's a dunderhead?

Actually, I was having quite the giggle when I went off on my rebutal. No, I didn't take it personally. Don't worry...I still remember our beloved "ass-coach" from youth days. The rainy Tuesday & Thursday nights at Riverview where you and Darren wouldn't let us touch a ball for an hour and a half. Oh...I'm getting misty...:D. Seriously, you were a good coach, especially in youth.

This subject (improving the ref situation) doesn't get me mad at all. It's fun to debate, but it doesn't get me angry. We obviously both have different takes on both the problems and solutions, and that's why forums like this are good...maybe someone who has decision-making power is actually reading them and can steal some ideas.

I agree with you that in an ideal world, all refs would be as good- or even half as good- as Bobby. We need a way to get them out of the woodwork though, and in some way, shape, or form, MONEY will be part (a big part) of finding them.

That is one Dude-where’smycar?’s opinion.

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
Not touching the ball

Dude, with your skills, why would we let you touch the ball?

Get out and take a referee course ya cheapo!!! You would be a good one. With your temper, if a player got out of line you could slide tackle him with your cleats up (your specialty, if I remember correctly) and then card him for diving. Hell, I bet you would
pay to be a ref if that were allowed.

There is a new idea...full contact refereeing...hmmmmmm...

That is not one Monkeys opinion.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Don't make me come over there!

I was actually thinking a better investment may be to hire a couple of goons, come over to your house, and duct tape your entire body. You would no longer be "Fat Monkey", but rather, "Skinny Hairless Cat".

You know those pussies should have just sucked it up and got back in the game. Fcuk...tape an asprin to it!:D

That is one Dude-where’smycar?’s opinion.


New Member
Nov 29, 2001
Dirty Money
Fat "Head" Monkey

You see this is the exact problem that we are trying to avoid. Instead of being constructive you seem to being destructive with your critisism.

I do not believe this thread was started for your to bash and slander other people like you have been.

I think that you need to GROW-UP!, stop being so childish.

That is The Games Opinion


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Just TTPing

The Game,

In defense to Monkey, he was just taking the piss.

The fact is, I'm sort of his hero. He not-so-secretively wants to be like me, dress like me, and have my cool haircut. He even likes my MONEY takes, but publicly won't admit it because he wants to express his individuality. He just wants to be like M...I mean...Dude-where'smycar?.:cool:

Back to the officiating problem...we all agree that something needs to be done. Perhaps a combo of an increased fine system (especially for dissent / unsportsmanlike conduct / unruly fans) and sinking some money into both a graduated pay scale, and league-sponsored training would help. The increased revenue from the fine system would surely help pay for the increased game day / training costs.

BTW: Monkey, I think it will be a long, long time before you see me officiating. Unfortunately for all the aspiring young soccer players out there, I'll be moving into the coaching ranks this summer, as Dude-where'smycar? Jr. is starting to show some skills and seems to have a lot of fun playing.


Screw You Captain

New Member
Nov 1, 2001
Dirty Money
put me in coach


I suppose you'll want to teach little dudewhere'smycar that from behind takedown manoeuvre that got you your first booking of the year. Remarkable discipline, really. The season's still young though.

As for the haircut...

fat monkey

Active Member
Oct 3, 2001
Dirty Money
The Game

Easy, there big fella! Dude and I are old buddies and have known each other for years. We were just having some fun in the last couple of posts; nothing serious.

If you were to read back a little bit, you would see that we have some suggestions and ideas on how to improve officiating; for better or worse.

Dude: First card this year? Oh, come on! That is like saying I have a little bit of hair! You must have more than one.

I am sorry to report that a referee co-ordinator asked me to referee 3 games back to back last weekend. I was astonished and appalled at the lack of concern for the teams involved and told him so. He said that they were short and had to do anything to meet demands. I took the first two games and declined the third. It was not fair for those teams to have a tired referee who probably just wanted to go home. Believe me, after two games you are ready to pack it in for the day.

We need refs. But at $40 per game.:rolleyes: Sorry dude.

That is one Monkeys opinion.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: The Game

Originally posted by Fat Monkey
Dude: First card this year? Oh, come on! That is like saying I have a little bit of hair! You must have more than one.

I guess you could say that after a certain season under a certain coach, where a young Dude-where'smycar? took some pretty bad dissent red cards, I've changed my tune. I just don't like sitting out, and on top of that, it hurts the team. I've recognised too that if you treat the refs with some respect (ie: not yelling at every bad call, not talking back...) that you tend to get breaks in other areas. I probably should have 4 yellows this year, but they all would have been from hard tackles, nothing else.

I was on my way to my first ever baggle year for cards until that brilliant take-down on the weekend. And Sweeney...it was more like from the side than from behind. :rolleyes: It did save a sure goal though!:D

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
the good....

the Good:

Definitely Rob Brown fits at the top of this group. Always consistent as long as I have known him (15 years), his only drawback starts with "well me son" and may go on for at least 5 minutes after...:)

Dominic Murphy - best ref we've had lately; very consistent and lets the boys play ball. Doesn't mind the physical Canadian style of play.

Angelo Pellucci: definitely in it for the love of the game - why the hell else would anybody want to be a ref scheduler?

Mike Carpenter - when he's good, he's consistently good; when he's off his game, he's still consistent. Besides, who wants to argue with a cop who plays the bagpipes?

John Palmer - where are you?

Jill Fedorchuk - one of the best we've got

Brian Hoffmann - one of the few refs who can be talked to after a game - "Brian, you fcuked up again!!!" Special nod for putting the Amalgamation Cup together year after year

apologies to anybody else who should be on this list.



Aug 16, 2001
Dirty Money
Re: the good....

Originally posted by stew
Definitely Rob Brown fits at the top of this group. ...Dominic Murphy - best ref we've had lately....Angelo Pellucci: definitely in it for the love of the game .....Mike Carpenter - he's consistently good; when he's off his game, ......
John Palmer - where are you?.....Jill Fedorchuk - one of the best we've got......Brian Hoffmann - one of the few refs who can be talked to after a game

You got to be kidding?:confused: :eek:

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
the bad...

any member of the Roach family - Dave or Mike (that I have met so far). Dave is so far past it he should only be doing charity games between other senile refs. Mike has no excuse; he's just plain bad. What else can you say about a guy who when confronted by a takedown in the box where the ball goes out of play gives an indirect free kick? Even other refs I have talked to about this shake their heads.

Dante Maglio - I'm sure he's a nice guy over a cup of grappa, but when is he going to realize that he's past it? It's pretty sad watching this happen to a guy who used to do things at an international level.

Tin Po - always thought that he had the ideal name for a bad ref: the Tin Po(t) dictator.

Jimmy Summerville - just because frothing at the mouth never goes out of style...a player must be physically maimed before Jimmy will blow a whistle to stop play. Anybody who has ever questioned one of his calls remembers "Ge'on wi' the game!!! I'm in charge here."

Ken Kelham - yes, my player was being a bit mouthy. No, you shouldn't have to tell him to shut up, I should. No, my whole sideline doesn't deserve to be redcarded for disagreeing with you. Yes, you do need new glasses. Yes, you are being pedantic.

Joe McIntyre - summer league final in Queens Park Stadium 10 years ago, he was fine. Since then, he's gotten worse and worse...Joe - hang 'em up.

Joe Ciresi - (aka Manuel from Fawlty Towers) Que? Where is ball? No, you wrong. My watch say 2nd half is 45 minutes, not 35! Just because I have game to go do somewhere else and cut half short, you not complain!

the unnamed Chinese hitler in Kamloops - who is this guy? He gave one of my players a yellow for not getting the practise balls off the field fast enough for his liking. All the guy was doing was shagging them from the far side of the field. Lighten up buddy, and take the broom out of your ass. Unfortunately, we saw him again at the Wesburn tournament last Labour Day, making life miserable for somebody else as well.

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
...and the ugly

John Vejvoda - "at first, we were shocked by the apparition approaching us; a battered old woman's 10 speed bike wobbling across the pitch, threatening at any time to careen randomly or just fall over due to the slowness of its progress. If we were in a small village, the chickens would have been scattering noisily. This was topped by an eye-searing pink jersey (a sight to make your eyes sore) and a manic grin beneath a stubbly salt & pepper beard and a dented white helmet. 'Hello, buddy!' called this apparition. Our worst fears had been realized - John had arrived."

Anybody who has had to deal with this Czech menace knows about his random call generator; it has often stopped out-of-control games and situations just by sheer bewilderment. I have seen guys actually stop fighting to try and figure out what he has called. Nobody deserves to have to put up with this albatross any more, especially when he hovers around your beer cooler scrounging for freebies. "Hey John - we heard you USED to be a ref."

Jwala Prasad - yes, it's all true. "Bum foul" and "big man hit little man - not good" both happened in the Burnaby League (about 12 years ago). Still can't verify the story that he did 2 games at the same time at a tournament, but it keeps recurring.

The Burnaby League has a trophy named after him for its B division winner. Jwala went through serious kidney problems, and they thought he was a goner, so they created a trophy in his honour. He had the nerve to get better. Don't know where the new rug came from, though.

Herb - what can you say about Herb? The less the better? Some of his calls take your breath away....

San Yee(?) Chow - this guy was a menace. A language barrier can be overcome with help when you are patient; but not knowing basic rules of the game is inexcuseable. This guy yellow carded one of my players for saying "Doug's ball;" reamed him out with a string of invectives in Cantonese, and then told us "you give $40 somebody else. I stay home watch NFL." Later in the game, we had another player get carded for asking where to put the ball down for a free kick. I hope nobody ever has to get saddled with this joker again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2001
Dirty Money
Great stuff


Well done. That's the best read around here since the Captain's Dart threads started.

Que?Fawltytowerstoofunny :D

trece verde

Well-Known Member
Dec 28, 2001
Dirty Money
does anybody know Alex?

:D :D :D :D

does anybody REALLY know Alex Bell?

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