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Regional Tier 3 League


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
I've said it many times before, instead of creating a "New League", just enhance the league that is already in place.
Whether it be the PCSL, or the VMSL.
Add conditions each year to make the league "more professional".
The best players will play in the league, as they will always want to play at the best level.
Coaches should become qualified & even have a special course for the League Coaches.
Social media
training 3-4 times per week
play out of stadium in district

Just some ideas to make the existing league more professional on a gradual basis, instead of having to have the finished product in one go.
It's doomed for failure, trying to go "Full Professional" in one go?


Totally agree with all.
Conditions are needed. Like the club needs to have a youth affiliate. Not a rogue one off money team or something. Youth to semi pro pathway can be clear and you deal with actual clubs with club systems.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
I've said it many times before, instead of creating a "New League", just enhance the league that is already in place.
Whether it be the PCSL, or the VMSL.
Add conditions each year to make the league "more professional".
The best players will play in the league, as they will always want to play at the best level.
Coaches should become qualified & even have a special course for the League Coaches.
Social media
training 3-4 times per week
play out of stadium in district

Just some ideas to make the existing league more professional on a gradual basis, instead of having to have the finished product in one go.
It's doomed for failure, trying to go "Full Professional" in one go?


Too logical.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Totally agree with all.
Conditions are needed. Like the club needs to have a youth affiliate. Not a rogue one off money team or something. Youth to semi pro pathway can be clear and you deal with actual clubs with club systems.
Nope. Make too much sense.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
What has always bothered me about this is the whole concept that BCSA is ignoring good quality infrastructure already in place. The idea that they want to reinvent the wheel baffles me.

Like LION and Jigsaw said, facilitate and agreement with the current clubs playing men’s ball. I’d want to make sure there is representation from all three leagues, even if that is like two from Island, two from FVSL, rest VMSL. Must have cradle to grave program in place already. From Valley I see Coastal and Surrey United, or / and Port Moody and / Langley. Island I believe Gorge and Nanaimo? Probably a couple more but I’m not familiar. VMSL rest. 14 clubs. Go. Start simple but you’d need the old guards out and new guard in. Including assministrators that only seem to do harm and cause conflicts of interest.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money
but @Dude if you do that then how can Mr "story teller" complete his "branding exercise" with unique clubs inspired by authentic community stories?


New Member
Jul 28, 2015
Dirty Money
Yup, me too. I've been saying for years just "buy out" the current PCSL, bring in new people to run it and you get to market the league based on traditions and history that include winning international competitions. The leap for existing teams would be minimal and with a little bit of help from the CanPL for a marketing budget (anything would an improvement) and a berth in the Voyageurs Cup, they could be up and running next summer.


New Member
Jul 28, 2015
Dirty Money
Yes, the PCSL has been run into the ground under the current leadership, but it already is what the D3 would like to be: a summer league for top amateur players all over BC. They have teams and organizations on the ground ready to go. Add some competant leadership and a league marketing team and they are ready to roll.

It also has a history that can leveraged into marketing opportunities and building a brand that is more than some prawn-sandwich-eating brand executive's latest project.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Yes, the PCSL has been run into the ground under the current leadership, but it already is what the D3 would like to be: a summer league for top amateur players all over BC. They have teams and organizations on the ground ready to go. Add some competant leadership and a league marketing team and they are ready to roll.

It also has a history that can leveraged into marketing opportunities and building a brand that is more than some prawn-sandwich-eating brand executive's latest project.


The top players (outside those that have moved onto CPL or other) have- over the past 20 years anyways- treated the PCSL and other Premier Spring leagues as secondary to winter Premier. If it can be the actual premier option then good. I’m skeptical in that it would be same old same old.


New Member
Jul 28, 2015
Dirty Money

The top players (outside those that have moved onto CPL or other) have- over the past 20 years anyways- treated the PCSL and other Premier Spring leagues as secondary to winter Premier. If it can be the actual premier option then good. I’m skeptical in that it would be same old same old.
HUH?!?! Who said it would be the, "same old same old"??

That would be the worst thing that could happen and specifically NOT what I am talking about. I am talking about how it is easier to start with what we have now and build on existing ORGANIZATIONS.

Recruiting the best players possible will be crucial and I think they will jump at the chance to be part of the professional pyramid even if this league starts off as amateurs.


Well-Known Member
Feb 20, 2005
Dirty Money

Translation... FC Gatineau will leave PLSQ (Quebec Tier 3 league) because it is not financially sustainable (I've heard they are running a $20K+ loss per season and that's with players actually chipping in to keep the team afloat. They were PLSQ Cup winners 2014, and finalists in 2016, 2017, and 2018.


Active Member
Nov 14, 2011
Dirty Money
So again I ask...why reinvent the wheel? Put it into the hands of the established leagues with clubs that could prop up expenses.

Agree. Take over an already-functioning league, raise the standards. To call it "semi-pro" or whatever usually means players are paid, but what fans are going to buy tickets? 10-50/game? Will that cover costs? Doubt it. But starting a new league with new teams is not going to attract new fans. Start with established teams, start a groundswell. Also has to lead to Voyageurs Cup opportunities at minimum, or a commitment to be the CPL tier 3 with promotion-relegation in the coming years. Otherwise a 3 month "franchise" season will fail.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Agree. Take over an already-functioning league, raise the standards. To call it "semi-pro" or whatever usually means players are paid, but what fans are going to buy tickets? 10-50/game? Will that cover costs? Doubt it. But starting a new league with new teams is not going to attract new fans. Start with established teams, start a groundswell. Also has to lead to Voyageurs Cup opportunities at minimum, or a commitment to be the CPL tier 3 with promotion-relegation in the coming years. Otherwise a 3 month "franchise" season will fail.

i really think it’s as simple as initiating the Tier 3 league to run parallel to the current Men’s fall / winter schedule. Invite the top clubs from all three leagues to participate. Take the top ten, leave the rest. Force the issue. Then maybe these league will figure out how to work together.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

i really think it’s as simple as initiating the Tier 3 league to run parallel to the current Men’s fall / winter schedule. Invite the top clubs from all three leagues to participate. Take the top ten, leave the rest. Force the issue. Then maybe these league will figure out how to work together.
.... and to be clear, top clubs being clubs that have all the criteria the league needs. Cradle to grave programs being one, and possibly BCPL affiliation. Can’t be as simple as most recent year’s results. You need a Surrey United in there as badly as a Metro Ford or Gorge.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2011
Dirty Money
I think there are pros and cons to using the cradle to grave model for a league like this. If it is professional or semi-professional it should be privately funded in my opinion. You don't want youth soccer fees, etc. being shuffled around to pay these players and coaches. Additionally, that would make it somewhat of a closed shop, so I get the distancing from BCSPL clubs.

The adult league idea has some merit and would have the potential to become very compelling, especially if aligned with the current winter playing season. However, that would likely make Canadian Championship participation almost an impossibility given that is a summer tournament and I think that is one of the driving forces behind creating this league. I also get the sense that BC Soccer wants this to be entirely separate from the current adult leagues in order to emphasize an amateur/professional divide in play.

Again, my personal opinion is the wrong way to go. I do not necessarily believe that the BC "Super League" idea of taking the top existing teams from the VMSL/FVSL/VISL is the right way to go, but I really think you need those leagues in vested as stakeholders in some way. To me, given my understanding of the current proposed set up, this new league will be in some type of competition with these leagues, even though that playing season might be in the summer. It is unclear what restrictions there will be on players who play in this Tier III league in the summer playing in the amateur leagues in the winter.

All this just points back to my point about seeking more transparency and consultation on this project. The soccer playing public will be crucial to getting this league off the ground and right now it seems like most people are ambivalent or, at worse, pulling against this league. Going back to a much earlier comment from @Tedward I agree, BC Soccer does not need to just listen to bitching and moaning about what they are doing. However, I think we have seen that there is an apatite for information and discussion about this league. People want to be interested I would say, but everything is so cloak and dagger at the moment.

Put it this way, the bitching and moaning is coming regardless, that's life in the big city. Why not engage on the front end and try to address and/or allay some of those concerns as well as, possibly, making some allies who can champion this cause among the soccer playing proletariat?


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Either way, assuming it happens and it’s a legitimate full schedule, even matching CPL scheduling, it’s going to draw the better players from winter. There is overlap. Clubs will be affected.

Money wise, the RFP made it clear it was to be amateur. Weather this runs winter or summer, it doesn’t need to be as complicated as it has been made out in the RFP.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Mar 24, 2002
Dirty Money
It has to run summer. Has to. If you imagine it with fans and young local community club kids to come watch it has to be in the warmer parts of the year.
Nobody is watching a game outdoors with no cover in the 10 degrees or lower, while raining, fall winter months.
We need to grow the game and link it with the youth coming through. And also to simply link it with the rest of the Country so timelines are the same.

been saying this for years. The cold winter months are for going to mexico for a couple weeks and playing some indoor here and there.

Side note: pet peeve; families who leave Vancouver in July or August to go to Mexico or Hawaii.
huh? It’s 25 degrees in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2004
Dirty Money
It has to run summer. Has to. If you imagine it with fans and young local community club kids to come watch it has to be in the warmer parts of the year.
Nobody is watching a game outdoors with no cover in the 10 degrees or lower, while raining, fall winter months.
We need to grow the game and link it with the youth coming through. And also to simply link it with the rest of the Country so timelines are the same.

been saying this for years. The cold winter months are for going to mexico for a couple weeks and playing some indoor here and there.

Side note: pet peeve; families who leave Vancouver in July or August to go to Mexico or Hawaii.
huh? It’s 25 degrees in one of the most beautiful cities in the world.
I thought your pet Peeve was changing in the hallway
At Newton because no one had a key to open the dressing rooms

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