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New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Totally untrue Bulljive. I've never made fun of div.2. It's those div.3 and 4 FVSL muckers I have issues with. Bunch of fags if you ask me.

there is no div4 you senile old man


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money

Nobody can explain it. Best I can figure is that kids these days don't just stick to bootlegging a two liter bottle of Barbarian, but they are into chemicals that just weren't available when we were kids (I hope Rikki doesn't flame me for this). The resemblance to Sid is uncanny; but the difference is that he kept things simple and sniffed gasoline.

What I can tell you is that the Coco story is true; true and the funniest shite I've ever seen. You just haven't see anything until you've seen a blind, deaf, epileptic Siamese cat walk off the edge of the balcony and fall right in the pool. Lucky for Coco, Marc's dad was working in the downstairs office at the time, saw Coco pass by his window, and was quick on rescuing her from this latest suicide attempt.

I swear to God, if Cats normally have nine lives, old Coco had 57. :D


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dude said:

Nobody can explain it. Best I can figure is that kids these days don't just stick to bootlegging a two liter bottle of Barbarian, but they are into chemicals that just weren't available when we were kids (I hope Rikki doesn't flame me for this). The resemblance to Sid is uncanny; but the difference is that he kept things simple and sniffed gasoline.

have you not seen the gas prices lately ;) ??


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2001
Dirty Money
I vote this thread over the last day or so as one of the funniest ever. I have laughed my fricken bag off( sorry if I offended anyone who is bagless). Sheeps post is priceless and I beg someone anyone to keep it up.


Re: [FVSL Division 3] Results & Banter

walls said:
guy retires soccer and his job, only to graduate to full time TTP'r, trying to make fun of young guys who play in low divs, and greeting people at wallmart for the other 2 hrs of the day???? still hasn't said where he plays yet, probably cause he doesn't. internet time at your retirement homes should be shared equaly between all patrons. why don't you guys go to the arts and crafts room and knit yourselves some new threads.
I think this post takes the cake.

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
walls said:
there is no div4 you senile old man

Really? Because those are the guys that I have the most issues with! Bunch of you know whats if you ask me!

And, what about those poor blokes who ride the pine in the FVSL div 3? Have they no pride? Does someone have to write them a note and let them know that maybe, just maybe, soccer ain't their thing? Can't you just let them order the team jacket, let them scream at the ref from the sidelines, but not bother putting them through the warm up and pep talk? You know the one: "Go out there and work your tail off! We've got a lot of subs and everyone is going to get in today, lads!"

I think that blind dog could even read the writing on the wall. I'm betting Coco could have figured this much out as well.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Really? Because those are the guys that I have the most issues with! Bunch of you know whats if you ask me!

you have issues alright........having issues with people who don't exist???? might want to see a specialist for that one old guy. why dial 9-1-1 when you can just press the button on that fancy gizzmo around your neck.......HELP...I'VE FALLEN........AND I CAN'T GET UP ;) :p :D

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
walls said:
you have issues alright........having issues with people who don't exist????

Wait a second here, Walls. Are you telling me that there is no such thing as FVSL div 4? Are you telling me that I have issues with people who do not even exist?

This is top notch stuff, dial you have met your match. I bow to The ttp genius that is Walls.

I agree, Steve. He is good. I want to have issues with him, but he plays FVSL Div 3. I only have issues with those who play in the FVSL Div.4.

I want to clap every time he posts, but I can't because it automatically turns off my lights and computer.

Just out of curiosity, if one does not have the two left feet required to play in the FVSL Div 3 and 4, does that automatically make one old? I want to tell Walls that he, unfortunately, is barking up the wrong tree, but these "you're old and senile" piss takes are almost as good as being called a FAG.

Relax KNVB, I know you were ready to respond to that. I said, almost as good.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Wait a second here, Walls. Are you telling me that there is no such thing as FVSL div 4? Are you telling me that I have issues with people who do not even exist?

I agree, Steve. He is good. I want to have issues with him, but he plays FVSL Div 3. I only have issues with those who play in the FVSL Div.4.

I want to clap every time he posts, but I can't because it automatically turns off my lights and computer.

Just out of curiosity, if one does not have the two left feet required to play in the FVSL Div 3 and 4, does that automatically make one old? I want to tell Walls that he, unfortunately, is barking up the wrong tree, but these "you're old and senile" piss takes are almost as good as being called a FAG.

Relax KNVB, I know you were ready to respond to that. I said, almost as good.

confusios say what??
you old, senile, dusty, ditch diggin, suspender wearin, tuna fish cack sportin(sorry cocco), east whalley ring road representing, CPP accepting, horn bike driving, hee haw watchin....................................hederosexually challenged piece of shite!!


New Member
Mar 1, 2005
Dirty Money
Hey Dial now that we know you are out of touch, confused,and stupid; what do think of the masters Div? Guys who have played their whole lives, probably coach or Ref, do they deserve to play too or should we be taking players over thirty five to the field and just shooting them...Make sure you take all your meds before you answer you clapper :D

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Backline16 said:
Hey Dial now that we know you are out of touch, confused,and stupid; what do think of the masters Div? Guys who have played their whole lives, probably coach or Ref, do they deserve to play too or should we be taking players over thirty five to the field and just shooting them...Make sure you take all your meds before you answer you clapper :D

Dear Backline16,

The vast majority who play in the Masters have only played Div. 1, or Premier, or higher. Many, in fact, still play in both open and over 30s/35s for their affiliated clubs. I respect these guys for the fact that they have played, and they still can play at a very high level. This is something, I'm afraid, that you will never experience. Quite sad, no?

Just out of curiosity, how do you think your team would fare against the top Masters team?

You, meanwhile, at the ripe age of 27 are still mucking around in FVSL Div. 3 or 4, hoping that one day you will reach your potential. I hear that most people peak at 28, and something tells me that next year is going to be your break-out year! If it isn't, and you find that you are still dwelling in the dregs of the FVSL Div 3 or 4, well then, I think receiving a fate similar to Ol' Yeller would be best for all involved.

As for your English skills, I'm afraid your prime age for language learning has long passed. You shouldn't go around calling people stupid, because it really does make you look, er...stupid. Are you sure it's not you who needs the meds?

Your Pal,

Dial 9-1-1


Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2003
Dirty Money
I really didn't want to get involved in this back and forth discussion but as I am sure you are aware Dial 9-1-1 their is no fraservalley division 4. The thread maybe called that but it simply doesn't exist. Everybody involved in this conversation will either be in div 2 next year or div 1 and wherever it is you play. So who are we really making fun of. A bunch of people who itleast are still active in sports but probably are not very good for the most part. Fukcin losers, who do they think they are playing sports if they can't play premier or div 1. you can quote me on that

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Jive...I'm just pulling the chain of you and everybody else in the Div 3 and Div 4 threads. I think it's great that you guys all play. I came home one night angry that I lost big at the Bingo hall, and I tripped on the FVSL Div 3/4 thread. I figured, "I wonder what will happen if I post this..."

And guess what? It was a G-rated piss-take! I don't think along the way I called anyone a FAG or bragged that I humped someone's mother either!

Needless to say, I got the response I was looking for and a few giggles along the way. I mean, what's the point of visiting this site if people aren't posting, right?

Walls, by the way, I noticed you made fun of Pedro for playing in Div. 3, now that you are in Div.2. How's that kettle/pot saying go again?

Dial 9-1-1

Active Member
Jul 9, 2002
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Jive...I'm just pulling the chain of you and everybody else in the Div 3 and Div 4 threads. I think it's great that you guys all play.

Oomph! Did I just write that? Have I gone soft? (Insert Viagra joke here)

Warning to all: Do not post immediately after reading those sappy posts by Skip. I think KNVB suffered the same symptoms once after he and HOS watched Steel Magnolias together.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Dear Backline16,

The vast majority who play in the Masters have only played Div. 1, or Premier, or higher. Many, in fact, still play in both open and over 30s/35s for their affiliated clubs. I respect these guys for the fact that they have played, and they still can play at a very high level. This is something, I'm afraid, that you will never experience. Quite sad, no?

just for your infor 4-1-1, everyone on our squad has played at a higher level than now at some point. 4 of our guys played on an undefeated div one team about 6 years ago(including backline16). everyone took about 10yrs off, then decided to come back. your just like a fat boss who never did the dirty work. does your dad own the team?????


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Jive...I'm just sucking the chain off you and everybody else in the Div 3.

Walls, by the way, I noticed you made fun of Pedro for playing in Div. 3, now that you are in Div.2. How's that kettle/pot saying go again?

got the team together....... finaly, and now we're out. do you want jive's address....long distance relationships just don't work :p :wa: .

...........rod flanders.


New Member
Feb 17, 2005
Dirty Money
Dial 9-1-1 said:
Walls, by the way, I noticed you made fun of Pedro for playing in Div. 3

VOTE FOR PEDRO!!!!!!..................ask J B.

"how much you wanna bet i can throw this football over that mountain right now?!!!"

ok , ok ..........i'm done for a bit. the home pc is down right now, as a surrey girl spent the night :eek: .
sorry fc stars......probably someones daughter. if anything good came of it though, its that i don't need my knee scoped anymore.........she sucked the cartilage right out of it.

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