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RRSL 2016

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Is this what is going on the Rinos quarters these days? Seriously guys. Do we need to face another season of a team spending an outrageously amount of money on amateur leagues? can we have an open conversation about what will happen to Rinos Tigers?
Will we be facing today 10 of the former allegedly paid Tiger guys plus 10 academy players?
Have we reached the point, where this is the way that is going to be?

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I feel another time-out coming on .....
Yes, of course. This is no surprise.We all can complain when the Saudi pays players, but when he joins Rinos we just should shut up and pretend that it never happened or continues to happen. A very smart move from the Tigers. Join the ones that complain about him so they shut up.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Looking forward to the game. But if you think that all these videos and all these superb players come to play together due to "inspiration", think twice my friends.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
I will elaborate more on the games for those who like more details.
Westside 2 - Bingers 1.
This was a good game for the Westsiders. To large degree, their quality of play is not represented on the standings. The play much better than a last place. The game was very even with chances for both sides. It was tied up to a few minutes of the final whistle. However, the manage to score a goal in a rapid transition. Bingers as usual pressed hard for the equalizer but it was too late.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Tigers 4 - Campo 1
It is clear that the former Tigers been resurrected with the return of Mohammad. This is the second time that we have observed him back on the field. The Tigers are very good team capable of playing well with any Premier Team given their talent, ability and fitness. Given that we had eleven players (half a sub due to injury) and that we were facing about 20 fit players. We decided to bunker until the last 30 minutes of the game. During the first 30 minutes, they dominated possession, but without creating any dangerous shot. We had three promising counterattacks, but their goalie saved the shot or their fast defenders neutralized the opportunity.

Our goal for this game was to practice defensive structure, not to receive more than three goals, and score one goal (given that the last time that we played the Tigers in Division one we lost 3-0.

Their fist goal was the result of structural error. One of our holding midfielders got out of position and their player dribble through the top of the 18 box unmarked. He proceeded to have a perfect shot to the opposing post. A really good display of skill that you do not see on Division 1.

Their second goal came a couple of minutes later on a similar situation but this time instead of shooting he passed the ball to the end line. The forward dispose of our defender with such simplicity that you have to respect his skill and proceed to score by hitting the same post again.

After these quick spell of goals, our guys re-structured well and covered the hole in the midfielding position. Their attacks were neutralized until the end of the first half. But 20 seconds before the intermission or goalie and defender confused each other. Neither of them picked a ball and the ball continued to roll toward the striker who simple tapped into the net. Unfortunate error.

The second half started and it was similar to the first half. They moved the ball around without any significant break. this time our side back got the ball and on the counter with a wall pass went through their defensive line and scored a very nice goal.

This put the game on 3-1. For a while, we thought that we could get the 3-2. We pressed hard as an experiment. To our surprise, they were not as precise in possession once we pressed them. however, we do not have the fitness to sustain it. Our guys got tired and made really infantile error. We got a foul on our end. Our defender literally passed the ball to the forward (i suspect exhaustion played a role on this error) and of course the quality of their forwards is superb so he went to beat the keeper with ease.

Overal a good experience to us. It is also very telling of the Division 1 set up. I have no doubt that this Tigers team will win again Division 1 in the VMSL. Hopefully this time, I hope that this time the Saudi does not go away so the team does not to crash on Premier. I think that Premier teams would enjoy playing these guys.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
As for politics and awareness. I will let it go. It think that is clear it that it is dubious for Rinos to complain about the Tigers and then completely shut up and turn a blind eye when they were offered perks and benefits.

There is nothing wrong for having Saudi Arabian resources to have a running team for their community. It is very commendable for them. However, for those who are not Saudi Arabian at least we aware of what you are doing when you dress that shirt and receive money from them. This is money that could be spend in the development of soccer for Saudi women in Saudi Arabia or here (Saudi women are banned from watching football or playing it). Not to mention Human rights abuses (last year 171 people face stoning, beheading or crucifixion). Rinos is this what you want to associate with?

I am really curious what people like @Dude thinks. Should Rinos turns a blind eye and keep working with a team who receives funds from a state that oppresses women and violates basic human rights.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
@Dude. So Dude do you really think that not allowing girls and women to play is "right". You know Canadian girls could do a lot for the advancement of the game by showing solidarity with their sisters in Saudi Arabia. I just throw an idea with you. Discuss with them briefly at one of your practices that girls in many places are forbidden to play. I am sure that they will come with sympathy and ways to help the girls in Saudi Arabia

I am really curious how many people here will take the ego hit or by pass their friendships and acknowledge that the Tigers did a very smart move by joining ("buying") Rinos with the Premier spot. They silenced their critics and gained legitimacy.

It is not right for foreign power to send funds and skew our amateur league. They can support the game and league without doing it this way. You know that Rinos/Tigers is even FLYING people from other cities in Canada and the USA to come and play at the Nations Cup and the Richomond League. now what kind of team/club has this amount of resources. Shame on the Rinos management for lending themselves to cover up these practices.


Lifetime Better Bastard
Jul 23, 2001
Dirty Money
Just so you know I haven't read past your first sentence.

1. Of course I don't think it's "right". What would ever give you the impression, in anything I've ever written, that I would?

2. I've come to the conclusion that you are in fact a liar, so anything you write, so far as I'm concerned, are not truthful.

This is what happens on TTP, when you spend the better part of your history here writing untruths. There is a story called "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Look it up.

Soccer Coach

Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2015
Dirty Money
Just so you know I haven't read past your first sentence.

1. Of course I don't think it's "right". What would ever give you the impression, in anything I've ever written, that I would?

2. I've come to the conclusion that you are in fact a liar, so anything you write, so far as I'm concerned, are not truthful.

This is what happens on TTP, when you spend the better part of your history here writing untruths. There is a story called "The Boy Who Cried Wolf". Look it up.
Of course, this is the way it should be, but one day you will see the light and you will realize that the untruth is the truth. The one who have been paying players are the ones who are accusing the others.

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